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Title: Local Restaurant

Student ID-11634992

This report gives a brief description regarding the prototype design of a food and restaurant application
having name as ‘Local Restaurant’. A prototype has been designed for the ‘Local Restaurant’
application which contains all the interfaces that must have to be included in a classic food application.
The basic heuristic principles have been focused while designing the interface app. Applicability of
heuristic design principles in the designing app can help in enhancing the user-friendliness feature app.
Still, there are many improvements that can be done in the design app to make the application more
interactive towards the user.

For the purpose of designing a mobile application, a prototype app has been designed that can be
implemented for making an application of food and restaurant. The designed prototype is a design app
having name ‘Local Restaurant’. The application has been designed with an aim to connect people over
internet when they want to order food online. Refers to the web domain then there are also various of the
principles are followed, refers to the case study provide by the Paz 2015, provides the information about
the various type of the principles. There are options of different restaurant availability in the application,
so the customer can choose a restaurant from where they want to order food. The user interface app has
been designed by keeping in mind the heuristic principles of interface designing. According to Wilson
(2013), implementation of heuristic principles in designing of applications can enable better user support
and more user interactivity. Many pre-designed applications have been analyzed during the interface
designing of ‘Local Restaurant’ application. By selecting the best features of pre-designed application, the
‘Local Restaurant’ application has been designed with an aim of making the application a very successful
and highly efficient application. (Paz, 2015)

Reflections of Interface Design

Jakob Neilson’s heuristic principles have the capability of making an application very interactive and
user-friendly. So during the designing of ‘Local Restaurant’ prototype all the principles of heuristic have
been implemented in the user interface design (Kumar, B. S., & Jayasimman, L. 2015). By the
implementation of heuristic principles, some basic standards related to the application design can be met.

During the implementation of heuristic principles for application features that have been used by different
pages app are:

1. System status visibility: The order status page of the designed application fulfills the principle of
system status visibility. The page will display an estimated time taken for preparing and delivering
food. Refer to figure 1 of the appendix.

2. Matching between system and real world: The interfaces app have been designed in a manner that
the user will not feel any difficulty while using the application. The images and graphics used in the
application are related to food.
3. Freedom and user control: For the purpose of giving full control to the user while navigating over
the application, the designing app has been done in manner that the user can easily move from one
page to another without facing any difficulty. There is a back button in all the pages which satisfies
this principle. Refer to figure 2 of the appendix.

4. Consistency and Standards: There is a consistency in all the pages app. None of the page in the
application seems like it is not related to a food-related application.

5. Error Prevention: The design app has been checked very efficiently to prevent any kind of error that
may occur in the application.

6. Recognizing rather than recalling: There are no hidden tabs or buttons in the design app,
everything is visible to the users. This follows the principle of recognizing rather than recalling.

7. Flexible and efficient to use: The whole interface app is very easy to understand by the users. Users
need not have to learn about how to use the application. Both experienced and non-experienced user
can easily use the application.

8. Aesthetic and minimal design: Every information present in the application is totally relevant to a
basic food application. No unrelated information is present in the application.

9. Recognizing, Diagnosis and recovering from errors: When the user will sign out from the
application, a message will be displayed in the screen asking user about the confirmation of signing
out. Refer to figure 3 of appendix.

10. Documentation and help: There is a feedback page in the application from where the user can send
feedback or queries to the restaurant. It follows the heuristic principle of documentation and help.
Refer to figure 4 of appendix.

User Requirement of the system

Every online food delivery application consists of some basic pages that must have to be there in the
application. The user app requires that there should be a home page from where user can navigate to all
the other pages app, there should be booking page from where the user can book table, there should be a
menu page which consists of all the food items that the user can choose, there should be a payment page
from where the user can pay bill online, there should be an order status page which can display the status
about the order. It is very important to fulfill the requirements of the user so as to make the application
successful for the usage app. During the designing app, all the user requirements have been taken care of.
The first page app i.e., the home page contains links to all the pages so that the user will not face any
difficulty while navigating from one page to another in the application. In the food menu page, the
designing has been done in manner that each category of food has separate links and related pages. By
making different links for different kind of food categories, the usability app can be made more efficient
and interactive. The search bar present in the design makes it easy for the user to search for the food they
want to order. Refer to figure 5. of the appendix. In the food order page, there is a feature of editing the
order. The user can add more orders and can delete the orders which have been placed earlier. This
feature will enhance the application usability of the designed ‘Local Restaurant’ application. Designing
an interactive interface will attract number of users toward using the system. If the application will have
more features of designing, a better understanding can be made better the user and the application (Aykin,
N. (Ed.). 2016).

Design influencing features

When designing an application, there are many features that may result in influencing the design app.
The features that impact the design app play a very vital role in application design. There are some most
prominent features which may impact the design app. They are:

 Business Requirements: the Business requirement is one of the features that impact the design app
to a great extent. An application must be designed by keeping in mind the requirements of the
business because ultimately the main goal app is to enhance the business.

 User Requirements: Designing the application as per the requirement of the user can result in
increasing profit earning capability of the business. If the application is designed as per user
requirement, more users will find the application attractive to be used (Morse, J. M. 2016).

 Restriction: It can never be guaranteed that application that has been designed will have all the
features necessary for the application. There can be some restrictions on the design app. Like in
‘Local Restaurant’ application, there is the absence of a map from which the user can find the nearby
location of the restaurant that has been searched.

 Design Principles: The design principles are major features influencing the design app. The
principle like heuristic principle can affect the design app to a great extent. It can be the reason of
successfulness app.

 Competitors: Competitors in every business can affect the popularity app. The designing app should
be done in manner that it can attract number of users then the competitors.

Similar Interfaces
While designing the application, the reference for the designing has been taken from the famous
Australian application- ‘Foodora’. The reason behind choosing ‘Foodora’ is due to the fact that the
interface app is very user-friendly. Every page app has many features which can enhance the usability of
the system and can make the application more user-friendly. Many ideas of the interface design have been
taken from the selected ‘Foodora’ application. The food menu page of the designed application is very
much alike to the food menu page of ‘Foodora’ application. As the design of Foodora application is very
interactive that is why many designing features of Foodora application have been implemented in the
design of ‘Local Restaurant’ application. There were many limitations in the Foodora application which
were removed while designing the layout of ‘Local Restaurant’ application. At the time of registration, an
OTP is generated in the ‘Local Restaurant’ application which makes the process of registration more
secure. While in case of competitor’s application i.e., Foodora application, there is no feature of
registration using One Time Password (OTP). Refer to figure 6 and figure 7 of appendix.

This project report consists of the information regarding the prototype design of a mobile application for a
restaurant named a Local Restaurant. The report gives a complete description of the designing app. All
the features of the designed prototype app have been specified in this report. The designing has been done
by implementing heuristic principles for user interface design. During the designing phase, all user
requirements app have been fulfilled. The features that can affect the design app have also been specified
in this report. .

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Figure 1: Order Status

Figure 2: Page showing back button
Figure 3: Message before sign out

Figure 4: User Feedback

Figure 5: Search bar

Figure 6: Foodora Application Figure 7: Local Restaurant Application

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