Industrial Marketing Course Outlines

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The  outline  is  subject  to  change  before  the  first  day  of  class  
Department  of  Marketing  
University  of  Manitoba  
MKT  3240  T04  
Industrial  Marketing    
Summer  2014  

INSTRUCTOR   Dr.  Pao  T.  Kao  

OFFICE     662  Drake  Centre  
TELEPHONE   474-­‐8878  
EMAIL   Pao-­‐  
CLASS  SCHEDULE   Jul  28,  2014  -­‐  Aug  20,  2014  
  10.45  am  -­‐  12.45pm    
CLASSROOM   115  Drake  Centre  

In  Canada,  industrial  marketing  transactions  account  for  nearly  75%  of  the  value  of  all  
goods  and  services.   Industrial  markets,  or  B2B  marketing,  tend  to  differ  from  consumer  
markets  in  aspects  such  as  number  and  size  of  buyers,  demand  and  buying  patterns.  The  
impact   of   these   differences   from   consumer   markets   will   be   discussed   during   the   course,  
and  suitable  marketing  tools  analyzed.    

During   the   course   we   will   touch   upon   various   aspects   relevant   for   industrial   marketing,  
including,   for   example,   relationships,   industrial   networks,   internationalization,  
distribution  and  technological  development.    

Course  Objectives  
1. To   build   an   understanding   on   the   characteristic   of   business-­‐to-­‐business  
marketing  and  decision  process  within  the  industrial  marketing  and  purchasing.    
2. To   develop   skills   in   identifying   an   interesting   industrial   marketing   problem   to  
study,  as  well  as  finding  relevant  facts    
3. To  be  able  to  critically  analyze  firm  specific  industrial  marketing  issues  
                       MKT  3240  T04    
Industrial  Marketing  
Summer  2014  
Course  Reading  
The  main  textbook  used  in  this  course:  
Brennan,   R.,   Canning,   L.,   and   McDowell,   R.   2007.   Business-­‐to-­‐Business  Marketing.  
London:  SAGE.    
Note:  Currently,  the  Brennan,  Canning  &  McDowell  (2014)  3rd  edition  is  also  to  be  
purchased  in  the  bookshop  or  online.  However,  the  course  will  be  based  on  the  
1st   edition,   and   it   is   available   in   the   electronic   version   from   the   library.   Please  
look  it  up  with  the  following  link    
Supplement  textbook:  
Zimmerman,  A.  &  Blythe,  J.  2013,  Business  to  Business  Marketing  Management:  A  
Global  Perspective  (2nd  ed.).  New  York:  Routledge    
Note:  Zimmerman  &  Blythe  will  be  use  to  supplement  some  part  of  the  course.  It  
is  also  available  in  the  electronic  version  from  the  library.  Please  look  it  up  with  
the  following  link:    
Additional  materials  and  cases  for  the  course  might  be  added  later.    
This  course  will  use  D2L  for  course  material  distribution,  online  discussion,  and  etc.  
Students  will  be  fully  responsible  for  reading  and  responding  appropriately  to  all  
information  distributed  through  the  course  site.      

                       MKT  3240  T04    
Industrial  Marketing  
Summer  2014  
Course  Evaluation  
Two  individual  company  analyses     20%  
Mid-­‐term  group  case  analysis   30%  
End  of  term  individual  final  case  analysis   30%  
Class  attendance  &  participation     20%  
Total   100%  
Course  Format  
This   course   is   designed   to   encompass   the   major   aspects   of   industrial   marketing   to  
provide  students  with  an  understanding  of  nature  business  market.  Therefore,  we  will  
be   using   both   textbook   to   build   up   your   basic   knowledge   on   the   topic,   and   news   articles  
to  bring  you  up  to  date  what  companies  are  facing.    
The  course  is  organised  by  a  specific  theme  for  each  week,  and  the  classes  may  include  
lectures,  discussions,  case  presentations,  and  guest  speakers.    
These  specific  themes  are:  
• Industrial  Marketing  Environment    
• Marketing  Practice  in  Industrial  Marketing  
• Managing  Business  Relationship  and  Network  
• Industrial  Marketing  in  Internal  Atmosphere  
Most  of  the  class  time  will  be  spent  in  discussions.   The  lectures  are  designed  to  focus  on  
the  key  topics  and  concepts,  and  students  are  expected  to  read  the  relevant  material  in  
conjunction  with  the  lectures.  The  reading  will  provide  you  with  background  knowledge  
that  can  be  used  in  the  course  discussion.  PowerPoint  slides  used  in  these  lectures  will  
be  available  on-­‐line  after  each  class.    

There   are   also   classes   reserved   for   guest   speakers.   These   guests   will   be   people   from  
industry  who  work  in  the  areas  of  business-­‐to-­‐business  marketing.  They  will  be  coming  
to  speak  to  you  about  how  they  got  to  where  they  are  today,  what  their  jobs  entail,  and  
about   some   of   the   marketing   projects   they   have   worked   on.   Preparation   for   these  
classes,   involves   doing   a   bit   of   research   to   understand   the   organization   the   guest  
represents  and  preparing  questions  to  ask  them.    

On  the  whole,  this  course  will  emphasize  issues  facing  by  industrial  firms,  and  prepare  
you   to   approach   these   problems   if   you   interest   to   become   a   practitioner   in   business  
marketing  after  graduation.      

                       MKT  3240  T04    
Industrial  Marketing  
Summer  2014  
Class  Schedule  &  Important  Dates  
Assigned  reading/  
Class   Date   Topic   case  
WK1   Industrial  Marketing  Environment    
1   Jul  28   Introduction  to  the  course  and  Industrial   (Brennan  et  al.  2007)  
marketing   Chap  1  
2   Jul  29   Industrial  marketing  environment  (cont)    
3   Jul  30   Industrial  purchase  and  marketing   (Brennan  et  al.  2007)  
Chap  2  
4   Jul  31   Industrial  purchase  and  marketing  (cont)    
5   Aug  1      
WK2   Marketing  Practice  in  Industrial  Marketing  
6   Aug  5     (Brennan  et  al.  2007)  
Chap  4,  6,  7  
7   Aug  6      
8   Aug  7      
9   Aug  8      
WK3   Managing  Business  Relationship  and  Network  
10   Aug  11     (Brennan  et  al.  2007)  
Chap  3  
11   Aug  12      
12   Aug  13      
13   Aug  14      
14   Aug  15      
WK4   Industrial  Marketing  in  Internal  Atmosphere  
15   Aug  18      
16   Aug  19      
17   Aug  20      
Assignment  Submission  Timetable  
  Aug  1     1st  Individual  company  analysis      
12  pm    
  Aug  10   Mid-­‐term  group  case  analysis    
12  pm  
  Aug  17   2nd  Individual  company  analysis      
  Aug  25   End  of  term  final  individual  case  analysis    
12  pm  

                       MKT  3240  T04    
Industrial  Marketing  
Summer  2014  
Academic  Integrity  
It   is   critical   to   the   reputation   of   the   I.H.   Asper   School   of   Business   and   of   our   degrees   that   everyone  
associated  with  our  faculty  behave  with  the  highest  academic  integrity.    As  the  faculty  that  helps  create  
business  and  government  leaders,  we  have  a  special  obligation  to  ensure  that  our  ethical  standards  are  
beyond  reproach.    Any  dishonesty  in  our  academic  transactions  violates  this  trust.    The  University  of  
Manitoba   General   Calendar   addresses   the   issue   of   academic   dishonesty   under   the   heading   "Plagiarism  
and  Cheating".    Specifically,  acts  of  academic  dishonesty  include,  but  are  not  limited  to:  
-­‐   using   the   exact   words   of   a   published   or   unpublished   author   without   quotation   marks   and   without  
referencing  the  source  of  these  words  
-­‐   duplicating  a  table,  graph  or  diagram,  in  whole  or  in  part,  without  referencing  the  source  
-­‐   paraphrasing  the  conceptual  framework,  research  design,  interpretation,  or  any  other  ideas  of  another  
person,   whether   written   or   verbal   (e.g.,   personal   communications,   ideas   from   a   verbal   presentation)  
without  referencing  the  source  
-­‐   copying  the  answers  of  another  student  in  any  test,  examination,  or  take-­‐home  assignment  
-­‐   providing  answers  to  another  student  in  any  test,  examination,  or  take-­‐home  assignment  
-­‐   taking  any  unauthorized  materials  into  an  examination  or  term  test  (crib  notes)  
-­‐   impersonating  another  student  or  allowing  another  person  to  impersonate  oneself  for  the  purpose  of  
submitting  academic  work  or  writing  any  test  or  examination  
-­‐   stealing  or  mutilating  library  materials  
-­‐   accessing  tests  prior  to  the  time  and  date  of  the  sitting  
-­‐   changing  name  or  answer(s)  on  a  test  after  that  test  has  been  graded  and  returned  
-­‐   submitting  the  same  paper  or  portions  thereof  for  more  than  one  assignment,  without  discussions  with  
the  instructors  involved.  
Group  Projects  and  Group  Work  
Many  courses  in  the  I.H.  Asper  School  of  Business  require  group  projects.    Students  should  be  aware  
that   group   projects   are   subject   to   the   same   rules   regarding   academic   dishonesty.     Because   of   the  
unique   nature   of   group   projects,   all   group   members   should   exercise   special   care   to   insure   that   the  
group   project   does   not   violate   the   policy   on   Academic   Integrity.     Should   a   violation   occur,   group  
members  are  jointly  accountable  unless  the  violation  can  be  attributed  to  a  specific  individual(s).  
Some  courses,  while  not  requiring  group  projects,  encourage  students  to  work  together  in  groups  (or  
at   least   do   not   prohibit   it)   before   submitting   individual   assignments.     Students   are   encouraged   to  
discuss  this  issue  as  it  relates  to  academic  integrity  with  their  instructor  to  avoid  violating  this  policy.  
In  the  I.H.  Asper  School  of  Business  all  suspected  cases  of  academic  dishonesty  are  passed  to  the  
Dean's  office  in  order  to  ensure  consistency  of  treatment.  UNIVERSITY  OF  MANITOBA  

                       MKT  3240  T04    
Industrial  Marketing  
Summer  2014  
Asper  School  of  Business                Medical  Absenteeism  Form  
Student  Identification:  (please  print  clearly)  
______________________________                                    ___________________                            ___________                                          ______________________________  
Last  Name                                                                                                First  Name                                                  Middle  Initial        U  of  M  Student  Identification  #  
I  hereby  authorize  ________________________________  to  verify  with  the  attending  physician  or  his/her  
staff  or            (Name  of  Instructor/Administrator)  colleagues  that  the  contents  of  this  form  are  true.  
________________________________________                                        _______________________________________  
Student’s  Signature                                                                                                                      Date  
To  be  completed  by  the  attending  physician:  (after  the  above  section  is  completed)  
________________________________________        ______________________________      ________________  
Physician’s  Last  Name  (please  print  clearly)        Physician’s  First  Name                                            Middle  Initial  
__________________________________________          ________________________________        __________________  
Street  Address                                                                                                                                          City,  Province                                                                                          Postal  Code  
___________________________________________            _________________________________  
Telephone  Number                                                                                                                            Fax  Number  
To  the  attention  of  the  physician:  Your  evaluation  of  the  student’s  condition  is  being  used  for  the  
purpose  of  determining  whether  or  not  the  student  has  a  valid  reason  to  miss  an  important  exam  or  
assignment.  Your  professional  evaluation  is  necessary  to  ensure  that  only  valid  cases  are  excused.  
I certify that the nature of the student’s condition is severe enough to prevent the student from taking an
exam or completing an assignment. If requested, my associates or I will verify for the above-named
instructor/administrator that this information is accurate.
The  student’s  condition  will  likely  span  the  following  dates:                                  ___________________    (indicate  start  date)  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 until    ____________________(indicate  end  date)  
___________________________________                                                                                                                        _________________________________  
Physician’s  Signature                                                                                                                                                                      Date  
Notes to physician:
• Please  make  a  note  in  the  student/patient’s  file  indicating  that  the  student  has  given  the  above-­‐named  
instructor/administrator  permission  to  verify  with  you,  your  staff,  or  your  colleagues,  that  the  
information  contained  on  this  form  is  correct.  Thank  you  for  your  professional  evaluation  of  this  
student’s  condition.  
Note to student:
• The  use  of  this  form  is  at  the  option  of  the  student.  However,  in  order  to  obtain  an  
excused  absence  for  an  assignment  or  exam,  the  student  must  obtain  a  doctor’s  
certification  that  the  student’s  condition  is  severe  enough  to  prevent  the  student  from  
taking  the  exam  or  completing  the  assignment.  
• It   is   NOT   SUFFICIENT   to   provide   a   note   that   only   indicates   the   student   visited   the  
doctor’s  office.  


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