04.01.21 - Exec Meeting 15 Agenda

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Grad Minds Exec Meeting 15

Online through Zoom

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

Meeting will be called to order at 5:30 PM.

1. Meeting Comes to order

a. Adoption of Agenda
b. Ratification of Minutes from March 18th Meeting

2. Grad Minds Annual Conference + Eating Disorder Workshop Feedback

a. Feedback forms
b. Post-conference reports

3. Finalize Budget
a. Thoughts on how to spend surplus

4. Summer Plans (April – August)

a. Exec Applications
i. April 15th - May 7th – Application Period
ii. Week of May 10th – Optional Meeting to Discuss Applicants
b. Ongoing initiatives
i. April-May – Elemental Issue 8 (Jeffrey, Curtis)
ii. Late April – End of Year Game Night (Shraddha)
iii. All Summer – Peer Support Initiative (Audrey)
c. Anything else you would like to see happen over the summer?
d. Early-Mid August – First Meeting for 2021-2022 Academic Year

5. End of Year Review

a. How would you rate your overall experience as a Grad Minds Exec?
b. Was the time commitment and workload too much?
c. What can be improved for next year? (assuming everything will still be virtual)
d. Any other comments

6. Thank you and have a great summer!

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