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A. Pre-Test
Put a check (/) on the statement which you think is true of the Indigenous Peoples Education
Program and some IP characteristics. If not, mark it with X.

A. Indigenous Peoples Education Program

/ 1. Indigenous Peoples’ Education Program (IPED) address the special
Educational needs of the students from the different indigenous group.
/ 2. The IPED falls under the Student Inclusion Programs of DepEd.
/ 3. A teacher must always be ready to accept and teach an IP learner who may be displaced by
difficult circumstances like urban resettlement or disaster.
/ 4. A reflective teacher can inspire and change the life of an IP learner.
/ 5. An IP learner has a similar learning style and needs with other non-IPs.
X 6. All strategies are applicable to IP learners.
X 7. A teacher should stick to one strategy in teaching IPs.
X 8. An IP learner should be isolated in the classroom so that teachers can
respond directly to his/her learning needs.
/ 9. A teacher should allow an IP learner to mix with others during games and sports

B. IP Characteristics
/ 1. One of the characteristics of the Indigenous People (IP) is their reverent attitude to
their cultural beliefs and traditions.
/ 2. The cultural beliefs and traditions of the IPs vary from place to place thus a
teacher must be well versed with the type of IPs in his/her locality.
/ 3. Everyone has an opportunity to be educated regardless of race, tribe, culture,
traditions and dialect.
X 4. IPs can only learn through observation, repetition and practice.

Characteristics of Needs of IP Possible Possible Actions

the IP Learner Learner Challenges

Fill in the columns below to identify the characteristics and needs of IP learners and the possible
challenges and actions to address their needs.

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