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A.The Background of Problem

Nowadays, there are many plants that can be used by humans as

medicine eventhough every disease is God’s will. Humans as perfect creatures

should try and ask him praying as an example is “noni fruit” (morinda


This plant can be said to have been known by many people for its

benefits properties. Noni plant is a plant that grows well in our contry and it is

a native plant in Indonesia, it is included coffees family.

Noni fruit contains ascorbal acid which has a function as an

antioxidant, it is harmful particles that can damage genetic material and

damage the immune system. The health benefits of noni fruit has many

benefits. Even though the shape of this fruit is so bad and full of pockmarks.

Even noni fruit is also efficacious in treating various deadly diseases.

Beside the many benefits contained in the fruit. Noni also has

constraints so that the lack of interest by the community such as having many

seeds and smelling unpleasant. However, these constraints are also alternatives

to maintaining quality, extending usability and increasing the economic value

of noni that can be done by precessing it into food. Pharmacological effects

obtained from noni are through the fruit, leaves and roots. The nutrients

contained in noni contain antibacterial and anti inflammatory.

The writer is interested in discussing the problem of noni fruit because

there are many benefits that are not yet known by the public. Therefore, the

writer raised the title : “The Utilization and Processing of Noni Fruit for the

Health of the Human Body”.

B. The Formulations of Problem

1. What are the contents of noni fruit ?

2. How do used noni fruit ?

3. What are the properties contained in noni fruit ?

C.The Aims of Writing

1. To find out the contents of noni fruit.

2. To know how to use noni fruit.

3. To know the properties of contained in noni fruit.

D. The Method of Writing

In writing this peper, the writer use the methods these are:

1. Looking for books which connecting in the utilization and processing

of noni fruit for the health of the human body.

2. Collecting sources of data and information from library and reading

some books are connected to the writer’s title.

3. Gathering exact summaries about the utilization and processing of noni

fruit for the health of the human body.



A. The Definition of Noni Fruit

The noni (morinda citrifolia) herbal plant belongs to the rubaceae

family, noni has local names Pace, Kudu, Cengkudu, Kemudu and Bakulu.1

Noni has an effective in eliminating moisture in the body, increasing

bone strength, blood purifier, urine laxative, menstrual laxative, skin softener,

cough medicine, worm medicine, laxative and antiseptic. It is herbal plants

which has several properties and benefits. It is the second most popular plant

used in herbal medicine to treat diseases and to maintain overall good health.2

It can also be used as a functional beverage product in various forms of

juice (fruit juice), fast dissolving beverage powder (instant powder) and in the

form of herbal tea (tea bag). Noni which has been circulating in the market so

far, apart from fruit, leaves, roots and noni seeds is also very potential.

Budhi Purwanto, Obat Herbal Andalan Keluarga (Yogyakarta: Flash Books, 2016), p. 89

Ibid., p. 90

The contains of the main benefits of noni fruit are protein, vitamins and

other important minerals are available in quantities are very suitable for the

body’s needs. There are selenium, terpencid, scolopetin, xeronine,

proxeronine, phenylalanine, magnesium, lylcine, etc.3

Ripe noni fruit has an unpleasant aroma but contains a number of

substances that are nutritious for treatment. Noni fruits is a plant that has a

bitter taste and unpleasant odor, which makes user feel uncomfortable. One

effort that can be done is to make it inti topical preparations such as


Noni fruits is seen as the Hawaii magict plant, because the fruir is

believed to be able to treat kinds of diseases.

B. The Characteristics of Noni Fruit

1. Noni tree
The noni tree is not big, it is about 4 to 6 m high, bent strunk, stiff

limbs rough and has a single root embedded in it. Bark grays is brow or

yellowish brow, shallow split, hairless, quadrangular branches. The header is

green all year round. Noni wood is easily split after drying can be used for

supported pepper plants.4

Kariaman, Bebas Penyakit Dengan Tanaman Ajaib (Jakarta: Open Books, 2014), p. 74

Intan Nisa, Mencegah Dan Mengatasi 10 Jenis Penyakit Dengan Ramuan Herbal
(Bandung: Lingkar Media, 2018), p. 80

2. Noni leaves
Noni leaves has glossy thick which are located face to face. Large leaf

size large, thick and sigle in oval shape, about 15x15x5-7 cm, flat leaf edge

and short sharp tip, pinnate and hairless leaf fibers. Shiny green color varying

size of the leaves, in the shape of a wide triangle.5

3. Noni flowers
The flowers are compounded which grom in the axillary of the leaves

opposite the normal growing leaves. Pansy flower white flower crown, funnel

shaped can reach 1.5 cm in length. Stamens stuck in the mouth of the crown.

The pistil has two nipples. The flowers bloom from the pelats shaped like

bunches whose colors are while and fragment.

4. Noni fruit
Compound fruit, formed from fused fruit ovaries and nodules in the

inside. Gradual fruit development followers the process of flower expansion

starting from the trip of the head to the base, diameter 7.5- 10 cm. the

compound fruit surface is divided into mottled and warty polygonal (multi

faceted) bulkheads, which originate from the remaider of the single ovule.

Green when thickened before cooking becomes yellowish and finally pale

white when ripe. The meat of t5he fruit is soft composed of pyramid shape

stone fruit with white fles, formed from the mesocarp. The pulp contains a lot

of water that smells like rotten cheese.

Ari Wulandari, Herbal Bali Khasiat Dan Ramuan Tradisional Asli Dari Bali (Yogyakarta:
Rapha Publishing, 2017), p. 192

5. Noni seeds are black that have albumen and clear air space and high

growth power.

6. Noni root
Noni root has a blackish brown and a taproot.

C. The Way How to Process Noni Fruit

Noni has many benefits and this is one way processing it :

1. Slimming
a. 1 ripe noni fruit

b. Palm sugar sufficiently

c. honey sufficiently

2. Overcoming fever
a. 1 ripe noni fruit

b. Galangal sufficiently

c. Honey sufficiently

d. 2 glasses of water

Noni and kencur peeled washed and cut sufficiently, all

ingredients (except honey) are boiled with water until boiling strain and

cool. Add honey and drink it while it’s still warm.

3. Increase endurance
a. Increase endurance

b. 1 ripe noni fruit

c. Honey sufficiently

d. Nutmeg sufficiently

e. 2 glasses of water

Noni peeled washed and cut sufficiently, nutmeg finely ground,

all ingredients (except honey), boil with water until boiling, strain and

cool. Add honey and drink 2 times a week.

4. Overcoming stomach pain

a. Noni leaves sufficiently

b. Palm sugar sufficiently

c. Honey sufficiently

d. 2 glasses of water

Noni leaves are washed and cut pieces sufficiently, boil palm

sugar until boiling, strain and cool. Add honey and drink 2 timmes a

day until healed.6

5. Overcoming hypertension

a. 1 ripe noni fruit

b. Honey sufficiently

Noni peeled, washed and cut pieces, blend with honey, strain

and drink 2 times a day.7

6. Overcoming diabetes
a. 2 ripe noni fruit

b. 1 glass of water

Ibid., p. 193

Ibid., p. 192

c. Honey sufficiently

Noni peeled, washed and cut pieces, blender with honey, strain

and drink 2 times a day.

7. Overcoming cholesterol
a. 2 ripe noni fruit

b. 1 glass of water

c. Honey sufficiently

Noni peeled, washed and cut pieces, blender with honey, strain

and drink thirty minutes before eating.



A. The Content of Noni Fruit

1. Nutrition

Overall is a complete nutritious food, the nutrients the body needs such

as protein, essential vitamins and minerals, are available in sufficient

quantities in noni fruit and leaves. Selenium a mineral found in noni is a great

antioxidant various types of compounds contained in noni, xeronine, plant

sterois, alizarin, lycine, sosium, caprylic acid, arginine, proxeronine. Between

quinines, trace elements, phenylalanine, magnesium, etc.8

2. Terpenoids

This substance helps in the process of organic synthesis and recovery of

body cells.

3. Anti bacterial substances

Active substance contained in noni juice can kill bacteria that cause

infection, and to medicinal treatment infection skin, have a cold fever and

other health.

4. Scolopetin

The compound scolopetin is very effective as an anti inflammatory and

anti allergic element.


Bangun, Khasiat dan Manfaat Mengkudu (Jakarta: Agromedia Pustaka, 2002), p. 88

5. Anti cancer substances

Anti cancer substances contained in noni are most effective against

abnormal cells.

6. Xeronine and proxeronine

One of the important alkaloids found in noni fruit is xeronine. Noni

fruit contains only a small amount of xeronine, but contains a lot precursors of

xeronine aka proxeronine in large quantities. Proxeronine is a type of nucleic

acid like other colloids. Xeronine is absorbed by body cells to activate inactive

proteins, regulate the structure and shape of the active cell. 9

B. The Way How to Use Noni Fruit

Noni has various benefits for all diseases. Therefore, every one must

give thanks to Allah for what he has created, as in the verse below ;
         
It means : So that they can eat from the fruit and from the work of their

hands. So why aren’t they grateful.? (QS. Yaasin/ 34 ; 35)11

The benefits of noni fruit;

1. Improve brain health

Ibid., p. 88

QS. Yaasin/ 34 : 35

Usman El- Qurtuby,, Al-Quran Hafalan Mudah Terjemahan dan Tajwid Warna
(Bandung: Cordoba, 2017), p.

The first benefit of noni fruit is that it can improve brain health, can

make it as noni juice which is known to prevent brain cells from dying by

supporting mitochondrial health.

2. Strengthen physical endurance

For workers who often travel long distances, can consume nutritious

noni juice to increase endurance so you don’t tire quickly.

3. Supports heart health

Noni juice can support heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and

reducing inflammation.

4. Good fruit for active and passive smokers

Smokers can be given 2 ounces (59 ml) of this noni juice twice a day

for 30 days.

5. Improve skin health

Noni juice can also help treat dermatitids on the face, just apply the

juice to the affected area leave it on for 15 minutes.

6. Lower cholesterol

Drinking 29 to 188 military noni juice significantly reduces total

cholesterol and increases levels of high density lipoproreins, the good form of


7. Reduce pain in people with arthritis

Can consume 15 ml of noni 2 times a day.

8. Increase endurance

One 3 week study gave long distance runners 3.4 oubces (100 ml) of

noni juice or a placebo twice daily. The group that drank noni juice

experienced 1 21% increase in the mean time to fatigue which indicates an

increase in endurance.

9. Improve digestive health

Can be made juice because it is very rich in vitamin A, protein, calcium

and iron, these are important nutrients for the digestive system.

10. Prevent cancer

With the content of various kinds of antioxidants noni fruit can

overcome the risk of cancer. Drinking noni fruit juice regularly works against

abnormal vells and conteracts free radicals.12

11. Lower fever

Noni also can overcoming fever because it’s characteristic, then noni

fruit can be heal fever painful and a cough. Don’t wait to long for consuming

the noni fruit juice routine.

12. Calm osteoarthritis and rheumatism

Benefit of noni fruit can be contend interference osteoarthritis although

rheumatism. Drinking noni fruit juice veryday at least for a week will give

result effective.

13. Contend infection and allergy


Ibid., p. 191

Scolopetin contents from benefit of noni fruit also virtue resistant to

infection and resistant to allergy. Drinking noni fruit juice regularly works to

contend interference illness it.

C.The Benefits of Noni Fruit

1. Increase endurance

2. Normalize blood pressure

3. Against tumor and cancer

4. Relieve pain

5. As anti inflammatory and anti allergic

6. Anti bacterial

7. Regulate the cycle of mood and body energy.

8. Etc.

Noni fruit is widely used a medicinal plant that is used by the

community because it contains several active sucbstances that are

beneficial to body health such as alkaloids, flavoids, saponins,

scopoletin, terpenoids and anthraquinoners.

Noni fruit has good benefits for the body such as natural

antioxidant and several other benefits. The use of noni fruit as herbal

medicine is often used but the way make was still very inadequate to get

the optimum effect on the plant. One effort that can be done because

many benefits.




The conclusions that can be taken are:

1. Noni has much benefits and it substance contens and it is good for

human body. Indonesia community can process the noni for some


2. In Indonesia many of noni is found in some places and very easy to

cultivated of it.

B. Suggestions

As for suggestions that expected the writer to the reader include:

1. Knewed that plants are regarded bad and didn’t has benefit. It stores

some big benefits. The smart generation responsible for continuing.

2. The writer hopes to the readers often doing some thorough to all plants

that never knowed before, because to contending chronics illness such

as diabetes and high blood. It has not to consume the medicine from the

chemistry material, but it can consume the natural medicine such as the

noni to contending chronic illness by peaceful way then using

chemistry material.


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