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Rhiedo Fredirico (18101324)

Jurusan TI-MTI

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris III

Tahun Akademik 2019/2020

Jl. Tukad Pakerisan 97 Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, Telp. 0361 - 256 995
1. Imperatives
❖ Data : “Mohon transfer ke”
Analyze : to give orders (command), imperatives positive sentences.
2. Adjectives
❖ Data : “pembelian Masker”
Analyze : “Masker” is noun , “pembelian” is adjectives.
❖ Data : “diserahkan kepada SATGAS”
Analyze : “SATGAS” is noun , “diserahkan” is adjectives.
3. Verbs and Adverbs
Verbs Adverbs
peduli Care Carefully
berarti Mean Meaningfully
akan Will Willfully
ingin Want Wantedly
membantu Help Helpfully
4. Brief and Simple
❖ Data : “STIKI Peduli Sumbangan Sukarela”
Analyze : the title of the announcement is simple and straight to the point.
5. Unambiguous
❖ Data : “Ayu Gede Willdahlia”
Analyze : word for a person name, so it can't have more than one meaning.
❖ Data : “Masker” , “COVID-19”
Analyze : word for a name of objects, so it can't have more than one meaning.
❖ Data : “STIKI” , “SATGAS”
Analyze : word for the name of the institution, so it can’t have more than one meaning.
6. Minimization of Technical Word
❖ Data : "akan diserahkan".
Analyze : it is use a simple word "diserahkan" not "didistribusikan" or "didonasikan" to
minimization of technical word.
7. Rhetoric
❖ Data : “demi membantu pencegahan dan penanganan COVID-19”
Analyze : using deliberative rhetoric (rhetoric that aims to make changes).

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