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File: PVE-3520, Last Updated: June 4, 2013, By: LB

Why use FEA on Heat Exchangers?

ASME UHX VIII-1 and 2 rules cover the design of tubesheets, tubes and the shell next to the tubesheet.
The rules cover multiple failure modes and provide considerable insight into the safety of the complete
exchanger allowing design optimization. But the UHX rules are limited to designs with uniform hole
patterns that cover the complete tubesheet. What if the hole pattern is not uniform, or in the case of this
sample, the holes are not a uniform size?

Burst testing is an economical way to validate inexpensive products. However burst testing provides more
conservative pressure rating than code calculations and it may be unreasonable to use to validate costly
or large heat exchangers. Burst testing provides a failure mechanism and a pressure rating but does not
provide deep insight into the safety of the whole object in areas that did not fail. Burst testing highlights
the weakest area, it does not help optimize the whole design.
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) can be used to obtain the insight into safety as provided by the UHX code
rules but for geometries not calculable by the UHX rules. The deflection plots provide an in depth
understanding of how the exchanger deforms in response to the thermal and pressure loads. The stress
plots show how well the exchanger can handle the loads and deflections; information is provided that
allows design optimization. As an added bonus, the FEA provides stress levels for permissible cycle life

Using FEA to Replace ASME Code Rules

The ASME code rules must be used if they are applicable. In this sample, the tubesheet has multiple tube
sizes eliminating the possibility of using UHX. Standard code rules would still apply to all other areas of
the exchanger – The scope of the FEA analysis would be tubesheet design, tubesheet to shell junction
and the tube load calculations. Stress limits for the analysis are obtained from ASME VIII-1 the same as
for the rest of the exchanger. The rules of ASME VIII-2 are used to determine how these limits are applied
when interpreting the stress results.
The UHX rules account for three stresses in the design of an exchanger:
the tubesheet stress caused by pressure and thermal loading
the shell stress next to the tubesheet caused by tubesheet rotation
the tube compression or tension loading caused by tubesheet displacement and thermal expansion.

The stress limits for FEA are the same as used in UHX analysis. Per UHX rules these stresses are
analyzed for the following seven load cases in fixed tube exchangers:
Tube side pressure only
Shell side pressure only
Tube + shell side pressure
Thermal loads only
Tube side pressure + thermal loads
Shell side pressure + thermal loads
Tube side pressure + shell side pressure + thermal loads

For a finite element analysis to successfully replace the UHX rules for a fixed tubesheet exchanger the
three stresses need to be studied for the seven load cases.

Sample Study
The report available at the end of this article provides an in depth analysis of thermal and pressure
stresses on an exchanger. Some illustrations from the report are shown here. The exchanger is
symmetrical at both ends allowing only half to be modelled and studied.

The tubesheet and part of the shell are solid modelled. The rest of the shell, the head and tubes are shell
modeled. The shell portions are less computer intensive to analyze, but provide less information
especially at connections and joints. Here shell elements are only used in areas that will not be studied.
A mesh has been applied to both the solid and shell modelled sections. The mesh is reduced in size at
locations of interest such as the tubesheet, the tubesheet to tube junction, and the adjacent shell to get
more detailed results. The mesh in other areas does not significantly affect the results and has been left
All thermal and pressure loads are applied to the model. Shown below is the applied pressure load from
load case 2 – shell side pressure only. In total seven different cases are run as shown in the report.

Close up of the mesh used in the sample study.

Load case 2 – shell side pressure only.

The sample FEA report walks through all seven load cases and checks all three stresses for each case.
Each stress is compared to the ASME allowable stress to determine pass/fail for each load case. The
shots below show the tube to tubesheet interaction. The tubesheet dishes under load creating a bending
stress in the adjacent shell.

Deformation plot with the displacements magnified 100x.

Stress plot with the displacements magnified 100x.

We have successfully used this FEA method to provide reports justifying heat exchanger designs
reviewed by Authorized Inspectors and review engineers.FEA can be used to address ASME code rules
where calculations cannot be applied. It is an excellent, and in some cases the only option to validate a
design. It can be cost effective, reduce lead time and expedite registration.

FEA Report

2013 Postscript
This report was first written in 2009. The combined shell and solid model was created to reduce the
computing time especially important with the required seven runs. With the increasing speed of modern
computers we usually do not simplify geometry to shells. The increased modelling effort is no longer
justified in saved run times. We have also developed methods of replacing the tubes with springs.

Finite Element Analysis at PVEng

We use FEA to design and validate fittings and vessels that can not be designed by
rule-based codes like VIII-1 or B31.3. We are experts in the specialized field of pressure
equipment design by FEA to validated ASME VIII-2 methods.
SolidWorks Simulation and Abacus software
Pressure and thermal stress analysis
Permissible service life (fatigue life)
Wind and seismic analysis
Leg, saddle and clip design
Frequency and vibration analysis
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Pressure Vessel Engineering has used Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to design and
verify thousands of pressurized components. We have the knowledge and experience
to get the job done right.

Other Services
ASME Code Design – We work to many ASME standards to design and validate pressure
vessels, boiler, fittings and piping systems.
Pipe Stress Analysis – Pipe stress analysis is mandatory for British Columbia registration
and it is recommended practice for many other systems.
Canadian Registration Number (CRN) – We are Canada’s largest independent registrar of
fittings, vessels and piping under the CRN program registering for more than a
thousand customers.

About Us
Pressure Vessel Engineering has twenty years of successful experience in the pressure
vessel field working for more than a thousand customers.
Ten Professional Engineers on staff licensed to stamp and sign off on designs for use in all
Canadian jurisdictions.
Fast and professional assistance from our team.

Need help? Our contact information is to the right.

Pressure Vessel Engineering Ltd.

120 Randall Drive, Suite B
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
N2V 1C6

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