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( n +1) π

1. The integral In is defined by In = ∫ nπ

e − x sin x dx, for n ∈ .

(a) Show that I0 = (1 + e − π ) .

(b) By letting y = x – nπ, show that In = e–nπI0.


(c) Hence determine the exact value of ∫0
e − x sin x dx .
(Total 15 marks)

2. The exponential series is given by ex = ∑
n =0 n!

(a) Find the set of values of x for which the series is convergent.

(b) (i) Show, by comparison with an appropriate geometric series, that

ex – 1 < , for 0 < x < 2.
2− x
 2n + 1 
 , for n ∈
(ii) Hence show that e <  .
 2n − 1 

3. (i) Find the range of values of n for which ∫1
x n dx exists.

(ii) Write down the value of ∫1
x n dx in terms of n, when it does exist.

1 
4. (a) Find the value of lim − cot x  .
x → 0 x 

(b) Find the interval of convergence of the infinite series

( x + 2) ( x + 2) 2 ( x + 2) 3
+ 2 + 3 + ... .
3 ×1 3 ×2 3 ×3

(c) (i) Find the Maclaurin series for ln(1 + sin x) up to and including the term in x3.

(ii) Hence find a series for ln(1 – sin x) up to and including the term in x3.

(iii) Deduce, by considering the difference of the two series, that

π π2 
ln 3 ≈ 1 + .
3  216 
(Total 28 marks)
∞ ∞
5. (a) Using integration by parts, show that ∫ 0
e − x cos xdx = ∫
e − x sin xdx .

(b) Find the value of these two integrals.

(Total 11 marks)

∞ k
 x
6. (a) Consider the power series ∑
k  .
k =1  2 

(i) Find the radius of convergence.

(ii) Find the interval of convergence.


∑ (−1) k +1 k
(b) Consider the infinite series × .
k =1 2k + 1

(i) Show that the series is convergent.

(ii) Show that the sum to infinity of the series is less than 0.25.
(Total 15 marks)

7. Consider the infinite series

1 1 1 1
− + − + ... .
2 ln 2 3 ln 3 4 ln 4 5 ln 5

(a) Show that the series converges.


(b) Determine if the series converges absolutely or conditionally.

(Total 15 marks)

∑ sin n
8. (a) Determine whether the series is convergent or divergent.
n =1

∑ n(ln n)
(b) Show that the series 2
is convergent.
n =2
(Total 12 marks)

∑ 9n
9. (a) Find the value of .
n =1
+ 3n − 2

(b) (i) Sum the series ∑x
r =0

(ii) Hence, using sigma notation, deduce a series for

(a) ;
1+ x 2

(b) arctan x;

(c) .

( x + 2) ( x + 2) 2 ( x + 2) 3
10. The function f(x) is defined by the series f(x) = 1 + + 2 + 3 + ...
3 ×1 3 ×2 3 ×3

(a) Write down the general term.


(b) Find the interval of convergence.

(Total 14 marks)

∑ n(n + 3) .
11. Consider the infinite series
n =1

(a) Using one of the standard tests for convergence, show that the series is convergent.

(b) (i) Express in partial fractions.
n(n + 3)

(ii) Hence find the sum of the above infinite series.

(Total 13 marks)

12. (a) Find the radius of convergence of the infinite series

1 1× 3 2 1× 3 × 5 3 1× 3 × 5 × 7 4
x+ x + x + x + ...
2 2×5 2×5×8 2 × 5 × 8 × 11

1 
(b) Determine whether the series ∑ sin n + nπ 
n =1
is convergent or divergent.

(Total 15 marks)

13. Determine whether the series ∑
n =1 10
is convergent or divergent.

(Total 6 marks)

14. (a) Using l’Hopital’s Rule, show that lim xe − x = 0.

x →∞

(b) Determine ∫ 0
xe − x dx.

(c) Show that the integral ∫ 0
xe − x dx is convergent and find its value.
(Total 9 marks)


The diagram shows part of the graph of y = together with line segments parallel to the
coordinate axes.

(a) Using the diagram, show that

1 1 1 ∞ 1 1 1 1
4 3
+ 3 + 3 + ... <
5 6 ∫ 3 x 3
dx < 3 + 3 + 3 + ....
3 4 5

(b) Hence find upper and lower bounds for ∑n
n =1
(Total 15 marks)

∞ dx
16. Find the exact value of ∫ (x + 2)(2 x + 1) .

(Total 9 marks)

(− 1)n x n .
17. (a) Find the radius of convergence of the series ∑
n = 0 (n + 1) 3


(b) Determine whether the series ∑ 
n =0
n 3 + 1 − n  is convergent or divergent.

(Total 13 marks)

18. Let Sn =
k =1

(a) Show that, for n ≥ 2, S2n > Sn + .

(b) Deduce that S 2 m +1 > S2 + .

(c) Hence show that the sequence {S n } is divergent.

(Total 13 marks)

∞ 1
19. (a) (i) Show that ∫
1 x( x + p)
dx, p ≠ 0 is convergent if p > –1 and find its value in terms

of p.

(ii) Hence show that the following series is convergent.

1 1 1
+ + + ...
1× 0.5 2 × 1.5 3 × 2.5
(b) Determine, for each of the following series, whether it is convergent or divergent.

 
∑ sin n(n + 3) 
n =1

1 1 1 1
(ii) + + + + ...
2 6 12 20
(Total 19 marks)

1 + ax
20. The function f(x) = can be expanded as a power series in x, within its radius of
1 + bx

convergence R, in the form f(x) ≡ 1 + ∑c
n =1

(a) (i) Show that cn = (–b)n–1(a – b).

(ii) State the value of R.


(b) Determine the values of a and b for which the expansion of f(x) agrees with that of ex up
to and including the term in x2.

(c) Hence find a rational approximation to e3 .
(Total 12 marks)

21. Use the integral test to show that the series p
is convergent for p > 1.
n =1
(Total 6 marks)

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