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Use yorrr calculator to evaluate the following correct to 3 decimal places,

(a) O) 1ogrol080 (c)
(d) lnl0 (e) (r-r"s)' (0 fi+,),,

(a) Use your calculator to evaluate ft + l) ro. tn"se ,"1r". or ,,

\ n)
ID z=10 (ii) n=100 (iii) z=,1000

(b) Calculate the differences between e and your answers above.

Express each of the following in logarithmic form:

(a) 3'=5 (b) 12 =9 (c) /E =10

(d) e3 =20 (e) 5* = p (0 b'=c -.r
G) ma =s (h) pi =7 (i) s-i =la
4. Express each ofthe following in exponential (power) form:

(a) log,x=3 (b) log.5=p (c) 1og.2=8

(d) 1og5l25 =3 (e) log. r = 7 (f) logoa=c
(g) ln10=2.3 (h) ,lnx = -5 (i) ur,*=
5. Complete the following

Exponential form Logarit&mic form

r =b'
logro 10000 = 4

196 =142

log, 125 = 3

! =lO-2

Find the value ofx:

(a) logt16=r O) log,16 =2 (c) logrx =-2
7. Solvc forr:
(a) log,o(2r+l)=2 G) log, (zx -t) =s

(c) 1log,ox3 =15 (d) log,27 =3

Find J corr€ctto 1 6l6simalplace:

(a) logro.r = 0.903 (b) 1og,or=-0.59897
(c) log..r = 2'70805 (d) ln.r = -0.10536

9. Find the value ofeach logaritbrn by expressing each numbcr in oqponential (index)

(a) .logro l0O0 A) bg,343 (c) logr, 1

(d) log,(-5) G) r.c"

i (f) log,. 8

G) 1oe, i (h) ln a (i)

10. Evaluate the following (without a oalculator).

(a) logr4 (b) logn 4 G) logo a

(d) rogr* (e) log2l (f) log" 1

11. Find the value of * in each of ihe following:

(a) log,x=-l (b) toSrr=j (c) log,25 = 2

rjr ,*,*=, (e) rog.f,=-z (o log.r,lJ, =x


12. Solve oach logaritlmic equation

(a) log, (4x + 1) =2 A) 1"s,2 =
(c) log.*, (5x + 5) = 2 (d) (log,:)'z = 1


1. Write il expanded form:

(a) log. ryz (b) r"r"i3) (c) .'"[s')

\ZJ \z )
(d) (e) log, -t (o logo t2 y
\rq )

G) rr;"ry' (h) tw.,[ry (0 *,(iEJ

Express as a single logarithm
(a) -log..r-logo y O) log.2+loga y
(c) logox-3log.y (d) 3log"r+2log"y
(e) 2logox-logoy (0 3log, x+f;tos" z +z

Use laws of logarithms to evaluatre:

(a) Iogr 2+logu3 (b) logrl2-1og,3 (c) tog. J?:t-

(d) lof!r,l, (e) h.G (f) s4 nE,, z
(g) logrl6xlogr2T (h) log,o 35 -1og,o 7 + 2log,o 5 + 3log,o 2
(i) los,di-€)+toe,(j1+Jl)
4. If logr2=0.3 and log,5=0.7 evaluate:
(a) log,10 (b) .r,3 (c) log,2.5 I
(d) log,8 (e) log,20 (D log,5r I
4f.G\' I
(e) toe,,, (b) (D bc.#s,
5. If logrT =m and logr3=n express in terms of m andlor n:

It) log,2l O) fogr*

(c) logj+ (d) log,343
Write a relationship between x and 7 tliat does not involve logarithms:
(a) log,x+logry=logr(x+y) O) lnr-lny=tn(.r-y)
(c) 3lnr+.2lny = g (O los,y-z=Lirrs,x
r l

7. Solve the following equations:

(a) t"c,s=; (b) (bss r)' = 4
(c) logr;r+logr3=l (d) lnx-ln(:-l)=ln4
(e) .logr.r + logr.r2 =0 (0 log,o x + log,o (.r - 1) = log,o 2
(g) 1og,.,(5x-1)=l C) log3(log, r) = 1

Solvo thc followiag apocatial oquationc giving yow answers coroot to 3 sigdficaot
(a) t'=7 O) 5-'P = 4 (c) e'=E
(d) l}e* =7 (e) 500=l2e\1' (0 5'+a = 42t-3

1. (r) Evsluate correct to 3 decimal places: (a) logr S (b) logr 24

(ii) Using change ofbase theorEm evaluatc:
. (a) logo 8 (b) loc"rr(3+) (c) logrf
-Express los, 8
2. as a single logarithm.
3. Evaluate log5 (.r2 -7x-5) tf I=9 correct to 3 decimsl places.

4. Evaluate without calculator (a) ,lo5 16y 162loe? (c) SntLadl

5. solve 32*t = 53*2.

6. Express y in tcnns of x without logarithms if tog,o7=2+lo9,6.r-Iog,ox2.

7. Solve logr2=log,5,
8. If logr2=0.43 and lo913=0.68 evaluate logolS.
9. Prove lograxlog"D=1,
10. Solve 3logrx-log,5=2.

11. lf m=logz3 show tlrat logrtA=?t{'.

t2. If loga 8l + log" 243 -logo27 *ktog,3 find *.

lop a
13. lf ---:-!- =c express D in terms of a and c and hence express lo96 b in
togd o
terms of c. j
t4. lf log23=m and lo9r.6=z find logr 2 in terms of m arrd, n.

15. If logrS=x showthat tog,o2=;|.

16. p $d q
Solve for


17. If a>0 and D>0 and a2 +b2 =23ab provethat."(T)=iO sca+toscb)

Eint: start with (a+ b)2 =a2 +2ab+b2
18. If HO-t)-tdJ2+1)=ld3+6) fin<t D.

19. lf 2'=5r =10' use logarithms to sho\ythat 1* 1=I

Giver that m=logzl and z=logz3 arrd l2t=24.5 express, in terms of
m n. Hint: Vl.5=49+2
21. lf log,9=log,27 show y=JJ.
22. If log,:=p and log,y=q frnd in terms of p and 4
(a) t"e"f,,5 O) rw,ay

23. Given that logr2xlog,g+log )=-)-+m show that a=6*

log, a
u.. Solve log. 5 = log, 7, correct to 2 desimal places.
25. Solve the following ineqrnlities:

(a) 2' <2' G) 3-',ra

(c) (3).(3'
(d) (;l =* (e) E 34'*'a32
26. Find the smallest integer .r such that

(a) 3'>40 (b) 0.9' s 0.4

27. Solve the following inequalities:

(a) 5'<6 (b) 93, >7 (c) 3esh <2

(d) (0.3)' >10 (e) (0.r' < 0.6 (D 8:-r <53'+2

(a) e'r2e-'-3=0 a) 3'-3-'-2=O I


l. Sketch graphs ofthe following functions:

G) y=3' (c) y =3-'

(d) y=-3-x (e) y =3' +1 (0 , = lOx3'
2. Sketch'the graphs of the following exponential functioos, showing any
asym.ptotes, and the fintercept, wherc appropriate :

(a) Y = 5x+'

(b) Y =7 +le-
(c) v=5-l'
(d) y=e' ; y= s2' ; / = e" on the same axes.

(e) r=5'-o
(0 Y= 10i 3-' -+
(g) y=e'-' i y=,e'-3 on the same.axes.

(h) Y=2'.'-t
(1) Y -3-2e' l
A) Y= 3e-" 'z i{
(k) r = 10e'' :,:'

(l) y


e' + e-'
curve , = (calted a catenary) by first filling in the table of values:
T -l 0 1 2

A single cholera bacterium divides every t hour to produce two cholera bacteria. In
a colotry of000 bacteria there are if = 5000 x 22, baaeria after t hours.
(a) Find the nrmrber ofbacteria in the colony after 3 hours.
(b) How long does it take to have 5120000 bacteria in the colony?

,. Tie number of sea turtles on an island after tyears is given by J[=200x10005,.

(a) How many turtles afe on the island iritially?
O) After how maly years there are 1000 turtles on the island?

(c) Sketch a glaph of N=200x10o0s, (for rt0).

4. The population P ofa towtr after / 1.ears isgiven by p=1000ec5,.

(a) Find the initial population.
(b) Find the population after one year.
(c) Find the time for tle population to double.
(d) Find the time for the population to reach 5000.
(e) Sketch the graph of Pq1000e05,.

The price.demand equation for Kookaburra toys is given by p=100e-0.05,

when .r Kookaburra toys are sold per day at a price of gp each.
(a) Find the price ofeach K.ookaburrj toy if l0 {oys are soldper day.
O) How many Kookaburra toys are sold per day when the price is $35 for
each toy?

(c) Sketch the graph of p=100e{.05,.

- lE?-
6. The number ofcerls in a curture is dying offdue to contamination. The number of
cells in the culture after I days is given by ly' = 5000e-o',.
(a) Find the initial population.
(b) Find rhe population after three days.
(c) Find the time for the population to fail to 1000.
(d) Find the half life (or time for the population to halve in size).
(e) Sketch the gmph of N=5gg9r-0t,.

/' n.. The concentration of iodine in a bottle of water , minutes aftel the iodine crystals are
\introduced is given by C0)=250(l-e-') where C(l) is the concentration of
\ine in micrograms per millilitre of water.
(u) Find the concentration of iodine in the bottle of water one minute after the
' iodine crystals ate introduced.
(b) How long does it take for concentration to be 200 pglml, ?

(c) Sketch the graph of C(t)=250(1-e4).


For each of the following logarithmic functions find the domain, the vertical asymptote,
rle .x-intercept and the y-intercept (where appropriate), and hence sketch the cuwe.

l' )'= lo'

2. y=ln(x-3)
3. .v = logz 5x
4. .Y=log.x+1 I

5. ,=5logrox
6. l= 21o9. (x - l)
7. y =2ln(x + 3) -1

8. Sketch y=ln(x-4) and y=) on the same diagram. Find their point of
intersection l. Use the graph to solve the inequality ln(x - 4) < 2.

9. Sketch y=hr(x+z) arad y=x7 on the same diagram. Hence state the number of
solutions to the equation x'? = ln(x + 2).

10. Sketch y+l=: and /=lnx on the same diagram. Prove that their point of
intersection is on the .r-axis. Hence solve the inequality t , .1x - t .

11. Sketch /=log3r and )r=log2n on the same diagram. Also draw &e line y=3
and mark points A and B where it intersects with the other two graphs. Find the
distance 18.

12. (a) Sketch the graph of y = 40+25',n(x +l) showing all essential features.

O) Thc systolic blood pressure ofpeople not older than 65 that visited a country
hospital in NSW is measured in.millimeters of mercury and is given by
P(r)=40+251n(r+1) where x is the age ofthe person.

(i) Find the systolic blood pressure of a person who is 50.

(ii) IIow old is a person whose systolic blood pressure measures 133 mm
of mercury?
L (iii) Sketch the graph P(x)=+9a251r11r*ri.

13. Sketch the of ,,=lln.rl

14. (a) Find the domain of tbe tunction / = lnlrl .

O) Hence sketch the graph of y = lnlxl .

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