User Acceptance Test Template

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User Acceptance Test Template

Project Name : Testing of device communication

Project Manager :Lim Yong Xiang
Document Date :23.12.2020

1.UAT Scope (In Scope - Out of Scope)

UAT - In Scope UAT - Out of Scope
In Scope Out of Scope
 Archiving of device connectivity  Device successfully connected

2.UAT Assumptions and Constraints

UAT Assumptions
- Test environment: The test cases are conducted by 1 experience QA manager, testing
room are block, and
equipment was provided by IT
- Test Documentation: All UAT test document was store within the google drive
- Error Reporting: Error failures and other flaw of the testing will be reported by using
Usersnap Chrome extension and are directly sent to the particular project

UAT Constraints
- Time Frames: Test result must be provided by October 30 th 2020
- Resources:
o Human resources: 1 tester will be available within the project was on going
o Provided Hardware: Asus FX503V
o Provided Software: Cisco Packet Tracer
o Tested operating system: Windows: 10
o Tested devices: Server, PC, wireless pc, printer, hub, access point

3.UAT Risks
Description Probability Impact Mitigation
High|Med|Low High|Med|Low
Tester not properly Low Med Ongoing training
trained session for the

Incomplete test Med High Realistic time and

environment resources planning
UAT Test fail Low High Feature-complete
development done
before UAT Test
Error handling: Low High Easy-to-use bug
Testers are not reporting solution
aware on how to for UAT test
reports bugs available

4.UAT Team Roles &Responsibilities

Name Roles Responsibilities
Winson Tan Tester Testing on Cisco Packet tracer
Bryan Lim QA manager Managing of UAT test
Lim Yong Xiang Project Owner Project Ownership

5.UAT Entry Criteria

ID Criteria
5.1 The development and archive is fully completed
5.2 Integration test are complete
5.3 No High or Medium defects are reported
5.4 All reported bugs should be fix
5.5 UAT test environment (hardware, software, location) is ready
5.6 Testers got briefed and ready to start testing
5.7 UAT test plan is available

User Acceptance Test Template

Project Name :
Project Sponsor :
Service Owner :
Project Manager :
Document Date :

6.UAT Requirements-Based Test Cases

ID Test Cases
6.1 Archiving:
- Please open: cisco packet tracer
- Open with the following file:
o Network Diagram
- Archive the connectivity test
- Expected result:
o The connectivity of the device was successfully
6.2 Unarchiving:
- Please open: cisco packet tracer
- Log in with the following credentials:
o Network Diagram
- Un-archive the connectivity test
- Expected result:
o This device that hinder the connectivity been removed

7.UAT Test Results

ID Test Cases Pass/Fail Tested Date
by Tested
7.1 Archiving Of connectivity test Pass Winson Tan 23.10.2020

8.Document Signatures
Role Name Signature Date
QA Manager Lim Yong Xiang 23.12.2020
Project Manager Bryan Lim 23.12.2020

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