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UDC: 504.53.062.

Original Scientific Paper



Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy (INEP), Zemun, Yugoslavia

Dražić, G., Dželetović, Ž., Lazarević, M. (1997): 250 hectares of technogenic desert -
5 years later. - Ekologija 32(1): 35-42.
Lagoons I and III of ash and bottom slag deposit of power plant "Nikola Tesla" A in
Obrenovac, with total area of 250 ha, represented in 1990 a technogenic deserts, very susceptible
to wind erosion. During that and the following years, a temporary reclamation of the ash was
performed, by formation of continuous biocover composed of 12 species of meliorative
herbaceous and 7 species of trees and shrubs. During the subsequent years the development of
biocover was monitored along with the application of complex measures of its maintainance and
protection. The results indicate that the applied protection technology against wind erosion gave
the expected results. Of the investigated plants, the extreme conditions on ash deposit are best
born by legumes, among perennial grasses by red fescue (Festuca rubra L.), and among trees and
shurbs by tamarisk (Tamarix gallica L.).

Key words: Fly ash deposit, legumes, meliorative grasses, recultivation.


Building of big power plants, like "Nikola Tesla" A near Obrenovac, with the total power of
1652 MW, induces the problems of ash depositing and rational utilisation of surfaces with deposited
ash, in order to avoid aeropollution of surrounding area with dust. In this power plant, low-caloric
lignite coal, that contains 15-20% of ash, is burnt. On average, the power plant spends 12·106 t of coal
per year, which requires provision of space for accomodating of approximately 35·105 m3 of ash and
bottom slag (KNEŽEVIĆ 1982). Because of that, the surface of deposit covered 400 ha of arable soil of
fluvisol type, on the right bank of the river Sava.
By its size and ash production, this deposit is among the largest in the world. The highest ash
production is achieved by power plants in USA where it ammounts to more than 120·106 t (ARTHUR et
al. 1993). In accordance with its chemical composition, ash may be a convenient material for versatile
purposes in building and building materials industry (NEŠIĆ 1982; DESAI, RAIJIWALA 1987;
HAVUKAINEN 1987), agriculture (CERVELLI et al. 1988; DAVIDOVA, VOLKOVA 1990; ĐIKIĆ et al. 1995)
and forestry (BOGDANOVIĆ, MANOJLOVIĆ 1981; BOGDANOVIĆ et al. 1989). In these instances, deposits
of ash and bottom slag may serve as a potential base of raw materials, whose utilization may be
defined by time, space, purpose and quantity, in order to avoid environmental pollution (DŽELETOVIĆ
et al. 1993). However, as it is not often the case, it is necessary to bring the surface of ash deposit to
some more permanent purpose. Most commonly it is foundation of forest stands, using trees and
shrubs, that may grow on such substrate (BARBER 1974), which does not exclude agricultural

Author’s address:
Instit. for the Application of Nuclear Energy (INEP), Banatska 31-b, P. Box 46, 11080 Zemun, Yugoslavia
36 EKOLOGIJA 32(1): 35-42, 1997.

utilization, if a satisfactory quality of plant production may be achieved (DŽELETOVIĆ, FILIPOVIĆ

Ash depositing in PP "Nikola Tesla " A is conducted by pouring in three lagoons, one of which is
in regular use, and the other two are kept in readiness for emergency cases when pouring ceases
because of overfilling of lagoon. Adding on of ash deposit by building of border embankments is
achieved by hydrocycloning of ashes, which arives to the deposit in the form of hydraulically
transported pulp, by tubing system from the power plant (KNEŽEVIĆ 1982). Lagoons I and III of ash
deposit of PP "Nikola Tesla" A in Obrenovac are filled with electrofilter ash, which is composed of
tiny particles of sand and powder, which lack organic and organo-mineral components. The
dominating chemical components are: SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3, while soluble oxides are leached
(FILIPOVIĆ et al. 1993).
Scientists from INEP developed a procedure for foundation of biocover composed of meliorative
plant species which prevents wind-dispersion of ash from spare deposit lagoons (FILIPOVIĆ et al.
1981). While growing agricultural plants on pure ash we found that it shows unfavourable water
regimen and physical properties (it gets dispersed or cemented), it may be toxic for plants because of
alkaline pH reaction and increased content of soluble salts (STOJANOVIĆ et al. 1975; FILIPOVIĆ,
MARKOVIĆ 1983, DAVIDOVA, VOLKOVA 1990) and it has low microbiological activity (FILIPOVIĆ et al.
1981), which is very unevenly distributed over the year span (BOGDANOVIĆ 1990a, b). The aim of this
work is to establish the changes that occured in biocover of lagoons I and III of ash deposit during the
five years after performed temporary biological recultivation.


Foundation of biocover: In September 1990., sowing of meliorative grasses was performed over
previously fertilized ash (800 kg·ha-1 of mineral fertilizer NPK 15:15:15). In March 1991, additional
fertilizing was performed with 200 kg·ha-1 of the same fertilizer, and the same was repeated in March
1992. Shrub cuttings were planted during March-May 1991, in rows, with the distance of 1 m between
and within the rows.
Plants: Meliorative mixture is composed of:
a) carrier culture: winter rye (Secale cereale L.);
b) perennial grasses: tall oatsgrass (Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Presl. Mert et Kock.), italian
ryegrass (Lolium italicum L.), blue grass (Poa pratensis L.), red fescue (Festuca rubra L.), fescue-
grass (Festuca pratensis Huds.), timothy grass (Phleum pratense L.) and cocksfoot (Dactylis
glomerata L.);
c) legumes: common birds foot (Lotus corniculatus L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and
alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.);
d) Brassicaceae: winter raps (Brassica napus L.); and
e) trees and shrubs: tamarisk (Tamarix gallica L.), white willow (Salix alba L.), harper willow
(Salix viminalis L.), poplar (Populus x euramericana (Dode) Gunier), Van Houtt's spirea (Spirea x
Vanhouttei (Briot) Zbl.), balkan bells (Forsythia europaea Deg. et Bald.) and oleaster (Elaeagnus
angustifolia L.).
Sampling procedure: From each of the lagoons I and III, 6 representative samples of seedlings
were taken three weeks after sowing, for testing of the germination potential. Shoot samples for
biomass determination were collected on three occasions (in the middle of August 1991., in the middle
of August 1992. and in the middle of August 1996.), from 1m2 areas from 12 sites on the lagoon I and
18 sites on the lagoon III. Shrub samples were taken at the same time from 100 m long rows. Dry mass
was determined after drying at 100°C till reaching a constant weight.


Germination potential was monitored on 6 selected plots on lagoons I and III. Three weeks after
sowing, the best germination was found with rye and italian ryegrass (90%) and the poorest with tall
oatgrass (30%) (Tab. 1). Similar results were obtained for both lagoons. In order to find out if the
differences of germination potential are due to quality differences of commercial grains or they depend
on their adaptability to ash conditions, laboratory germination tests of the same grains were performed.
Under laboratory conditions, winter rye and italian ryegrass also express a high germination potential,
together with alfalfa, while tall oatgrass under these conditions has a very poor germination.

Table 1. Germination potential of the grains of meliorative plants on ash deposit and in laboratory.
Results are mean values ± SD (n = 6). T-test: there was no significant differences between
lagoons I and III.

Germination Germination Germination

Plants (%), lagoon I (%), lagoon III (%), laboratory
Secale cereale 90 ± 3 92 ± 5 96 ± 2
Arrhenatherum elatius 30 ± 10 31 ± 12 44 ± 10*
Lolium italicum 90 ± 7 86 ± 8 90 ± 4
Poa pratensis 76 ± 8 75 ± 12 79 ± 6
Festuca rubra 60 ± 10 60 ± 15 60 ± 6
Festuca pratensis 60 ± 16 55 ± 6 61 ± 4
Phleum pratense 85 ± 9 82 ± 6 78 ± 4
Dactylis glomerata 80 ± 8 82 ± 10 80 ± 4
Lotus corniculatus 40 ± 18 38 ± 11 74 ± 6**
Trifolium pratense 36 ± 15 40 ± 9 86 ± 2**
Medicago sativa 48 ± 9 50 ± 15 99 ± 1**
Brasica napus 92 ± 8 90 ± 16 98 ± 1
*significant difference (p<0,05),
**very significant difference (p<0,01).

Development of biocover was monitored on 30 sites on the both lagoons. The change of ratio of
individual meliorative species in total biocover was monitored over 5 years period (Tab. 2). Rye grew
in the first year on all observed sites and was the dominating crop. High abundance of rye in the next
year is explained by autoreproduction. Later on, rye nearly disappears. Red fescue was found on 26
sites in the first, and on 25 sites in the second and sixth years. This year, red fescue is the most
abundant grass on the ash deposit. The remaining perennial grasses grow on smaller number of
locations and produce lower biomass quantity, while tall oatgrass and italian ryegrass disappear.
Legumes grow on 50% of sites. Common birds foot disappeared, while the ratio of red clover and
alfalfa increases, so, alfalfa is the dominating species after 6 years of biocover development.
Taking into consideration total plant number and shoot mass per area unit (Tab. 3),
high diversity of samples may be noticed, which is due to different abundance of individual
plant species, as well as of differences in micro-conditions on ash deposit, first of all of
water regimen and substrate structure. During the 5 years, number of plants per area unit
decreases, but the total biomass does not decrease.
38 EKOLOGIJA 32(1): 35-42, 1997.

Table 2. Ratio (%) change of shoot dry biomass of meliorative plants during the 6 years of
development od biocover (Results represent mean values ± SD (n = 31). T-test: a -
significant differences when compared to 1991 (p<0,05), aa - very significant differences
when compared to 1991 (p<0,01), b - significant differences when compared to 1992
(p<0,05), bb - very significant differences when compared to 1992 (p<0,01)).

Plants Biomass Biomass Biomass

1991 1992 1996
Secale cereale 78 ± 12 42 ± 18 aa 1 ± 0,2 aa bb
Arrhenatherum elatius 0,5 ± 0,2 1 ± 0,5 -
Lolium italicum 0,5 ± 0,2 1,5 ± 0,5 -
Poa pratensis 0,5 ± 0,2 1,5 ± 0,4 2 ± 0,6 a
Festuca rubra 1,5 ± 0,6 1 ± 0,2 aa 12 ± 2,2 aa
Festuca pratensis 0,5 ± 0,2 1 ± 0,4 1 ± 0,3
Phleum pratense 1 ± 0,2 3 ± 1,2 4 ± 1,4 aa
Dactylis glomerata 2,5 ± 0,7 5 ± 2,8 6 ± 4,0 b
Lotus corniculatus 1 ± 0,1 4 ± 2,3 a -
Trifolium pratense 4 ± 0,6 7 ± 2,8 26 ± 2,1 aa bb
Medicago sativa 10 ± 4 24 ± 9 a 48 ± 14 aa b

Table 3. Characteristics of biocover on ash deposit during the 6 years of development (Results
represent mean values ± SD(n=13 for lagoon I, n = 18 for lagoon III). T-test: a - significant
differences when compared to 1991. (p<0,05), aa - very significant differences when
compared to 1991. (p<0,01), b - significant differences when compared to 1992. (p<0,05), bb
- very significant differences when compared to 1992. (p<0,01)).

Numerous plants on m2 Dry matter (g·m-2)

Lagoon I - 1991. 555 ± 280 1600 ± 980
Lagoon I - 1992. 210 ± 140 a 1550 ± 656
Lagoon I - 1996. 140 ± 40 aa 1500 ± 220
Lagoon III - 1991. 656 ± 220 1564 ± 767
Lagoon III - 1992. 226 ± 96 a 1490 ± 542
Lagoon III - 1996. 124 ± 28 aa b 1380 ± 194

Table 4. Changes of abundance (%) of woody species during the 5 years of development from
cuttings. Results represent mean values ± SD (n = 10).

Plants 1991. 1992. 1996.

Tamarix gallica 69 ± 16 60 ± 12 60 ± 11
Salix alba 52 ± 19 30 ± 16 12 ± 8
Salix viminalis 46 ± 8 32 ± 18 -
Populus x euramericana 60 ± 13 15 ± 8 -
Spirea x Vanhouttei 39 ± 15 20 ± 4 8±2
Forsythia europaea 40 ± 8 32 ± 12 -
Elaeagnus angustifolia 20 ± 6 16 ± 4 -

Development of trees and shurbs from cuttings that were planted on the ash deposit was
monitored during the same period (Tab. 4). The highest percent of plants developed from cuttings of
tamarisk and these plants were best preserved. To the lesser extent, white willow and spirea developed,
while the remaining species disappeared.


Extensive investigations of environmental transformation under the conditions of continual work

of power plants have begun comparatively recently (DAVIDOVA 1983). Investigations of germination
potential on power plant ash (DRAŽIĆ 1993) indicate that with grasses the grain quality has the
determining effect and with legumes the environment, most probably the water regimen. Our
investigations (Tab. 1) exactly confirm these statements. Compared to germination potential under
laboratory conditions, germination of common birds foot (Lotus corniculatus L.), red clover
(Trifolium pratense L.) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), as legumes, is markedly decreased, twice on
the average. Crops and legumes are characterized with low germination potential on ash, and in certain
dwarf specimen, not unfrequently, stage of reduced fruit-formation is noticed, i.e. there is a yield loss
Establishment and development of biocover on ash and bottom slag deposits of power plants,
requires, as a rule, beside introducing the greater quantities of grass grain mixture (ŽAK, ŠPINDOR
1988), increased fertilization, especially by nitrogen (DŽELETOVIĆ, FILIPOVIĆ 1995). Greater quantities
of introduced fertilizer, especially during the first year may, according to the results obtained by
FILIPOVIĆ et al. (1981) be considered as sufficient for achieving of satisfying yields of grown species,
which explains so high abundance of rye in the first year. Omiting of fertilization in 1993 an after,
caused later lack of basic nutritive elements, which exerted a significant effect on the ratio of certain
species in the total biocover (Tab. 2). Vegetation transformation, in dependence on the response of the
plants and microorganisms to the alkaline reaction of the soil (i.e. ash) is commonly expressed through
attenuation, mostly marked with calciphobic species, and even, their disappearance from the
vegetation cover and an increase (of the abundance) of calciphyllic species, first of all legumes
Ash exerts a powerfull influence on soil microorganisms (ADRIANO et al. 1980), especially on
heterotrophic microorganisms activity (ARTHUR et al. 1984), thus indirectly influencing the nutrition
of grown plants, through the availability of individual nutritive elements in it. As on the ash deposits
of power plants there does not occur a natural populating with higher plants (STOJANOVIĆ et al 1975),
a special technological procedure was developed of founding a biocover on ash and bottom slag
deposits of PP "Nikola Tesla" (FILIPOVIĆ et al. 1981), which involves a later (additional) fertilizing in
order to maintain the founded biocover, because its degradation and disappearance would ensue.
Number of plants per m2 decrease with time (Tab. 3), although comparatively equal vegetative mass is
being produced. The essential function of biocover on ash and bottom slag deposits is to actually
shield by its own biomass the surface of deposit from wind erosion, which is, according to the data in
Table 3, achieved, although its composition did change.
The most marked effect of ash influence on woody (forest) plants is expressed through fungi
disappearance, overgrowth of tissue on branches and trunks and appearance of oval clefts (fissures) on
trunks (DAVIDOVA, VOLKOVA 1990). Because of that, the development of trees and shrubs from
cuttings planted on ash deposit is limited to a very small number of tolerant species (BARBER 1974;
SIMIĆ et al. 1980; ĐOKIĆ, BOGDANOVIĆ 1983), which is also confirmed by our results (Tab. 4).
Tamarisk is practically present on it permanently in unchanged number, independantly on
phytocenologic changes that take place in its close vicinity. Tamarisk is not a choosy species as to the
40 EKOLOGIJA 32(1): 35-42, 1997.

soil quality, it stands well sandy and salty soils (ŠILIĆ 1990), which explains its good taking and
development on the surfaces of ash deposit.
We explain the noticed transformations of vegetation on ash deposit as a consequence mostly of
its poor water regimen and physical properties (during summer months the plants are exposed to
severe drought), which are followed by: alkaline soil reaction (that comparatively increases the
abundance if calciphyllic species, legumes); low and unevenly distributed microbiological activity
through different seasons; and the presence (or rather absence) of nutritive elements.
According to the presented results, it may be concluded that, in spite of significant changes
of the abundance of certain species, the changes that occur in biocover during the five years do not
interfere with its protective role.

Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Ministry of science and technology of Serbia.


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Received: 5th Yugoslav Ecological Congress, Belgrade, September 22-27, 1996

Accepted: December 1, 1997
42 EKOLOGIJA 32(1): 35-42, 1997.



Institut za primenu nuklearne energije (INEP), Zemun, Jugoslavija


Kasete I i III odlagališta pepela i šljake termoelektrane “Nikola Tesla” A u Obrenovcu, ukupne
površine 250 ha, su 1990. godine predstavljale tehnogenu pustinju veoma podložnu eolskoj eroziji. U
toku te i naredne godine izvršena je privremena rekultivacija pepela, obrazovanjem kontinualnog
biopokrivača od 12 meliorativnih zeljastih i 7 vrsta drvenastih biljaka. U toku narednih godina
sistematski je praćen razvoj biopokrivača, uz primenu kompleksinih mera njegovi zaštite. Rezultati
ukazuju da je primenjena tehnologija zaštite od eolske erozije dala očekivane rezultate. Od ispitivanih
biljaka ekstremene uslove na odlagalištu pepela najbolje podnose leguminoze, od višegodišnjih trava
crveni vijuk (Festuca rubra L.), a od drvenastih tamariks (Tamarix gallica L.).

Primljeno: 5. kongres ekologa Jugoslavije, Beograd, 22-27. septembra 1996.

Odobreno: 5. decembra 1997.

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