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Activity 1: Assessment Scenarios (3 points each)
What is the purpose of assessment shown in the following assessment settings?
Select form the options below. Write a short explanation why it is so.
a. Assessment as a selection or placement
b. Assessment as instruction and providing feedback
c. Assessment as determining what learners need to learn next
d. Assessment as diagnosing learners’ difficulties and misconceptions
e. Assessment as determining progress along a developmental continuum
f. Assessment as program evaluation or accountability

1. A twelve-year-old out of school youth who stop during the fourth grade took a test given
by the department of education to go back to formal schooling. The test determines the
grades or year level appropriate for the learner.
g. The test given is an Assessment as a selection or placement

2. Every year, a national normed assessment is given to grade 3 pupils in English, math
and science.


3. The teacher returned a student’s math worksheet with written comments. The teacher’s
remarks consist of a compliment and a correction. An explanation was provided
concerning what the student did correctly and incorrectly, what was accurate and in
accurate in the student’s work.
4. A math teacher gives a test towards the end of the unit. He /she will use the test items
as a starting point for discussion of conceptual problems revealed by the test.


5. An English teacher regularly assesses students’ skills by using probes which are brief,
easily-administered, measures. The teacher then graphs changes in the number of
correct words per minute (reading) and compare each student’s growth to the rate of
improvement needed to meet learning goals.

6. A Technology and Livelihood Education teacher I teaching ICT to his students. Through
oral questioning, he asked several students about the use of the internet in searching for
information and the computer file system. He also provided a short computer exercise.
After confirming what the students know and can do, the teacher proceeded to the next
segment-how to download files from the internet.


Determine the role of assessment in the given scenarios. Was assessment used for
Placement, Formative, diagnostic or summative purpose/How was the information used?
Explain your answer: (5 points each)
1.A group of Science teachers analyzed the results of the national achievement test given to
Grade 6 Pupils. Most of their students obtained low scores in science. They learned further that
their students had difficulty with items about physical and chemical changes, forms and uses of
energy and motion. They thought of a professional development project that focuses on
introducing pedagogical innovations particularly in teaching the said topics. After two years, they
saw a marked improvement in the performance if their students in the national test particularly in
Science items about forms of matter, energy and motion.

2.For the entire session, a social Studies teacher emphasized the importance of human rights in
nation building. Towards the end of the period, he handed each student a piece of paper and
posed a question: “What happens if human rights violations go unchecked?” The teacher made
used of the “exit ticket “strategy to see what students have learned at the end of the lesson. The
students wrote their answers to the question and submitted them to the teacher at the end of the
period upon leaving. After reading his students’ responses, he starts planning for the next

3. Ms. Jimenez suspected that one of her pupils has limited reading skills. To help the learners,
she needed to identify the specific areas with which the child struggles. Is the child impaired in
one or more of the following components: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary
and comprehension? To answer her questions, she gave the learners an assessment. Upon
ascertaining that the child has difficulty in phonics, that teacher thought of using an analogic
approach to teach phonics.

4.Every month, teachers in a private high school give an interim Math test to check on student
progress any student who obtains a score below the cut off score of 75 is invited to attend a
special class for additional instruction. however, if the students obtain a ‘fail’ score in two or
more occasion, the student is enjoined to attend the special class.
TASK 2: INTERVIEW (30 points)
Suppose you are a new teacher in the public or private high school. Interview a seasoned
teacher in the secondary level. Ask him /her about the kind of information he/she needs and
how he /she utilizes the information to make decisions concerning his/her instruction and
preparation of teaching and learning activities. Below is an interview guide.

What is your name? ______________________________________________
How long have you been teaching? __________________________________
What subject are you teaching? _____________________________________
What classes are you handling this school year? ________________________
Guide Questions:
How do you gather information about students in terms of their knowledge, skills and values?
What assessment tools do you use?

When do you conduct assessment?

How do you utilize the information in your profession?

How does assessment help you become more effective teacher?

ACTIVITY 1: SEQUENCING (1 point each)

The taxonomies of Cognitive, psychomotor and Affective Domains have

levels called vignette.
Arrange the learning competencies using the hierarchy from lowest to
Domain Cognitive
Topic A. Quadratic Equations
_ (a) Solve quadratic equations by factoring.
_ (b) Describe a quadratic equation.
_ (c) compare the four methods of solving quadratic equations.
_ (d) Differentiate a quadratic equation from other types of equations in
terms of forms and degree.
_ (e) Formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equations.
_ (f) Examine the nature of roots of a quadratic equation.

Domain: Cognitive
Topic B: Mechanical Energy
_ (a) Decide whether the total mechanical energy remains the same
during a certain process.
_ (b) Create a device that shows conservation of mechanical energy.
_ (c) State the law of conservation of energy.
_ (d) Explain energy transformation in various activities or events.
_ (e) Perform activities to demonstrate conservation of mechanical
_ (f) Determine the relationship among the kinetic, gravitational potential
and total mechanical energies of mass at any point between maximum
potential energy and maximum kinetic energy.

Domain: Psychomotor
Topic C: Basic Sketching
_ (a) Watch how tools are selected and used in sketching.
_ (b) Create a design using combinations of lines, curves and
_ (c) Draw various lines, curves and shapes.
_ (d) Set the initial drawing position.

Domain: Affective
Topic D Short story
_ (a) Write down important details of the short story pertaining to
character setting and events.
_ (b) Share inferences, through the feelings based on the short story.
_ (c) Relate story events to personal experience.
_ (d) Read carefully the short story.
_ (e) Examine thoughts on the issues raised in the short story.

ACTIVITY 2: MATHCHING ( 2points each)

Before you can match the appropriate assessment method to a learning outcome, you
have to be familiar with the types of assessment methods and activities.
Match the description in column A with the correct methods in column B. Write the letter
of the correct answer before the item number
Column A
Column B
___1. Student writes a restricted or extended response
to open-minded question. a. Brief-constructed response
___2. Teacher monitors students’ behavior
in class as well as classroom climate. b. Essay
___3. Students evaluates his/her performance
at the learning outcome. c. Observation
___4. Students demonstrate his/her skills based
on authentic task. d. Oral question
___5. Student chooses a response provided by
the teacher or test developer. e. Performance assessment
___6. Students gives a short answer by
completing a statement or labelling diagram. c. Selected- response
d. Self- assessment
For each of the following situations, indicate which method provides
the best match. In determining the appropriate method, apply the Revised
Bloom’s Taxonomy. Justify your choice in one or two statements.

1. Mr. Dasas wants to know if his students can identify the different parts of a
2. Mr. Banquin wants to find out if his students can examine the quality of
education in the country.
3. Ms. Geronimo wants to check if her students can build a useful 3D object
using recycled materials.
4. Ms. de la cruz wants to determine if her Grade 1 pupils can write smoothly
and legibly.
5. Ms. Uy wants to check if her students can subtract two-digit numbers.
6. Ms. Alonsabe wants her students to think, write down and solve three
challenging situations where ration and proportion can be applied in real-life.
7. Mr. Balmeo needs to know if his students can construct a frequency
distribution table after he demonstrated the procedure.
8. Mrs. Dayao wants to see if her students have grasped the important
elements of the story before continuing on to the next instructional activity.

Activity 4: METHOD SELECTION (3 points each)

Outcomes assessment is helping in facilitating the alignment between student’s
performance and instruction. Data on student performance are collected based on
discrete outcomes in the course via an appropriate assessment method. This should be
done conscientiously. Misalignment will compromise the accuracy of the assessment
results and any ensuing interpretation will be suspect.

Determine if the following assessment methods and learning outcomes match. Explains
briefly in one or two sentences.

1.Outcome: Perform correlation and regression analysis on real-life problems

in different disciplines.
Assessment Method: Brief constructed-response
2.Outcome: Appreciate contemporary art forms found various regions.
Assessment Method: Students self-assessment

3.Outcome: Explain how fossil records, comparative anatomy and genetic

information provide evidence for evolution.
Assessment Methods: Essay

4.Outcome: Propose ways to enhance sports related to projectile motion.

Assessment Method: Selected-response

5.Outcome: Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that plants can

manufacture their own food.
Assessment Method: Performance assessment

6.Outcome: Demonstrate the generation of electricity by movement of a

magnet through a coil.
Assessment Method: Essay

7.Outcome Name the pictures that begin its name with a particular consonant.
Assessment Method: Oral Question

8.Outcome: Use verbs in simple present tense.

Assessment Method: Oral Question
9.outcome: Nakapgbibigay halimbawa ng pagtupad at hindi pagtupad ng
karapatan ng bawat kasapi mula sa serbisyo ng komunidad.
Assessment Method: Selected-response

10.Outcome: Listen perceptively to selected are songs and excerpts of opera.

Assessment Methods: Observation



Suppose you are the principal of a public high school. You received
complaints from students concerning their tests. Based on their
complaints, you decided to talk to the teachers concerned and offered
advice based on ethical standards. Write down your recommendations
citing specific aspects of ethics or fairness discussed in this chapter.

Scenario 1: Eight -grade students complained that their music teacher uses only
written tests as the sole method of assessment. They were not assessed on their
skills in signing or crafting musical melodies.
Scenario 2: Grade 7 students complained that they were not informed that there
is a summative test in Algebra
Scenario 3: Grade 7 students complained that they were not told what to study
for the mastery test. They were simply told to study and prepare for the test.
Scenario 4: Grade 9 students complained that there were questions in their
Science test on the last unit which was not discussed in class.

For each of the following, explain why the teacher’s action is deemed
unethical. Moreover, cite a section of the code of ethics that was violated to
support your answer

1. A social studies teacher gave an essay asking students to suggest ways to

improve the quality of education in the country. The teacher simply scanned
students’ answer and many of the students received the same score.
2. Grade 4 Technology and Livelihood Education teacher did not allot sufficient
time in teaching animal care, but instead focused on gardening, a topic which
he liked the most.
3. The teacher uses stigmatizing descriptions for students who are not able to
answer teacher’s questions during an initiation –response –evaluation
4. A grade school teacher deducted five points from a student’s test for his
misdemeanor in class
5. The teacher gave additional points to students who bought tickets for the
school play which was declared to be optional
6. Some students received an “incomplete” in the performances task due to
absence or other reasons. The teacher told them to acquire books in lieu of
the performance assessment.
7. A student approached the teacher during the summative test in Mathematics
to ask about a test item. The teacher reworded the test item and clarified the
test question.
8. The teacher excused foreign students from participating in the Linggo ng
Wika program.
Note: Please download CODE OF ETHICS FOR TEACHERS for references
Scenario-based/Problem Solving Learning
As an assessment expert, you were asked to advice on the following matters. Provide
your recommendations.
Scenario1: Ms. Loreto handles six Grade 5 classes in English. She would like to test
their skills in spelling. She has two options:
a) Oral spelling Test
The teacher pronounces each word out loud and the student write down each
b) Spelling Bee-type test
Each student is asked individually one- at- a- time to spell words out loud
In terms of practicality and efficiency, which one would you suggest? Why?

Scenario 2: Mr. Chua is preparing a final examination for his third year college students
in Philippine Government and Constitution scheduled two weeks from now. He is
handling six classes. He has no teaching assistant. He realized that after the final
examinations, he has three days to calculate the grade of his students. He is thinking of
giving extended response essays.

What advice would you give him? Which aspect of practicality and efficiency should he
prioritize? What type of assessment should he consider?


Scenario 3: Ms. Rodriguez will give an end of the year listening comprehension and
speaking test in English for her grade three pupils in Pampanga. She handles three
sections with 45 students. She meets the daily for 40-50 minutes. She has only on
teaching assistant.
a) Should the test be individually or group administered?
b) Should the directions, examples and prompts be in the mother tongue or in
English? Should these be spoken or written?
c) Should student answers and responses be in mother tongue or in English?
Spoken or written?
d) Should the method of scoring be based on counting the number of correct
answers, and or follow a holistic approach (one overall score) or analytic
approach (separate scores for each performance criterion)?
Give your recommendations in view of the principle of practicality and efficiency.


As the department head or principal, what action would you take on the
following matters? Provide your recommendations based on the principles of
validity and reliability.

Scenario 1: Mr. Roa taught the different elements and principles of art. After
instruction, he administered a test about prominent painters and sculptors in
the 20th century.

Would you recommend revisions? Why?


Scenario 2: In geometry class, the learners have to calculate perimeters and

areas of plane figures like triangles, quadrilaterals and circles. The teacher
decided to use alternative assessment rather than test. Students came up
with math portfolios containing their writings about geometry.

What would you tell the teacher? Why?

Scenario 3: There are two available assessment instruments to measure
English skills on grammar and vocabulary. Test A has a high validity but no
information concerning its reliability. Test B was tested to have a high
reliability index but no information about its validity.
Which one would you recommend? Explain briefly.



Assignment/Performance Task
Note: To be submitted on November 16,2020 on my email acct.
Text must be in Arial,12,long bond paper
DITRECTION: Craft a table of specification (Two way TOS with bloom’s
taxonomy) to any subject, grade level and grading period of your choice.
The number of items to be included in the test is 50. Further, No. of hours
for each content is to be determined by you.
For example: Science –Grade 8 -1st Quarter
After crafting the TOS or Table of Specification, you may proceed to the next
task/activity, the Selecting and Constructing of Test Items. The types of test
can be a multiple choice, identification, true or false, modified true or false
and other types of test which you think it will serve its purposes/objectives in
giving such assessment tool to the examinees. It can also be a combination
of the different types of test mentioned if necessary.

For more clarification, feel free to message me in my personal account.

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