Claire Dayne Noela L. Ansula Grade 10 - Archimedes Mapeh: A. Avant-Garde

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Claire Dayne Noela L.

Ansula Grade 10 – Archimedes



1. Style of music associated with electronic music and dealt with the parameters or dimensions of sound
in space.

a. Avant-garde b. Bela Bartok c. Chance Music d. Philip Glass

2. German who experimented with electronic music and sound manipulation (Musiqué Concrete)

a. Claude Debussy b. Igor Stravinsky c. George Gershwin d. Karlheinz Stockhausen

3. He is a true "crossover artist," in the sense that his serious compositions remain highly popular in the
classical repertoire, as his stage and film songs continue to be jazz and vocal standards. Considered the
"Father of American Jazz,"

a. Claude Debussy b. Edgard Varese c. George Gershwin d. Igor Stravinsky

4. An Austrian-born composer. He was known for his twelve-tone system of writing music.

a. Arnold Schoenberg b. Francis Poulenc c. Karlheinz Stockhausen d. Leonard Berstein

5. One of the most commercially successful minimalist composer. Also an avant-garde composer.

a. Avant-garde b. Bela Bartok c. Chance Music d. Philip Glass


1. The placement of line, shape, color and value in a work of art; basically the total design.

a. Gesture b. Composition c. Contour d. Sketch

2. This work of art is dominated by several elements and principles of art. What are they?

a. Primary colors c. Lines, shapes, contrast, and repetition

b. Shapes, forms, and texture. . d. Landscapes, squares, black and white.

3. Which of the following techniques can be used to make a drawing appear more three-dimensional?

a. adding value/shading b. adding texture c. using perspective d. all of the above

4. The art element that refers to the sense of touch is .

a. Value b. Shape c. Pattern d. Texture

5. The way we show objects in relation to one another; size, shape, etc.

a. Proportion b. Gesture c. Linear Perspective d. Sketch



1. How can one maintain an ideal body weight?

a. Balance the amount of food you eat with regular physical activities

b. Believe in the power of your genes

c. Follow the latest diet fads

d. Consult a doctor about an effective diet pill that you can take

2. A desirable level of fitness can be achieved through at least how many workouts per week?

a. 6 b. 5 c. 3 d. 4

3. People who lead sedentary lifestyles are often refered to as

a. physically fit b. athletes c. low health risk people . couch potatoes

4. Which of the following is not a positive outcome of personal fitness?

a.. enhanced self-esteem b. improved physical appearance c. hypertension d. stress reduction

5. Which of the following can help you determine which fitness and recreational activities are realistic for

a. cost b. skills and attitude c. social needs d. all of the above


1. What Component of health deals with interacting with people?

a. mental health b. physical health c. emotional health d. Social health

2. Fiber cannot be completely digested, however it is needed to maintain good .

a. Cardio health b. Digestive health c. Respiratory health d. Mental health

3. This is the right to choose products at competitive prices with an assurance of satisfactory quality.

a. The right to Basic Needs c. The right to choose

b. The right to safety d. The right to Consumer Education

4. This is the right to be protected against the marketing of goods or the provision of services that are
hazardous to health and life.

a. The right to Redress c. The right to Healthy Environment

b. The right to Information d. The right to Safety

5. This guarantees survival, adequate food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education, and sanitation.

a. Donations b. Basic Needs c. Health Condition d. Consumer Education

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