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Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 104:491–499

DOI 10.1007/s00421-008-0798-3


EVect of body temperature on cold induced vasodilation

Andreas D. Flouris · David A. Westwood ·
Igor B. Mekjavic · Stephen S. Cheung

Accepted: 5 June 2008 / Published online: 21 June 2008

© Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract Cold-induced vasodilation (CIVD) is an acute temperature (Tb) was at its highest. A thermoregulatory pat-
increase in peripheral blood Xow observed during cold tern was identiWed whereby CIVD occurred soon after Tb
exposures. It is hypothesized to protect against cold inju- increased past a threshold (»36.65°C in warming and pre-
ries, yet despite continuous research it remains an unex- warming; »36.4°C in control). When CIVD occurred, Tb
plained phenomenon. Contrary to the traditionally held was reduced and CIVD ceased when Tb fell below the
view, we propose that CIVD is a thermoregulatory reXex threshold. These Wndings were independent of extremity
mechanism contributing to heat loss. Ten adults (4 females; temperature since CIVD episodes occurred at a large range
23.8 § 2.0 years) randomly underwent three 130-min expo- of Wnger temperatures (7.2–33.5°C). These observations
sures to ¡20°C incorporating a 10-min moderate exercise were statistically conWrmed by auto-regressive integrated
period at the 65th min, while wearing a liquid conditioning moving average analysis (t = 9.602, P < 0.001). We con-
garment (LCG) and military arctic clothing. In the pre- clude that CIVD is triggered by increased Tb supporting the
warming condition, rectal temperature was increased by hypothesis that CIVD is a thermoregulatory mechanism
0.5°C via the LCG before the cold exposure. In the warm- contributing to heat loss.
ing condition, participants regulated the LCG throughout
the cold exposure to subjective comfort. In the control con- Keywords CIVD · Vasodilation · Vasoconstriction ·
dition, the LCG was worn but was not operated either Thermoregulation · Finger temperature
before or during the cold exposure. Results demonstrated
that the majority of CIVD occurred during the warming
condition when the thermometrically-estimated mean body Introduction

Cold-induced vasodilation (CIVD) is a counterintuitive

A. D. Flouris · D. A. Westwood · S. S. Cheung acute increase in local cutaneous blood Xow that develops
School of Health and Human Performance, during cold exposures resulting in increased local tissue
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada temperature which may protect the region from cold inju-
ries (Daanen and van der Struijs 2005). However, its
I. B. Mekjavic
Department of Automation, Biocybernetics and Robotics, appearance has been described as non-systematic (Cheung
Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia and Mekjavic 2007; Reynolds et al. 2007) and, therefore,
S. S. Cheung
The diYculty to hitherto elucidate the CIVD response
Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology,
Brock University, St Catharines, Canada may be partly attributable to the currently incomplete
understanding of the physiology of the sympathetic vaso-
A. D. Flouris (&) constrictor and vasodilator nerves that regulate cutaneous
Institute of Human Performance and Rehabilitation,
circulation. CIVD is evident almost exclusively in areas of
Centre for Research and Technology-Thessaly,
32 Siggrou Street, Trikala 42100, Greece glabrous skin (e.g., human palms and soles, Daanen 2003)
e-mail: which are innervated solely by noradrenergic sympathetic

492 Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 104:491–499

vasoconstrictor nerves, compared to areas of nonglabrous Daanen et al. 1997; Takano and Kotani 1989) and animal
skin that are innervated by both branches of the sympa- (Grant and Bland 1931) investigations that reported higher
thetic nervous system (Charkoudian 2003; Kellogg 2006). occurrence of the phenomenon at increased Tb. Yet these
This distinction is fundamental to the present discussion experiments did not assess the link between CIVD and Tb in
because arteriovenous anastomoses (AVA; thick-walled, real-time, but only through repeated-measures designs
low-resistance blood vessels that allow high Xow rates incorporating conditions of hyper-, hypo-, and normo-ther-
directly from arterioles to venules and play a major role in mia. Therefore, the purpose of the present experiment was
CIVD, Daanen 2003) exist almost exclusively in glabrous to investigate the minute-by-minute association between
skin where they are innervated heavily and solely by sym- CIVD and Tb during a prolonged cold exposure.
pathetic vasoconstrictor nerves (Lossius et al. 1993). Con-
sequently, CIVD may be caused by inhibited (or decreased)
vasoconstriction rather than by active vasodilation. In addi- Materials and methods
tion, the synchronicity in the vasomotion of AVA carried in
the diVerent areas of the body (Lossius et al. 1993) and the The experimental protocol conformed to the standards set
strong relationship of blood Xow Xuctuations through all by the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the
AVA with variations in heart rate and arterial blood pres- appropriate ethical review board at Dalhousie University.
sure (Lossius et al. 1994) suggest the involvement of supra- Volunteers were 10 healthy adults (males 6; females 4; 23.8
spinal regions of the central nervous system in the control § 2.0 years; height 1.8 § 0.1 m; weight 71.6 § 11.4 kg)
of CIVD. Indeed, the notion of a central CIVD component that had none or very limited previous experience with cold
is supported in several experiments (Kunimoto 1987; Sen- exposure experiments. Female participants were tested dur-
dowski et al. 1997, 2000; Werner 1977). These Wndings ing the early follicular phase (days 1–6) of their cycle.
provide support to the notion that thermal balance has a Written informed consent was obtained from all partici-
strong impact on the CIVD reaction which seems to be pants after full explanation of the procedures involved. Par-
superimposed on the general vascular status of the periphe- ticipants were given a detailed verbal description of the
ral blood vessels. protocol, followed by extensive familiarization with all data
With the assumption that survival of the whole organism collection procedures and instruments during an initial
takes precedence over the survival of individual tissues in familiarization session performed at least 3 days prior to
the periphery, we propose that CIVD is but one aspect of a testing. Anthropometrical measurements were also per-
co-ordinated thermoregulatory response to cold exposure formed at this time.
that is implemented via local and central mechanisms of The study adopted a randomized crossover design with
vasoconstrictor control, with the goal of regulating overall participants visiting the laboratory on three diVerent occa-
thermal balance. According to our hypothesis, CIVD acts to sions to undergo a 130-min passive cold exposure. To test
dissipate heat and thus lower mean body temperature (Tb) the hypothesis that CIVD is related to Tb, we manipulated
when the latter is above ideal—a somewhat paradoxical body heat content passively (i.e., by applying heat to the
notion given that the observed phenomenon occurs in cold participants’ skin using a liquid conditioning garment sys-
environments. An increased Tb is not a rare event in tem, LCG (Flouris and Cheung 2006) either before or dur-
humans—even during cold exposures—since 70–100% of ing the cold exposure) and actively (i.e., through increased
the metabolic energy released for muscular work is con- endogenous heat release from exercise). In order to increase
verted to heat (Flouris and Cheung 2006). In addition, heat the validity of our Wndings, we used a comparatively strict
production is increased during cold exposure through (Purkayastha et al. 1992) CIVD deWnition of an uninter-
changes in metabolism (Haman et al. 2002) and shivering rupted sharp increase of ¸4°C in Wnger temperature (Tf).
thermogenesis (Eyolfson et al. 2001). Thus, when initially Participants underwent the three 130-min cold exposures
exposed to cold, humans engage cutaneous vasoconstric- in an environmentally controlled chamber while wearing a
tion to conserve heat. Increased heat production is then LCG underneath arctic clothing. The 130-min duration was
adopted as a behavioral or reXexive chronic response that is selected in order to produce signiWcant changes in Tb and Tf
slower but more adaptive than peripheral vasoconstriction with no serious risk to the participants’ thermal integrity. In
(Caputa and Cabanac 1980; Wilson et al. 1991). Added to the pre-warming condition, 50°C water was circulated in
cutaneous vasoconstriction, we propose that this increased the LCG prior to the cold exposure until core (i.e., rectal)
heat production may occasionally cause Tb to rise (over- temperature was increased by 0.5°C, with no warming dur-
shoot) transiently above ideal, which causes CIVD to occur ing the exposure. In the warming condition, participants
in order to dissipate the excess heat. The notion that CIVD regulated freely (increased or decreased) the LCG inlet water
pertains paradoxically to heat dissipation is supported in temperature during cold exposure to subjective comfort,
several human (Daanen 2003; Daanen and Ducharme 1999; with no warming prior to the cold exposure. In the control

Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 104:491–499 493

condition, the LCG was worn but it was not operating close-Wtting stretchable hood (6.1 m of tubing), shirt cover-
either before or during the cold exposure. All participants ing the torso and arms (38.1 m of tubing), and pants (25.0
underwent the three conditions in a random order through a m of tubing). The face, hands, and feet were left uncovered.
random allocation algorithm performed by SPSS statistical To promote maximum heat transfer between the skin and
package. Testing was conducted by the same investigators the garment, male participants wore only shorts while
between 0900 and 1400 h. Participants were extensively females also wore a bra. Inlet water temperature of the gar-
familiarized with the LCG and the control of its inlet water ment, with a Xow rate of »1 L min¡1, was controlled by a
temperature during the familiarization session. They were recirculating chiller/heater (Polyscience, Niles, IL, USA)
instructed to consume a light breakfast and adequate with a resolution of 0.5°C.
amounts of water prior to arriving in the laboratory, having
abstained from alcohol and caVeine for 12 h. Ad libitum Exercise regimen
water ingestion was permitted during data collection. Par-
ticipants were also advised to avoid physical activity and Given that the LCG allowed only for passive exogenous
excessive stressors such as exposure to extreme hot or cold changes in body heat content, participants were asked to
temperatures for 48 h prior to data collection and particu- complete a short sub-maximal exercise protocol during
larly during the period between awakening and experimen- each cold exposure in order to incorporate the eVects of
tation and during transit from home to the laboratory. increased body heat content via endogenous heat on CIVD.
This paradigm also provides a more realistic real-world
Cold exposure and protective clothing scenario given that individuals exposed to cold generally go
through periods of rest interspersed by periods of sub-max-
During cold exposure participants were seated at rest for 130 imal physical activity. In fact, several studies in the past
min, with a 10-min exercise period at half-time (i.e., 65–75 have investigated CIVD in individuals working with their
min), inside an environmentally controlled chamber (Convi- hands in a cold environment (Hellstrom and Andersen
ron GR96, Winnipeg, Canada) with air temperature main- 1960; Krog et al. 1960; Leblanc et al. 1960; Nelms and
tained at ¡20°C (air velocity 0.05 m s¡1). Although the Soper 1962). At the 65th min of each cold exposure partici-
typical procedure used to evoke CIVD in laboratory settings pants were seated on a stationary Monark bike situated
is local cooling, it has been clearly demonstrated that CIVD inside the environmental chamber and exercised for 10 min
responses occur also during whole-body cold exposure (Sch- at a workload requiring 60% of their age-predicted maxi-
winghamer and Adams 1969). Whole-body cooling was, mum heart rate (220-age).
therefore, adopted in the current experiment because it pro-
vides a more realistic real-world scenario. In addition, the Thermoregulatory variables
cold stimulus to the hand was strong enough to evoke CIVD
given that Wnger skin temperature reached as low as 5°C in Core, skin, and Wnger temperatures were recorded through-
certain subjects (see “Results” section). During their time out all conditions at 8-s intervals using a data logger
inside the chamber, participants wore—over top of the (Smartreader 8 Plus, ACR, Vancouver, Canada) interfaced
LCG—commercially available clothing simulating all three with a computer to allow continuous monitoring. Esopha-
layers of the Improved Environmental Clothing System geal temperature was measured with a Xexible thermistor
Canadian Forces Arctic clothing ensemble (3.6 clo, 0.556 m2 (Mon-A-Therm Core, Mallinkrodt Medical, St Louis, USA)
K W¡1). The three-layer system included a Xeece garment placed through the nasal passage into the esophagus at a
(Wrst layer), an uninsulated inner parka and pants (second distance equal to one-quarter of the standing height. Rectal
layer), and an insulated outer parka and pants (third layer). In temperature was measured with a Xexible thermistor (Mon-
addition standard military mukluks, woollen socks, and a A-Therm Core, Mallinckrodt Medical, St Louis, USA)
balaclava were also worn, together with a thin pair of long, inserted to a depth of 15 cm beyond the anal sphincter to
cotton underwear worn under the Xeece pants [additional assess rectal temperature. The esophageal and rectal tem-
overall clo value of 0.3 (0.05 m2 K W¡1)]. The hands were perature values were used to provide a mean core tempera-
insulated with thin gloves and Arctic mitts (1.2 clo, 0.185 m2 ture [core temperature = (esophageal + rectal)/2)]. The
K W¡1). Therefore, only the areas around the eyes and the rational for averaging rectal and esophageal temperature
mouth were directly exposed to the environment. stems from the fact that the former is the core temperature
index used by most studies and allows for comparisons
Liquid conditioning garment (LCG) between our data and those of others but, at the same time,
it is inherently limiting for our purposes due to its well-
Participants wore a LCG (Med-Eng, Pembroke, ON, Canada) known response delay (the reader is reminded that the aim
consisting of 1/8⬙ diameter Tygon tubing sewn over a of the current analysis is to assess changes across time).

494 Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 104:491–499

Therefore, the average of rectal and esophageal temperature ¸4°C), CIVD maxima (i.e., highest Tf value during a
provides us with an index that is an acceptable indicator of CIVD) and CIVD end (i.e., point of the return of Tf to pre-
core temperature with a fast response to changes in thermal CIVD levels). Thereafter, auto-regressive integrated mov-
balance. Four ceramic chip skin thermistors (MA-100, ing average (Box and Jenkins 1976) (ARIMA) analysis was
Thermometrics, Edison, NJ, USA) were attached to the used to investigate whether changes in Tf time series
chest, upper arm, thigh, and calf to allow the measurement (dependent variable) could be explained by changes in Tb
of mean skin temperature using the area-weighting for- time series (independent variable). The purpose of using
mula: mean skin temperature = 0.3(chest + arm tempera- ARIMA in the speciWc analysis is to determine if and when
ture) + 0.2(thigh + leg temperature) (Ramanathan 1964). Xuctuations in Tb were associated with similar Xuctuations
Mean body temperature (Tb) was calculated as the weighted in Tf across time. All statistical analyses were performed
sum of core and skin temperatures using the previously with SPSS (version 14.0.1, SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois)
described and widely used formula (Hardy and DuBois statistical software package. The level of signiWcance was
1938): 0.67(mean core temperature) + 0.33(mean skin tem- set at P < 0.05.
perature). Finger temperature (Tf) was measured with a
thermistor placed on the pad of the fourth Wnger of the non-
dominant hand. All skin themistors were held in place Results
against the skin with surgical tape (3 M Transpore Tape, 3
M Canada). Results are presented as mean (SD). Statistically signiWcant
Tb diVerences were observed between conditions [pre-
Statistical analyses warming 36.64(0.25)°C; warming: 36.73(0.50)°C; control:
36.31(0.50)°C] (P < 0.05). A total of 119 CIVD episodes
Chi-square was used to detect diVerences in CIVD occur- were observed using the adopted deWnition (i.e., an uninter-
rence (i.e., number of CIVD events) among conditions (i.e., rupted sharp increase of ¸4°C in Tf), 56 of which occurred
pre-warming, warming and control). Repeated measures during the warming condition (Fig. 1), when Tb was at its
ANOVA were used to detect diVerences among conditions highest. Mean Tb and Tf at CIVD start were 36.4 and
with regards to the duration of CIVD [time (in s) between 17.2°C, respectively (Fig. 1). As illustrated in Figs. 2, 3 and
the uninterrupted sharp Tf increase of ¸4°C and the return 4, a thermoregulatory response pattern was apparent
of Tf to pre-CIVD levels]. The same statistical procedure whereby CIVD occurred soon after Tb surpassed a thresh-
was used to detect possible diVerences in Tf and Tb at CIVD old. Subsequent to the occurrence of all CIVD events, Tb
start (i.e., point of the uninterrupted sharp Tf increase of was reduced and the phenomenon ceased when Tb fell

Fig. 1 CIVD occurrence and properties (mean § SD) in all condi- comparisons of CIVD properties between conditions signiWcant at P <
tions. Note: All chi-square comparisons of ‘CIVD occurrence’ among 0.05. The slight diVerence in Tf between occurrence and ending was
conditions were signiWcant at P < 0.05. * = repeated measures ANOVA due to repeated CIVD events blocking Tf from reaching pre-CIVD levels

Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 104:491–499 495

Fig. 2 Finger temperature (Tf, left y axis) and mean body temperature numbers) occurred when Tb increased past a threshold and were fol-
(Tb, right y axis) in the three conditions for a male participant chosen lowed by a decrease in Tb. With the exception of CIVD 10, all CIVD
at random. To minimize noise, values are shown as three-point moving events were preceded by an increase in Tb. The Tb threshold for the
averages from data collected every 8-s. The 10-min exercise period control condition was at 36.3°C (CIVD 1–3) while the equivalent was
performed between the 65th and 75th-min as well as the end of pre- at 36.6°C when heating manipulations occurred (i.e., warming and pre-
warming are indicated by dashed lines. All CIVD events (indicated by warming conditions, CIVD 4–10)

below the threshold. In a few instances when Tb remained Discussion

above the threshold despite the occurrence of CIVD, addi-
tional CIVD events were observed (e.g., CIVD 10 in The current results support the proposed hypothesis that an
Figs. 2 and 4). These Wndings were independent of extrem- association exists between Tb and CIVD and that the trig-
ity temperature since CIVD episodes were observed at a gering mechanism of CIVD is an increase in Tb past a
comparatively vast range of Tf ranging from 7.2 to 33.5°C threshold. Although the present design cannot fully estab-
(Fig. 1). The validity of the aforementioned patterns regard- lish causal relationships, based on deterministic models of
ing Tb and Tf was examined using ARIMA analysis. This is causality (Olsen 2003), our results reveal very strong longi-
because cold exposure, LCG-induced heating and exercise tudinal associations because the independent variable (i.e.,
in the present experiment represented disturbances (shocks) Tb) changed before the dependent variable (i.e., Tf) in time
that somehow aVected the level of a series (in this case Tb) in a consistent manner. The present data suggest substantial
as well as the level of another series (in this case Tf). Based loss of body heat during CIVD demonstrating its cooling
on these disturbances, ARIMA can mathematically capacity, which conWrms previous Wndings (Cannon and
describe the association between the two time series. A Keatinge 1960). The notion that CIVD is a heat-loss mech-
detailed presentation of the ARIMA procedure can be anism is supported in several investigations (Daanen 2003;
found in the Appendix. In summary, results from the Daanen and Ducharme 1999; Daanen et al. 1997; Takano
ARIMA analysis demonstrated that, across time, Xuctua- and Kotani 1989) that reported increased CIVD prevalence
tions in Tb were systematically followed (approximately rates at higher levels of Tb. In addition, it is generally
160 s later) by similar Xuctuations in Tf. agreed that there is a central component in CIVD given that

496 Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 104:491–499

Fig. 3 Finger temperature (Tf, left y axis) and mean body temperature by a decrease in Tb. The Tb threshold for the control condition was at
(Tb, right y axis) in the three conditions for a male participant chosen 36.3°C (CIVD 1) while the equivalent was at 36.75 and 36.5°C for the
at random. Graph properties are similar to Fig. 2. All CIVD events warming (CIVD 2–8) and pre-warming (CIVD 9–10) condition,
were preceded by an increase in Tb past a threshold and were followed respectively

normothermic and/or centrally warm humans demonstrate only on the present stimulus, but also on the previous state
accelerated CIVD responses (Daanen et al. 1997; Takano of the component), with the system’s Tb threshold being
and Kotani 1989), while those that are centrally cold reveal shifted upwards because it has been approached from a
CIVDs of delayed onset and lesser magnitude (Daanen diVerent “direction” (i.e., Tb was above the threshold for the
et al. 1997; Elsner et al. 1960; Keatinge 1957; Werner majority of the time in warming and pre-warming, and
1977). However, previous investigations did not arrive to below the threshold in control). The existence of large
the conclusions of the present study, probably because they interindividual variation in the magnitude, the threshold
did not assess the link between CIVD and Tb in real-time and the time course in the suppression and activation capa-
but only through repeated-measures designs incorporating bility of the vasoconstrictor system (Michikami et al. 2001)
conditions of hyper-, hypo-, and normo-thermia. In the as well as the core temperature threshold for hand blood
present experiment, by establishing the link between body Xow changes (Daanen and van der Struijs 2005) has been
heat content and CIVD in real time minute-by-minute data, previously established and was not an unexpected Wnding.
the CIVD phenomenon becomes systematic and interpret- Local skin temperature did not appear to interfere with
able in terms of biological control processes. the control of CIVD in our experiment since episodes were
Despite marked interindividual variation, the CIVD observed with Tf at CIVD onset ranging from 7.2 to 33.5°C.
response consistently occurred soon after—approximately In conjunction with the lack of repetitive cyclical variation
160 s—Tb surpassed a threshold, observed most often at (periodicity) in CIVD events despite that participants were
36.4°C in the control condition and at approximately exposed to a stable environment, our results suggest that
36.65°C in the warming and pre-warming conditions. This CIVD events as well as the ‘hunting reaction’ intervals
diVerence in thresholds may be caused by hysterisis (a phe- were not associated with either environmental stimuli or
nomenon by which an eVect in a component depends not peripheral thermal integrity. These Wndings suggest the

Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 104:491–499 497

Fig. 4 Finger temperature (Tf, left y axis) and mean body temperature by an increase in Tb. The Tb threshold for the control condition was at
(Tb, right y axis) in the three conditions for a female participant chosen 36.4°C (CIVD 1) while the equivalent was at 36.8°C and 36.5°C for
at random. Graph properties are similar to Fig. 2. All CIVD events oc- the warming (CIVD 2–6) and pre-warming (CIVD 8, 9, 10) condition,
curred when Tb was above a threshold and were followed by a decrease respectively. CIVD 8 occurred at 37°C
in Tb. With the exception of CIVD 10, all CIVD events were preceded

involvement of supraspinal regions of the central nervous of the peripheral blood vessels may well contribute to
system in the control of CIVD. Indeed, the eVects of tem- CIVD, yet our data and that of many others (Daanen et al.
perature on Wnger constrictor tone depend primarily on the 1997; Elsner et al. 1960; Keatinge 1957; Kunimoto 1987;
integrity of the sympathetic nervous system, at least during Sendowski et al. 1997; 2000; Werner 1977) suggest a cen-
the early phases of localized cooling (Johnson et al. 2005; tral component to CIVD.
Sendowski et al. 2000; Thompson-Torgerson et al. 2007). It should be noted that the current Tb values are the prod-
However, local skin receptors appear to play a role by mod- uct of thermometric calculations based on standard mean
ifying the response of AVA to this central reXex (Johnson core and skin temperature weighting coeYcients for an indi-
and Park 1979; Roberts and Zygmunt 1984; Sendowski vidual exposed to cool steady-state conditions, a method that
et al. 2000; Tipton et al. 1993). Although our results dem- is inferior in accuracy compared to calorimetry. However,
onstrate clearly a central component to the control of thermometric calculations are generally accepted as valid
CIVD, we did not see any eVects of local factors possibly and sensitive to change (Flouris et al. 2007) and it is impor-
because we did not examine local eVector components. The tant to remember that the aim in the present experiment was
inXuence of direct local cooling on vasomotor muscle may to investigate the changes in Tf and Tb across time as well as
be substantial, and one of the hypothesis of CIVD postu- the relationship between these changes, not cross-sectional
lates that it is caused by direct cold-induced paralysis of the diVerences between the two variables. Therefore, the eVects
peripheral blood vessels (Keatinge 1980). In our view, this of thermometry, if any, were constant across time (since
hypothesis is limited in that it has been investigated only ex coeYcients in all Tb formulas are constant) and, therefore,
situ eliminating any central inXuences and it has not been did not inXuence our conclusions. We did not incorporate
conWrmed in real-time CIVD data. Cold-induced paralysis separate analyses for skin and core temperatures, which may

498 Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 104:491–499

have a disparate eVect on CIVD since reXex constriction in useful in time series analysis as it emphasizes the regularity
the cold is predominantly driven by skin temperature, while of a series by removing some of the random variation and
reXex dilation in the heat is driven almost entirely by core by giving extra weight to more recent observations. This
temperature. Therefore, the Tb estimate used herein may allows the researcher to capitalize on any pattern that is evi-
have not completely accounted for the underlying thermo- dent in the observed series and to use that pattern to draw
regulatory sensory inputs and eVerent outputs. Also, our relevant conclusions. In the current analysis, the changes in
results would be further strengthened by measuring Wnger Tf were detected approximately 160 s (or 20 lags/data
blood Xow or forearm-Wnger temperature gradient. While the points) following changes in Tb. Thus, the Tf series was
present results are based only on absolute Wnger skin temper- recalculated to incorporate 20 lags and further analyses
ature data, this parameter is the most commonly used mea- were conducted using this new variable.
sure for CIVD (Daanen 2003), while similar methods have ARIMA models combine as many as three types of pro-
been extensively used to measure Wnger perfusion (Sessler cesses based on the concept of random disturbances or
2003). In conclusion, the results from the present experiment shocks: autoregression (i.e., AR), integration/diVerencing
support that an association exists between Tb and CIVD and (i.e., I) and moving averages (i.e., MA). Between two obser-
that the triggering mechanism of CIVD is an increase in Tb vations in a time series, a disturbance (in this case cold expo-
past a threshold. Ergo, CIVD appears to be the eventuality of sure/LCG heating) occurs that somehow aVects the level of
a thermoregulatory function based on the suppression and the series (in this case Tb) as well as the level of another
activation of the sympathetic vasoconstrictor system. As series (in this case Tf). These disturbances as well as the asso-
local eVects of cold as well as skin and core temperatures ciation between the two time series can be mathematically
may play diVerential roles in CIVD, future experiments described by ARIMA models. Using the appropriate model-
should aim in isolating the local and central components of building procedure for the best possible series model (Box
this response. In addition, further research on the role of and Jenkins 1976) the identiWcation of the processes underly-
vasoconstrictor nerve activity in maintaining thermal balance ing the time series was conducted to determine the integers
in humans should be projected in future studies. for autoregression, diVerencing and moving average. Given
that the autoregression and moving average components
Acknowledgments The authors wish to express their gratitude to the require stationary series (Box and Jenkins 1976), the autocor-
subjects who participated in the experiments, to Peter Romkey and the
relations and partial autocorrelations of Tf and Tb time series
K.C. Irving Center at Acadia University for providing the environmen-
tal chamber and associated technical assistance, and to Dr. René J.L. were calculated showing that neither was stationary. This
Murphy at Acadia University for providing the arctic clothing. The was also evident in all preliminary plots of Tf and Tb across
project was supported by a Discovery Grant (S. S. Cheung and G. G. time (Figs. 2–4). Following diVerencing transformation at lag
Sleivert) from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
(NSERC). A. D. Flouris was supported by funding from the Natural
2, stationarity was achieved with no spikes evident to the
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Cana- 38th lag (»5 min of data collection given that data were col-
dian Space Agency. lected every 8 s). As the series were diVerenced twice to
achieve stationarity, the ARIMA integration parameter was
set to ‘2’ (Box and Jenkins 1976). Further, given that both
Appendix series had one spike in the Wrst value of the autocorrelation
and exponentially declining values of the partial autocorrela-
Plotting the Tf time series against the Tb time series for each tion, the appropriate order for autoregression and moving
participant and condition separately (Figs. 2–4) yielded a average was ‘0’ and ‘1’, respectively (Box and Jenkins
systematic pattern (relationship between Tf and Tb 1976). The resulting ARIMA [0, 2, 1 (i.e., 0 order of autore-
described above) but no periodicity [i.e., regular repetition gression; 2 degree of diVerencing; 1 order of moving aver-
in time (lack of periodicity is an essential ARIMA assump- age)] was found to be parsimonious and adequate model with
tion)] (Box and Jenkins 1976). Further analyses were con- no spikes evident to the 38th lag (Box-Ljung statistic P <
ducted using data from all participants and conditions 0.001) and Tb signiWcantly associated with Tf (t = 9.602, P <
simultaneously. To statistically address the possibility that 0.001). These results demonstrate that, across time, Xuctua-
the two time series (i.e., Tf and Tb) were not inherently tions in Tb were systematically followed (approximately 160
unpredictable [random-walk/white noise (another ARIMA s later) by similar Xuctuations in Tf.
assumption)], the autocorrelation of the residuals from
exponential smoothing (Gardner 1985) was calculated for
each time series for a maximum of 38 lags/data points (i.e.,
»5 min, given that data were collected every 8 s), conWrm-
ing that neither of the two was random (Box-Ljung statistic Box GEP, Jenkins GM (1976) Time series analysis: forecasting and
P < 0.001). The exponential smoothing technique is very control, rev. ed. Holden-Day, San Francisco

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