TP11 Giai Tri + Nghe Thuat

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I like st best

Do you go to the cinema often?

What’s on at the cinema this week?

Have you seen …

VC1 117-157 55 CINEMA

55.1 What type

1. Western
2. A science fiction film
3. A horror film
4. An action film
5. Cartoon
6. A romance film
7. A detective film
8. A musical



1. I sit in the stall

2. I sit in C row
3. Yes, it was
4. No, I hadn’t a good view of the stage


1. A play or film in which part of the story in sung to music – a musical

2. The total number of actors in a play or film – cast
3. The people who watch a play at the theatre – audience
4. What these people do with their hands at the end of a play - clap
5. The person who makes a film – director
6. Journalists who write articles about films and plays - critic
7. The name of the articles they write – review
8. Subtitle
9. To book
10. Stars

VC3 100 24247 MUSIC

1. A track is one individual song or piece of music that is part of album. An album usually contains
ten or more tracks.
2. These are both ways for musicians to record their work. A CD is a compact disk ( made of shiny
mental) and a cassette is made of magnetic tape enclosed in a plastic cover. CD are said to give a
better quality of reproduction and to have a longer life.
3. A lead singer is one main singer featured on a CD or in a concert and a baking group consists of
several singers or player who support the lead singer
4. A hit is a successful single, usually – although album can be refereed to as hits as well if they sell
particularly well. And a single is one song issued/ released individually
5. Orchestral music is written for a full orchestra and so can only played in a large hat and chamber
music is classical music written for a small group of people so that it can be played in a small
6. Country music is a particular style of US music based on the folk music of the south and west
USA and folk music is traditional music from any part of the world
7. Muzak is kind of soft background music play in public places and aimed largely at soothing
people. And disco music is loud and aimed at encouraging people to dance.
8. Soothing music is music that calms and relaxes people and discordant music is music that does
not follow the normal rules of harmony and so is rather disturbing for most ears.


1. chamber music
2. country music
3. pop music
4. jazz or blue music


Positive: tuneful, soothing, rousing, sweet, soft, innovative

Negative: loud, deafening, discordant, tuneless


1. I started to learn the piano when I was a kid but I always made a fuss when I was told to
practice every day and eventually gave up.
2. If you don’t know the words of the song just hum along as the others sing.
3. My brother is learning the guitar and he can already play a few basic chords.
4. A student opera singer lives in the flat next to mine and she spends hours practising everyday –
not songs, just scales. I think I’ll have to move
5. This music was originally written for the violin but it has been arranged quite successfully for the
6. Paul can play anything. He’s got a good ear
7. I always know when the postman is there as I can hear him whistling very tunefully
8. In primary school young children practice making music with all sorts of different things – even,
say, with tins containing buttons

47.5 Answer these questions about music

1. I can’t remember the name of the first single I ever bought

2. “ He thuong can nho” is the big hit in my country
3. I like pop and folk
4. I don’t like rock, it is so loud
5. I dislike opera, I can’t understand
6. Yes, I do, I like soft music
7. No, I can’t. I forget how to read music
8. No, I can’t play any musical instruments. I want to learn it, but I so busy now
9. I live piano, it hear very tuneful

VC3 99 241 46 THE ARTS


1. Sculpture
2. Cartoon
3. Dance
4. Poetry
5. Oils to me don’t have the delicacy of water-colours – painting
6. Architecture
7. Drama texts/ plays in written form
8. Novel
9. Play, action
10. Opera


1. The arts (tất cả các thể loại nghệ thuật)

2. dance
3. the ballet
4. The art
5. Modern poetry

( Học lại bài mạo từ)


1. What’s the name of the publisher of that book you recommended? Was I Cambridge University Press

2. “ I wandered lonely as a cloud” is my favourite line of English poetry.

3. He’s a very famous sculptor: he did that statue in the park, you know, the one with the soldiers.

4. Most of the short stories in this collection are only five or six pages long. They’re great for reading on
short journeys

5. There’s an exhibition of ceramic at the museum next week

6. The sets are excellent in that new production of Macbeth, so dark and mysterious

7. What’s on the Opera House next week? Anything interesting?


1. Was the play a success?

2. Would you like a ticket for Beethoven tonight?
3. What’s the architecture like in your home-town?
4. Was it a good production?
5. What are they showing at the Arts Cinema at the moment/ What’s on at the cinema


A. Choose the correct answer

1. I’v e got an audition for the school play tomorrow. I really hope I get a main part - C
2. Did you read that review of the new Lloyd-Rice musical? It said it was awful - A
3. I’m going to stay in and watch TV tonight. – B
4. We really had fun enjoyed ourselves at the party! Thanks so much for inviting us – B/c
5. Ellie does an animation cartoon each week for the local newspaper. It’s usually quite funny –
6. The water park we went to yesterday was fantastic, but the entrance ticket fee was a bit
expensive A/b
7. Vanilla Sky contains stars Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz D/c
8. When you’re learning to play a musical instrument, it’s important to practice for an hour or two
every day B
9. The play wasn’t supposed to be comedy, but everyone started laughing when some scenery
fell over and hit one of the actors
10. Louis de Berniere’s novel Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, which is set on the Greek island of
Cephallonia during Second World war, was an international bestseller D
11. Have you heard the joke about the guy who fell off a 20-metre-high ladder? He was fine – he fell
off the bottom rung! C
12. Being the conductor of the large orchestra is an extremely demanding job. You have to make
sure about a hundred musicians are playing in time D.
B. Write one the word

My little brother, Carl, takes after our dad in that they both like to sing. The difference is that Dad’s got
quite a good voice. Carl can’t sing at all! This doesn’t stop him, though. He’s always singing. He starts as
soon as he wakes up, and doesn’t stop until he drops of at night. I usually get along very well with Carl,
but he can be a bit annoying when he starts showing off. You can count on him to do this whenever we
have guests. My mum and dad will be talking to some friends, and then suddenly the conversation will
be completely drowned out by Cark singing at the top of his lungs. The other day, I told him he should
be on the radio. For a second he fell for it, until told him that if he was on the radio, we could turn it off.

C. Complete using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.
1. Marlon Brando will go down in history as one of the greatest actors of all time.
2. Our class is going to put on a play at the end of term.
3. I didn’t really like Madonna’s new single when it came out, but it’s starting to grown on me now.
4. Did you know that the sandwich is name after the Earl of Sandwich?
5. The band have really take off since appearing on the Video Music Awards show last month.
6. The Eurovision Song Contest is come around again soon. Shall we organize a Eurovision party?
7. I felt completely let down when he refused to give me his autograph. I’m never going to buy
another of his CDs
D. Circle that correct word
1. I hope you’re joking about quitting your job!
2. Come in! Make yourself at home
3. Having taken part in several amateur karaoke competitions, Daniel was determined to get
himself a recording contract.
4. Have fun at the concert tonight, won’t you?
5. What wrong with boys playing with dolls?
6. The audience showed their appreciation for the cast by giving them a standing ovation
7. We’re thinking of giving Dad a surprise 40th birthday party
8. Voicing your opinion on a live TV or radio discussion programme is not as easy as it sounds.
E. Circle the extra word in each sentence
1. Get home
2. Make fun
3. On show
4. Find that
5. Join the queue
6. In silence
7. Laugh loud during a movie
8. First edition Dickens’s Great Expectations
9. Have the impression Sasha’s thinking about
F. Complete each second sentence
1. Did you enjoyed yourself at the concert?
2. Kelly bound to do well in the talent contest
3. Concentrate on learning your lines instead of worrying about your costume!
4. We managed to avoid queuing by getting there early
5. Jason apologized for not inviting us to his party
6. I am happy for you to give me the money for the tickets later.
7. It isn’t like Doug to be late
8. Sean is very talented at playing the guitar
9. You are not supposed to go backstage without a pass
10. Dan promised to meet Kyle outside the theatre at eight
11. I don’t think he deserved to win the award for best video
12. In the end, it proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable evening
13. Who did you say was the winner?
G. Complete the text

Despite the suggestion by many critics that reality TV would be very short-live phenomenon, it is still
increasing in popularity. Several reality shows are currently watched by millions of viewer each night,
and it’s clearly a form of entertainment that’s here to stay. Indeed, a number of people have become
famous because of their involvement in reality TV shows, and have gone on to have successful careers
as singer, actor or TV presenters. We can watch with excitement each night the “goings-on” in the house
( or jungle, or bar, or school of arts). The conversions between the contestants are interesting so we
don’t get bored, and there are frequently various conflicts, which provide further amusement. If the
contestants have to give some kind of performance at the end of the week, that’s even more appealing.
But there’s a saying in the TV industry: “ it’s all in the editing” and this is especially true of reality shows.

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