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SMART TALK: How Cuban educators think about intelligence

by Kate Olden, MA Student of International Education, The George Washington University

- Concepts of intelligence are important not only to formal edu-
cation but to training in business and human resources. THEMATIC ANALYSIS
- There are important overlaps with learning, creativity, human
- Helps cultural outsiders understand how that culture influences - Intelligence is contained within a student‟s personality. PUBLICATION DATES OF CITED RESOURCES
thinking and behavior and envisions education. - A school‟s role is more holistic than just the accumulation Article References Difference
Authors Publish # Range Mean Median Mode Article-Mean
- Dynamics and concepts revealed could be useful to our own of knowledge (Castellanos & Cruz, 2007).
Castellanos &
cultural understandings of intelligence. - Thought arises from internal dialectic of personality, 2003* 54 1962-1994 1985a 1986d 1986 18 years
photo courtesy of S. Hennessey
which is that of cognition and affect (Bosch, 2003). Castellanos & Cruz 2003* 23 1960-1997 1987b 1988e 1986 16 years


Castro Guevara 2003* 9 1986-1997 1990 1989 1987 13 years
INTELLIGENCE AS BEHAVIOR Canet, et al 2004 42 1964-1994 1984 1988 1989 20 years
Canet & Gomez 2004 33 1972-1997 1992c 1992f 1990 12 years
-Information on Cuban educational psychology is not easily - Some Cubans use “intelligent behavior” to operationalize
available (vs. info on methods, outcomes, reforms, and structures) the construct of intelligence. *The volume Inteligencia, creatividad y talento: Debate actual was reprinted in 2007.
controlled for outliers, uncontrolled mean is 1983 d controlled for outliers, uncontrolled median is 1986
- Culture has critical mediating role: fosters value of one‟s
controlled for outliers, uncontrolled mean is 1985 e controlled for outliers, uncontrolled median is 1987
-5 chapters in 2 books, purchased in La Habana, Cuba
controlled for outliers, uncontrolled mean is 1989 f controlled for outliers, uncontrolled median is 1990
intelligence, which foments desire for intelligent behavior The development
(listed far right bottom corner) of thought is not REGIONAL/CULTURAL-HISTORICAL ORIGINS OF SOURCES CITED
(Castro Guevara, 2007).
- Intelligent behavior, in turn, contributes to the further synonymous with ORIGIN OF SOURCES f %
-Undertook a thematic analysis to find common threads Total Citations 86 100.00
development of intelligence (Castro Guevara, 2007). the development of
-Analyzed bibliographies to discern availability of materi- intelligence. Cuban 32 37.21
- Different vocabularies are used to explore behavior: Soviet 16 18.60
als and regional origins of sources. -Castro Guevara
-Also used contextualizing sources from Cuba and the US (2007, p.37) Western non-US 21 24.42
- Intelligence is a foundation upon which creative
potentials grow into talents (Castellanos & Cruz 2007). -Cuban works studied cited sources US researchers are less likely to
We look for how BACKGROUND - Accessing creativity will also access a student‟s intrinsic
motivations (Canet, et al, 2004).
be familiar with, because these sources are older and are predomi-
foreign knowl- PRE-REVOLUTION INFLUENCES nantly Cuban or non-US Western .
TACTICAL INTELLIGENCE -To what extent is the age of resources and lack of common resources

Ares (2008). Ojos del sur. La Habana, Cuba: Imprenta Frederico Engels
edge can be - familiar, traditional Western educational structure
- Jose Marti, 19th century patriotic leader - The ability to orient oneself to a problem, incorporate a result of the lack of material wealth and/or the US embargo?
used here in - strong interest in development of personality (see right) new ideas, arrive at solutions, and communicate those -To what extent is it the result of explicit or implicit Cuban govern-
- worked from theory: Cuban educational conversations hinge on decisions (Canet & Gomez, 2004). ment controls on information sharing?
Cuba, but we -Many articles referred to more current theories without citing them
theory, even to discuss concrete practice (Bosch, 2003). - The connection between creativity and intelligent
don‟t apply it behavior, evidenced in both activity and communication. (i.e. Gardner‟s Multiple Intelligences). If Cubans are aware of these
SOVIET INFLUENCES and implicitly agree with them, why not cite them?
blindly. - Vygotsky & Historical-Cultural Methods - Interacts with personality, which regulates behavior
- Vygotsky: emphasized that individual develops in society (Canet, et al, 2004). “Pedagogy is more than books on pedagogy.”
-Dr. Remedios - Cubans look for ways to use cultural & historical processes to (L. Turner Marti, personal communication,
Gonzalez reinforce the academic process (L. Garcia Ramis & J. M. Remedios INTELLIGENCE AS SOCIAL JUSTICE November 26, 2006)
(personal communication, Gonzalez, personal communications, November 23-26, 2009). - Education and educational theory must be applicable.
November 26, 2006) - Dialectic Structures - Intelligence is not limited by biology but by lack of social PRIMARY CUBAN REFERENCES
- embraces opposition as enriching rather than in need of solution structures to help it develop successfully (Castro Guevara, Bonet Gomez, M. M. & H. Suanes Canet, H. (2004). Inteligencia tactica y creatividad [Tactical intelligence and creativity.]
- Vygotsky: the conflict of individual‟s internal and external life 2007, & Castellanos & Cordova, 2007). In L. J. Garcia Ramis (ed.) La creatividad en la educacion [Creativity in Education] (pp.227-253). La Habana, Cuba:
- Marxist-Leninist philosophies - If a student is not progressing academically it is due not Editorial Pueblo y Educacion.
- have a cultural capital in Cuba that is not true elsewhere to a deficit of intelligence but to a deficit of instruction Castellanos Simons, D. & M. Cordova (2007). Hacia una comprension de la inteligencia [Toward an understanding of inte-
- scholarly vocabulary: tools as “weapons” and teachers as both (Cuba Ministry of Education, 1999, cited by Bosch, 2003). lligence]. In Inteligencia, creatividad, y talento: Debate actual [Intelligence, creativity, and talent: Current debate]
“designers and laborers” (Canet, et al, 2004, p.143). (pp.1-18). La Habana, Cuba: Editorial Pueblo y Educacion.
Castellanos Simons, D. & I. G. Cruz (2007). Una reflexion sobre la inteligencia y su desarollo [A reflection on intelligence
CUBAN CONTEXTS “The development and perfection of the capacities and its development.] In Inteligencia, creatividad, y talento: Debate actual [Intelligence, creativity, and talent:
- Cuban poverty is unique: “Consumption per capita is low, but few of founded in the conviction that the human Current debate] (pp.33-43). La Habana, Cuba: Editorial Pueblo y Educacion.
Cubans are „in poverty,‟ in the sense that they cannot get housing, being is the architect of social progress, and conse- Castro Guevara, O. L. (2007). El acceso a la inteligencia desde el comportamiento inteligente [Accessing intelligence
food, health care, and education” (Carnoy, 2007, p.28). from intelligent behavior.] In Inteligencia, creatividad, y talento: Debate actual [Intelligence, creativity, and talent:
- Less social stratification: due to bridging divides between urban and
quently, in the need to make the most of his or her Current debate] (pp.19-32). La Habana, Cuba: Editorial Pueblo y Educacion.
rural, vocational and academic, manual and managerial. optimum creative and transformative power” Ortega Estevez, G., J. M. Rodriquez Pendas, & H. Suanes Canet (2004). ODISEO: un proyecto educativo para el desarrollo
- Their psychological approach to education may be more egalitarian (Castellanos & Cordova, 2007, p.1) de la inteligencia y la creatividad [ODISEO: an educational project for the development of intelligence and creativity.]
In In L. J. Garcia Ramis (ed.) La creatividad en la educacion [Creativity in Education] (pp.139-160). La Habana, Cuba:
and less focused on difference and pathology. Editorial Pueblo y Educacion.

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