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What is industrial Engineering?

Give examples of industrial engineers roles in industry

Industrial Engineering is concerned with the design, improve, and installation of an integrated
system. The role are: Designing control systems to minimize costs and production issues, designing
production processes that maximize efficiency and reduce waste, developing and implementing
process improvements and technological upgrades.

What is industry? Give an example of industry

An industry is a value adding entity with processes and activities. Value is a more acceptable term for
multidimension performance, such as for QCDSM (Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety and Morale). Value
adding term makes you focus on understanding and improving processes. This means when you
solve the problem, you are delivering and adding value. Example of industry is Starbucks: value
creation from beans to coffee services.

What does Industry 4.0 have to do with Intelligent Supply Chain? Explain with examples

Intelligent Supply Chain is one of key benefits of Industry 4.0. While transitioning to a digitized,
automated and fully interconnected supply chain requires significant efforts and long-term
investments, the pay-offs are huge. Bringing supply chains online can help enterprises reach the next
level of operational effectiveness and realize significant cost reductions. “Thinking” supply chains can
"learn" to recognize risks and change their supply chain parameters to mitigate such risks. They
continuously evolve and learn to handle many exceptions without the need for any human
involvement, except in case of any unforeseen risks, when human intervention is required to
determine the next course of action.

Do you think Marketing 4.0 can be implemented in any kind of Industry? Explain your answer

Yes, because in any kind of industry need to have marketing strategy to shifting customer path with
combine digital or traditional marketing. The process like aware-appeal-ask-act-advocate is needed
to make the industry is more competitive

What is Marketing 4.0? Give detail explanation of the concept implementation in industry

Marketing 4.0 is a marketing approach that combines online and offline interaction between
companies and customers. In the digital economy, digital interaction alone is not sufficient. In fact, in
an increasingly online world, offline touch represents a strong differentiation. Marketing 4.0 also
blends style with substance. While it is imperative for brands to be more flexible and adaptive due to
rapid technological trends, their authentic characters are more important than ever.The concept of
Marketing 4.0 ultimately aims to drive customers from awareness to ad advocacy. In doing so,
marketers should leverage three main sources of influence - own, others, and outer influence.

Is there any differences between value chain and supply chain? Explain your answer with

Yes, supply chain is the sequence of organizations-their facilities, functions, and activities - that are
involved in producing and delivering a product or service. Supply chain consists of upstream and
downstream. But, the value chain is all activity in supply chain that have adding value or the concept
start until that material was made, disposal rework, reuse.
What would you suggest to resolve the disadvantages of design thinking? List down the
advantages and disadvantages to help you do the analysis

Some of

Can you implement VSM in service industry? Explain your answer with example

Yes, because VSM is a flowchart method to illustrate, analyse, and improve the steps required to
deliver a product or service. Example: Tourism Companies, Logistic Companies

What do you think the main role of industrial engineers in industry 4.0? Explain with specific
examples in detail

Industrial engineers will play a key role industry 4.0 environments, such as the design, deployment
and maintenance of fully integrated smart factory enabling technologies, i.e. cyber-physical systems.
A successful industrial engineer must have a broad understanding of the properties of key
technologies such as sensors, embedded systems, robotics, but also processes in a smart factory.
Example industrial engineering must be design and develop the process in industry to be more
effective and efficient with high production output

Can you combine lean concept with design thinking to faster a breakthrough innovation? Give
specific example

Combine Lean with Design Thinking helps us to understand where we’re at today, where we want to
be tomorrow, and pursue success through exploration, experimentation, and validated learning. The
discipline of framing problems and opportunities and exploring many options in Design Thinking
melds beautifully with the Lean practice of scientific thinking and learning by doing. The strengths of
each mindset come together to help us achieve the right outcomes. Design Thinking is about
exploring problems and opportunities, Lean moves us toward building the right things. But they are
NOT a linear sequence of separate circles, like a waterfall of phases. For example, Lean Startup, an
innovation method for startup companies that claims that the most efficient innovation is the one
for which there is an actual demand by the users.

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