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Lớp 6- unit 11


1. Store : cửa hàng 13. Gram : gam, lạng
2. Storekeeper : chủ tiệm 14. Dozen : một tá
3. Salesgirl : cô bán hàng 15. A bottle : chai, lọ
4. Beef : thịt bò 16. A packet : gói, bao
5. Oil : dầu 17. A box : hộp
6. Cooking oil : dầu ăn 18. A kilo : cân, kí lô
7. Chocolate : sô cô la 19. A can : lon hộp
8. Egg : quả trứng 20. A bar : thỏi, thanh
9. Soap : xà phòng 21. A tube : ống, tuýp
10. Toothpaste : kem đánh răng 22. To need (v) : cần
11. Cookie : bánh bích quy 23. To want (v) : muốn
12. Half : một nửa 24. Else ( adv) : thêm nữa
* Here you are : đây này
Is there anything else? : Còn gì khác nữa không?
Can I help you? : Tôi có thể giúp bạn không?/ Bạn cần chi?
- How many : được dùng trước (Countable noun) danh từ đếm được số nhiều.
- How much : được dùng trước (Uncountable noun) danh từ không đếm được.

2. VERB : WANT (muốn) / NEED (cần)

Ex: I need a new dress.

She needs to go to Ha Noi.
1. Sandwich : bánh xăng uých 8. Cake : bánh ngọt
2. Lemon : quả chanh 9. Ice-cream : kem
3. Lemon juice : nước chanh 10. Canteen : nhà ăn, căng tin
4. Apple pie : bánh nhân táo 11. Glass : ly, cốc
5. Hotdog : bánh mì kẹp xúc xích 12. Bowl : tô, chén
6. Burger : bánh nhân thịt 13. To fry (v) : chiên, rán
7. Sausage : xúc xích 14. Fried (adj) : chiên, rán
HOW MUCH (Hỏi giá tiền)

Ex: How much is this shirt?

= How much does this shirt cost? -» It’s fifty thousand dong.
= What’s the price of this shirt?
1. Do you remember this? Write the letter of each picture and the word to blank space.

a)-------------------------------------- e)-------------------------------------- i)---------------------------------------

b)-------------------------------------- f)-------------------------------------- j)--------------------------------------

c)-------------------------------------- g)-------------------------------------- k)--------------------------------------

d)-------------------------------------- h)-------------------------------------- l) --------------------------------------

4. Listen. Number the picture as you hear.

1)---------------- 4)---------------- 7)---------------- 10) --------------

2)---------------- 5)---------------- 8)---------------- 11) --------------

3)---------------- 6)---------------- 9)---------------- 12) --------------

I. Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns.
Tea, pen, food, table, soap, egg, hair, beef, sandwich, store, window, water, homework, book, bag, beer,
music, housework, milk, fruit juice, sausage, bread, banana, rice, cheese, carrot, meat, potato, soda, pencil.
Countable Nouns
Uncountable Nouns
II. Complete these sentences with “How much, How many”.
1. ____________ flour do you want?
2. ____________ eggs does Hoa want?
3. ____________ coffee do they want?
4. ____________ rice does your sister want?
5. ____________ boxes of chocolates does your younger sister want?
6. ____________ milk do you need?
7. ____________ students does your class have?
8. ____________ fruit juice is there in the bottle?
9. ____________ people are there in your family?
10. ____________ sons do they have?
III. Make and answer questions. Use “ How much is/ are ...”
1. A can of soda // 8.000d
2. Three dozen eggs // 40.000d
3. A bowl of noodles and a glass of Coca-Cola // 20.000d
4. A plate of fried rice // 15.000d
5. Two boxes of chocolates//35.000d
6. A dozen eggs // 22.000d
IV. Make questions with “How much, How many”, by two way.
1. I want two kilos of rice.
2. My father wants a bar of soap.
3. Mrs. Loan and Mrs. Green want three packets of tea.
4. Her mother wants a dozen eggs.
V. Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Her mother wants (buy) ____________ a bottle of cooking oil.
2. I (need) ____________ a kilo of potatoes.
3. Would you like some coffee? No, I (would) ____________ .
4. What Lan and Hoa (want) ____________ ?
5. There (not be) ____________ any cake on the table.
6. My brother wants (make) ____________ some sandwiches.
7. His friend (not skip) ____________ at the moment.
8. She (drink) ____________ any apple juice?
9. What his children (would like) ____________ ?
10. Hoa’s sister would like (play) ____________ volleyball.
11. There (be) ____________ some bread on the table.
12. How many eggs her grandma (want) ____________ ?
13. We (not want) ____________ to go to Nha Trang.
14. We mustn’t (turn) ____________ left here.
15. Be quite! The baby (sleep) ____________ .
VI. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that it means nearly the same as the one above.
1. How much does a box of chocolates cost?
How much ........................................................................................................................................
2. What is the price of three bananas?
How much do ...................................................................................................................................
3. How many oranges do you want?
How many oranges would ................................................................................................................
I. Put an accent mark over the stress syllables.
salesgirl cookie dozen lemon sausage
canteen packet storekeeper ice-cream burger
II. Choose the word or phrase that best complete each sentence.
1. I love chocolate. Can I have a ____________ of chocolates?
a. tin b. box c. roll d. bottle
2. And I need some peas. Get me a ____________ of peas, please.
a. tube b. bar c. can d. packet
3. And tea. Give me a ____________ of tea.
a. packet b. jar c. tin d. loaf
4. Is that all? Oh, no. Could I have a ____________ of biscuits?
a. case b. packet c. piece d. bottle
5. Thanks. That’s all for me. How much ____________ ?
a. are there b. is there c. they all are d. are they
6. How ____________ oranges would you like? Six, please. And ____________ sugar.
a. much/ some b. many/ any c. much/ any d. many/ some
7. How ____________ sugar do you want? A kilo, please.
a. much b. many c. is there d. are there
8. Is that all ____________ would you like something else?
a. and b. or c. but d. so
9. I’d like ____________ apples, please.
a. any b. much c. many d. some
10. These apples are fresh. ____________ kilos would you like?
a. How b. How much c. How many them d. How many
III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct.
1. There are any vegetables in the fridge.
A B C D ..........................................
2. We’d like some chicken and rice to dinner.
A B C D ..........................................
3. She wants some beef but she doesn’t want some eggs.
A B C D ..........................................
4. How much boxes of chocolates does he want?
A B C D ..........................................
5. How many egg do you need?
A B C D ..........................................
IV. Read the paragraph then answer True or False
The children are at school now, and Mrs. Lien starts to prepare for lunch. She wants to make some cake.
There is not much flour at home, so she goes to the store to buy some more. She buys a kilo of flour, a dozen
of eggs and some sugar. She meets Mrs. Nga. Mrs. Nga is going to the store, too. She wants to buy a tube of
toothpaste, a bottle of milk and a bar of soap for her family.
1. Mrs. Nga’s children are at the school now. ..........................................
2. Mrs. Nga needs a bar of soap ..........................................
3. Mrs. Lien wants to make some cake for dinner. ..........................................
4. Mrs. Lien doesn’t have much flour ..........................................
V. Supply the correct verb tenses or forms.
1. At the moment, the girls (jog) ____________ in the park.
2. It (be) ____________ often hot in summer.
3. What would she like (eat) ____________ ?
4. Students often (wear) ____________ warm clothes in the winter.
5. Your uncle (work) ____________ on Sundays?
6. He (not live) ____________ with his family, he (live) ____________ with friends.
7. Lee (watch) ____________ TV twice a day.
8. He can (ride) ____________ a motorbike.
9. Lan can’t (drive) ____________ a car but she can ride a bike.
10. What you ( do) ____________ at present?
A. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning.
6. What would you like? What do .............................................................................
7. He’d like to buy a new bag. He .......................................................................................
8. I like fish best. My favorite ..........................................................................
9. What drink does she like best? What is ................................................................................
10. How much chocolate do you want? How many boxes .................................................................
11. How many bottles of oil do you want? How much ............................................................................
12. The houses are big. They are ..............................................................................
13. She is a lovely girl. The girl ................................................................................
14. The table is old. It’s ......................................................................................
I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. ____________ is the nearest Chinese restaurant? It’s just down the street.
a. What b. When c. Where d. There
2. ____________ is it? - Not very far. It’s about half-way down the street.
a. How many b. How far c. How long d. How much
3. I don’t like tea. Can I have ____________ ?
a. something else b. something other c. something either d. other thing
4. ____________ any apple juice left?
a. Is it b. Is c. Has there d. Is there
5. Do you like red wine? ____________ .
a. Much b. Yes, I do c. It’s so d. That’s all
6. Don’t drink too much coffee. It’s bad ____________ your stomach.
a. by b. on c. to d. for
7. And I’d like a ____________ of matches, too.
a. packet b. tin c. can d. box
8. How much is this ____________ of soap?
a. bar b. bag c. box d. loaf
9. Do you have any toothpaste? I’d like a large ____________ .
a. tin b. bar c. box d. tube
10. I also want a ____________ of orange juice.
a. vase b. pan c. bottle d. bowl
II. Match the words in column A with the words in column B.
1. How do you feel? a. There is some fish and rice.
2. What would you like? b. I want some bread.
3. What do you want? c. I feel hungry.
4. What is there for dinner? d. She’s tired
5. How does he feel? e. I’d like some orange juice.
f. He feels cool.
1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________
III. Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Nam and Nga (drink) ____________ some milk at the moment.
2. My sister (want) ____________ to be a doctor.
3. They (be) ____________ in the kitchen now.
4. There (not be) ____________ cans of peas in the store
5. Food and drink (be) ____________ necessity for your health.
6. A kilo of rice (cost) ____________ 12000 d.
7. How much (be) ____________ the book?
8. Two hundred grams of beef. There (be) ____________ anything else?
9. What would she like (eat) ____________ ?
10. He can (ride) ____________ a bike.
IV. Read the following cloze and choose the best answer to fit each space.
Nam’s mother wants (1) ____________ something for the family. Nam helps her to do that. He (2)
____________ to the store and buys them. He buys a (3) ____________ of cooking oil, two kilos of rice,
some oranges and two hundred grams (4) ____________ beef. He wants to buy something, too. He wants a
(5) ____________ of chocolates and some fruit juice. Lemon juice is (6) ____________ favorite drink. It is a
healthy drink.
1. a. to buy b. buys c. buy
2. a. go b. goes c. to go
3. a. cup b. packet c. bottle
4. a. in b. of c. on
5. a. box b. bottle c. tube
6. a. her b. he c. his
V. Write
A. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning.
8. I want some apples. I’d .......................................................................................
9. What’s your favorite food? What food ............................................................................
10. How many kilos of rice do you need? How much ...........................................................................
11. How much rice does she want? How much rice would ...........................................................
B. Put the words in the correct order.
1. Hoa / like / what / lunch / would / for / ?
2. He / likes / does / not / noodles /.
3. many / want / she / does / How / oranges / ?
4. like / I would / lemon juice / of / a glass / .
5. some / at / They / the moment / milk / drink /.
Lớp 7 – unit 11
(Duy trì sức khỏe, giữ cho khỏe mạnh)

 check

 normally

 return

 heavily

Height (n) : chiều cao

 High = tall (adj) : cao
length (n) : chiều dài
 long (adj) : dài
depth (n) : chiều sâu
 deep (adj) : sâu
width (n) : chiều rộng
 wide (adj) : rộng
weight (n) : trọng lượng, sức nặng
 heavy (adj) : nặng
A. _____________ The nurse wieghed Hoa.

B. _____________ Hoa returned to the waiting room.

C. _____________ Hoa left the waiting room.

D. _____________ The nurse called Hoa's name.

E. _____________ The nurse measured Hoa.

F. _____________ Hoa filled in her medical record.

G. _____________ The nurse took Hoa's temperature.

H. _____________The nurse told Hoa to go back to the waiting room.


2. HOW + ADJ = what ‘s + N of

Chiều cao

Cân nặng

Độ dài

Độ sâu

Độ rộng



(+) S + had better / 'd better

(-) S + had better /'d better + not
(?) Should + S +
tire (v) làm mệt
tired (adj) mệt

 outside
 in
 out

 absence

 first semester
 second semester

 drug

 ≠ appear
 disappearance
 ≠ appearance

 prevention
A. Why didn't Lan go to school yesterday?


B. What was wrong with her?


C. What does Mr. Tan tell Lan to do?


D. What did the doctor say about Lan's problems?


E. Who wrote Lan's sick note.


A. Why do we call the 'common'?


B. What are the symptoms of the common cold?


C. Is there a cure for the common cold?


D. Do cold cures work? What do they do?


E. How can you help prevent a cold?


❖ NOTE: Động từ HAVE ngoài ý nghĩa có, nó còn diễn đạt một số triệu chứng bệnh lý. Nếu động từ
HAVE mang nghĩa bị bệnh ta không dùng thì tiếp diễn.

* I have a headache. (NOT I am having a headache.)

Ex: (1) Have a headache : bị đau đầu

(2) Have a pain : bị đau nhức
(3) Have a virus : nhiễm vi rút
(4) Have a running nose : bị sổ mũi
(5) Have a slight fever : bị sốt nhẹ
(6) Have a backache : bị đau lưng


I. Write sentences with “Would you + V1… ”
Ex: open your mouth. Would you open your mouth, please?
1. Get on the scales ..................................................................................................
2. Show me the waiting room. ..................................................................................................
3. Pay me in cash ..................................................................................................
4. Pass me the newspaper ..................................................................................................
5. Put this picture on the wall ..................................................................................................
6. Take me a photograph ..................................................................................................
II. Make questions with “How + Adjective” .
1. tall/ he?// one meter 50 centimeters
2. heavy/ Hoa?// 40 kilos
3. high/these buildings?// over 150 meters
4. long/ your dress?//140 centimeters
5. deep/ the lake?// about 5 meters
6. wide/ the table?// 80 centimeters
7. much/ the shoes?// eighty thousand dong
8. thick/ your dictionary?//18 centimeters
9. old/ your father? // 45 years old.
10. big / your house ? // about 160 square meters.
III. Make questions and answers with “What”
Ex: his height/150 centimeters -» What is his heieht?
-» He is 150 centimeters
1. your age / ten
2. his weight / 45 kilos
3. your brother’s height / one meter seventy centimeters
4. the length of river / about 300 miles
5. the height of the wall / four meters
6. the depth of the lake / about five meters
7. the width of cloth/ one meter sixty centimeters.
8. The length of the table / two meters
IV. Rewrite the following sentences with “Had Better”.
1. Linh shouldn’t stay up late
2. You should do morning exercise regularly
3. She has a headache. I advised her to take some aspirin
4. I advised him to have regular meals
I. Put an accent mark over the stress syllable.
absent disappear disease measure temperature
follow medical virus common prevent
II. Choose the best answers.
1. ____________ you open your mouth, please? (Would/ Could/ Can/ Do)
2. He will be back ____________ a few minutes. (at/in / when /on)
3. What was wrong ____________ you? (about/to/with /on)
4. ____________ is a shop - where you can buy medicine. (Bakery /Bookstore / Shop/ Drugstore)
5. The patients are waiting ____________ the doctor. (for/to/with /on)
6. ____________ high are these trees? About 20 meters. (How/ What/ Where/ When)
7. ____________ Loan’s father repair this radio yesterday? (Was/Does / Were/Did)
8. You should ____________ your teeth after meals. (brush/ wash/ clean /eat)
9. He usually ____________ very hard before tests. (work / working / to work / works)
10. ____________ is his weight? - 52 kilos. (How / What / Why / When)
11. What was ____________ with her? (matter/ difficult/problem/ wrong)
12. People feel ____________ when they catch cold. (pleased/ unpleased/ unpleasant/ pleasant)
13. They are talking ____________ the principle. (to/for/ with/ of)
14. The different kinds of medicine can ____________ the symptoms. (help/ care/ prevent/ relieve)
15. I usually ____________ and sneeze when I have a cold, (catch/prevent/cough/disappear)
III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct.
1. The nurse told Hoa return to the waiting room.
A B C D ...................................................
2. Nam is so tired. He should takes a rest.
A B C D ...................................................
3. We had better not to smoke and drink wine.
A B C D ...................................................
4. Everybody knew the symptoms, but nobody knows a cure.
A B C D ...................................................
IV. Verb tenses or verb forms.
1. When I was a child, I always (walk) ____________ to school.
2. You (watch) ____________ the interesting show on the TV last night?
3. I (get) ____________ up so late, so I (not can) ____________ go to work on time.
4. I really (enjoy) ____________ our visit to Nha Trang last week.
5. I (cook) ____________ a meal for 10 people last night.
6. John never (drink) ____________ beer. He (not like) ____________ it.
7. Thanh (listen) ____________ to the radio at this time.
8. What (be) ____________ on the TV last night?
9. Don’t be worry! I (come) ____________ here on time.
10. She said to me (give) ____________ her a book.
V. Supply the correct forms of the words in the brackets.
1. Mrs. Loan’s daughter is having a ____________ check-up. (MEDICINE)
2. We need to know your ____________ , Minh. (WEIGH)
3. What is the ____________ of the river? (DEEP)
4. She tries to keep fit by ____________ every day. (JOG)
5. This map is very ____________ on our holiday. (USE)
6. This dictionary is the ____________ book that I have. (THICK)
7. My aunt is a ____________ . She makes lots of nice clothes. (DRESS)
8. I always know my ____________ . (MEASURE)
VI. Fill the blanks with the suitable words.
Lan doesn’t feel very well, so she doesn’t go to school today. She had an (1)____________ , her right
ear is hurt. The earache (2) ____________ on Sunday afternoon after going to watch a football match. The
weather in the (3) ____________ winter at that time was so cold, but she (4)____________ a hat. After she
came back, her ear began hurting. Her dad took her to the doctor (5) ____________ her ear. He said: “ when
your head (6) ____________ so cold, your ear will be hurt, the reason why you should wear a hat in the cold
1. a. stomachache b. earache c. sore throat d. headache
2. a. started b. starts c. finished d. finishes
3. a. nearly b. lately c. early d. lovely
4. a. had no b. did not have c. no had d. A and B are correct
5. a. for checking b. for check c. to checking d. to check
6. a. gets b. takes c. has d. catches
A. Rewrite sentences using the clues given.
1. The nurse / tell / Hoa / go back / the waiting room.
2. She / forget / do / her homework yesterday.
3. They / buy / lots of / souvenir / their parents yesterday.
4. Jacky / go / see / the doctor / because / he / have / a stomachache.
5. What / happen / you / yesterday?
B. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.
1. How heavy were you last year?
What ................................................................................................................................................
2. What was wrong with her?
What ................................................................................................................................................
3. How long is the River Nile?
What ................................................................................................................................................
4. What is his weight?
How .................................................................................................................................................
5. How old is your father?
What ................................................................................................................................................
I. Put an accent mark over the stress syllable.
relieve disappear prevent semester disease
symptom medicine common stomach headache
II. Choose the correct words or phrases.
1. Where were you ____________ , Loan?
a. today b. two day ago c. yesterday d. last weeks
2. You ____________ come to school two days ago.
a. don’t b. doesn’t c. won’t d. didn’t
3. I feel OK, but I’m ____________ tired.
a. less b. little c. a few d. fewer
4. There is only one disease ____________ common: the common cold.
a. calls b. called c. call d. X
5. You ____________ stay inside at recess. The weather is awful today.
a. should b. must c. ought to d. A and C correct
6. Were you ever absent from school last semester? ____________
a. Yes, I were b. Yes, I wasn’t c. No, I wasn’t d. No, I was
7. Everyone ____________ the symptoms: a runny nose, a slight fever, ____________ and sneezing.
a. knows/coughing b. know/cough c. knows/coughs d. knew/coughed
8. The cold is very ____________ but ____________ knows a cure
a. pleasant/ everybody b. unpleasant/nobody
c. unpleasant/everybody d. pleased/ nobody
9. At the drugstore, there are usually shelves ____________ cold ‘cures’.
a. for b. in c. on d. with
10. The medicines don’t ____________ a cold but they do relieve the symptoms.
a. cures b. cure c. relieve d. relieves
11. Whatever you do, your cold will last ____________ a few days and then .
a. for/appear b. for/disappeared c. for/disappear d. for/ appeared
12. How can you help prevent a cold? Eat ____________ , exercise and you T1 be fit and
____________ .
a. good/X b. good/healthy c. well/heath d. well/healthy
13. At the ____________ , there are usually shelves with cold “cures”.
a. food store b. drugstore c. bookstore d. toy store
14. What is your ____________ , Lan? - I’m 45 kilos.
a. height b. tall c. weight d. heavy
15. Would you get ____________ the scales, please?
a. on b. in c. at d. of
16. She is a nurse. She looks ____________ sick people.
a. after b. on c. at d. to
III. Identify mistakes.
1. The Great Wall of China is nine meters in thick.
A B C D ...................................................
2. Marry staying at home because of sickness.
A B C D ...................................................
3. You should to avoid getting wet and chilled, or you will catch cold.
A B C D ...................................................
4. You should take part on sports instead of watching.
A B C D ...................................................
5. I want asking you a few questions before I start
A B C D ...................................................
IV. Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. What a ____________ dress! Did you make it yourself? (LOVE)
2. Loan has a lot of stamps in her ____________ . (COLLECT)
3. She’s always ____________ about her children. (WORRY)
4. Smoking isn’t very good for your ____________ . (HEALTHY)
5. ____________ is good to keep fit. (SWIM)
6. The trip is ____________ to me. (BORE)
7. Please take care of ____________ carefully. (YOU)
8. She seems ____________ because of the cold. (TIRE)
A. Fill the blanks with the suitable words.
Jogging has become (1) ____________ today. Every morning you can see hundreds of people go
(2)____________ sidewalks or in parks. Jogging helps fat people lose (3) ____________ , make the heart
stronger and feel better about themselves. At first, you (4) ____________ jog very slowly and increase your
(5) ____________ after some time of practice. Remember to have a good pair of shoes to (6) ____________
your feet.
1. a. important b. popular c. unpopular d. very
2. a. in b. of c. on d. over
3. a. weight b. height c. depth d. width
4. a. can b. must c. will d. should
5. a. far b. distance c. near d. nearer
6. a. protect b. to protect c. protecting d. protected
B. Read the passage then choose True or False.
There is only one disease called common: the common cold. We call it the common cold because every
year millions of people catch it.
Everybody knows the symptoms: a runny nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing. It is very
unpleasant, but nobody knows a cure.
Medicines called cold "cures" don’t cure a cold, but they do relieve the symptoms. Whatever you do, your
cold will last for a few days and then disappear.
1. Every year hundreds of people catch the cold. ..........................................
2. Someone knows how to cure the common cold. ..........................................
3. Medicines called cold "cures" can relieve the symptoms. ..........................................
4. After few days, the cold will not appear any more. ..........................................
VI. Use the correct tenses.
1. Where you (go) ____________ yesterday?
2. He (be) ____________ always on time.
3. My mother (stay) ____________ up late last night.
4. Lan (practice) ____________ French everyday
5. John (do) ____________ a lot of work last Sunday.
6. Mr. Pike (come) ____________ here tomorrow?
7. Who (go) ____________ with your father on the next trip?
8. My grandparents (watch) ____________ TV every night.
9. I (learn) ____________ (play) ____________ piano last year.
10. Sally (wear) ____________ a nice dress today.
A. Rewrite sentences , using the cues given.
1. Linh / not go / school / last Wednesday / because / she / have / bad cold.
2. Students / fill / medical records / and / give / the nurse.
3. We / call / “common” / because every year, / millions / people / the world / catch it.
4. Would you like / go/ swim / me, Nam?
5. I / eat / lot of / ice cream / yesterday.
6. Why / Minh / go / the dentist / last week?
B. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.
1. She is 150 centimeters tall.
Her ...................................................................................................................................................
2. How much is this shirt?
What ................................................................................................................................................
3. She is a good English speaker.
She speaks .......................................................................................................................................
4. How old is David’s teacher?
What is .............................................................................................................................................
5. How thick is the dictionary?
What is .............................................................................................................................................
6. What is the length of this house?
How .................................................................................................................................................
I. Put an accent mark over the stress syllable.
absent common headache unpleasant careful
relieve runny fever harvest remember
II. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct.
1. Last night, I forget to brush my teeth.
A B C D ..........................................
2. When I am six, I played the piano.
A B C D ..........................................
3. How weight is Nga? - Nga is 36 kilos.
A B C D .........................................
4. It say on her medical record that she is 40 kilos.
A B C D ..........................................
III. Choose the correct answers.
1. The nurse told Hoa ____________ to the waiting room.
a. return b. returning c. to return d. returned
2. What would you like, coke or orange juice?
a. yes, please b. coke, please. c. no, thanks. d. no coke for me
3. He is a careless rider. He always rides ____________ .
a. careless b. carefully c. carelessly d. careful
4. Are you scared ____________ seeing the dentist.
a. of b. on c. off d. with
5. ____________ is a condition of the body when it is too hot because of illness.
a. cold b. fever c. cough d. headache
6. If you eat a lot of onions, you won’t ____________ cold.
a. keep b. lose c. give d. catch
7. Hoa ate a lot of food, fruit and cakes, so she had a ____________ .
a. sore eye b. headache c. stomachache d. earache
8. You’d better stay ____________ at recess because you had a bad cold.
a. beside b. along c. outside d. inside
9. You must give a ____________ to your teacher when you’re absent from class.
a. medical form b. temperature c. scales d. sick note
10. Remember ____________ your teeth after meals.
a. brush b. brushing c. to brush d. brushes
11. You can go back to the waiting room.
a. follow b. return c. get on d. stand
12. What is your surname?
a. middle b. full c. family name d. forename
13. She was sick, but now she feels ____________ again
a. best b. good c. well d. good at
14. I hate the ____________ of the drill at the dentist’s.
a. noise b. voice c. sound d. music
15. The doctor gave him the ____________ for his flu.
a. descriptions b. check-up c. permission d. sick note
1. I (be) ____________ a doctor next year.
2. John (go) ____________ to his science club last Sunday? - No, he didn’t.
3. Uncle George (watch) ____________ TV every night. Yesterday, he (watch) ____________ TV
because there (be) ____________ an exciting football match on TV. Now he (watch) ____________ a
good film on his small TV.
4. We (paint) ____________ the house last summer.
5. Yesterday, Loan (have) ____________ a medical check-up. She (fill) ____________ in the record and
(wait) ____________ in the waiting room.
6. Sally (take) ____________ David’s temperature at present?
7. What (happen) ____________ to Lan yesterday?
8. Yesterday, I (not go) ____________ because I was sick.
9. She usually (get) ____________ up early (do) ____________ morning exercise.
10. I want you (go) ____________ out and (buy) ____________ a book for me.
V. Fill the blanks with the suitable words.
Everyone suffer from the common cold at sometimes or other. It’s not a (1) ____________ illness, but
people spend a lot of money on medicine. The medicine can only (2) ____________ the symptoms. That is,
it can make you cough less, make you feel better and stop your nose (3) ____________ for a while. So far,
there is (4) ____________ cure for the common cold and no medicine to (5) ____________ it. People also
drink a lot of hot water with sugar, lemon juice. It (6) ____________ provide them with a lot of vitamin C.
1. a. worried b. nervous c. serious d. delicious
2. a. cure b. relieve c. affect d. heat
3. a. run b. to run c. running d. to running
4. a. no b. not c. none d. not any
5. a. catch b. relieve c. last d. prevent
6. a. takes b. gives c. makes d. helps
VI. Supply the correct forms of the words in the brackets.
1. Where is Hoa? - She is sitting in the ____________ room. (WAIT)
2. What is the __________ of this tower. (HIGH)
3. You should do exercise ____________ to keep fit. (REGULAR)
4. You must keep your teeth clean by ____________ them every day. (BRUSH)
5. The trip to the countryside is ____________ . (EXCITE)
6. These students filled in the ____________ records. (MEDICINE)
7. ____________ ,she goes to school on time. (LUCKY)
8. It ____________ takes me 10 minutes to travel to work. (NORMAL)
A. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.
1. How long is the Red River?
What ................................................................................................................................................
2. What is the depth of the Pacific Ocean?
How .................................................................................................................................................
3. I forgot to close the window before going to bed.
I did not ...........................................................................................................................................
4. What is your height?
How .................................................................................................................................................
5. How heavy is Loan’s father?
What ................................................................................................................................................
6. What is her weight?
How much ........................................................................................................................................
B. Reorder the given words to make sentences.
1. Filled in / gave them / Nga and Lan / their / to / and / medical records / the nurse/.
Nga ..................................................................................................................................................
2. do relieve / These medicine / they /, but / a cold / don’t cure/ the symptoms/.
These ...............................................................................................................................................
3. Terrible / should stay / the weather / because today /, you / inside / is / at recess /.
Because today .................................................................................................................................
4. White / a terrible / red / and my face / because / is / my nose / have /1 / is / cold /.
My ...................................................................................................................................................
5. Usually / at / there are / the drugstore / cold ‘cures’/ are / shelves with /.
At ....................................................................................................................................................
6. didn’t write / My mom / for me /,but /1 / a sick note / it / from / had / the doctor /.
My ...................................................................................................................................................
Lớp 8 – unit 11
1. The Temple of Literature (n): Văn Miếu 2. harbor (n) : cảng, bến
3. around (prep) : khắp, đó đây 7. sugar cane (n) : cây mía
4. airport (n) : phi trường, sân bay 8. photo (n) (= photograph): ảnh, hình
5. crop (n) : vụ, mùa màng, cây nông -» to take a photo (of sb/th): chụp ảnh
nghiệp 9. luggage (n) : hành lý
6. com (n) : ngô, bắp 10. farmland (n): đất trồng trọt, chăn nuôi
11. vegetarian (adj) : ăn chay, chay 13. revolutionary (adj) : thuộc cách mạng
12. except (prep) : trừ ra, không kể 14. botanical garden (n): vườn bách thảo
15. sights (pl.n) : cảnh đẹp, thắng cảnh 33. mountainous (adj) : có nhiều núi
16. institute (n): viện (nghiên cứu), học viện 34. slope (n) : dốc, đường dốc
-» Oceanic Institute (n) : Viện hải dương học -» mountain slope (n): dốc núi, sườn núi
17. offshore (adj) : ngoài khơi 35. jungle (n) : rừng
18. island (n) : hòn đảo 36. stream (n) : dòng suối, khe suối
19. giant (adj) : to lớn, khổng lồ 37. bay (n) : vịnh
20. Buddha (n) : Đức Phật 38. to recognize (v) : công nhận, nhận ra
21. accommodation (n) : chỗ ở, chỗ trọ -» recognition (n) : sự công nhận
22. selection (n) : sự chọn lựa 39. heritage (n) : di sản
23. arrivas (n) : (sự, nơi) đến 40. site (n) : địa điểm
24. departure (n) : (sự, nơi) khởi hành 41. cave (n) : hang động
25. daily (adj, adv) : hàng ngày 42. magnificent (adj) : lộng lẫy, nguy nga
26. northern (adj) : về hướng bắc 43. limestone (n) : đá vôi
27. Southern (adj) : về hướng nam 44. sand (n) : cát
28. destination (n) : điểm đến 45. various (adj) : khác nhau, nhiều loại
29. eternal (adj) : bất diệt 46. attraction (n) : địa điểm du lịch
30. railway (n) : đường sắt 47. to sunbathe (v) : tắm nắng
31. waterfall (n) : thác nước 48. florist (n) : người bán hoa
32. tribal (adj) : thuộc về bộ tộc, bộ lạc 49. to import (v) : nhập khẩu
-» tribe (n) : bộ tộc, bộ lạc -» to export (v) : xuất khẩu
50. to paddle (v) : chèo (xuồng) 55. to rescue (v) : giải thoát, cứu
-» paddle (n) : mái chèo -» rescue (n): sự giải thoát, sự cứu nguy
51. canoe (n) : ca-nô, xuồng 56. stumble (v) : vấp, sẩy chân
52. hire (v) : thuê mướn 57. go off (v) : reo, kêu (đồng hồ)
53. lean over (v) : nhoài người 58. realize (v) : nhận thấy, nhận ra
54. overturn (v) : lật úp 59. pool (n) : vũng nước
1. PARTICIPLE (phân từ)
a. Present participle: (Hiện tại phân từ)
* Form:
V - ing
* Use: A present participle (phrase) can be used as an adjectives to quality a noun with active meaning (nghĩa
chủ động)
* Model: The man going up the stairs is Mr. Quang

(Pressent participe phrase)

Ex: (1) The man is my teacher. He is standing over there.

(2) Students attend this school. They have to wear uniform.
b. Past Participlc: (Quá khứ phân từ)
* Form:
V3 – Ved
* Use: A past participle (phrase) can be used as an adjective to quality a noun with passive meaning (nghĩa bị
* Model: The old lamp made in China is 5 dollars

(Past participle phrase)

Ex: (1) The toys are cheap. They are made in China.
(2) Marie now is in the hospital. She was injured in a serious accident.

Would / Do you mind + ?

- Dùng để yêu cầu người khác làm việc gì một cách lịch sự.
Ex: (1) Would / Do you mind closing the window? = Please close the window.
(2) Would / Do you mind not smoking? = Please don’t smoke.

Do you mind if + S + …………….. + ...?

Would you mind if + S + …………….. + ...?
Dùng để hỏi xin phép một cách lịch sự.
Ex: (1) Would you mind if I opened the window?
(2) Do you mind if she smokes

No, of course not. / No, I don’t mind. (không, I’d rather you didn’t. / I’d prefer you didn't. (tốt
không sao) hơn là không nên)

No, please do./ please go ahead. I‘m sorry I can‘t. / I’m too busy.
(không, cứ tự nhiên)
I’m sorry that's not possible. (rất tiếc, điều đó là
Not at all. (không có chi) không thể)

Ex: (1) Would you mind if I used your cell phone? - No, please do.
(2) Do you mind if I watch TV? - I’d rather you didn’t.

I. Choose the right adjective.
1. Are you (interesting / interested) ____________ in art?
2. It’s sometimes (embarrassing/ embarrassed) ____________ when you have to ask people for money.
3. I enjoy the football match. It was quite (exciting / excited)____________ .
4. It was really (terrified / terrifying) ____________ experience. Afterwards, everyone was (shocking/
shocked)____________ .
5. I was never expected to be offered the job. I was really (amazing / amazed) ____________ when I was offered
6. I enjoy the book. It was very (interesting / interested)____________ .
7. They were (shocking / shocked) ____________ when they heard the news.
8. I thought the story was quite (amusing / amused)____________ .
9. We were very (surprised/ surprising)____________ that he didn’t come to the meeting.
10.1 usually And football rather (boring / bored)____________ .
II. Supply the correct participles of the verbs in brackets.
1. Who’s the girl (talk) ____________ to William?
2. Most of the people (invite) ____________ to the party didn’t tum up.
3. The plays (write) ____________ by Shakespeare are still loved by millions of ____________ people.
4. The buses (run) ____________ along this route are all new.
5. The oranges (buy) ____________ by my mother were sweet.
6. She wore a skirt (make) ____________ of cotton.
7. The singer (perform) ____________ on TV last night is my favorite one.
8. The boys (play) ____________ soccer in that field are our friends.
9. Diary Products (sell) ____________ in this shop are safe for our health.
10. The old lady (stand) ____________ in front of our house is our grandmother.
HI. Use “Would/Do you mind + V-ing ...? and Would/do you mind if I...?” to make these requests more
1. Can I tum on the TY?
2. Can you correct this composition for me?
3. Can I take a photo of your study comer?
4. Can I give some advice on your study habits?
5. Can you play the tape once more?
6. Can I borrow your dictionary?
7. Could I have a look at your homework?
8. Could you tell me how to learn English at school?
9. Can I use your computer for one hour?
10. Could you solve this math problem for me?
IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form.
1. Would you mind if I (take) ____________ a photo?
2. Do you mind if he (ride) ____________ your motorbike?
3. Would you mind (buy) ____________ me some vegetables for dinner?
4. Would you mind (open) ____________ the window?
5. Do you mind if we (get) ____________ a taxi to town?
6. Would you mind (help) ____________ her to finish her work?
7. Would you mind if I (stay) ____________ with you for a week?
8. Do you mind if my friends (join) ____________ in our trip?
9. Would you mind if she (ask) ____________ you for some information?
10. Would you mind (take) ____________ these books home?
V. Supply the correct participles of the verbs in brackets.
1. The bags (hang) ____________ on the wall are our team’s.
2. The man (talk) ____________ to your teacher is my uncle.
3. The cars (make) ____________ in Japan are very economical.
4. The students are copying the words (write) ____________ on the blackboard.
5. The trees (stand) ____________ in front of our house were planted by our grandmother.
6. The story (tell) ____________ by the teacher is interesting.
7. A person (watch) ____________ television is called a television viewer.
8. The students discussed the problems (cause) ____________ by pollution.

VI. Combine the two sentences into one, using PRESENT PARTICIPLE or PAST PARTICIPLE.
1. There’s a girl. She is crying over there.
2. Most of the people were old friends. They were invited to the reception.
3. Who’s the man? He is dancing with your sister.
4. My family is living in a house. The house was built in 2004.
5. A new factory has just opened in our town. It employs more than 200 workers.
6. Do you know the woman? The woman is talking to Tom.
7. The window has been repaired. It was broken last night.
8. A bridge has been declared unsafe. It was built only 2 years ago.
9. “Romeo and Juliet” is the best tragedy I’ve ever seen. It was written by Sheakpears.
10. The road is very narrow. It joins the two villages.
I. Choose the word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
1. Before ____________ for work, I ate breakfast.
a. leave b. leaving c. to leave d. left
2. Would you mind if I ____________ the phone?
a. use b. will use c. am going to use d. used
3. ____________ is a stream or river that falls from a height.
a. Lake b. Waterfall c. Bay d. Island
4. I couldn’t find a guide-book in English.
a. written b. write c. writes d. writing
5. The road ____________ down the sea is very rough.
a. goes b. going c. to go d. gone
6. Would you mind ____________ the window?
a. to close b. closed c. closing d. close
7. This is the first time she ____________ rice paddies.
a. will see b. sees c. saw d. has seen
8. We finally arrived at our ____________ late that evening.
a. destination b. arrival c. departure d. Journey
9. The animal ____________ in the forest fire was a wild pig.
a. hurt b. hurted c. hurts d. hurting
10. He picked the phone as soon as it rang.
a. on b. in c. up d. of
*Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
11. a. canoe b. florist c. luggage d. garden
12. a. water b. sunbathe c. tribal d. prefer
II. Choose the words or phrases that need correcting.
1. I was disappointing by the play. I expected it to be better.
A B C D ............................
2. She enjoys to be able to meet a lot of interesting people during her vacation.
A B C D............................

3. My brother has done his homework in his room for a quarter past eight.
A B C D ............................
4. The film is very interested. We love it so much.
A B C D ............................
III. Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. Nha Trang is ____________ almost all the year round. (SUN)
2. Da Lat is ____________ for its waterfalls, lakes and flower garden. (FAME)
3. Could you give me some ____________ about the journey? (INFORM)
4. Andrew studies ____________ around the world. (TRIBAL)
5. I want to visit some ____________ villages. (TRIBE)
6. Oceania Hotel in Phan Thiet is ____________ comfortable. (WONDERFUL)
7. Nha Trang is well-known for its sand beaches and its ____________ buildings. (CULTURE)
8. Lan’s sister is a ____________ . She owns a flower shop in town. (FLOWER)
IV. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. We talked about (get) ____________ a new car.
2. “Romeo and Juliet” written by Shakespeare is the best tragedy I (ever / see) ____________
3. The teacher (talk) ____________ to the principle is our form teacher.
4. She didn’t know how (run)____________ this machine, so she asked me (help) ____________ her.
5. you (post) ____________ the letter for me yet?
6. Would you mind if I (borrow) ____________ your bike?
7. Could you tell me when the train (leave) ____________ and where (huy) ____________ ticket?
8. We live in a village (call) ____________ Alford.
V. Read the passage carefully. Then decide whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.
Hue is the ancient imperial Capital of Vietnam during the time of the Nguyên Dynasty (1802-1945). It is
comfortably reached by plane or train from Hanoi. But it takes up to 14 hours to get to Hue from Hanoi if you travel by
On the South bank of the famous Huong River, opposite the Ancient Citadel and around the Le Loi and Hung Vuong
Streets is where the majority of Hue’s hotels, restaurants and tourist Services are located and this makes it easy for you
to find everything you will need to maximize the enjoyment stay in the Imperial City.
Many people hire motorcycles or bicycles to visit the historical sights and monuments there but it is possible to walk,
or to take a taxi or cycloid, too.
imperial (adj) : (thuộc) hoàng đế Dynasty (n) : triều đại
majority (n) : phần lớn locate (v) : nằm ở
maximize (v) : làm tăng lên đến mức tối đa
True or False?
1. Hue can be reached by plane or train from Hanoi. ............................
2. It takes half a day to go from Ha Noi to Hue by plane. ............................
3. Hue used to be the imperial Capital of Vietnam. ............................
4. Most of Hue’s hotels and restaurants are on the South bank of the Huong River. ............................
5. What is the topic of this passage?
a. Nguyen Dynasty b. The ancient Capital of Vietnam
c. Huong River d. The ancient Citadel
6. How do people visit the historical sights and monuments?
a. by motorbikes or bikes b. take a taxi or cycle
c. on foot d. all are correct
VI. Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.
Why (1) ____________ you go to Da Lat for your holiday next year? I went there last week. It was
(2)____________ ! We (3) ____________ fresh fruits and vegetables every day. We (4) ____________ visited many
beautiful gardens. There were lots of other things (5) ____________ . We played golf or went for walks in the woods.
One day we hired bicycles and visited a lake. We had a picnic there. Then in the evenings there was a disco. We danced
all night! It wasn’t (6) ____________ and we had a fantastic time! Did you have a good holiday too?
1. a. do b. don’t c. did d. didn’t
2. a. great b. wonderful c. fantastic d. all are correct
3. a. eat b. will eat c. ate d. are eating
4. a. also b. too c. either d. neither
5. a. do b. to do c. doing d. to doing
6. a. cheap b. expensive c. interesting d. famous
VII. Rewrite the following sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first.
1. Can you open the window, please?
Would you mind ...............................................................................................................................................
2. Is it all right if I close the door?
Do you mind ....................................................................................................................................................
3. The streets are very wide. They are bordered with shops.
4. The man is my uncle. He wrote this poem.
5. The tennis match was boring.
We were ..........................................................................................................................................................
VIII. Rearrange words to make full sentences.
1. moved / the water / and down / the canoe / up /.
2. to blow / heavier / and the rain / became / the wind / started /.
3. and / tried / Shannon / leaned over / it / up / to pick /.
4. the deep / water / fell into / the canoe / and everyone / and dangerous / overturned /.
5. them / a / and rescue / boat / appeared /.

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