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Medical Marijuana Cards

Dr. Green Relief, represented by Attorney Mark Borghese, is currently suing a

competing provider of medical marijuana card services in Las Vegas. The man behind
the brand and the litigation effort, Jordan Groussman, is trying to seek federal
trademark protection from what he claims are serious tort offenses being committed
by the proprietor of Dr. Reefer. The people behind this pathetic excuse for a lawsuit
are claiming a variety of unfounded allegations led to the Dr. Green Relief brand losing
a significant amount of business. There are no affidavits or declarations attached to
the original complaint that verify or authenticate any of the factual claims contained
in the initial case.

The reality is much different than what Attorney Borghese would have you believe.
This glorified press release you have to be a member of a pay-site to read does not do
this story any justice. Our investigation will present the verifiable facts.

First, we have to point out a crucial fact that has been ignored so far by Groussman
and his attorney I have nicknamed "Fugazi" Borghese. For the purposes of this
lawsuit, it is my humble legal opinion that Attorney Fugazi is a fake, because the
evidence shows that Dr. Reefer was in business and operating successfully long before
the 2014 arrival in Las Vegas of Jordan Groussman and his Dr. Green Relief gimmick.
Dr. Reefer is still in business long after Dr. Green Relief is effectively gone. If anything
was stolen here it was the working business model of Mr. Snavely's business that
Jordan Groussman copied and applied to his own enterprise.

Multiple other copycat card providers came and went over the years since Dr. Reefer
saw their first official legitimate medical patient. These other fly by night outfits
dissolved due to a myriad of issues with compliance, failed payments, and/or a
complete lack of business sense.

Review sites might try to tell you that Jordan Groussman's Dr. Green Relief still does
business in Las Vegas, too. Google searches will tell you that Dr. Craig Weingrow and
Dr. Green Relief operate out of the exact same suite at 7200 Smoke Ranch Road in Las
Vegas. Yet, the devil is in the details. Business entity searches in the county and for
the whole state come up with only one business entity under the actual Dr. Green
Relief name:

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