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An Enhanced End to End Route Discovery in

AODV using Multi-Objectives Genetic Algorithm
Firas Al Balas Omar Almomani Reema M. Abu Jazoh
Faculty of Computer and Information Network Computer and Information Faculty of Computer and Information
Technology, Systems Department Faculty of Technology,
Jordan University Of Science And Information Technology Jordan University Of Science And
Technology, Irbid, Jordan The World Islamic Sciences & Technology, Irbid, Jordan Education University Amman, Jordan

Yaser M. Khamayseh
Faculty of Computer and Information Adeeb Saaidah
Technology Network Computer and Information
Jordan University Of Science And Systems Department Faculty of
Technology Irbid, Jordan Information Technology The World Islamic Sciences &
Education University Amman, Jordan
management or network infrastructure. Ad-hoc Networks
considered the main enabler technology for deployments of
Abstract—this paper presents a multi objectives genetic smart meter which has characteristics such as Less
algorithm approach for the Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance transmitting energy requirements and increased redundancy
Vector (AODV) Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
(WSN). AODV used individual routing metric in the form of
and reliability that can be useful for smart metering
minimum-hop count and this led to generate two problems: communication.
First, utilizing shortest path all time that can be overloaded in To reduce the complexity and to facilitate the addition and
the selected path which produce to unbalanced energy the alteration operations, the communication functionality in
depletion and traffic congestion. Secondly, routing during ad hoc networks is divided into five layers [3]. Each layer is
short path and weak link quality is more harmful than over implemented separately with a set of protocols that are
long path strong link quality as it can suffer retransmissions separated from the other layers which make the process of
and packet drops. The proposed algorithm will overcome these addition of a new protocol or modification of an exist
problems by using Genetic algorithm in which composite multi protocol possible. Moreover, each layer provides a well-
metric routing criterion are used by integrating three
parameters energy factor, traffic load and hop factor the
defined services to the next higher layer and hides the
protocol called MGAOVD. Routing based multiple criterions complexity of the below layers [4][5] .
can be combined into a individual criterion to get better Ad-hoc Networks have the properties of conventional
performance. The MGAOVD proposed protocol implemented wireless networks but also possess some unique properties.
using simulation environments using NS2 simulation. Results These distinct properties of ad-hoc networks need to be
from MGAOVD proposeed algorithm show outperform considered when designing, deploying and analyzing the
compare to original AODV in terms of increase packet delivery performance of the stationary or mobile ad-hoc networks [6].
ratio, decreased energy consumption, decreased end-to-end These distinct properties are:
delay, and decreased overhead.
• Multi hopping
Keywords—AODV, Genetic Algorithm, Ad-hoc network, NS2 In case there is any node needs to send data packet to
simulation another node that is not within its radio range, the
packet will transmit via the intermediate nodes which
I. INTRODUCTION are located between the sender and receiver [7][8].
• Self-organization
The wireless network is a collection of computers, In case there is any nodes in ad-hoc networks self-
stations, or nodes that use a radio signal frequency (RF) organize that dependent on network requirements.
instead of the physical wire to communicate among the
There is no central control of the network operations.
network devices. Ad Hoc Networks [1] is a decentralized
Therefore, the control of the network operations is
type of the wireless network where the devices in the
wireless network are possible to set up to communicate in distributed among all the nodes of the network.
Infrastructure Mode or in Ad Hoc mode [2]. By using the According to that, all the nodes in the network should
Infrastructure Mode, the devices will communicate indirectly communicate among themselves and cooperate with
through an access point, while by using the Ad Hoc mode each other to implement a specific function on the
they will communicate directly without a need to any access network such as security and routing.
point between them. • Resource considered nodes
Some nodes rely on battery to get the energy which has
Ad-Hoc Networks are a set of mobile devices like smart limited power storage. Moreover, the memory storage
phones, laptops, sensors, etc which are connected via of the mobile devices and the capacity of the mobile
wireless links; these devices dynamically constitute a devices CPU are also limited.
temporary network without a need to any central
• Scalability

978-1-5386-7942-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 209




In case there is an ad-hoc network growing in size. hop count for this RREQ equal zero.
Therefore, Ad-hoc networks can contain numerous
hundreds of nodes.

The WSN Routing protocols can be classified into three

categories which are: Proactive (Table driven) protocols,
Figure 1: RREQ moving through Intermediate node(s) to the
Reactive (On demand) protocols and Hybrid protocols
In the RREQ message, the broadcast ID is used to determine
II. AODV ROUTING PROTOCOL if a Specific RREQ is received previously by the node where
each node can maintain the (Source address, Broadcast_id)
AODV [10] is a reactive routing protocol that is specifically
pair for all the RREQ which received recently. Therefore, if
developed for MANETs. This protocol is based on two
any node receives two RREQ with the same (Source address,
mechanisms for routing, which are: route discovery and
Broadcast_id), it Responds only for one of them while it
route maintenance [9][11].
drops the other, which contributes to prevent rebroadcasting
the same RREQ from the same node [12] [13]
A. Route Discovery
B. Route Maintenance
When the source node needs to communicate with any other
node in the network in order to transmit data to that node, Routes in MANETs are vulnerable to the breakages due to
first it will check if there is an available route to that node in the mobility of the nodes. In AODV protocol, any link
its routing table. If the route is found, the source node will breakage along the established route between the source
use this route to send the packets of data through it to the node and the destination node can be detected by using the
destination node. But, if the route is not found, the route route maintenance mechanism [14]. According to this
discovery process will be initiated by the source node. The mechanism, if any intermediate node discovers a link failure,
source node discovers the route by broadcasting a Route it initiates a Route Error (RERR) message and sends it back
Request Control Message (RREQ) to all its neighbours. The to the source node in order to inform the source node that
RREQ message contains: both the IP addresses for the this route become not valid to the destination node. When the
source node and destination node, the most recent sequence source node receives the RRER it initiates a new route
number for each of source node and destination node, discover process for the destination. In addition to that, when
broadcast ID number and hop count. In case the the RRER is back through the intermediate nodes to the
neighbouring nodes receive the RREQ message, they update source, the route that containing the failure link will be
their routing table information for the source node depending removed from the route caches of these nodes [15].
on the content of the RREQ. Moreover, they create III. GENETIC ALGORITHM (GA)
backwards pointers for the source node in order to be
followed by the Route Reply Control Message (RREP). In recently years, with an increase of the problems and the
There are three possibilities for the node that receive the importance of solving them in an optimal manner the
RREQ message: this node is the destination itself, this node scholars have more flair to the biological development
is an intermediate node having in its routing table an active algorithms like a GA [16], Particle Swarm Optimization
route to the destination node or this node is an intermediate (PSO) [17] , Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) [18], and so
node doesn’t have a route to the destination node in its on. In this research paper GA will be used to get an
routing table. In the first case the RREQ message is received optimized solution for selecting a route in WNS.
by the destination itself so the destination node will unicast
the RREP message back to the source node. GA[16] is the meta-heuristic search techniques that depend
on the natural genetics principles to determine an optimal
RREQ received by Intermediate, in the second case, the solution for difficult issue. It generates a set of the
RREQ is received by an intermediate node that has a route to populations as solutions towards an optimum one using the
the destination node. In this case, the intermediate node biological techniques such as mutation, selection, crossover,
unicast the RREP message back to the source node only if it and inheritance. GA has two steps to solve problem. The first
has a valid route. The route will be valid if the sequence step is initialization to generate the chromosomes randomly
number of the destination node which is stored in the routing and then these chromosomes are calculated value of them to
table is equal to or greater than destination sequence number use a manner to select a better solution for the problem
that contained in the RREQ. Otherwise, this intermediate would be provided more solutions. GA is based on some
node doesn’t send RREP to the source node but it terminologies:
rebroadcasts the RREQ to its neighbors [11] valid route i. Population is the subset of all the possible solutions that
Figure 1 shows RREQ moving through Intermediate node to encoded for the problem.
the destination case. [7][9], the RREQ is received by an ii. Chromosome is one of these solutions to the problem.
intermediate node that doesn’t have a route to the destination iii. Gene is position of one element of the chromosome
node in its routing table, so this intermediate node iv. Allele is the value a gene takes for the chromosome
rebroadcast the RREQ to its neighbors. RREQ moves from
intermediate node to another until faces case 1 or case 2 Gene type is the population in computation space. In the
computation space, the solutions will be presented in a
which are mentioned previously or it is dropped when the





manner to easy understand an implementation in system. IV. LITERATURE REVIEW

Phenotype is the population in real world solution space In recently years, the researchers were interested in
where the solution will be represented in actual real world. improving AODV by using GA This section describes the
Decoding and encoding- in simple case, the phenotype and literature review of some research papers related to GA that
genotype spaces are the same. However, the phenotype and proposed to improve the AODV routing over ad hoc
genotype spaces are different in most cases of problems. network.
Decoding is the process of convert solutions from gene type C. Garg and B. Wadhwa in [22]. They improve AODV
to phenotype when encoding is a process convert solution routing protocol by using GA to select best optimum path
from phenotype to gene type. Decoding must be fast process between source and destination. The proposed protocol
as it executed Many times in GA during the fitness function enhanced the route selection. It used shortest path algorithm
calculation. Fitness Function is a process to measure the to find three routes between source node and destination
quality of solution that were generating. In GA, the fitness node. The GA used random technique in route discovery to
function designed to be a part of modelling process of find paths between source node and destination node. The
optimization approach. This technique is designed to guide fitness function dependents on the minimum number of hops
the search to optimal solution. to find best path between all paths. After that the best three
GA is started with random creation of the population and paths are saved in table of AODV routing table. Therefore,
then the selection, crossover and mutation process are led to there are alternative paths when any error occurs in a path.
determine the best population. In another meaning, taking P. U. Vidhate, R. S. Bichkar, and Y. Wankhade [23] they
into consider the initial random population generates genetic improved AODV routing protocol based GA to get optimal
algorithm execution by basic operation [19]: route between source node and destination node that selected
based on the amount of energy consumption in routing. The
A. Selection proposed protocol operates it in two phases. First phase, it
This operation is selected of parents to be generated uses API ant algorithm [24] which used to search in Ant
successive generations that is played important role in Colony Optimization algorithm to explore the paths between
genetic algorithm. This allows the filter individuals to be source node and destination node. The results used to
select more to reproduce. In this way, the number of generate initial population for genetic algorithm. In the
individuals is copied to population randomly and the best of second phase, the genetic algorithm use basic operation as
the number of individuals into population for work genetic selection, crossover and mutation to find optimal path. GA
processing. This process is working repeatedly. we have K- executed based of AODV to find optimal path which used
way tournament selection [20]; it is selected K individuals fitness function based energy and number of hops.
from population at random and selects best at parent that A. Maleki and M. Sadeghzadeh [25] they improve AODV
selection dependent of fitness function. The same process is routing protocol to get best path using a GA to improve the
working repeatedly for selecting next parent. The K-way route recovery mechanism .The proposed protocol improve
tournament used because it has lower radio interference in all route recovery mechanism which defined new parameters for
the sizes and types of networks [20] . selected route of local repair . The GA used random
technique in route recovery to find paths between source
node and destination node. The parameters are Snum ,
B. Crossover Dnum, Sneigh and Uneigh. Snum is a number of hops
Crossover [21] is the important operation of the GA. The between source node and upstream node before drop route .
main aim of crossover is reorder the information of two Dnum is number of hops between upstream node and
different individuals and created a new individual. Crossover destination node. Sneigh and Uneigh are number of
is the structured process but it is using random method to neighbours node of source node and upstream node. This
exchange formation between strings and it useful to parameter use to calculate the fitness function to select route.
exploration of new felids in search space. The main GA is use selection conditions which if the output collection
technique in crossover, cross swapping operator is using on Snum and Sneigh are larger than the output collection Dnum
parents which by Determination two different cross sites of and Uneigh then local repair is done. Other than that the
parents chromosomes are selected randomly. The crossover routing starts from source node again.
operation is finished by exchanging the substring between
This paper proposed reliable routing approach for AODV
C. Mutation
using GA called MGAOVD to get a light weight and energy
Mutation [21] is working randomly through the string and it efficient routing ad-hoc network. The most ad-hoc routing
works sometimes in the crossover operation by inserting one protocols are considered a single criteria routing that use
or more genes during reproduction. The main goal of this either the hop count , the energy or traffic load. The route
operation is included diversity in the individuals on a long selection based on single routing criteria has some problems
period of time and prevented stagnation in emergence of such as congestion, Energy consumption and unstable routes.
individuals. Mutation works to exchange gene such as 0 to 1 Also ad-hoc routing protocols select the first path its
and vice versa. All of these operations of selection, crossover received which was not effective because the network can
and mutation are repeated unto the optimal individual is have other routes better than it. The MGAOVD proposed
detected. AODV by Using multi objective GA based on composite





multi metric routing criterion by merging the following three The MGAOVD proposed protocol was designed for mobile
parameters. ad-hoc networks where proportion of route cutting off is
higher compared with static networks. In this section we
A. Energy Factor present the sender and receiver phases for MGAOVD
proposed algorithms that will be executed at the route
The proposed MGAOVD uses the remaining energy of the discovery. Sender will be executed in Route Discovery
nodes participation in route discovery process with the main Phase, while receiver executed router selection by the
objective of selecting those nodes that have highest Destination Node.
remaining energies. The energy factor (En) is normalized to
[0,1] by using the following Equation. The source node start sending a request massages to all
En= (1) neighbour nodes to find the destination node. Then nodes
start calculating some parameter as energy factor, traffic
load, and link quality according to the energy model, traffic
Where “Er “represents the remaining energy of the node and load model and link quality model. In the original AODV,
“Emax” represents the maximum energy in the ready node. the source node attempts to discover the route to the
Thus, the energy factor of node “En” ranges between 0 and destination node by flooding the RREQ message across the
1. En has value 1 pointing at full battery and 0 for empty network. In the MGAOVD proposed protocol a new field
battery. In our proposed MGAOVD the node will include called Elpath was added in RREQ packet. The source node
nodes which have maximum energy factor in route selection. provides RREQ packet with Elpath field initialized to 1 and
B. Traffic load broadcast RREQ packet. Figure 2 show new format for the
The traffic load factor of nodes is calculated on the basis of RREQ packet.
the interval between two received packets when nodes are
broadcasting data from the large number of nodes where it
will have smaller inter-arrival times between data packets.
According to study in [26], the value of the traffic load is
calculated on the time of arrival between two packets which
helps the load balancing in network. The interval scaled to
range between 0 and 1. Where 1 is indicated no traffic load
node and 0 is indicated a fully traffic load node. The main
aim of route selection is to select those nodes with lowest
traffic load Tf values.Tf is calculating using the following
Figure 2: The RREQ packet with ELpath field
On receiving RREQ packet , each intermediate node checks
Tf = (1-)* intvlold +  *intvlnew (2) if it has previously received this RREQ packet before then it
drops the packet , otherwise , it adds the route entry to source
to update of the interval for removed the sudden traffic node with the last hop as next hop in its routing table
jitters. The traffic load can use other method like a interface ,thereafter it calculates its Elnode using Equation 4 multiply
queue status but the traffic load should be scaled to range [0, it with the cumulative Elpath value stored by RREQ packet
1]. Where “intvlold“ and “intvlnew” are represented old and in Elpath field of RREQ packet using Equation 5.
new time intervals and  is scaled to range of 0 to 1. It uses
 close to one have less effected and more sensitive to new (4)
fluctuations and if the values close to 0 have large effected Where “” , “”, and “” are weighted factors for
and less sensitive to new fluctuations. here consider  value calculating “ELnode “ .
is 0.2 in our MGAOVD proposed protocol.
C. Link Quality ELpath = EL’path * ELnode (5)
Here link quality is used based on Received Signal Strength
Where “EL’path “ is the cumulative values of the Previous
(RSS) with the aim of route selection with highest quality
nodes in the route . Thus the multiplication process ELnode
links in route discovery phase. According to study in [27]
values of all nodes in the route can calculated using Equation
implemented many experimental tests on different hardware
and it use RSS to select link quality that is a good filter if its
value highest than threshold value. The RSS depends on
proportional distance between transmitter and receiver when ELpath = (6)
the greater then distance or increase the number of hop in the
route that leads to reduction the RSS and reduction the where “k” is number of nodes in route and “i” is run for all
link quality. The link quality”LQ” scaled to range of [0,1] “k” .the result of equation range of [0,1]. Thereafter, the
and calculated using the following equation. intermediate node forward RREQ packet.
For the destination node , it has ELnode value equals to its
LQ= (3) link quality because the energy and traffic load are
Where “SP “ is represented the signal strength of received Considered as limitation then the destination node is
packet and “Smax “ is the maximum signal strength calculated its ELnode value which is same its link quality
probable . value and multiplies it with ELpath value of RREQ packet





to obtain new ELpath value using Equation 6.

Figure 3 shows pseudocode for source node and Figure 4

pseudocode for intermediate node.

Figure 3: pseudocode for source node

Figure 5: Pseudocode for Destination node


In order to evaluate the performance of MGAODV the
experiment run using NS2 simulation. The simulation
values were chosen as based on the literature review. We
used grid topology The number of node was varied from 25
to 100 for evaluating the performance of the proposed
algorithm. We used different energy from 100J to 500J.All
of the wireless nodes were configured to start sending data
to sink at a time chosen from uniform random distribution
(0-60) seconds with interval chosen as 1 packet per minute
Figure 4 Pseudocode for intermediate node and CBR were used as traffic type and packet size were
The original AODV routing protocol has main objective is 100Byte, queue size were 50 packets.
find the shortest path in network where the destination node
receives the first RREQ packet , it replies packet back and A. Results and Analysis
discards other RREQ packets. Route selection in the a) Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR)
MGAOVD proposed, the destination node receives first
RREQ packet, it doesn’t reply back which maybe received Figure 6. Show result of PDR for four scenarios. The results
shortest path while that the destination node waits amount of shows that MGAODV outperformed the AODV because
time t for possible received some paths are used as initial MGAODV considers Energy , Traffic Load , Hop-count and
population required for GA. The destination node is keeping Link Quality during select route formation so more stable
paths in path cache which received path and stored path as routes are formed thus able to improve the PDR. When the
Time . After that, The GA is using the biological value of the energy and the number of nodes increased, the
techniques like a mutation, selection, crossover, and MGAODV effectiveness compared with the original AODV
inheritance to get optimal path. GA divided to some parts. protocol of energy dependence and the choice of the path to
We will discuss each part in details: figure 5: show GA rely on it.
begins of initial population of paths generated individuals.
Many solutions chosen from the current solutions and
several operations are executed on that population to get a
new population. the initial population can be presented as

Pi = P(Sn ,Dn) (7)

where Pi is the individual i of population with i = 1,…., m

and P is a path from source node S to destination node D in
the range [Sn ,Dn] limited by n dimension and m is the
number of population size. Figure 5 shows pseudocode for
destination node.

Figure 6. Packet Delivery Ratio





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