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1 1 1 1I 1 II l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 llj 1 I Ii i i i 1

Ref. N
'""I II

• 1 0.65 z
- A 4 0.70
- a S 0.70 -
_ o 6 0.70 -
- 7 0.70 -
- A a 2.5 -
B 9 2.5
- O 10 5.

1 1 1 1 III
Theory oo p

Nu,R : o + \$&
^ 0


, 1 1 1i i n 1 I i i 1 11 I I I I 1 1 i i i 1 11 I I I 1 1


Fig. 1 C o m p a r i s o n o f eddy penetration m o d e l w i t h e x p e r i m e n t a l data

i\'Ve » 300 (.')) References

1 Lohriseh, W., "Bestimmung von Warmeubergangszahlen
Failure to satisfy (5) will result, physically, in a final eddy tem- durch Diffusionversuche," Milt. Forschungsarb, Vol. 322, 1929, p. 40.
perature that is significantly different from free stream; in which 2 Roshko, A., "On the Development of Turbulent Wakes from
case the actual heat, transfer will he poorer than predicted by Vortex Streets," NACA Tech. Kept. No. 1191, 1955.
equation (4). 3 Roshko, A., "Experiments on the Flow Past a Circular Cylin-
der at Very High Reynolds Numbers," Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
Third, it should be pointed out that in equation (1) the ex- Vol. 10, 1961, pp. 345-350.
pression for the time average heat flux from a plane surface into a 4 Eekert, E. I!. G., and Soehngen, E., "Distribution of Heat-
semi-infinite medium was used directly for the cylinder surface. Transfer Coefficients Around Circular Cylinders in Crossflow at
This causes negligible error at the short penetration times rele- Reynolds Number from 20 to 550," TRANS. ASME, Vol. 74, 1952, pp.
vant to the present case. 5 van Meel, D. A., "A Method for the Determination of Local
Fourth, an eddy was assumed to shed without leaving any Convective Heat Transfer from a Cylinder I'laced Normal to an Air
residual fluid adhering to the rear face; adhering fluid would re- Stream," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 5,
sult:, in effect, in a stagnant film over the face, making the transfer 1902, pp. 715-722.
0 Schmidt, E., and Wenner, K., "Heat Transfer Over the Cir-
poorer than predicted. Finally, it should be noted that the heat cumference of a Heated Cylinder in Transverse Flow," NACA Tech.
transfer from the rear of a cylinder is a function both of time and Mem. 1050, 1943.
location, <j>. T h e present model yields the time average transfer 7 Giedt, W. 41., "Investigation of Variation of Point Unit Heat
over the entire rear face but is unable to predict local variations. Transfer Coefficient Around a Cylinder Normal to an Air Stream,"
TRANS. ASME, Vol. 71, 1949, pp. 375-3S1.
Experimental measurements of heat and mass transfer coef- 8 Winding, C. C , and Cheney, A. J., "Mass and Heat Transfer
ficients around the periphery of cylinders in cross flow have been in Tube Banks," Industrial Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 40, No. 6,
widely reported (e.g., [4-10]). Average rear face Nusselt num- 1948, pp. 1087-1093.
bers obtained from these are compared with the present theory in 9 Sogin, IT. H., and Subramanium, V. S., "Local Mass Transfer
from Circular Cylinders in Cross Flow," JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER,
Fig. 1. The ordinate, (A:.\-U.n/Ari.e1' -), is suggested by t he form of TRANS. ASME, Series C, Vol. 83, 1901, pp. 483-493.
equation (4). The theory is within a factor of two of the experi- 10 Perkins, II. C , and Leppert, A., "Local Heat Transfer Coef-
mental data over t h e entire range—nearly four decades—of ficients on a Luiiformly Heated Cylinder," International Journal of
Reynolds numbers. The physical property dependence cannot Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 7, 1904, pp. 143-158.
be tested adequately since (see legend of Fig. 1) all but one of the
measurements involved transfer to air with Prandtl (or Schmidt)
numbers of order unity.
The systematic trend of the data with respect to the theory is
crudely consistent with the simplifying assumptions, discussed
earlier. Thus the air data meet the penetration criterion, (.">), at Time-Temperature Charts for One-Dimensional
NVLS — 3000; at lower Reynolds numbers the experimentally Conduction With Uniform Internal Heat Generation
measured transport is poorer than predicted. At ttie highest
Reynolds numbers the actual transport is higher than predicted,
presumably because of a significant convective contribution. F. M. YOUNG 1 and C. R. SAVINO 2
In summary, a mechanism has been proposed for the heat CHARTS are presented here for the case of one-dimensional, un-
transfer from the rear of a cylinder in transverse flow. Accord- steady conduction with suddenly applied, uniform internal heat
ing to this the transfer occurs during the shedding process by the
penetration of heat, from the cylinder surface into an eddy during 1
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Lamar State
the time that the eddy stays attached. Thereafter the eddy College of Technology, Beaumont, Texas. Assoc. Mem. ASME.
sheds and the cycle is repeated with the frequency of shedding. '- Propulsion Engineer, NASA-MSC, Houston, Texas. Assoc.
The model yields the correct order of magnitude of the transfer— Mem. ASME.
its predictions are within a factor of two of experimental data over Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of T H E AMERICAN
the entire Reynolds number range, 40 < i\Tne < 2 X 106, encom-
ASME Headquarters, June 13, 1909; revised manuscript received,
passed. September 9, 1909.

Journal of Heat Transfer Copyright © 1970 by ASME FEBRUARY 1970 / 207

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generation q and conveelive boundary conditions. Carslaw and Te - T„
Jaeger [I] 3 present similar charts for the special case of an infinite T~^Ya
Biot number. A range of Biot numbers of zero to infinity will be
presented here for geometries of infinite plate, infinite cylinder, the multiplication indicated in equations (l)-(3) give ul<r0.
and sphere. braically
The boundary conditions for all cases are at lime r = 0, for
any position 5, the initial temperature is T = 7\; for 5 = 0, at any
(?'» - T^ 1 - Ci\ -_rj = T. - 7\,
> ~i = 0 ; at the boundary 8 = B, at any T, —k — = h(T ~~ TJ)
do oo
where B is the half thickness L of the plate and the radius R of where '/'„ is the environmental temperature. The second (em-
the cylinder or sphere. The solutions are found to be ])era(ure difference TQ — 7' ; is given by Figs. 1-3 for an x!L or
r/l{ of 0.0 and Fourier numbers from 0.1 to 1000. For positions
Infinite Plate
other than 0.0 this temperature difference is found by looking up
r = T{ = (?'„ - r,-)[t P(x, T)] - <l
j-- QPix, r) (1) the central difference as given by Figs. 1-3 and the multiplicative
position correction as employed by Heisler [2| could be used here
Infinite Cylinder in a more approximate sense. Since the position correction would
be numerically the same as that plotted by Heisler it is not in-
T- Ti = ( T . - r«)[l C(r, r)] + y QC(r, r) (2) cluded here.

Example Calculation
r - Tt (2'- - ?'.-)[ I 8{r, r)] + ''j QSO; r ) , (3)
A 0.1-in-dia, type 304 stainless-steel wire is suddenly subjected
to uniform internal heat generation due to resistance heating. li-
where P(x, r ) , C(r, T), and S(r, r ) are the solutions of the sud- the initial temperature of the wire were 32 deg F, the internal
denly changed environmental temperature problem given by heat generation was found to be 10°' Btu hr ft3, and the average
Heisler [2] and heat transfer coellicient, was estimated to be 192 Blu/hr ft2 deg F.
Find the temperature at the center of the wire after 9.25 x 1()~5
QP(x, T) =
J: [I - P(x, 0)]dO - T hr.
The properties are taken as
QC(r, r ) = [1 - C(r,d)\dd - T
k = S.O Btu, hr ft deg F

•JSC;r) = ( " [1 <ie - a = 0.15 f t v h r

Jo so-, T.

The solutions represented by equations (l)-(3) may be thought The Biot and Fourier numbers may be calculated.
of as the sum of two temperature differences: (a) the tempera-
lure difference due to (he suddenly changed environmental tem- hli (192)(0.05)
Bo = = 0.1
perature 7',, — '/',-, and (6) the temperature difference due to the k (8.0)(12)
suddenly applied internal heat generation TQ — 7',-. The first
temperature difference is found by looking up the appropriate
1/Bo = 10
value of Fix, r ) , C(r, r ) , or S(>; T ) from Heisler's charts and,
since these functions are the ratio
arc (0.15)(144)(9.25 X 10" 5 )
= 0.80
Numbers in brackets designate References at end of Note. /," (0.05) 2

Fig. 1 Temperature difference in an infinite plate at x / t ~ 0 . 0 due to internal heat


208 / F E B R U A R Y 1970 Transactions of the ASME

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luoin Fig. 2, (TQ — Ti)/qH'!/k is found to he 0.70 which gives by forward differences was 47.4 deg F. The entire line for 1/Bo
= 10 was checked numerically with the result that the answers
T„ 1 ,- = —r-1-. (U70 agreed as well as could be expected of the finite-difference tech-
(144)(8.0) ' nique used. Calculations were also made using similar examples
for the 1/Bo = 10 line for both the plate and sphere with good
Tq - T, = 10.5 deg F
agreement. The graphs were also checked against the plots of
^Since thei'e was not an environmental temperature change, Carslaw and Jaeger [11 for 1/Bo = 0 with good agreement also.
The accuracy of the line for 1/Bo = infinity is obvious.
T - 7',- = TQ - T: = 16.5 deg F Suppose we now desired to estimate the temperature at a radius
ratio of i.O for the original problem. From Heisler [2], the posi-
tion correction at x/ll = 1.0 is found to be 0.955.
T = 48.5 deg P.
(T - 7',), = (0.«55)(16.5) = 15.8 deg F
A finite-difference technique was used to check (he graphical
results. Using 19 radius divisions, the temperature calculated 7', = 47.8 deg F

Fig. 2*JITemperature difference in an infinite cylinder at x/R — 0.0 due to interna! heat

Fig. 3 Temperature difference in a sphere at x/R — 0.0 due to internal heat generation

Journal of Heat Transfer FEBRUARY 1970 / 209

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If the environmental temperature had been changed to 0 deg V C(l.O, 9.2,5 X 10- 5 ) = C'(0, 9.25 X ltr 5 )(0.955) = 0.84
simultaneously with the application of internal heat generation, (7' e - 7',0i = (7'„ - 7';)(1 - 0.84) = - 5 . 1 deg F
the central temperature change due to the sudden environmental (T - 7\0i = (Te - Tih + (TQ - 7\)i
temperature change may be found from Heisler [2] as:
(T - Tih = - 5 . 1 + 15.8 = 10.7 deg F
C(0, 9.2.", X 10~5) = 0.88 7\ = 42.7 deg F
(T, - 7',)o = (7'„ - 7',-)(l - 0.88) = - 3 . 8 deg F
The authors wish to express their appreciation to the Lamar
Research Center for the sponsorship of Grant 466-68-14 for which
(7' - 7'!)o = (Te - 7\)» + (TQ - Ti)a
these data were necessary in error analysis.
(T - 7',)» = - 3 . 8 X 16.5 = 12.7 deg F References
1 Carsla\vr, H. S., and Jaeger, J. C , Conduction of Heal in Solids,
7'„ = 44.7 deg F . Oxford University Press, London, 1947, pp. 92-254.
2 Heisler, M. P., "Temperature Charts for Induction and Con-
stant-Temperature Heating," TEAKS. ASME, Vol. 09, Apr. 1947, pp.
The surface temperature may also be found in a similar manner. 227-23(3.

210 / FEBRUARY 1 970 Transactions of the ASME

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