TP11 Media

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VC1 123-158 58 THE MEDIA


1. The news is on Channel 3 at nine o’clock every night

2. Ten million people watch this game show/ talk show/ soap every week. It’s very popular
3. There was a documentary about traffic problems in cities on TV last night.
4. I saw a nature programme about birds in Antarctica
5. My sister is 13, she reads teenage magazines every week. She likes the love stories.
6. With my computer I can get the sports news on the internet
7. Most young children don’t read newspapers, they prefer comics


1. Talking about family problems – Soap opera

2. Film of elephants in Africa – Nature programme
3. Football cup final – Sports programme
4. Reports from all over the world – international news
5. Maria decides not to marry Philip – talk show


1. A computer magazine – news about the internet

2. A women’s magazine – articles about health
3. A news magazine – interviews with politicians
4. A teenage magazine – pictures of pop music stars


1. A reporter
2. A journalist
3. Daily newspaper
4. A comic
5. Nature programme


1. No, I don’t
2. My carb TV have 36 channels
3. Yes, it is
4. I spent 2 hours on watching TV each day
5. I like nature programme

VC2 155 238 74 NEWSPAPERS

1. My country has three daily national newspapers
2. My country has two tabloids
3. Yes, they are. HHT is a quality tabloid
4. There are three broadsheets
5. There are one newspaper only come out on Sunday
6. Nhan dan is the largest circulation
7. The editor of Nhan Dan is A, and famous journalists is B and C
8. I read newspaper every day, and I buy it once a week


1. Minister to leave his job

2. Government reduces spending on new hospitals
3. New attempt/ try to reduce teenage smoking
4. Bad weather has a terrible effect on farmers
5. Germany supports US plan
6. Ministers in argument about tax
7. Police discover important witness
8. Japan and US enter fresh discussions

VC2 157 23975 TV


1. Could you turn the TV up?

2. Could you turn/switch the TV over?
3. Could you turn the TV down?
4. Could you turn/ switch the TV off?


Documentary: Watchdog

Quiz show: Telly Addicts

Game show: Bruce’s Price is right

Drama series: Craker

Current affairs programme: Nini O’clock news

The soap operas: EastEnders, Coronation street

The comedy series: 2 point 4 children

1. There are 24 terrestrial channels.
2. I watch cable TV
3. In total I watch TV three hours a week
4. At the moment, my favourite programme is a drama that is called “ Son Ha Lenh”
5. They is on TV on Monday and Friday every week
6. Yes, I do
7. No, I don’t
8. No, in my coutry, we don’t have to pay for TV licence



1. Murder at the Match – film

2. The Amazing underwater world – nature programme
3. World cup special – sport programme
4. The $10.000 question – quiz show
5. Last week in parliament – current affairs
6. Hamlet from Stratford - drama


1. Son Ha Lenh
2. World of animals
3. AFF cup
4. The way to the top of Olympia
5. Thoi su 9h
6. Huong mat tua khoi suong


1. Make-up artist – make up the faces of people who are to appear on TV

2. Foreign correspondent - reports on events in other countries
3. Sub – editor – lays out and add headlines to newspaper pages
4. Publisher – is responsible for the production and sale of a book
5. Continuity person – ensures scenes in a film connect smoothly
6. Columnist - writes a regular article in a newspaper or magazine
7. Camera operator – shoots films
8. Critic – writes reviews


1. Your get better reception if you use a satellite dish rather than an aerial
2. You can hear BBC news broadcasts/ programmes all over the world
3. A short wave or a VHF radio can pick up/ receive many interesting stations.
4. Although our camcorder was expensive, we’ve taken some priceless film of our children
5. Children often prefer looking at comic to reading books


Current affairs

Video cassette

Chat show

Colour supplement

Remote control

Satellite dish

Weather forecast

News report

Tabloid newspaper

Soap opera

DESB2 50 237 8 THE MEDIA

A. Complete using
1. John Sanders, MP, denied any involvement in the scandal when asked about it yesterday.
2. The politician refused to say more when questioned by reporters this morning
3. Johnny Depp rarely accepts invitations to do interviews
4. Johnny Depp has agreed to appear to appear at a press conference to promote his latest film
5. Did you see the newspaper headline this morning?
6. If your give every paragraph of your report a heading, it’ll be easier to read
7. Living Today has got a special feature this month on healthy diets. There are interviews with
nutritionists, menus, recipes and loads of other things too.
8. There’s an interesting article in the paper about the Constitution of the European Union.
9. I generally trust what I hear on the news, but rarely believe anything I read in the press.
10. The media involve print journalism, TV, radio and even electronic forms of communication such
as the Internet.
11. We interrupt this programme to bring you an urgent newsflash
12. And we’ll be back with our regular bulletin at seven o’clock
B. Circle the correct
1. It’s a great compture program once you get on hang of it.
2. I hate tabloid newspapers, they’re just full of gossip, scandal and lies
3. As a columnist for a local paper, you don’t have to interview people or attend events. You just
have to express your opinions about the issues of the day
4. There’s a great game show on BBC1 tonight. Contestants have to race through a supermarket as
quickly as they can, filling up their trolleys as they go.
5. On some TV channels, an commentator tells you what the next programme is going to be
6. Join us at half past nine for a live broadcast of the State Opening of Parliament
C. Write one word in each gap
1. Please do not turn over your examination paper until you are instructed to do so.
2. I had to fill in so many forms, it took me hours!
3. I’d like everyone here to put forward as may suggestions as possible
4. There was a guy in the street hand out free tickets to that new quiz show
5. He made out that he’d worked in children’s TV, but in fact he’s never been near a TV studio!
6. Could you look up her number in the phone book?
7. She stands our as one of the finest contemporary British novelists around at the moment.
D. Complete each second
1. Her latest bestseller was came out last month
2. You made that story up, didn’t you?
3. The programme come on at half past six
4. The documentary didn’t really go into why the rainforests are being cut down
5. I flicked through the magazine in the dentist’s waiting room.
6. I don’t think we need to bring that up now
7. I can see through your lies
E. Choose the correct answer
1. It’s not always easy to tell the difference between fact and opinion D
2. The debate will take place tonight C
3. In my view, freedom of the press must be maintained B
4. Media mogul Ronald Moduck has take control of another tabloid D
5. They gave a description of the robber on Crime Time and it sounded like you! D
6. J.K. Rowling has had an enormous influence on children’s literature A
7. I could spend hours surfing the Internet A
8. They said in on the news that the price of petrol is going up again B/C
9. The issue in question is more complex than you think B
10. Watch out for words like “so-called” in articles as they express he writer’s bias D
F. Each of the wo
1. He’s been described by several critics as our greatest living poet
2. I think you’ve confused tabloids with broadsheets
3. Do you believe in telepathy?
4. There is no point in trying to get an interview with him, he never does interviews
5. According to this report, scientists have discovered a new planet.
6. The facts in article don’t correspond with my own experience at all
G. Water has…
The announcement

The editor sent e-mail to every journalist on the news desk announcing that there would be an
emergency editorial meeting at one o’clock. I had heard about the problems the paper was facing and I
heard from one of my colleagues that the paper might be going to close. Whatever it was, it was likely
to(5) be bad news. At the meeting, the editor told us not(6) to tell anyone else yet, but the paper had
been taken over by Ronal Morduck. He said he had only been informed about/of the decision that
morning. We were all so surprised at/by the news that nobody knew what to say. I made a comment to
a colleague that it was time to start looking for a new job. The editor heard this, and finally managed to
persuade us not to quit until we had seen what changes would be made.

H. Complete
1. Why does press photograhers think they can turn up at a celebrity’s house completely
2. How many mean of communication do you use on a regular basis?
3. Could you write an editiorial for the next issue of the school magazine?
4. You have ro havr a sense of hummour to work on children’s TV?
5. There’s an unwriter rule on tabloid newspapers that the truth always takes second place to a
good story
6. When Jill was at secondary school she used to dream of being a DJ on local radio
7. Are you thinking of a career in journalism?
8. You don’t actually get a lot of information from a nes report on radio or TV
I. Complete

Politcs on TV

I love watching discussion(1) programmes, and I love politics, so you’d think I’d enjoy watching
politicians being interviewed on TV. But I don’t. All too often, journalists ask them the most ridiculous
questions, and, when they do get an interesting question, I sit there watching in disbelief as some of the
most powerful people in the country give totally unconvincing responses. It’s as if they don’t care
whether their reply is belivable or not. Often, they’re very poor communication, and they’re frequently
even more information about key issues than I am. I don’t expect them to be particularly humorous –
they are serious people, after all – but at least they could say something interesting occasionally. It
makes me want to stand for election myself.

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