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Image Interactions repulsion and attraction between them. Three

main types of interactions can be identified: elec-
▶ Electrostatic Interactions trostatic, steric, and van der Waals. The electro-
static repulsion GE arises from the presence of
electrical double layers surrounding the particles
or droplets. The double layers arise from charge
Immobilization separation at the interface which produces
a surface charge that is compensated by unequal
▶ Deposition distribution of counterions (ions with opposite
▶ Particle Deposition charge to the surface) and co-ions (that have the
same charge sign as the surface). The surface
charge together with the compensating charge
forms the electrical double layer which will
Interaction Between Protein and have an extension (thickness) that increases
Polysaccharide with decrease of electrolyte concentration and
valency. When two particles or droplets approach
▶ Protein-Polysaccharide Interaction to a separation distance h that is smaller than
twice the double-layer thickness, repulsion
occurs as a result of the overlap of the double
Interaction Energy layers. Clearly, when the particles or droplets
have opposite surface charges, then the interac-
Tharwat Tadros tion between them becomes attractive. The
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK steric repulsion GS arises from the presence of
adsorbed nonionic surfactants or polymers.
The latter consist of an “anchor” chain that is
Synonyms insoluble in the medium and has a strong affinity
to the surface and a “stabilizing” chain that
Energy barrier is soluble in the medium and strongly solvated
by its molecules. The adsorbed layer is charac-
terized by a thickness d that is determined by
Definition the molecular weight of the stabilizing chain
and the salvation sheath. When the particles or
The interaction energy between particles or drop- droplets approach to a distance h that is smaller
lets in a dispersion gives a measure of the than 2d, strong repulsion occurs as a result of

T. Tadros (ed.), Encyclopedia of Colloid and Interface Science,

DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-20665-8, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
I 634 Interaction Parameter

two main effects: (a) unfavorable mixing, Gmix, of (with no net interaction) to be an average of the
the stabilizing chains when these are in good sol- two cmcs of the single components. (2) Surfactant
vent conditions and (b) reduction of configura- mixtures with a net interaction, for example,
tional on considerable overlap entropy that gives anionics and nonionics. The nonionic surfactant
an elastic term, Gel. Combination of Gmix and Gel molecules shield the repulsion between the
gives GS. The van der Waals attraction GA results negative head groups in the micelle, and hence
mainly from the London dispersion energy which there will be a net interaction between the two
is due to charge fluctuation in the atoms or mole- types of molecules. Another example is the case
cules that form the particles or droplets. The van when anionic and cationic surfactants are mixed
der Waals attraction becomes very strong at short whereby very strong interaction will take place
distances of separation. Combination of GE with between the oppositely charged surfactant
GA gives GT which when plotted versus h shows an molecules. To account for this interaction,
energy maximum (barrier) at intermediate separa- an interaction parameter b between the surfactant
tion distances that prevents flocculation. Combina- molecules in the micelle A positive b value
tion of Gs with GA gives GT which when plotted means that there is a net repulsion between the
versus h gives a small attractive minimum at h 2d surfactant molecules in the micelle, whereas
and when h <2d, very strong repulsion occurs, and a negative b value means a net attraction.(3) Poly-
this ensures the colloid stability of the dispersion. mer-surfactant interaction. The interaction
between surfactants and water soluble polymers
results in some synergistic effects, for example,
Cross-References enhancing the surface activity and stabilizing
foams and emulsions. (4) Interaction between
▶ Dispersions surfactant or polymers with the molecules of the
▶ Emulsions solvent in which they are dissolved: In the case
▶ Suspensions when there is no interaction between the mole-
cules and the solvent, the mixing is ideal and the
medium is referred to as theta-solvent. When the
molecules interact strongly with the solvent mol-
Interaction Parameter ecules, the mixing is nonideal and this can be
characterized by an interaction parameter
Tharwat Tadros w < 0.5. When the polymer molecules are in
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK a poor solvent (worse than a theta-solvent),
polymer-polymer interaction becomes more
favorable than polymer/solvent interaction, and
Definition this results in an interaction parameter w > 0.5.

The interaction parameter gives a measure of the

interaction between molecules, for example, sur- Cross-References
factants or polymers, or between the molecule
and the medium in which it is dissolved. Various ▶ Foam
interaction parameters can be described as ▶ Polymeric Surfactant
follows: (1) surfactant mixtures with no net inter- ▶ Surfactants
action. This is the case when mixing two surfac-
tants with the same head group but with different
chain lengths. In analogy with the hydrophilic-
lipophilic balance (HLB) for surfactant mixtures, Interface and Surface
one can also assume that the critical micelle
concentration, cmc, of a surfactant mixture ▶ Colloids in Industries: Polymer Colloids
Interface, Liquid-liquid 635 I
excess surface free energy is identical to
Interface, Air-liquid the surface tension, but this is true only for
a single component system, that is, a pure liquid
Tharwat Tadros (where the total adsorption is zero). For polar
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK liquids such as water, the surface tension is
high, in the region of 72 mNm1, whereas for
nonpolar liquids such as hydrocarbons, g is
Synonyms lower, in the region of 30 mNm1. Adsorption
of surfactants from aqueous solutions lowers g
Air-liquid interface from its value in pure water of 72 mNm1 to
a value in the region of 30–40 mNm1,
depending on the nature of the surfactant. Some
Definition molecules such as fluorocarbon and silicone
surfactants can lower g to values 20 mNm1.
The air-liquid interface is that between air
(phase a) and liquid (phase b). The surface of
a liquid is the boundary between two bulk phases, Cross-References
namely, liquid and air (or the liquid vapor). I
An interface between two phases may be defined ▶ Surfactants
providing a dividing line is introduced since the ▶ Wetting
interfacial region is not a layer that is one
molecule thick, but usually has a thickness d
with properties that are different from the two Interface, Liquid-liquid
bulk phases a and b. However, Gibbs introduced
the concept of a mathematical dividing plane Zs Tharwat Tadros
in the interfacial region. In this model, the two Wokingham, Berkshire, UK
bulk phases a and b are assumed to
have uniform thermodynamic properties up to
Zs. Using the Gibbs model, it is possible to obtain Synonyms
a definition of the surface tension g,
starting from the Gibbs-Deuhem equation:
P Liquid-liquid interface
dGs ¼ Ss dT þ Adg þ ni d mi where Gs is
the surface free energy, Ss is the entropy, A is
the area of the interface, and ni is the number of Definition
moles of component i with chemical potential mi
at the interface. At constant temperature and The liquid-liquid interface is that between two
composition of the interface (i.e., in absence of
 s immiscible liquids (phase a and phase b). An
any adsorption), g ¼ qG qA T;ni : It is obvious that interface between two phases may be defined pro-
for a stable interface, g should be positive. In viding a dividing line is introduced since the inter-
other words, the free energy should increase if facial region is not a layer that is one molecule
the area of the interface increases; otherwise, the thick, but usually has a thickness d with properties
interface will become convoluted, increasing the that are different from the two bulk phases a and b.
interfacial area, until the liquid evaporates However, Gibbs introduced the concept of
(for A/L case). The surface tension, that is, the a mathematical dividing plane Zs in the interfacial
force per unit length tangentially to the surface region. In this model, the two bulk phases a and b
measured in units of mNm1, is dimensionally are assumed to have uniform thermodynamic
equivalent to an energy per unit area measured in properties up to Zs. Using the Gibbs model, it is
mJm2. For this reason, it has been stated that the possible to obtain a definition of the interfacial
I 636 Interface, Solid-liquid

tension g, starting from the Gibbs-Deuhem

P equa- Definition
tion: dGs ¼  Ss dT þ Adg þ ni d mi where
Gs is the surface free energy, Ss is the entropy, The solid-liquid interface is that between a solid
A is the area of the interface, and ni is the number (phase a) and a liquid (phase b). The solid can be
of moles of component i with chemical potential mi polar (high surface energy solid such as an
at the interface. At constant temperature and com- oxide), semipolar (intermediate surface energy
position of the interface
@ Gs  (i.e., in absence of any solid such as cellulose acetate), or nonpolar
adsorption): g ¼ @A T; ni : It is obvious that for (low surface energy solid such as hydrocarbon
a stable interface, g should be positive. In other solid or poly(tetrafluoroethylene). The liquid
words, the free energy should increase if the area can be polar (such as water or alcohol) or nonpo-
of the interface increases; otherwise, the interface lar (such as hydrocarbon oil). One can define the
will become convoluted, increasing the interfacial solid/liquid interfacial tension s as the energy per
area, until the two “immiscible” phases dissolve in unit area in mJm1, which depends on the nature
each other. The interfacial tension, that is, the of the solid and the liquid. For a polar solid
force per unit length tangentially to the surface dispersed in a polar liquid, charge separation
measured in units of mNm1, is dimensionally may take place resulting in the formation of an
equivalent to an energy per unit area measured in electrical double layer. A surface charge so can
mJm2. For this reason, it has been stated that the be defined that is compensated by unequal distri-
excess surface free energy is identical to the inter- bution of counterions and co-ions. The diffuse
facial tension, but this is true only for a single double layer charge sd is equal in magnitude
component system, that is, a pure liquid (where but opposite in sign to so. A nonpolar surface
the total adsorption is zero). For an aliphatic is not easily wetted by a polar liquid such as
hydrocarbon/polar liquid such as water interface, water, and in this case, a surfactant (wetting
the interfacial tension is high, in the region of agent) is added to render the surface hydrophilic
50 mNm1, whereas for an aromatic hydrocar- by orientation of the surfactant molecule with
bon/water, g is lower, in the region of the hydrocarbon tail in contact with the
30 mNm1. Adsorption of surfactants from nonpolar surface and the polar head group (ionic
aqueous solutions lowers g from its value of the or polar nonionic) pointing toward the bulk solu-
clean interface of 50 mNm1 to a value in tion. For a nonpolar surface in contact with
the region of 1–30 mNm1, depending on the a nonpolar liquid, wetting can be spontaneous
nature of the surfactant. and no surfactant is required in this case. The
solid/liquid interfacial tension can reach low
values. Polar (high surface energy surface) solids
Cross-References are not easily wetted by nonpolar liquids,
and a surfactant is needed to disperse the
▶ Emulsions polar particles in a nonpolar liquid. In this
▶ Surfactants case, the polar head group of the surfactant
becomes attached to the polar surface, leaving
the nonpolar hydrocarbon chain pointing toward
Interface, Solid-liquid the nonpolar medium.

Tharwat Tadros
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK

Synonyms ▶ Dispersions
▶ Surfactants
Solid-liquid interface ▶ Wetting
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 637 I
tensiometry is the most promising technique.
Interfacial and Bulk Rheology of Combination of this technique with complemen-
Food Systems tary drop and bubble profile analysis provides a
very large time range of adsorption studies tools.
▶ Food Rheology The surface/interfacial relaxation behavior,
i.e., the reaction of an interfacial layer to external
perturbations, can be quantitatively studied by
oscillating drops and bubbles.
Interfacial Dynamics Methods

A. Javadi1, N. Mucic1, M. Karbaschi2, Overview

J. Y. Won1, V. B. Fainerman3, A. Sharipova4,
E. V. Aksenenko5, V. I. Kovalchuk6, All modern technologies dealing with liquids, for
Nina M. Kovalchuk1,6, A.V. Makievski7, instance, emulsification or foaming, are of very
J. Kr€agel1 and R. Miller1 dynamic character. Originally, all of these
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, methods were bases on an empirical basis. Now,
Potsdam/Golm, Germany however, we have reached a state were any
2 I
Sharif University of Technology, Teheran, Iran increase in their efficiency requires a solid scien-
Donetsk Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine tific basis. The development of such a scientific
International Postgraduate Institute “Excellence foundation needs serious efforts. From
Polytech” of Kazakh National Technical a formulation point of view, a quantitative anal-
University, Almaty, Kazakhstan ysis of the effects of emulsifiers, foaming agents,
Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Chemistry of and additives becomes increasingly important,
Water, Kiev, Ukraine i.e., possibilities for the measurement of their
Institute of Biocolloid Chemistry, Kiev, interfacial properties are very essential.
Ukraine Among the measurable quantities of dynamic
SINTERFACE Technologies, Berlin, Germany interfacial layers easiest accessible are the sur-
face and interfacial tensions, for the measurement
of which a large number of tensiometers exist.
Keywords This frequently applied methodology allows
a quantitative characterization of liquid inter-
Capillary pressure tensiometry; Dilational faces. Looking back into the history, the ring
viscoelasticity; Drop profile analysis; Dynamic and plate tensiometry were the first methods
surface tension; Interfacial tension; Liquid film that had been systematically applied. These
stability; Maximum bubble pressure tensiometry; essentially static or quasi-static methods are still
Oscillating drops and bubbles in use, mainly due to the yet valid standards
elaborated in the past for their proper application
(e.g., the standards of the American Society for
Definition Testing and Materials – ASTM). The ring and
plate tensiometers are still used in many labora-
Dynamic surface and interfacial tensions are the tories due to the mentioned standard reasons.
easiest to measure properties of liquid interfaces. However, for many applications, they are by far
Required by many modern technologies, short- not optimal measurement tools although nowa-
time data are very important. The bubble pressure days all instruments are operated by modern
tensiometry is a classical method and provides computers. In particular for liquid-liquid inter-
data for the shortest adsorption times, even face, problems of wetting arise and cannot be
down to milliseconds. For interfaces between easily controlled or avoided, so that the measured
two immiscible liquids, the capillary pressure quantities can be affected by systematic errors.
I 638 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

The enormous progress in the development of A second group of measuring techniques,

electronic sensors and powerful computers, complementary to the drop and bubble profile
gained mainly over the last 25 years, created methods is the capillary pressure tensiometry.
a basis for new and very efficient experimental This type of tensiometers works in the range of
methods. One of the important items is, for exam- short adsorption times. The most popular and
ple, the accurate pressure sensor which gives obviously the method with access to the shortest
access to measurements of the pressure in drops adsorption times of less than 1 ms is the maxi-
or bubbles with an accuracy of few Pascal with mum bubble pressure tensiometry. Since about
a stable signal over hours. Another impressive 20 years now, there are commercial instruments
building block of modern instruments in fluid available that are based on this principle and
science is the piezo actuator, which allows provide short-time adsorption data at the
making volume changes in the range of solution-air interface. There are also capillary
nanoliters. Moreover, the development of the pressure tensiometers for studies of interfaces
video technique allows recording all situations between two immiscible liquids. They can even
in an experiment and provides the necessary be applied to interfaces between two liquids of
information for a quantitative analysis. This the same density or liquid systems under micro-
requires high-performance computers as the anal- gravity conditions. The drawback here is, in com-
ysis of high-resolution images is a quite time- parison with the bubble pressure tensiometry,
consuming job. And in cases where a standard that the much higher viscosity of the liquids, as
video technique is insufficient, also high-speed compared to gas, leads to additional problems to
video recording with 105 frames per second is be solved. The shorter the time for the measured
available, even with a sufficient high resolution. interfacial tension is, the larger are the contribu-
Here of course computers of very high capacity tions by the hydrodynamics. Hence, an accurate
are needed, in addition to efficient image analysis separation of liquid flow effects from the interfa-
procedures in order to handle the enormous cial effects being the main target of such
amount of data. measurements is required.
The advent of modern drop profile instruments In addition to the time dependent surface and
was actually coming with the availability of the interfacial tensions, the dilational rheology pro-
first electronic video cameras. Their quality was vides another set of interfacial parameters suit-
yet not sufficient for accurate measurements, and able for the characterization of dynamic liquid
the acquired images had to be corrected interfaces. This family of experimental instru-
according to a mechanically produced calibrated ments is based on small-amplitude interfacial
grid. Also the data handling was not as easy as it perturbations. The subsequent relaxation pro-
is now. For example, to transfer the image of cesses are recorded in terms of changes in the
a pendant drop from the camera via a frame grab- surface/interfacial tension. Knowledge on the
ber into a computer, extract the drop profile dilational viscoelasticity is of great importance
coordinates and then fit the Gauss-Laplace for understanding the dynamic processes going
equation to this profile was the job for a so-called on in interfacial layers. In the 1960s, the surface
work station. These days video cameras are of wave damping methods were the most important
extremely high quality, have very high resolu- tools. Now, the oscillating drop and bubble
tion, and can even provide many thousand frames methods are most often applied. While slow
per second. This makes drop and bubble profile oscillations can be studied via drop profile anal-
tensiometry presently the most frequently used ysis tensiometry, for higher frequencies, the cap-
method in surface science laboratories. And work illary pressure tensiometers are the only suitable
stations have been completely replaced by instruments.
normal PCs, and even laptops do the job of There are also other interfacial techniques
image acquisition and fitting, and all this even available to quantitatively study changes of the
in fractions of a second. interfacial properties. For example, optical
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 639 I
methods, such as interfacial ellipsometry, provide Introduction
information on the properties of interfacial layer;
however, due to the rather complex measuring Dynamic interfacial properties are gaining more
procedures, the time resolution is often low, and and more interest due to the many fields of appli-
more than 10 measurements per hour are pres- cation. Increasing the efficiency of a technology
ently difficult to perform. The same is true for is typically linked with increased speed. For tech-
nonlinear optical methods like sum frequency or nologies including liquids, this entails faster
second harmonic generation instruments. formation of interfaces in general, and of droplets
Very spectacular are the recently designed and bubbles in the case of emulsion and foam
microfluidic devices. Some are able, for example, systems. Hence, the trend is to go to shorter and
to produce series of drops or bubbles under very shorter adsorption times.
controlled conditions. It is even thought that This general trend in technologies creates
piling up such microfluidic devices could allow strong demands on the fundamental analysis of
the production of designed emulsions or disper- interfaces and on the availability of experimental
sions via these principles. Most of the tools. The most versatile group of experimental
microfluidic devices, however, are not equipped methods is tensiometry. It is the easiest and most
with measuring technique and therefore work frequently applied methodology for the quantita-
only in a qualitative way. The drop-drop manip- tive characterization of liquid interfaces.
ulation tool, presented at the end of this manu- Looking back into history, we had ring and
script, is equipped with capillary pressure sensors plate tensiometry as classical methods. These
and piezo translators as fine dosing systems. mainly static or quasi-static methods were used
Therefore, this method can be seen as in the past, and many standards were elaborated
a microfluidic device with the possibility of quan- for their proper application, such as the ASTM
titative investigations. It allows studies of (American Society for Testing and Materials)
elementary processes in foams or emulsions, standards. The ring and plate tensiometry are
such as the coalescence between two drops or still used in many laboratories, due to the exis-
two bubbles, respectively. Also asymmetric tence of these standards; however, for most of the
systems can be investigated by looking after the applications, they are by far not optimal any more
interaction between a drop and a bubble, as it is although operated by modern computers.
the case in reality in foamed emulsions – ice Developments in electronics and increase in
cream, for example. computer capacity over the last decades created
It is the subject of future work to reach yet the basis for new advanced experimental
shorter times and higher frequencies of perturba- methods. This is true for accurate pressure sen-
tion, which are needed for highly dynamic pro- sors but also for video technique. While first drop
duction processes. This, however, entails not only profile instruments were equipped with electronic
the need of fast data acquisition but requires also cameras, the images of which had to be corrected
to solve very complex theoretical problems, according to a calibrated grid (see Cheng et al.
such as the combination of matter transfer and 1990), these days, the video cameras are of
liquid flow pattern. Both topics are closely extremely high quality, high resolution, and can
linked in experiments at very short times or even provide several thousand frames per second.
high-frequency perturbations. The separation of Due to these facts, the variety of tensiometry
the interfacial effects from the integral measuring methods has been reduced now to mainly two
signals becomes a most difficult task. The techniques which complement each other and
utilization of a high-speed and high-resolution cover a broad time interval – drop and bubble
video technique will surely allow us to achieve profile analysis tensiometry and capillary
the mentioned goals and to get a quantitative pressure tensiometry. The capillary pressure ten-
knowledge of the relevant interfacial dynamics siometry can even be applied for interfaces
properties. between two immiscible liquids of the same
I 640 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

density or under microgravity conditions adsorption times. While drop and bubble
(Kovalchuk et al. 2010). methods are the workhorses in the modern labs
For the characterization of liquid interfaces, now, the traditional classical methods like ring
the dilational rheology provides another set of and plate tensiometry are less and less applied.
interfacial parameters which are of great impor-
tance for understanding the dynamic interfacial Classical Methods
processes. While in the past, surface wave There are a number of classical tensiometry
damping methods were the most important methods which were a must in the past for every
tools, presently, the oscillating drop and bubble surface science laboratory. The oldest procedure is
methods are most often applied. Slow oscillations possibly the plate tensiometry which measures the
can be studied via drop profile analysis tensiom- force (weight) of a liquid meniscus formed spon-
etry, while for higher frequencies, the capillary taneously when the plate is brought into contact
pressure tensiometers are suitable. with the liquid. Due to his significant contributions,
There are also other interfacial techniques the method is also called Wilhelmy plate method,
available which give access to changes in the as summarized by Rusanov and Prokhorov (1996).
interfacial properties, such as ellipsometry; how- A similar protocol was proposed by the French
ever, due to the time consumable measuring physicist Pierre Lecomte du No€uy (1925), who
procedures, the resolution is of the order of 10 measured the maximum force (weight) required
measurements per hour. to raise a ring from the surface of a liquid. Both
Very spectacular are nowadays the microfluidic methods are still in practice (see Lunkenheimer
techniques, which allow producing liquid disperse 1982; Wu et al. 1999; Richter and Vollhardt
systems under very controlled conditions. It is 2006) but less and less efficient as compared to
even thought that piling up such microfluidic modern methodologies. For contact angle studies,
devices could allow the production of designed however, the Wilhelmy plate technique is yet often
emulsions or dispersion via microfluidic principles applied (Smedley and Coles 2005).
(Shah et al. 2008). The microfluidics is usually not One more relatively old method is the drop
equipped with measuring technique. The finally volume tensiometry proposed by Tate (1864).
presented drop-drop interaction tool, however, is It determines the volume of drops detaching
equipped with capillary pressure technique and from a capillary of given diameter. Knowing the
piezo translators as fine dosing systems. This radius of the capillary and the liquid’s density, it
method can be seen as a microfluidic tool on the is possible to calculate the surface tension. This
level of quantitative investigations. method is still used because it allows accurate
This entry gives a summary of the traditional measurements even for liquid/liquid systems,
as well as state of the art tools for the character- although the available time window is rather nar-
ization of liquid interfaces, including the two row (see Javadi et al. 2011a).
complementary methods of drop profile analysis In summary, we can conclude that classical
and capillary pressure tensiometry as present methods are still in use, but most of the require-
workhorses in surface and interfacial science. ments can be covered much better with drop and
bubble methods as described further below.

Dynamic Surface Tension Maximum Bubble Pressure Tensiometry

More than 150 years ago, Simon (1851) was the
For investigating liquid interfaces, there are first who proposed the maximum bubble pressure
several methods available; however, to study the method for measuring the surface tension of
dynamics, the arsenal is not very large. Dynamic liquids. Caused by the fast development of elec-
surface tensions are the most suitable and best tronics and computers, the maximum bubble
developed methods to measure surface properties pressure technique became quickly a classical
as a function of time, even at very short method in interfacial science and provides
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 641 I
Gas inflow L at pressure P


tI td

Solution Time

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 2 Stages of bub-

ble formation and definition of bubble lifetime and dead
Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 1 Scheme of time
a bubble pressure experiment I
experiments at the shortest adsorption times now. unit, a capillary, a pressure sensor, and a proxim-
After Simon, the pioneers doing the most impor- ity electronic to control the experimental proce-
tant steps toward the existing instruments now dure and to monitor the data. A comprehensive
commercially available are Mysels (1990), description of all experimental details was given
Kloubek (1968), and most of all Fainerman recently in Fainerman and Miller (2011). The
(1979) who made the method a standard (Miller main problem to be solved, along the accurate
2011) for dynamic surface tensions in the range measurement of the maximum pressure in the
of milliseconds (Fainerman 1990) and even bubble as a function of bubble lifetime, is the
below (Fainerman et al. 2006). analysis of the time intervals between two suc-
The theory which describes the diffusion- cessive bubbles. The time interval between two
controlled adsorption kinetics of surfactants at bubbles tb consists of the lifetime tl and the dead
a liquid surface was first derived by Ward and time td (cf. Fig. 2). The lifetime tl is the period
Tordai (1946). This theory is summarized in from the beginning of a bubble formation, right
Section 3 of the article ▶ Surfactant Adsorption after the detachment of the old bubble, until the
Kinetics; in this section, we particularize to the moment of maximum pressure. This maximum
experimental studies only. pressure is established when the bubble reaches
The main principle of the maximum bubble its hemispherical size. The dead time is then the
pressure tensiometry is rather easy and can be remaining period from the moment of maximum
practiced in any laboratory with a simple con- pressure until the bubble detachment. The higher
struction, such as a capillary connected with the bubble frequency and the shorter the bubble
a gas supply and a manometer for pressure mea- dead time, the shorter can be the lifetimes
surement (cf. Fig. 1). However, reproducible reached by such an experimental setup.
experiments for a quantitative analysis of the The measured maximum pressure Pmax corre-
adsorption mechanism taking place at the bubble lates with the surface tension g in a simple
surface during the growth and separation of relationship:
a bubble require rather sophisticated instruments, 2g
and not all instruments on the market fulfill these Pmax ¼  Drgh; (1)
requirements (Meissner et al. 2004).
The design of a typical bubble pressure tensi- where rcap is the capillary radius, Dr is the den-
ometer includes a gas supply, a gas flow control sity difference between the liquid and the gas, g is
I 642 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

Interfacial Dynamics
Methods, Fig. 3 The
dependence of dynamic 70
surface tension of Triton 1
X-100 solutions at room
temperature for different
concentrations: 5  105 60
(1), 104 (2), 2  104 (3),
5  104 (4), 103 (5), and
2  103 mol/l (6), γ [mN/m]
according to Fainerman and 4
Miller (2004) 50


0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
t1 [S]

the gravity constant, and h is the immersion depth bubble time. A much more suitable procedure
of the capillary into the liquid. Under highly was proposed by Fainerman (1992) who analyzed
dynamic conditions, additional terms have to be the dependence of pressure as a function of gas
considered in addition, such as the aerodynamic flow rate P (L) and found a sharp transition from
resistance of the capillary, and the effects of a gas jet to a separate bubble regime. The sharp
viscous and inertia effects of the liquid transition at Pc and Lc defines the critical moment
(Kovalchuk and Dukhin 2001). If the capillaries where bubble time tb and dead time td are really
are too large, i.e., have a radius of rcap > 100 mm, identical. From here, the dead time can be
a correction of the non-sphericity of the bubble calculated much more accurately:
shape has to be considered:
td ¼ tb : (3)
rcap  Pmax Lc P
g¼f (2)
Figure 3 shows the dynamic surface tensions
where f is a correction factor that depends mainly for six different Triton X-100 concentrations.
on the capillary diameter and the surface tension, These are typical short-time data that can be
as shown, for example, by Bendure (1971). used for the analysis of the adsorption kinetics
There is much systematic work on the quanti- of a surfactant at the water/air interface. It was
fication of the aerodynamic, viscous, and inertia demonstrated by Fainerman and Miller (2004)
effects performed recently and summarized in that even for a technical surfactant like Triton
Fainerman and Miller (2011). Therefore, these X-100, the adsorption kinetics can be described
problems will not be discussed here, although by a diffusion controlled mechanism. The analy-
they are of extraordinary importance for reaching sis of long-time adsorption data (not shown here)
shortest adsorption times. Instead, we want to go cannot be described by such a simple adsorption
a bit more into the detail of determining the dead model because the various compounds adsorb at
time accurately, even at high bubble frequencies. the surface and provide a rather complex picture.
Kloubek (1972) proposed for this case that the In the end, however, each component would
dead time can be assumed to be equal to the possibly follow again a diffusion mechanism.
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 643 I
Interfacial Dynamics
Fig. 4 Dynamic surface 70
tension for C14EO8
solutions as a function of 2
the effective surface
lifetime; labels correspond 60 5
to the surfactant

γ [mN/m]
concentrations given as
multiples of the CMC 20
(1.1  105 mol/l); 50
according to Fainerman 50
et al. (2006) 100

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
t [S] I

In Fig. 4, the dynamic surface tensions are where T is the temperature and R is the gas law
shown as measured by bubble pressure tensiom- constant. Model calculations require the rate
etry for micellar solutions of C14EO8 as functions constant of fast micelle dissolution kf as extra
of the effective lifetime (Fainerman et al. 2006). parameter, which is available from studies of
The analysis shows that this type of nonionic various authors using ultrasonic and thermal
surfactants adsorbs according to a diffusional relaxation, stopped flow, and other techniques
adsorption mechanism. as summarized by Fainerman and Miller (2011).
A linearized theory to analyze dynamic surface Hence, by a comparison of the experimental
tension curves was first outlined by Fainerman dependencies given in Fig. 4 with calculations,
(1981). An approximation for the change in it can be verified whether the model of fast
adsorption with time G(t) for the mechanism of micelle dissolution/formation is valid.
fast micelle dissolution/formation for short adsorp-
tion times was derived by Fainerman et al. (2006): Bubble Profile Tensiometry
Profile analysis tensiometry (PAT) allows mea-
 1=2     suring the surface/interfacial tension of liquids
Dt 2 c0  cCMC
G ¼ 2cCMC 1þ kf t ; (4) via the analysis of the shape of a buoyant or
p 3 cCMC
pendant drop or bubble formed at the tip of
a capillary. The method is suitable for both
where c0 is the total surfactant concentration, D is liquid–gas and liquid-liquid interfaces, and appli-
the diffusion coefficient of surfactant monomers, cable to systems ranging from molten metals to
cCMC ¼ CMC, and kf is the fast micelle pure organic solvents and diluted and concen-
dissolution/formation constant. Equation 4 was trated solutions. There is also no limitation with
derived under the assumption kf·t«1. With respect to the magnitude of surface or interfacial
P ¼ g0  g ¼ RTG; i.e., in the range of low tension, accessible in a broad range of tempera-
surface coverage, Eq. 4 can be transformed to: tures and external pressures (see Neumann and
 1=2     Spelt 1996). For measurements at constant inter-
Dt 2 c0  cCMC
P ¼ 2RTcCMC 1þ kf t ; facial area, the time window ranges from about
p 3 cCMC 1 s up to hours and days so that even extremely
(5) slow processes can be followed.
I 644 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

Dosing System essentially negligible for the bubble configura-

Video Camera tion. This phenomenon is well described, for
Light Source example, by Fainerman et al. (2008), and the
surfactant depletion can even be used to quantify
the amount of adsorbed molecules.
PC with Integrated Frame Sample The measurement step consists of recording
the drop/bubble image by a CCD camera, with
Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 5 Main elements a subsequent transfer via a digitizing board to
of a drop profile analysis tensiometer a computer, and thereafter the analysis of
the drop/bubble profile in order to fit it by the
Gauss-Laplace equation and obtain the
The concept of the instrumentation looks corresponding surface tension. Figure 6 shows
rather simple. A profile analysis tensiometer the definition of the profile coordinates (x and z)
(PAT) consists of a dosing system driven by and other parameters (R1, R2, s and y) of a drop or
a computer software, a measuring chamber, and bubble. The extracted profile coordinates are
a CCD camera (see Fig. 5). The dosing system compared with drop profiles calculated from the
produces a drop of the test liquid (or a bubble in Gauss-Laplace equation (Neumann and Spelt
the test liquid) at the tip of an appropriate capil- 1996), and via a best fit routine, the value of the
lary. The capillary should provide a good wetting surface tension g as only free parameter
such that axisymmetric drops/bubbles are is obtained.
formed. Usually metal and plastic capillaries are The point (xi, zi) refers to the polar angle y
used, depending on the type of surfactant solu- with the arc length s, measured from the drop
tions studied. Another important part of the apex. R1 and R2 are the two principal radii of
PAT is the measuring chamber with a glass curvature at the apex. For axisymmetric profiles,
cuvette in which the respective capillary sits. the two radii become identical R1 ¼ R2 ¼ R0. The
The glass cuvette contains the second immiscible standard form of the Gauss-Laplace equation
fluid. For drops in air, the cuvette contains some (also called Young-Laplace equation by some
of the liquid at the bottom in order to provide authors) describes the mechanical equilibrium
a saturated atmosphere for minimizing evapora- of the interface between two homogeneous fluids.
tion from the surface of the studied drop. In this Padday (1969) has shown routines for solving
section, we mainly deal with the liquid–gas inter- this equation, which can be presented in the
face, while further below, we will discuss the following parametric form:
peculiarities of liquid-liquid interfaces. Note, for
the methodology nothing is changed, except that dx
¼ cos y (6)
the density difference between the two fluids is ds
smaller, in some cases even very small so that the
drops can become spherical (see later). dz
¼ sin y (7)
Liquid-air interfaces in PAT experiments can ds
be established in two ways, either by using
a pendant drop or by immersing an air bubble dy 2 Drgz sin y
¼   : (8)
into the liquid contained in the cuvette. For low ds R0 g x
concentrated solutions, experiments with
a bubble formed in the solution are preferred Here, Dr is the difference between the densities
over a single drop in air. The reason is that due of the two fluids, and g is the acceleration due to
to the very small volume to surface area ratio in gravity.
the drop configuration, a depletion of surfactant In the meantime, various algorithms have
molecules from the bulk due to adsorption at the been developed for all calculation routines
drop surface can happen. Such depletion is required to make the profile analysis a method
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 645 I

Gauss Laplace
PAT Equation

dx R2
ds (xI,zI)

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 6 Definition of the coordinate system for a liquid drop and the schematic how
the surface tension is obtained by a fitting routine

Interfacial Dynamics
Fig. 7 Dynamic surface
tension of C10EO4 solutions
measured by the drop
profile method at
different concentrations
(mol/l): 105 ( ), 2  105
( ), 3  105 ( ),
5  105 ( ), 104 ( ),
2  104 ( ), 3  104 ( ),
5  104 ( ), and
7  104 ( ), according to
Schulze-Schlarmann et al.

for determining accurately the surface tension, which type of surfactants and in which solution
including edge detection to get the drop/bubble concentration interval the profile analysis tensi-
profile coordinates, optimization procedures for ometry is the best choice. It was also shown that
finding the optimum value of the only free param- the use of a complementary set of methods,
eter, the surface tension g, and accurate solution consisting of the maximum bubble pressure and
of the Gauss-Laplace equation (see also Zholob drop profile tensiometry, covers the broadest time
et al. 2011). interval of about eight orders of magnitude which
As experimental example, we see in Fig. 7 the is most suitable for many practical problems in
dynamic surface tension measured for aqueous adsorption kinetics.
C10EO4 solutions using the drop profile tensiom-
etry. From the curves, it is visible that PAT is not
suitable for measuring the short-time values, Dynamic Interfacial Tension
i.e., t < 2 s, and only the long-time adsorption
dynamics of C10EO4 can be recorded. In a recent Similarly to liquid/gas surfaces, for the interface
work by Mucic et al. (2011a), it was analyzed for between two liquids, the measurement of
I 646 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 8 Pendant water (b) Water drop in hexane, drop volume 9 mm3,
droplet in three different fluids representing a large, Dr ¼ 338 kg/m3, g ¼ 51 mN/m (c) Water drop in silicon
medium, and low density difference Dr (air, hexane, and oil (350 cP), drop volume 8 mm3, Dr ¼ 33 kg/m3, g ¼ 40
silicon oil), respectively. (a) Water drop in air, drop mN/m
volume 9 mm3, Dr ¼ 996.8 kg/m3, g ¼ 72.3 mN/m

interfacial tension is the most efficient tool for much higher, as drop shape deformations, viscos-
studies of the dynamics of their interfacial ity effects, drag forces, and respective instabil-
properties. ities become larger with increasing drop size.
These are the main reasons for having the capil-
Capillary Pressure Tensiometry lary pressure techniques as alternative to profile
Almost all traditional and common experimental tensiometry for which the pressure jump across
techniques for measuring the surface/interfacial the interface is measured and yields the
tension are based on the existence of a consider- surface/interfacial tension values accurately via
able buoyancy force and its competition with the the Laplace equation in its simplest form,
surface/interfacial tension force. However, for Pcap ¼ 2g(t)/r(t). As the basis of measurements
liquid-liquid interfaces, in particular for condi- does not depend on the determination of the
tions of a low density difference, these techniques accurate drop profile, this technique is a great
fail to measure correct values. Under micrograv- tool for experiments under highly dynamic
ity condition, this problem is true for any inter- conditions (range of 1,000 to 0.001 s).
face. As an example, Fig. 8 shows the shape of a
pendant water droplet at a capillary tip immersed History of Experimental Capillary Pressure Setups
in three different media: air, hexane, and silicon The history of the development of experimental
oil (350 CP). Clearly with decreasing density setups goes back to the beginning of the 1990s
difference, i.e., decreasing gravity force pulling (Passerone et al. 1991; Nagarajan and Wasan
downward, the interfacial tension contribution is 1993; MacLeod and Radke 1994; Zhang et al.
increased significantly, and as this force tends to 1994; Liggieri et al. 1995). However, from the
minimize the surface area, the drop shape tends first version of such instrument for slowly chang-
more and more to a spherical shape. The calcula- ing interfaces to fast dynamic conditions realized
tion of interfacial tension from a spherical shape by the present generation of setups, there was
is either largely erratic or even almost impossible. a long way with several problems to be solved,
The increase of the drop volume might help to including hardware/software and data analysis, as
improve interfacial tension measurements; summarized recently (Kr€agel et al. 2005; Javadi
however, there are practical limitations for et al. 2006, 2009, 2010a; Ravera et al. 2010a, b;
making experiments with extra large droplets Kovalchuk et al. 2010, 2011). The schematic
and also cannot completely eliminate the original view of a recently developed capillary pressure
errors. The problems in dynamic experiments are setup (ODBA, SINTERFACE Technologies) is
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 647 I

Interface Control Box

Data and Drop Image Monitoring

Inlet Valve

Piezo Drive Sensor

Syring I

Light Source CCD Camera
Solution Reservoir

External cell

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 9 Schematic of the capillary pressure setup ODBA (Javadi et al. 2010a)

shown in Fig. 9 (Javadi et al. 2010a). A droplet and the open cell configurations are more
is formed at the tip of a capillary, and a sensor common. Depending on the capillary tip and
measures the pressure differences between the pressure sensor arrangement, mainly two differ-
pressure chamber and the surrounding atmo- ent configurations might be considered for the
sphere. By the use of a syringe pump or piezo setup (Fig. 10). At a first glance, the differences
drive, growing and oscillating drop experiments appear rather little; however, the applicability to
can be performed (see further below). gas/liquid and liquid/liquid systems can be sig-
The cell containing the external fluid phase nificantly different. The main differences are
can be open to the atmosphere or designed as seen in the hydrodynamic contributions and the
a closed chamber. For a closed cell, the geometry compressibility effects. The configuration B is
and compressibility of the solid walls, sealings, a closed cell, but it is open to the atmosphere
and other parts contribute significantly to the total through phase 2, while the configuration A is
measured pressure and should be considered linked to the atmosphere via the fluid phase 1.
quantitatively in the data analysis. In addition, The main benefit of configuration B is for
the range of drop volume changes should be gas/liquid interfaces for which phase 2 is air,
controlled carefully to avoid sudden high and the hydrodynamic contribution of the air
overpressure which may damage the sensitive flow inside the narrow capillary is small. How-
pressure sensor. Therefore, the version of ever, for this configuration, any growing drop
a closed cell is used just for special purposes, (in gas) experiments are impossible.
I 648 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

Interfacial Dynamics a b
Methods, Fig. 10 Two
different configurations of phase 2
phase 2
recently developed
capillary pressure setups: PISTON SENSOR
A - ODBA configuration;
B - CPT configuration
(Kovalchuk et al. 2011) phase 1 SENSOR

phase 1

Elementary Experiments and Calibration Hydrodynamic Effects
Procedures Dynamic experiments can be performed via two
The measured total pressure includes different different growing/oscillating experimental pro-
contributions indicated below and should be tocols. Figure 13 shows an experimental exam-
evaluated accurately: ple of a growing water drop in silicon oil
(viscosity 1,000 cP). A water drop with the size
PðtÞ ¼ Phyd þ Pvisc þ Pinertial þ Pdrag þ Pcap ; of about 1 mm3, firstly at static conditions, is
(9) subsequently expanded during 50 s to a size of
12 mm3. During this process, the capillary pres-
where the terms in the right hand side correspond sure decreased from 120 Pa to about 50 Pa,
to the hydrostatic pressure, viscosity effects while the measured interfacial tension shows
inside the tip, inertial effects, the drag force a constant value of about 39 mN/m. Such behav-
of second phase on the growing drop, and the ior is expected for a pure solvent system (Javadi
capillary pressure term as our main target, et al. 2011b). Regarding the low density differ-
respectively. ence for this system, the capillary pressure tech-
The hydrostatic pressure of the liquid column nique is the most suitable (and almost only)
between the pressure sensor and droplet position experimental method for these kinds of mea-
should also be corrected considering the immer- surements. For fast dynamic conditions due to
sion depth of the droplet in the external phase. the viscous flow of liquid in the system and
Firstly, some basic experiments should be especially inside the narrow capillary tip, the
performed under static conditions with pure hydrodynamic pressure loss can be significant
liquids, and the results should fulfill the Laplace and should be measured separately and consid-
equation from small to big droplets (Fig. 11). This ered accurately in any further data analysis
is important for testing the pressure sensor’s (Javadi et al. 2006, 2010a; Kovalchuk et al.
accuracy, the applied zero reference parameters 2011). Figure 14 shows an example for the
and offset, and the capturing of drop images. For water flow through a typical capillary tip (inter-
very small or very big droplets, a small disagree- nal diameter 0.5 mm and length 3 mm) when the
ment might be observed because of wettability capillary tip is immersed in water in order to
issues, optical distortions, and deformation from avoid any interfacial effects (Javadi et al.
sphericity at large volumes. Some additional 2006). The results demonstrate a hydrodynamic
effects can arise due to impurities in the studied pressure loss from 10 to several hundred
solvent system. These matters can be checked Pascal (depending on the flow rate) which are
using cycling experiments with several expan- considerable values in comparison with the cap-
sions/contractions of a drop (Figs. 11, 12). illary pressure values that are in the range
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 649 I
Interfacial Dynamics 400
Drop expansion path
Fig. 11 Dependence of
capillary pressure on drop Drop Contraction path
radius as calibration 350
experiment of a capillary
pressure setup (ODBA) for

Capillary Pressure (pascal)

quasi-static water drops
in air 300

ΔP = 2γ/r


150 I

1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

80 DP is the hydrodynamic pressure loss, L is the

Drop Expansion Path capillary length, m is the dynamic viscosity, Q is
Drop Contraction Path
the mass flow rate, rcap is the capillary radius,
and r is the fluid density. Up to a considerable
Surface Tension (mN/m)

74 expanding drop rate, the drag force and inertial

72 terms are negligible, which simplifies the esti-
70 mation of viscosity effects for the subsequent
analysis of data for surfactant solutions (Javadi
et al. 2010a).
The capillary pressure Pcap increases signifi-
64 cantly with decreasing drop radius. This can be
62 achieved using smaller capillary tip radii.
However, the given approximation shows a dra-
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 matic increasing in the hydrodynamic contribu-
Drop Radius (mm)
tion with decreasing capillary tip size. For
Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 12 Surface experiments with higher flow rates, the results
tension values for different drop radii as calibration exper- can deviate from such simple approximation sig-
iment of a capillary pressure setup (ODBA) for nificantly because of emerging turbulence effects
quasi-static water drops in air
or nonstationary conditions so that more accurate
calculations or direct computational simulations
of 50–500 Pa (depending on the drop size). are required (Javadi et al. 2006; Kovalchuk et al.
The results show a good agreement with a sim- 2000). Therefore, capillary tip size and design are
plified momentum balance equations such as important issues for the capillary pressure
Hagen-Poiseuille (DP ¼ 8mLQ/prrcap4) where technique.
I 650 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

Interfacial Dynamics 140 14

Fig. 13 Change in
120 12
capillary pressure P(t)
(1) and corresponding g(t)
(2) as a function of time for 100 10
a water drop in silicone oil

γ [mN/m] P[Pa]
1,000 cP (density 80 8

V [mm3]
0.968 g/cm3) with changing
drop size (3)
60 6
40 4

20 3 2

0 0
0 50 100 150 200
t [S]

600 detachment is monitored which transforms to

Expermental Data, Cap. Tip 0.5 mm a small new drop growing at the tip. For the
Theoretical Model
500 whole process, a constant interfacial tension of
Viscous Pressure Loss (pascal)

about 51 mN/m for the water/hexane interface is

400 observed over a wide range of flow rates. This
covers a total drop formation time of 1–100 s,
300 which in turn corresponds to dynamic interfacial
tensions measured with a time resolution of about
200 0.01 s. The technique is also applicable for
measurements in the millisecond range via
a calculation of drop size from the applied flow
rate or by using a high-speed video camera.
Figure 16 shows the dynamic interfacial
20 40 60 80
measurements of water drop in a hexane solution
of 104 mol/l Span80. Different protocols are
Flow rate (mm3/sec)

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 14 Measurements presented in this figure:

of hydrodynamic pressure loss as a function of flow rate Stages a–b: pre-aged growing drop (PGD)
using the capillary pressure setup (ODBA), comparison Stages c–d: continuously growing drop (CGD)
with the Hagen-Poiseuille law (dotted line) (Javadi et al.
2006) Stages e–f: stop growing drop (SGD)
Each protocol has its own benefits and com-
plexities or limitations (Javadi et al. 2010a). The
Measurements Under Dynamic Conditions easiest protocol for getting dynamic interfacial
When all basic calibrations and a relevant tension values for a regular surfactant solution
estimation of the hydrodynamic effects are at medium or high solution concentrations is
performed, for a wide range of flow rates and SGD, as the hydrodynamic effect is vanished
drop expanding rates, a constant interfacial after stopping the flow. The main limitation
tension should be observed for the pure system might be the residual hydrodynamic instability
as it is illustrated in Fig. 15. In this figure, first effects on the droplet after stopping the flow.
a big droplet (2 mm radius) close to its However, recent capillary pressure experiments
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 651 I
Interfacial Dynamics
Fig. 15 Dynamic
interfacial tension (filled
symbols) and drop radius
(open symbols) for pure,
the water/hexane interface
as a function of
dimensionless time t*,
using the CGD (Continuous
Growing Drop) protocol
with different flow rates of
0.85 ( ), 2 ( ), 4.8 ( ), 8.5
( ), and 16.7 ( ) mm3/s
(dimensionless time
calculated by using a
selected flow rate as

Preaged Growing Drop (PGD) Continuously Growing Drop (CGD) Stop Growing Drop (SGD)


t=0 water d
b e
Static drop
adsorption reaches equilibrium c hexane + 10−4 mol/l Span80
t=0 d
30 e
ST [mN/m]

25 c
10 f
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 397
Time [sec]

first drop detachment last drop detachment Static drop

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 16 Protocols of solution: stages a–b: pre-aged growing drop (PGD); stages
capillary pressure tensiometry for measuring dynamic c–d: continuously growing drop (CGD); and stages e–f:
interfacial tensions water drop in Span80 104 mol/l hexane stop growing drop (SGD) protocol (Javadi et al. 2010a)
I 652 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

Interfacial Dynamics
Fig. 17 Dynamic
interfacial tension of
a water drop in hexane ( )
and solution of 104 mol/l
Span80 using the capillary
pressure analyser (ODBA)
with the SGD experimental
protocol at two different
flow rates 0.42 ( ) and 16.7
( ) mm3/s

with a high-speed video camera (up to 5,000 fps) The theory of the diffusion-controlled adsorp-
demonstrate negligible hydrodynamic instabil- tion of a surfactant at the interface between two
ities up to a rather high liquid flow rate. Clearly, immiscible liquids allowing for the transfer
this limitation depends on the capillary tip size of surfactant through the interface is summarized
and design and the fluid properties such as in the entry ▶ Surfactant Adsorption Kinetics.
viscosity ratio of the two phases and compress- Here, we concentrate on experimental
ibility effects (e.g., 25 mm3/s water in hexane studies only.
for an inner capillary tip diameter of 0.5 mm). From the dynamic point of view, there is no
Figure 17 shows an example using this protocol significant difference in the surfactant adsorption
for a water drop in a hexane solution of between water-air and water–oil interfaces.
104 mol/l Span80 (SGD for two different flow Namely, the diffusion controlled kinetics applies
rates 0.42 and 16.7 mm3/s). This figure underlines in most cases for both interfaces (Fainerman et al.
the need of applying high flow rates to generate 2010; Javadi et al. 2010b). On the other hand, at
a fresh interface (negligible pre-adsorbed surfac- the water–oil interface the adsorption layer is in
tants) in short-time dynamic interfacial tension contact with the oil molecules that enhance sur-
measurements. factants activity (Pradines et al. 2010), and thus
considerable changes in the interfacial tension
Drop Profile Tensiometry are observed already at much lower concentra-
The drop profile tensiometry is a technique tions than at the water-air interface.
quite similar to the bubble profile tensiometry Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), the most
explained in paragraph Bubble Profile Tensiom- frequently used surfactant, hydrolyzes in an
etry and Fig. 5. Therefore, in this section, atten- aqueous solution and dodecanol is produced.
tion is paid essentially to experimental results Dodecanol is a highly surface active compound;
obtained at water–oil interfaces. thus, it competes with SDS molecules at the
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 653 I


55 1
γ [mN/m]

45 2


0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
t [S]
Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 18 Dynamic sur- bubble pressure tensiometry (filled symbols); theoretical
face tension of SDS at the water-air interface in presence curve for the concentration of 2 mmol/l was calculated
of 0.01 mol/l NaCl at various concentrations (the curves using the model presented in Miller et al. (2003, 2004);
are labelled by the SDS concentration in mmol/l) mea- according to Fainerman et al. (2010)
sured by bubble profile (open symbols) and maximum

interface. At the water-air interface, these two tension is determined exclusively by the adsorp-
molecules form a mixed adsorption layer, while tion of SDS and is reached during much shorter
at the water-hexane interface the dodecanol mol- time than at the water/air interface.
ecules, being much more hydrophobic, transfer to It is noteworthy that the adsorption behavior of
the hexane phase. Consequently, the interfacial surfactants soluble in both liquid phases depends
tension is determined mainly by SDS adsorption. not only on the partition coefficient but also on the
This phenomenon is shown in Figs. 18 and 19. ratio between the volumes of the two liquid phases.
The kinetic curves in Fig. 18 exhibit a surface With the increase of this ratio of the phase
tension plateau in between two adsorption initially free from surfactants (acceptor phase) to
processes: the first one due to the adsorption of that of the phase initially containing the surfactants
SDS and the second one due to the increasing (donor phase), more surfactant is transferred to the
adsorption of dodecanol. Dodecanol is a much acceptor phase resulting in the increase of the
stronger surfactant than SDS, but because of its equilibrium interfacial tension. The equilibrium
much lower concentration, the dodecanol mole- concentration in the donor phase can be found
cules reach the surface very slowly, and there- from the mass balance equation (Liggieri
fore, the respective effects appear much later. At et al. 1997):
the water-hexane interface, there is no any indi-
cation that after adsorption any remarkable cd;0
cd;eq ¼ ; (10)
amount of dodecanol remains at the interface, as 1 þ K VVda
it is shown in Fig. 19. Obviously dodecanol is
transferred into the nonpolar hexane phases due where cd,eq and cd,0 are the equilibrium and initial
to the partition coefficient between hexane and concentration in donor phase, respectively,
water of K ¼ ch/cw of about 6,700 (Javadi et al. K ¼ ca/cd is partition coefficient, ca is the final
2010b). That is why the equilibrium interfacial concentration in the acceptor phase, and Vd and
I 654 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

Interfacial Dynamics
Fig. 19 Dynamic
interfacial tension of SDS
at the water/hexane
interface in presence of
0.01 mol/l of phosphate
buffer (pH 7) at various
SDS concentrations, as
measured by drop
profile tensiometry at
water/hexane interface:
(1) 5  106 mol/l,
(2) 105, (3) 104,
(4) 2  104, (5) 5  104,
(6) 103, (7) 2  103,
and (8) 5  103 mol/l,
according to Javadi et al.

b 45
45 c
γ (mN/m)

γ (mN/m)

40 35

25 b
0 500 1000 1500 2000
t (s) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
t (s)
Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 20 Experimental
dynamic interfacial tension obtained for C13DMPO at the Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 21 Experimental
water/hexane interface with an aqueous solution drop in dynamic interfacial tension obtained for C13DMPO at the
hexane, theoretical curves: (a) c0 ¼ 105 mol/l, (b) c0 ¼ 2 water/hexane interface with a drop of hexane in the aque-
 105 mol/l, (c) c0 ¼ 3  105 mol/l, and (d) c0 ¼ 5  ous solution, theoretical curves: (a) c0 ¼ 1.5  105 mol/l,
105 mol/l, according to Liggieri et al. (1997) (b) c0 ¼ 2.3  105 mol/l, and (c) c0 ¼ 5.3 105 mol/l,
according to Liggieri et al. (1997)

Va are the volumes of the donor and acceptor minimum interfacial tension is attained. After-
phases, respectively. ward, an increase in the interface tension occurs
In Fig. 20, the adsorption behavior of which indicates the depletion of surfactant in the
C13DMPO at the interface of an aqueous solution drop due to the ongoing transfer process. Con-
drop immersed in hexane is shown. It is seen that trary to this phenomenon, in Fig. 21, the results
surfactants continuously adsorb at the interface for the opposite situation are shown. Now a single
and then transfer into the oil phase until the drop of hexane is immersed into the aqueous
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 655 I
Interfacial Dynamics
Methods, Fig. 22 Photo
of a coaxial double
capillary (Sinterface
Technologies, Berlin,
Germany) and the
schematic illustrating the
drop formation at the tip
(Kotsmar et al. 2008)

solution; therefore, the molecules adsorb from measurement of the surface tension by drop pro-
the solution around the drop and transfer into file analysis tensiometry and the recording of the
the oil drop. Depletion effects do not occur due digital images of the drop over time. The software
to sufficiently small volume of the oil phase ini- provides measurements for the selection of the
tially free from surfactants. Thus, no minima liquid flow rate.
exist in the plots shown in Fig. 21, and a smooth In literature, several applications of the double
interfacial tension decrease is observed. capillary technique to dynamic surface studies
are reported. For example, Fainerman et al.
Double Capillary (2008) studied the adsorption characteristics of
The double capillary technique was first proposed nonionic surfactants by drop profile tensiometry.
by Wege et al. (1999, 2002) and Cabrerizo- The evaporation of solvent in long-time experi-
Vı́lchez et al. (1999) and provided now interest- ments results in a decrease of the drop volume,
ing protocols for studies of dynamic interfacial and the loss is compensated by the supply of the
phenomena. The key element of this technique, pure solvent through the inner channel of the
shown in Fig. 22, is the coaxial double capillary coaxial capillary. So, the total surfactant amount
which allows the exchange of the liquid inside in the drop can be kept constant during the whole
a single drop without any direct interfacial per- experiment.
turbation. These two capillaries are connected to Kotsmar et al. (2008) discussed the formation
separate injection systems. A droplet is formed at of mixed protein/surfactant adsorption layers
the tip of the outer capillary. One syringe studied by the drop profile analysis tensiometry,
connected to the inner capillary injects small equipped with a coaxial double capillary system.
quantities of a fluid into the drop (master), while The adsorption experiments were performed with
the other one (slave) is connected to the outer different types of molecules sequentially at the
capillary and sucks liquid out of the drop in same surface/interface. Initially, a first exchange
order to keep the total drop volume constant. of the initial protein containing subphase against
When liquid flows into the drop, the active a pure pH 7 buffer solution was performed. Then,
control loop realizes any drop volume growths a second exchange of the subphase against
and balances its size via the outer capillary. Thus, a C12DMPO solution at different surfactant con-
even during a continuous inflow of liquid, the size centrations was made. This causes the protein
of the drop can be kept almost constant. adsorption layer structure to be modified by the
The operation of the master–slave system is surfactant molecules, leading to the formation of
governed by the software which controls the protein/surfactant complexes. At the final stage,
I 656 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

Fresh interface of
75 Protein Solution Exchange with
Bulk exchange Surfactant
70 with buffer solution
γ [mN/m]


55 1 2



0 5000 10000 15000 20000
t [sec]

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 23 Dynamic sur- b-casein; 2 – adsorbed layer of b-casein remained after
face tensions measured for a sequential adsorption made washing with the solvent (buffer solution); 3 – rich sur-
by the coaxial double capillary. The numbers refer to factant + protein mixed layer; and 4 – diluted adsorbed
periodic drop oscillation experiments at different stages layer washed out with buffer solution (Kotsmar et al.
of the surface layer: 1 – equilibrium adsorbed layer of 2008)

a buffer solution is used to remove all molecules injection. A good agreement between the exper-
yet existing in the bulk of the drop. Such inter- iments and the simulations is achieved.
esting protocol which is suitable to find out the The hydrodynamic conditions in the applica-
conditions under which a pre-adsorbed protein tion of the coaxial double capillary system can
can be replaced from a liquid interface by change with small changes in the properties of the
a respective surfactant is illustrated schemati- injected liquid (Javadi et al. 2010c). When
cally in Fig. 23. Throughout all the stages of the 1.5 wt% ethanol is added to the dye solution,
experiment, the dynamic surface tension is mea- the density becomes slightly less than that of
sured for the study of the adsorption/desorption water. The results for such situation are presented
process during the drop-bulk exchange. in Fig. 25. A small difference in the density
Ferri et al. (2010) reviewed experimental and between the drop bulk and the injected solution
theoretical works regarding studies with the can result in a quick reverse flow of the injected
double capillary technique. In another recent liquid, and less than half of the droplet is involved
work by Javadi et al. (2011c), the coaxial double in the exchange process, while the bottom part of
capillary system is qualitatively analyzed with the bulk remains stagnant. Even a continuation of
respect to the efficiency of the drop volume this liquid exchange over long times cannot
exchange process, experimentally, and via CFD provide a complete bulk exchange.
simulations. For this aim, the subphase of a pure Regarding the optimum geometry (immersion
water drop is exchanged by a surfactant solution depth, capillary tip sizes, etc.) or the optimum
to allow the surfactant molecules to be adsorbed operating condition (pulse-like flow with differ-
without any perturbation by a convective flow. ent flow rates, time intervals, etc.) to ensure the
The CFD simulations support the analysis of data minimum perturbation in an efficient drop
extracted from the experiments and to predict the volume exchange process, the condition can
concentration and flow fields during the drop vary from case to case, depending on the
exchange process. Figure 24 represents the con- corresponding phenomena and the physical prop-
centration fields predicted by CFD simulations as erties of the system to be studied.
compared with the experimentally visualized For the evaluation of subphase concentration
concentration fields for a pulse-like liquid in the experiments by double capillary system,
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 657 I


t=0.2 s t=1.2 s t=4.0 s

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 24 Comparison of dye injection into a drop: experimental snapshots (top) and I
CFD simulation (bottom) for dt ¼ 0.2 s, dV ¼ 0.1 mm3/pulse, according to Javadi et al. (2011c)

0 0 0

−0.0005 −0.0005 −0.0005

−0.001 −0.001 −0.001


−0.0015 −0.0015 −0.0015

−0.002 −0.002 −0.002

−0.0025 −0.0025 −0.0025

−0.001−0.0005 0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 −0.001−0.0005 0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 −0.001−0.0005 0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015

t=0.5 s t=2 s t=4 s

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 25 Comparison 0.3 mg/ml + 1.5 % ethanol (density slightly lower than
of dye injection into a drop: experimental snapshots (top) that of water), for dt ¼ 0.2 s, dV ¼ 0.1 mm3/pulse,
and CFD simulations (bottom) for a dye solution of according to Javadi et al. (2010c)

different algorithms are introduced, based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as powerful
simplified assumptions like well-mixed assump- computational tool in prediction of fluid velocity,
tion which results in a rough estimation. pressure, and concentration fields could be
For a well estimation of the concentration, considered as a reliable tool.
I 658 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

Interfacial Dynamics
Methods, Fig. 26 Dg-
responses to different
DA-perturbations at
0.02 Hz frequency for an
aqueous solution of 2 %
according to Loglio et al.

Interfacial Relaxation Measurements The theory of the oscillation behavior of

interfacial tension is summarized in the entry
Besides the dynamics of adsorption of surfactants ▶ Surfactant Adsorption Kinetics. In this
at freshly formed liquid interfaces, also the section, we focus on experimental studies only.
response of a surface layer to external perturba- Measurements of the viscoelasticity by using
tions is an important property of adsorption PAT is based on the surface tension response to
layers. Methods for measuring this mechanical drop or bubble perturbations. That means oscil-
interfacial response, also called dilational visco- lations of the drop/bubble surface area are input
elasticity or interfacial relaxation, are mainly information and the resulting surface tension
based on surface/interfacial tension measure- oscillations are the output information. If har-
ments. The most frequently used methods today monic sinusoidal oscillations of the drop surface
are oscillating drops/bubbles using the profile area are generated for drops of pure solvents
analysis or capillary pressure tensiometry to (without any surfactant), the surface tension
follow the relaxation process during harmonic remains constant, i.e., the amplitude of the output
perturbations. As these techniques cannot reach signal is equal to zero as pure solvents do not
very high frequencies, the capillary wave have any dilational elasticity and viscosity. On
damping method complements the drop/bubble the contrary, if the drop is formed from
methods very well with frequencies up to about a surfactant solution, there will be different time
1,000 Hz. shifts and amplitudes of the resulting surface
tension oscillations depending on the frequency
Slow Oscillations of generated oscillations and the surfactant con-
The profile analysis tensiometer (PAT) is the centration of the solution. The changes in surface
instrument which allows oscillation of a drop or tension as output signal are then to be analyzed to
bubble in order to obtain information about the gain the dilational viscoelasticity parameters
adsorption layer viscoelasticity. However, in (Loglio et al. 2001). As an example, in Fig. 26,
contrast to similar studies with small spherical the surface tension response to sinusoidal surface
drops (ODBA), it is limited to slow oscillations area oscillations at three different amplitudes is
(0.001–0.1 Hz). At higher oscillation frequen- shown. It is seen that the amplitude of surface
cies, the drop or bubble does not retain tension oscillations is proportional to the ampli-
a Laplacian shape which further on results in tude of surface area oscillations providing the
physically unrealistic data. value of the surface dilational viscoelastic
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 659 I
Interfacial Dynamics a 60
Fig. 27 Experimental
dependencies of the 50
viscoelastic modulus (a)
and phase angle (b) on the
oscillation frequency 40

|E| [mN/m]
measured by the buoyant
bubble method for the
TX45 solutions at various
concentrations: 1 (1), 2 (2), 2
5 (3), 10 (4), 20 (5), 50 (6), 20 3
and 100 (7) mol/l, according 4
to Fainerman et al. (2009) 1
10 5
0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000
f [Hz]
b 60 I

50 7

40 6
φ [degrees]

30 3



0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000
f [Hz]

modulus independent of the oscillation ampli- the phase angle decreases. The expressions for
tude, see Eq. 41 in the entry ▶ Adsorption Kinet- the viscoelasticity modulus |E| and phase angle f
ics of Surfactants. between stress (dg) and strain (dA) in the case of
Figure 27 illustrates the experimental data on diffusion controlled adsorption kinetics are
surface rheology obtained for Triton X-45 presented in the entry ▶ Adsorption Kinetics of
solutions with the buoyant bubble method. The Surfactants, Eqs. (44) therein.
dependencies of the viscoelasticity modulus and PAT used as a slow oscillation method
phase angle on oscillation frequency for various (0.001–0.1 Hz) is suitable for studies of mole-
Triton X-45 concentrations are rather similar to cules with a slow adsorption relaxation process;
those obtained for solutions of other surfactants particularly, it is the method of choice for low
(Lucassen and Giles 1975; Mucic et al. 2011b) concentrated solutions. Then, however, the
and predicted by the theory: the modulus depletion of bulk concentration might be
increases with increasing frequency, whereas a problem when the experiment is based on
I 660 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

a single drop. In order to avoid this problem, one

should perform the experiments with the bubble
configuration. Another solution would be the use
of the double capillary and supplying sufficient
solution to the drop until the adsorption equilib-
rium is established. This methodology was sum-
marized by Kotsmar et al. (2009a).
The adsorption behavior of protein-surfactant
mixtures recently became a very important issue
in the food-related industries. In Fig. 28, an
example of the viscoelasticity of mixed
BCS/C12DMPO solutions is shown. The concen-
tration of BCS is kept constant (106 mol/l) while
the C12DMPO concentration is changed. The idea Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 28 Dilational vis-
behind these experiments is to follow the replace- coelastic modulus |E| of mixed BCS/C12DMPO at a fixed
ment of protein molecules from the water/air BCS concentration of 106 mol/l as a function of
C12DMPO concentration, measured at different oscilla-
interface via the interaction with surfactants, tion frequencies: 0.005 Hz ( ), 0.01 Hz ( ), 0.02 Hz ( ),
formation of protein-surfactant complexes, and 0.04 Hz ( ), and 0.1 Hz ( ); curves are only guides for the
final competition. eye; according to Kotsmar et al. (2009b)
According to Kotsmar et al. (2009b), for all
studied frequencies, the elasticity for mixed
BCS/C12DMPO adsorption layers starts from drop/bubble tensiometry based on capillary pres-
the corresponding value for the pure BCS and sure measurements is the most suitable technique
decreases with increasing C12DMPO concentra- now for oscillations in a broad frequency interval
tion up to about 4  105 mol/l. At higher con- and has been used for studies of various surfac-
centrations, the values increase, pass through tant systems.
a maximum, and finally decrease. From the The experimental protocol consists of the
dotted line on, the obtained values are very formation of a drop/bubble which is then left for
close to those measured for the surfactant alone. a respective period of time to establish the
Thus, in this concentration region, the surfactant adsorption equilibrium at the interface. This
dominates the surface layer, in agreement with equilibration time depends on the concentration
the results from previous studies using different and surface activity of the surfactant to be studied
methods (Kotsmar et al. 2008, 2009c). (Mucic et al. 2011b). Then, by an accurate dosing
system (in our case a piezo translator shown in
Fast Oscillations Fig. 9), harmonic volume changes and, conse-
The experimental setup shown in Fig. 9 was quently, area changes are generated. The ampli-
originally developed to perform drop and bubble tudes are kept sufficiently small, typically below
oscillations at high frequencies. The first exper 10 % of the drop/bubble area, in order to remain
iment of this kind was proposed by Kretzschmar in the range of a linear perturbation response. The
and Lunkenheimer (1970). Since then, this meth- frequency of these oscillations can go down to
odology was further improved and is now in about 0.1 Hz or less and is limited from above by
many aspects superior to all capillary wave the hydrodynamics of the liquid similarly to the
damping techniques (Noskov 2010) for the appli- growing drop protocol discussed above.
cable frequency range up to 500 Hz (Andersen The hydrodynamics of the oscillatory flow
et al. 2006). Drop/bubble profile tensiometry was inside the capillary tip for high frequencies can
first used for transient relaxation studies be more complex than for constant flow rates
(Miller et al. 1993) and low frequency oscilla- (Javadi et al. 2006). Therefore, in addition to the
tions (Benjamins et al. 1996). The oscillating discussed regular hydrodynamic effects, extra
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 661 I
phenomena and related limitations such as the moments for drops bigger than a hemispherical
hydrodynamic relaxation time th ¼ rc2 =u should size. For a CTAB (cetyl trimethyl ammonium
be considered, where rc is the capillary tip radius bromide) solution in addition to the changes in
and u is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid in the drop curvature, the extra contributions to the cap-
capillary. If the period of oscillation is smaller illary pressure values appear due to changes in
than the hydrodynamic relaxation time, the the surface layer coverage caused by drop surface
velocity profile across the capillary cannot be area expansions and contractions. The observed
stationary, and the pressure drop in the capillary phase shift between measured capillary pressure
is no longer described by the Poiseuille law P(t) and area A(t) can be also described by the
(Kovalchuk et al. 2000). For very high frequen- pressure relaxation model described as below.
cies also due to inertia, viscosity, and gravity This demonstrates that a simple direct data anal-
effects, drops might start to oscillate with over- ysis of oscillating drop experiments can lead to
tones so that a clear analysis of the measured erroneous conclusions, and only via the shown
pressure signal becomes impossible. The theory, a physically reasonable interpretation of
frequency limits depend strongly on the absolute experimental data is possible.
drop size and the geometry of the capillary. With The results of interfacial tension and capillary
decreasing capillary diameter, i.e., the radius of pressure during oscillating drops for an aqueous
the liquid drop, it will be possible to perform drop of a 104 mol/l CTAB solution in hexane are
experiments at higher frequencies with less drop shown in Fig. 30 together with the result of the
deformation problems. Note, however, that han- surfactant-free system. The obtained results show
dling smaller and smaller droplets will lead to how the interfacial tension variations are consid-
problems with temperature and drop size controls erable for the CTAB solution as compared to pure
which are difficult to solve. And also the hydro- system, where we can observe a negligible
dynamic effects can increase dramatically. variation.
Therefore, the optimization of the capillary tip
size and design is a very important issue. Via the Theoretical Basis for the Oscillating Drop
analysis of fast video recordings, it is possible to Technique
determine the frequency limits for a given exper- The hydrodynamic basis for oscillation experi-
imental situation, defined by the density and ments in a measuring device, similar to the above
viscosity of the two fluids, and the absolute size mentioned experimental setup ODBA, is
of the drop/bubble (Javadi et al. 2011c). discussed in detail by Kovalchuk et al. (2011).
Despite growing drop experiments which allow
Experimental Examples for Pure Solvents and just to subtract the hydrodynamic effects directly
Surfactant Solution from the measured total pressure, for oscillating
The simplest way of testing the highest reliable experiments, the extraction of the capillary pres-
frequency for oscillation experiments is to sure term requires a much more sophisticated
perform experiments with pure solvents. Any procedure because of the existing phase shifts
observed changes in the capillary pressure P(t) between the different pressure contributions.
should be compensated by the changes in R(t) The dynamic response of the considered measur-
such that the final g(t) is independent of time, ing system is a complex response which includes
i.e., the viscoelasticity of the liquid interface not only the viscoelasticity of the interfacial layer
should be zero. but also a number of other contributions, such as
As an example, the details of a drop oscillation the hydrodynamics of the fluid flow through the
experiment at room temperature of 23–24  C are capillary and the flow in the bulk around
shown in Fig. 29. For a pure water drop in pure the meniscus, the elastic contribution due to
hexane, a phase shift of p is observed which is changes in the meniscus curvature, and the elastic
expected, as the maximum/minimum drop size contributions stemming from the finite compress-
and capillary pressure appear in opposite ibility of the liquid and the cell deformability
I 662 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

a 333 1.12

Drop area [mm2]

323 1.06
CP [Pa]

313 1
303 0.94
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
t [s]

b 150 1.1


Drop area [mm2]

CP [Pa]

135 1.02


120 0.94
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
t [s]

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 29 Drop area A(t) (bottom) in hexane, drop volume 0.12 mm3, oscillation
( ) and capillary pressure P(t) ( ) during oscillations of frequency 10 Hz
a pure water drop (top) and CTAB solution 10-4 mol/l

70 Pressure 350

g (t) 250
g [mN/m]

40 pure water /hexane

P [Pa]

10 mol/l CTAB in water /hexane
Interfacial Dynamics 30
g (t) 200
Fig. 30 Capillary pressure 20
P(t) and interfacial tension
g(t) during oscillation of 10
a drop of water and
104 mol/l aqueous CTAB Pressure
0 100
solution in hexane, drop
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
volume 0.12 mm3,
oscillation frequency 10 Hz t [s]
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 663 I
Zhv Zhi Zm Zsv Zse
The hydrodynamic contribution accounts
m for viscous and inertia effects in the bulk
phases inside the capillary and around the
meniscus. Under quasi-stationary conditions
(for relatively slow oscillations, see Kovalchuk
Zc et al. 2001), these effects can be considered
Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 31 Equivalent
scheme showing the connections of different complex
resistances acting in drop/bubble oscillation experiments
Zh ¼ Zhr þ Zhi ; (14)

where Zhv ¼ ioG1 and Zhi ¼ o2 G2 are the

(Kovalchuk et al. 2002, 2011). For small- complex resistances describing the viscous and
amplitude harmonic oscillations, the response of inertia contributions, respectively. Following
the system is linear and all contributions can be Kovalchuk et al. (2004), the hydrodynamic coef-
characterized by respective complex resistances ficients can be approximated by G1 ¼ 81 l pa4C
 . qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
as shown in Fig. 31 (Javadi et al. 2011b). and G2 ¼ 4r1 l 3pa2C þ r2 p 2 h20 þ a2C ,
The response of the system as a whole can be
where 1 and r1 are the dynamic viscosity and I
characterized by the complex resistance
(impedance): density of the fluid inside the capillary, r2 is the
density of the fluid around the meniscus, aC and
Z ¼ dP=dVDrv ; (11) l are the inner capillary radius and the length of
the thinnest inner part of the capillary (or the
where dP is the pressure variation in the cell effective capillary length, accounting also for
(at constant atmospheric pressure) measured by entrance effects), and h0 is the equilibrium
the pressure sensor, and dVDrv is the volume drop/bubble height (with respect to the capillary
variation applied via the piezo translator. The cut off). We neglect here the viscous effects in the
response of the system can be described by the liquid around the meniscus as their contribution is
total resistance: usually small for liquids having a viscosity
similar to that of water (Alexandrov et al. 2009).
 1 The second term in the expression for G2
1 1
Z¼ þ : (12) describes the contribution of the added mass of
Zc Zhv þ Zhi þ Zm þ Zse þ Zsv
liquid around the meniscus. This effect is most
The viscoelastic contribution of the interfacial important for bubbles oscillating in a liquid.
layer depends on the meniscus geometry and is The elastic resistance of the meniscus arises
composed of two terms: due to variations of the capillary pressure with
changes in the radius of curvature a (at constant
Zs ¼ Zse þ Z sv ; (13) interfacial tension g):

where Zse ¼ (2er/a0)∙(dlnA/dVm) and 2g da

Zm ¼ : (15)
Zsv ¼ (2iod/a0)∙(dlnA/dVm) are the complex a20 dVm
resistances arising from the surface dilatational
elasticity, er, and viscosity, d, respectively. Here, Here, the geometry coefficient da=dVm
o ¼ 2pf is the angular frequency of the generated describes the variation of a(Vm). One more con-
oscillation, f is the frequency in Hz, a0 is the tribution arises due to the finite liquid compress-
radius of curvature of the meniscus at equilib- ibility in the cell and deformability of the cell
rium, and dlnA/dVm is a geometric coefficient walls (Kovalchuk et al. 2000, 2002). For rela-
describing the variation of the surface area A of tively small pressure amplitudes and not very
the meniscus as a function of its volume Vm. high frequencies (corresponding to the acoustic
I 664 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

wave lengths, much larger than the cell size), this (K ¼ B1 ¼ dlnV/dP is the bulk compressibil-
contribution is described by the resistance: ity), dVc =dP is the coefficient describing the var-
iation of the internal volume of the cell as
Zc ¼  ; (16) a function of pressure (i.e., deformability of the
Vc walls), and VGas and BGas are the volumina of the
where Vc is the total volume of liquid in the cell air bubble and the bulk elasticity of air.

1 The complex resistances involved
and Bef ¼ B 1 þ VBc dVdP
þ B VGas
Vc BGas is the effec- in Eqs. 13–15) are connected in series, whereas
tive cell elasticity including the elastic response the resistance Zc, describing the intrinsic elastic-
of the liquid, the cell walls, and any gas bubbles, ity of the cell, is connected in parallel to the other
occasionally entrapped into the cell. Here, B is resistances. Hence, the total complex resistance is
the bulk elasticity of the liquid given by

2 31
Vc 1
Z ¼ 4  5 : (17)
Bef ioG1  o2 G2  2g2
dVm þ 2e
r d ln A
dVm þ 2io
d d ln A

For pure solvents without surfactants the surface. Benjamin Franklin (Franklin and
dynamic surface viscoelasticity is zero and the Brownrigg 1774) was possibly the first to per-
complex resistance is reduced to form real experiments using the wind to generate
2 31 waves, and Lamb (1932) already assumed that in
V 1 addition to the viscosity and surface tension also
Z0 ¼ 4 5 ; (18)
 some mechanical properties of the interface have
Bef ioG1  o2 G2  2g20 dV
a m
0 to be taken into account for a correct understand-
ing the damping of capillary waves. Levich
where g0 is the interfacial tension of the surfactant (1941) improved the understanding by formulat-
free system. ing the tangential forces at the liquid surface as
Figures 32 (a) and (b) illustrate drop oscilla- a boundary condition, i.e., he introduced the
tion experiments obtained with the capillary pres- Plateau–Gibbs–Marangoni effect and by this the
sure setup ODBA at different frequencies. Also dynamic surface elasticity. The development of
data from hydrodynamic experiments without the capillary wave theories was mainly com-
a drop, i.e., with the capillary immersed into the pleted by Lucassen (1968a) who found the exis-
same liquid, are shown for comparison. It is seen tence of longitudinal waves as an unexpected side
that the experimental data follow the theoretical result of his theoretical analysis of capillary
predictions discussed above. The phase angle waves. Their existence was almost immediately
given by the argument of the complex resistance confirmed experimentally (Lucassen 1968b).
Z is more sensitive to the surface viscoelasticity The introduction of the laser technique into
than its modulus; however, the experimental surface science then showed that the spectral
error of its determination is higher. shape of scattered light is directly related to the
damping coefficient of capillary waves and can
Wave Damping Methods be applied for the determination of the surface
Capillary waves are known since antiquity. Aris- rheological properties (Langevin 1992). One of
totle (384–322 BC) and Pliny the Elder the advantages of this so-called surface quasi-
(23–79 AD), for example, described the damping elastic light scattering method (SQELS) is its
of waves by the presence of oil films at a water noninvasive character. In addition, very high
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 665 I
Interfacial Dynamics a Experiment: Theory:
Methods, 105
- Run 1 1 -εr = 0
Fig. 32 Modulus
- Run 2 2 -εr = 70 mN/m
(a) and argument (b) of the
complex resistance Z as - Run 3
3 - with out
functions of frequency for - Run 4
104 meniscus
drop oscillations: Run 1 to - with out
3 – pure water drops meniscus
(different applied
mod(Z), Pa/mm3
amplitudes), Run 4 – drop,
containing a surfactant; 2
theoretical curves 1 and 2 103
are for surface elasticities er
of 0 and 70 mN/m, 1
respectively; drop base
radius ab ¼ 0.25 mm, the
meniscus height
h0 ¼ 0.65 mm, the capillary
radius and length were 3
aC ¼ 0.15 mm and
lef ¼ 3.3 mm, respectively; 101
Bef/VA ¼ 3.24104 Pa/mm3; I
10−1 100 101 102
experimental data from
hydrodynamic experiments Frequency, Hz
without drop and the
respective theoretical Experiment: Theory:
curves are given for - Run 1 1 -εr = 0
comparison b
1 - Run 2 2 -εr = 70 mN/m
0 - Run 3
3 - with out
- Run 4
- with out

agr(Z), rad



10−1 100 101 102

Frequency, Hz

perturbation frequencies of up to 2 MHz can be In the beginning, the method of capillary wave
reached (Sakai et al. 1991). A great drawback, damping was mainly applied to insoluble mono-
however, is that with SQELS negative dilational layers at low oscillation frequencies ( 1 kHz).
surface viscosities have been obtained which Initially the obtained results were most of all used
contradicts with the second law of thermodynam- to confirm the theories derived and for many
ics (Noskov and Loglio 1998). systems there was good quantitative agreement
I 666 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

Interfacial Dynamics
Fig. 33 Schematic setup Pin Hole
of an ellipsometer,
according to Motschmann Polarizer Photo Diode
and Teppner (2001) Laser

Pin Hole

Wave Analyzer

(Lucassen and Hansen 1966). However, for some reflected light beam has typically a different
spread polymer layers, the damping coefficient polarization. Ellipsometers are built such that
showed unexpected maxima at certain surface the angle of incident light can be tuned in
coverages. These phenomena initially only a certain range and that the reflected light can be
explained conformational transitions in the picked up by a sensor and its polarization
monolayer, but later, it was demonstrated that analyzed (Motschmann and Teppner 2001).
the dependence of the damping coefficient on
surface coverage is particularly sensitive to any Experiments at the Water/Air Surface
details in the surface equation of state (Ahmad Surfactant adsorption layers have a thickness of
1983). the order of 1 nm which is insufficient so far to get
The last becomes evident in particular in stud- accurate data. In this case, it is impossible to
ies of surfactants of high surface activity. For separate the thickness of the layer from the infor-
example, the adsorption kinetics of the cationic mation on the adsorbed amount. However, the
surfactant DoTAB (dodecyl trimethyl ammo- ellipsometric angle can be assumed proportional
nium bromide) show a diffusion exchange of to the adsorbed amount so that the change in
matter mechanism only if the data analysis is adsorption can be studied.
based on the correct equation of state, i.e., A typical ellipsometer has the optical elements
a modified to the Frumkin model (Stenvot and shown in Fig. 33.
Langevin 1988). Similar results were obtained The applicability of the method to interfacial
also for the famous anionic surfactant SDS layers depends strongly on the refractive indices
(sodium dodecyl sulphate) (Noskov et al. 1990). of the adjacent bulk phases. For the water/air
The methods of capillary wave damping are interface, the difference between the refractive
still practiced in studies of various interfacial indices of the two fluids is rather large:
systems (Noskov 2009; Monroy et al. 2009; nAir ¼ 1.0002 and nWater ¼ 1.3330 at 20  C.
Maestro et al. 2011); however, despite its excel- Battal et al. (2003) used this technique for
lent frequency spectrum, the lack of automated measuring the adsorption of cationic surfactants
instruments makes it difficult in use. and compared with tensiometry data. Also Stocco
et al. (2010) studies this type of surfactants as
foaming agent and used ellipsometry data for
Ellipsometry a better understanding of the foam stability of
the respective aqueous solutions.
Ellipsometry is an optical tool used typically for Ritacco et al. (2010) studied the equilibrium
polymer layers. The principle of ellipsometry of and dynamic surface properties of aqueous
liquid interfacial layers is rather easy explained. trisiloxane solutions. The results in Fig. 34 show
A light with a defined state of polarization is sent how experimental data are in good agreement
to the interface from which it is reflected. The with those calculated from an adsorption
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 667 I
Interfacial Dynamics 1,E−06
Fig. 34 Adsorption values
for trisiloxane surfactant 8,E−07
with 8 ethylene oxide units,
circles – data from

Γ [mol/m2]
ellipsometry, 6,E−07
rhombus – calculated from
isotherm, according to
Ritacco et al. (2010)


1,E−08 1,E−07 1,E−06 1,E−05 1,E−04 1,E−03 1,E−02 1,E−01 1,E+00
C [mol/m3]

a b I

Laser Laser oil

Photo Diode Photo Diode

Sample Sample

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 35 Scheme of an (b) using a cylindrical cell mounted exactly in the center
ellipsometer for studies at the water/oil interface: (a) using of the instrument, according to Stocco et al. (2011)
wave guides, according to Benjamins et al. (2002);

isotherm with model parameters obtained from synthetic SFO) 1.4485. While experiments at the
fitting to an experimental surface tension water/hexane interface appear extremely diffi-
isotherm. cult, studies of the interface to tetradecane,
This experiment demonstrates nicely that SFO, or MCT appear feasible.
there are protocols which allow quantitative In addition to the difficulty given by the
ellipsometry experiments also of standard surfac- smaller refractive index, it is also more difficult
tant adsorption layers. from an experimental point of view to study the
liquid/liquid interface by optical methods with
Experiments at the Water/Oil Interface tuneable angle of incidence for the light beam.
The use of ellipsometry is more difficult at the Obviously Benjamins et al. (2002) were the first
interface between two liquids. First of all, the to propose an arrangement which allowed
difference in the refractive index of the two fluids a defined access of the interface without passing
is much smaller than for the liquid/gas interface. the light through the surface of the oil when
For example, the index of hexane is 1.3749, of coming from top. They used a light guide for
silicone oil 1.403 (independent of viscosity, bringing the light beam directly to the water/oil
i.e., degree of polymerization), of tetradecane interface and a second guide for picking the
1.428, of sunflower oil (SFO) 1.4646, or of reflected light up for analysis. In Fig. 35, the
MCT (medium chain triglyceride, often used as principle setup is shown.
I 668 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

the so-called oscillating drop and bubble pressure

analyzer ODBA which consists mainly of the
pressure sensor, the piezoelectric translator, and
Γ ⫻ 106 [mol/m2]

the syringe dosing system, as described in detail

1.0 by Javadi et al. (2010b). Such type of experiments
was qualitatively performed by Ata (2008) with
a simple arrangement consisting just of two cap-
illaries at the tips of which bubbles were formed
and manually brought into contact. The more
generalized instrument DBMM, commercially
10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2
C [wt.%]
available now, was recently discussed by Loglio
et al. (2011) from a conceptual point of view. The
Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 36 Change of schematic setup of the DBMM is given in Fig. 37
adsorption G as a function of bulk concentration of an and a corresponding photo in Fig. 38. The piezo
oxyethylated octadecanol C18EO50 at three different
water/oil interfaces, according to Benjamins et al. (2002) drive on each side provides an exact drop size
control and drop oscillations in a broad frequency
Another design was recently proposed by The capillaries of the two cells are mounted in
Stocco et al. (2011) who use a cylindrical cell, such a way that their tips are located opposite to
filled partly by the aqueous and partly by the oil each other. At both tips, drops or bubbles can be
phase. As the light passes this cylinder cell formed with a controlled volume. The exact posi-
perpendicularly, the beam can directly reach the tioning of one drop (bubble) against the other can
interface, becomes reflected, and leaves the cell be arranged by an accurate xyz micrometer stage.
to the sensor again perpendicularly. This arrange- The principle of the DBMM is shown schemati-
ment requires an accurate positioning of the cell cally in Fig. 37.
in the center of the ellipsometer so that the light There are two independent dosing systems on
source and the sensor can be moved around the either side of the instrument. The crude syringe
central point located at the interface. pump (ILS, St€utzerbach, Germany) has an accu-
With these experimental details, ellipsometry racy between 5 ml up to 500 ml, depending on the
is also applicable to the interface between two used syringe size. Each side of the DBMM has an
liquids, as it was demonstrated by experiments additional fine dosing system realized by a piezo
on an oxyethylated alcohol C18EO30 by translator P-843.40 (Physik Instrumente,
Benjamins et al. (2002). Figure 36 presents Germany). This accurate dosing system,
some results of these studies. improved by placing a moving rod of 1 mm in
diameter (instead of originally 5 mm), provides
a volume for a full stroke of 60 mm of only 50
Direct Drop-Drop and Bubble-Bubble picolitre, and a further reduction to 10 pl appears
Interactions feasible. The range available by the pressure sen-
sor PDCR-4000 (GE-Druck, Germany) is up to
The drop and bubble micro manipulator 7,000 Pa, with a possible 10 times overload pres-
(DBMM) is a novel tool for the quantitative anal- sure. We limited the maximum total pressure to
ysis of the interaction between two droplets or a value of 10,000 Pa by a software setting, in
two bubbles or even between a single droplet and order to avoid any damage. The accuracy of the
a bubble in a liquid medium. The DBMM was sensors for a single reading is  5 Pa and can be
constructed as an extra module for the drop increased by averaging several readings, which
profile analysis tensiometer PAT-1. It consists goes of course on the expense of the data acqui-
of two identical cells, each one being a capillary sition rate. More details of the various elements
pressure tensiometer. To this end, it is identical to of the setup are summarized by Won et al. (2011).
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 669 I
Interfacial Dynamics Extension Volume
Fig. 37 Schematic of the
drop bubble micro
manipulator DBMM with
its main elements
xyz Stage Drop 2

Drop 1

Piezo 1 Piezo 2

Dosing 1 Dosing 2

Interfacial Dynamics
Methods, Fig. 38 Photo
of the drop bubble micro
manipulator DBMM;
left – in working position
with the two piezo drives on
the left and the xyz
micrometer stage on the
right; right – slipped up to
see two capillary holders
and two cylinders covering
the pressure sensors

As mentioned above, the whole DBMM mod- application. Eppendorf also provides respective
ule has to be mounted onto the measuring cell of micro-capillaries from glass with customer
a drop and bubble profile tensiometer PAT-1, as design, which are not disposable due to the
shown in Fig. 38. There is also a stand-alone costs, are therefore, not suitable for routine
version which includes only the main parts of work in the lab. Our capillaries are designed
PAT. The standard version is equipped with from various materials; the easiest to machine
a standard video camera, which can be replaced are steel tubes taken from medical injection
also by a fast video camera providing the same needles, cut with blunt ends, and bended such
high pixel resolution (better than 1,280  1,024) that the two capillaries can approach each other
at 1,000 fps or more (at reduced resolution). to a certain distance. In this way, the two formed
As emphasized in many publications on single drops/bubble meet each other at the poles, in
drop and bubble experiments, the capillary is contrast to the arrangement used by Ata (2009),
a rather small part in each setup; however, it is who positioned the capillaries in a vertical way.
surely the most important part. In our setup, we This was done because the formed bubbles were
use capillary holders from Eppendorf for fixing loaded by heavy particles and an axisymmetric
the two capillaries. Therefore, the outer diameter geometry for each bubble was given only in this
of all capillaries at one end is 1.0 mm. The tips of way. Also glass capillaries with 1-mm outer
the capillaries are of different material, particular diameter are accessible without problems, and
shape, and diameter according to the planned they have the enormous extra advantage that
I 670 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

a b 240

220 Pressure 100

Surface Tension

Surface Tension (mN/m)


Pressure (P)
180 80

140 60

10 20 30 40
Time (s)

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 39 Two water droplets in air; the pressure and surface tension of pure
water, left cell

their tips can be easily designed with tailored composition prevents droplets or bubbles from
smaller orifices. They can be made with very coalescence. Furthermore, a thin film is created
sharp or blunt tips, depending on the liquids to when the droplets (or bubbles) contact each other.
be studies. The wetting of glass capillaries can be The life time of such thin films will be controlled
adjusted by hydrophobization (inside or outside). by the properties of the present adsorption layers.
The capillaries used can have identical or differ- The simplest experiment for demonstration
ent tip shapes and diameters. Also the size of the reasons is the approach of two water droplets
drops/bubbles can be chosen according to against each other, in air or hexane system,
the target with an identical or different size. without any added surfactant. Studies for air
The software routines of the instrument provide bubbles have been performed in aqueous solu-
exact data of the radius of the drops at both sides tions containing food proteins such as b-casein
and the respective capillary pressures in real time. (BCS) and b-lactoglobulin (BLG), and different
The acquired values can be recorded with types of added surfactants.
a selected data acquisition rate. Also a video The following figures show results from
movie can be recorded simultaneously with the experiments with two water droplets in air
standard of 25 fps (or higher frame rates in case (Fig. 39), two air bubbles in a BLG solution
a high-speed camera is used). Once the two drops (Fig. 40), and one hexane droplet and one air
of a desired size are formed, the xyz-stage allows bubble in pure water (Fig. 41). Shown is the
moving the first drop toward the second drop until time interval at which coalescence between the
both are positioned properly: just opposite to each two droplets or bubbles occurs. During the
other or out of a common symmetry axis, approach, radius, volume, surface area, pressure,
depending on the scientific aim of the study. and the surface/interfacial tension of the droplets
To demonstrate the functionality of the are recorded. The measuring signal and the
DBMM, we show here only few selected exper- pictures which were taken before and after
iments. One experimental protocol is to measure coalescence are shown. When the two pure
the capillary pressure before and during coales- water droplets get in contact, coalescence hap-
cence for systems containing surfactants, pens within 0.3 s and the pressure decreases
proteins, and their mixtures. The target of these immediately (see Fig. 39). Of course, the shown
studies is to understand which surface layer surface/interfacial tension is of physical meaning
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 671 I
a b 500 200
Surface Tension 180

400 160


Surface Tension (mN/m)

300 120

Pressure (P)

200 80
c 60

100 40


0 0

175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210

Interfacial Dynamics Methods, Fig. 40 Two air bubbles in an aqueous BLG (106 mol/l); the pressure and surface I
tension was measured in the left cell

Interfacial Dynamics
Methods, Fig. 41 One
droplet of hexane (left) and
one air bubble (right) in
pure water

only before coalescence. For the two air bubbles in In Fig. 41, we see the asymmetric scenario of
the aqueous BLG solution, the coalescence also a hexane droplet in contact with an air bubble in
happens very quickly (t ¼ 0 on the time axis pure water, when coalescence does not happen.
corresponds to the start of the experiment and not Instead, the bubble is engulfed by the drop and
to the moment of contact) but with delay of few continues to exist even after it is detached from
seconds after contact (Fig. 40). This shows that the the capillary.
formed BLG adsorption layer was not sufficient to As this new methodology is very new, more
provide the bubbles from coalescence. experimental work has to be done in order to
I 672 Interfacial Dynamics Methods

evaluate its real potential. It appears that it can will surely allow to achieve the mentioned goals
develop into a valuable tool for a quantitative and to get a quantitative knowledge of these
characterization of the stability of foams, emul- interfacial dynamics properties.
sions, and also more complex systems like
foamed emulsions. List of Symbols

A area
Summary c surfactant bulk concentration
c0 total surfactant concentration
To meet the requirements of many modern tech- c subsurface concentration
nologies, a quantitative knowledge on the cCMC critical micelle formation
involved interfacial properties is required. This concentration
applies essentially to the dynamics of fluid inter- cd,0 initial concentration in donor phase
faces, which are subject to changes due to the (Eq. 10)
large deformations of liquid interfaces during cd,eq equilibrium concentration in donor
many technological processes. This is true for phase (Eq. 10)
emulsification or foaming or during the transport D diffusion coefficient
of these systems through pipes, etc. For rather dA strain
slow processes, it is easy to measure the dg stress
corresponding properties by means of quasi- |E| viscoelasticity modulus
static methods. Here, drop and bubble profile f correction factor in Eq. (2)
tensiometry and ellipsometry provide excellent g gravity constant
data. Hence, the amount adsorbed and the reply h immersion depth of the capillary
to slow deformations can be investigated easily. into the liquid
We describe here, however, also the experi- K partition coefficient between two
mental tools for short adsorption time and media
high-frequency perturbation data, which are kf micelle formation rate constant
accessible only since recently. At the present L gas flow rate
state of the art, data in the millisecond range l capillary length
are measurable but using capillary pressure Lc critical gas flow rate
techniques with drops and bubbles. In addition, nAir refractive indices of air
the dilational rheology at frequencies up to nWater refractive indices of water
100 Hz, even at interfaces between two immisci- P pressure
ble liquids is available via experiments with Pc pressure at critical gas flow rate
oscillating drops and bubbles. Pcap capillary pressure (Eq. 9)
It is the subject of future work, to reach still Pdrag pressure caused by the drag force
shorter times and higher frequencies, which are (Eq. 9)
needed for highly dynamic production processes. Phyd hydrostatic pressure (Eq. 9)
This, however, entails not only the need of fast Pinertial pressure caused by inertial effects
data acquisition but also requires to solve very (Eq. 9)
complex theoretical problems, such as the com- Pmax maximum pressure
bination of matter transfer and liquid flow Pvisc pressure caused by viscosity effects
pattern. Both are closely linked in experiments inside the capillary tip (Eq. 9)
at very short times or high-frequency perturba- Q volumetric flow rate
tions. The separation of the interfacial effects R gas law constant
from the integral measuring signals becomes R(t) drop radius
a most difficult task. The utilization of R1, R2,R0 parameters of the drop geometry
a high-speed and high-resolution video technique (Fig. 6)
Interfacial Dynamics Methods 673 I
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