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How to Read a CO2

Laser Datasheet
This guide helps interpret technical specifications used in Synrad laser datasheets. For more information, a Synrad
Sales Manager or Applications Engineer can help specify the right laser for your specific application.

Specification What it Means Why it Matters

Laser Type • Continuous Wave (CW) • CW Lasers are useful for marking,
(Continuous Wave or Pulsed) Lasers can produce a engraving, and creating smooth cuts
continuous beam of light. in materials like acrylic.
• Pulsed Lasers produce a • Pulsed Lasers produce high peak
series of high peak power power, which can improve cut edge
pulses. quality, efficiently drill or perforate
thin materials, and provide high
power density to pierce challenging
materials like metals.

Wavelength • Wavelength refers to the • If a material has higher absorption of

(9.3 µm, 10.2 µm, or 10.6 µm) wavelength of light produced by a given wavelength, processing is
the laser. faster and the results are higher
quality. Laser wavelength should be
• Lasers emit monochromatic
matched to your material’s absorption
(single wavelength) light. 9.3
µm, 10.2 µm, and 10.6 µm
wavelengths are most common • 9.3 µm: helpful for materials like PET
for CO2 lasers. or Polyimide.
• 10.2 µm: Polypropylene (PP) absorbs
this wavelength best.
• 10.6 µm: the most commonly used
CO2 wavelength.

Average Power • This is the measured output • Higher average power leads to
(Measured in Watts) power of the laser averaged faster processing speeds.
over one on/off cycle.

Peak Power • The maximum power output of • Higher peak power delivers energy
(Pulsed Lasers only; measured in a laser. Pulsed lasers are more efficiently, which can improve
Watts) optimized to have peak power cut edge quality, perforate or drill thin
that is much higher than their materials more quickly, and provide
average power. CW lasers have sufficient power density to pierce
peak power roughly equal to challenging materials like metals.
their average power.

Power Stability • A measure of how consistent a • Greater power stability leads to

(± specified % of average power) laser’s power output is over greater consistency in processing.
time. Mark color, engraving depth, cut
quality (etc.) will appear consistent
over time.
Beam Quality • A measurement of beam • M2 indicates how well a beam can be
(M2 value, typically <1.2) quality. An ideal beam would focused to a small spot size. This
have an M2 value of 1, which is increases power density for higher
a perfect Gaussian beam. speed processing or greater detail.
• Also called Mode Quality or
Beam Quality Factor.

Beam Diameter • Measured diameter of the laser • Beam diameter is useful for properly
(Measured in mm) beam, defined as the full width integrating the laser into a system.
where the intensity falls to 1/e2 Additional optics can be added to the
times the maximum value. beam path to change the beam

Divergence • An angular measurement • Divergence is useful for properly

(Measured in milliradians) indicating how quickly the beam integrating the laser into a system.
diverges, or expands from its Additional optical components can be
narrowest point. added to the beam path to change
the divergence characteristics.

Ellipticity • Refers to beam symmetry; it is • A more circular beam produces the

(Maximum ellipticity) a measure of how round the best application results, with
focused spot is. consistent performance regardless of
• An ideal beam would have an processing direction.
ellipticity of 1, typical values are

Polarization • Polarization describes the • Certain materials can be sensitive to

(Linear Orientation, Circular, orientation of the electric field polarization, displaying different cut
Elliptical, or Randomly) with respect to the direction the characteristics depending on the cut
laser light is propagating. motion.
• Polarization is also important for
integrating optical isolators or beam

Rise/Fall Times • The amount of time required for • Faster rise/fall times ensure best
(Maximum value in µ-seconds) the laser output to go from zero results for high speed marking,
watts up to its maximum for a engraving, perforating, or scribing.
given duty cycle (rise time) and Faster times mean less wasted heat
then return to zero (fall time). energy is delivered to the material,
producing higher quality results at
higher speeds.

Operating Frequency • This is the maximum frequency • Low frequencies (<10 kHz) can be
(Measured in kHz) command that can control the useful for cutting challenging
laser (e.g.: how often the laser materials or perforating thin
is being commanded to fire). materials.
The frequency for full optical
• Higher frequencies (>10 kHz) allow
depth of modulation for the
laser pulses to merge together and
pulses is lower, and is
are useful for marking or cutting.
determined by rise/fall times.
Duty Cycle Range • Duty cycle is the percent of • Pulsed lasers are typically duty cycle
(A percentage of laser on time) laser on time in a given limited, allowing them to achieve high
command signal. (e.g.: 50% peak power. A broader duty cycle
duty cycle means the laser is range can allow greater processing
firing half the cycle time and off flexibility, but the usefulness of this is
the other half). application-dependent.
• CW lasers are assumed to have
a duty cycle range up to 100%,
or continuously on.

Maximum Pulse Length • Maximum time a pulsed laser • Similar to duty cycle range, longer
(Pulsed Lasers only; measured in µ- can be on. pulse lengths can lead to greater
seconds) processing flexibility, but its
usefulness is application-dependent.

Additional specifications should be considered, including:

• DC Input Voltage: consistent input voltages across a series of lasers allows for an easy upgrade path in the
future if higher throughput is needed. It also allows easier integration with scan heads of the same voltage.
• Maximum Chassis Temperature or Operating Ambient Temperature: higher values in these categories
ensure lasers are robust and can operate in challenging environmental conditions.
• Form Factor (length, width, height, weight): this may be important depending on how the laser will be used or
integrated into a system.

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