Gita Subodhini Module 9

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Gita Subodhinidhini Module # 9

Sloka # 3.27, 3.37

Please recite these verses and then read translation of each verse verse by verse
as the discussion progresses.

some of the points of discussion

- a person think that he is doer.
- give example of weitght lifter: a persno when he was young was able to do so many
things, in old age he will not be able to do so many things, if the person is same,
and the strength is of his own then why in old age he cannot do? it implies that
strength is given by someone else.
- give more example of empowerment by the lord.
- a traffic police may able to stop a vehicle just by showing hand, but if any
layman shows hand the vehicles will not stop, traffic police has empowerment by
government hence it happens, similarly we are acting in this world because we are
empowered by lord, foolishly we think that we are doers.
- give more examples from your own way

- Kama & Kroda - makes a person sinful
- give examples - Ravana,
- The explaination of BG 2.62-2.63
- Originally we have Love, but when in material contact it becomes Lust
- explain the verse
ātmendriya-prīti-vāñchā—tāre bali ‘kāma’
kṛṣṇendriya-prīti-icchā dhare ‘prema’ nāma
The desire to gratify one’s own senses is kāma [lust], but the desire to please the
senses of Lord Kṛṣṇa is prema [love].

- Transform Lust to Love is the solution.

give time for questions.

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