Tugas Kelompok (Sop) Vi B

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Standard Operational Temperature Examination Procedures


DEFINITION Examination of the agency's temperature in axila using thermometer


PURPOSE Get objective data

POLICY 1. New patient

2. Evaluate the progress of the patient’s condition


1. Clean thermometer in his place

2. Three bottles: soap solution, desinfectant, clean water
4. Cuts of tissue paper in his place
5. Writing tools

A. The Pre-Interaction Stage

1. Verify previous data if any
2. Wash hands
3. Place the appliance near the patient properly

B. Orientation Stage
1. Giving greetings as a therapeutic approach
2. explaining the goals and procedures of action to the family /
3. Asking the client's readiness before the activity is carried out

C. Work Stage
1. Adjusting the patient's position
2. Freeing the patient's axilla on the far arm
3. Cleaning the axilla with a tissue
4. Checking the thermometer, make sure it's on the scale below
35ºC, if it hasn't been lowered by shaking the thermometer
5. Put the thermometer reservoir right in the middle of the axilla
6. Crossing hands in front, holding shoulders
7. Lifting the thermometer after 10 minutes
8. Wiping the thermometer with dry tissue towards the reservoir
9. Reading the measurement results
10. Recording the measurement results
11. Cleaning the thermometer: dipping it in soapy water then
wiping it towards the reservoir, dipping it into the disinfectant
solution then cleaning it with clean water and wiping it from
the reservoir
12. Lowering the mercury
13. Returning the thermometer to its place

D. Termination Stage
1. Conducting action evaluation
2. Saying goodbye to clients
3. Tidying up utensils
4. Washing hands
5. Recording activities in the care record sheet
Conversation between nurses and patients in carrying out body
temperature checks

Nurse : Assalamulaikum, good morning Mrs.?

Patient : Wa'alaikum salam, morning nurse

Nurse : Is this true with Mrs.Iqa ?

Patient : Yes, really nurse

Nurse : I introduce Rifa's nurse who is on duty this morning from 07.00 until 14.00. my
intention and purpose here to check the temperature of the body Mrs.

Patient : Fine nurse

Nurse : How are you today?

Patient : Alhamdulillah it is getting better

Nurse : Well, is you willing to do an examination?

Patient : Willing to succeed

Nurse : Do you have any questions before doing the examination, Mrs.?

Patient : there is success, how much time will it take to carry out the examination, nurse ?

Nurse : This temperature check will take approximately 10 minutes.

Patient : Ok nurse

Nurse : Yes, Mrs. I will perform an examination (prepare the instruments, position the patient,
clean the arm, initiate a temperature check on the axilla).

Patient : Yes nurse

Nurse : (Recorded results) good Mrs. The check is over

Patient : How much temperature is my body now?

Nurse : Her temperature. Normal 36.5 ℃ (while tidying up used tools and washing hands) well
my task has been completed, ny. Can rest back

Patient : Fine nurse. Can I go home tomorrow?

Nurse : Yes, if Mrs. regularly taking medication and getting enough rest

Patient : Fine nurse, I will take medication regularly and get enough rest so that I can go home

Nurse : Yes, Mrs. Then I will say goodbye to Assalamualaikum

Patient : Wa'alaikumsalam, thank you very much nurse

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