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Regulations additional to the Statutes, applicable to this online edition of

Romanian Master of Physics

A. Hardware requirements

1. Set up and tech requirements

 Each team must have two devices. Each device should have
o A camera
o A microphone (microphones must be turned on for the duration of the exam)
o Access to a stable internet connection
 A printer
 A scanner

Device 1 must be set up to observe all participants from 360 degrees (top down) for the duration of
the Olympiad. A mobile device with a high-resolution camera and a working microphone can be
used for this purpose. When setting up the cameras make sure that:

● The camera is clearly able to see all the participants.

● The camera is placed above the participants making their surrounding area observable.

Device 2 is a backup camera that should make a regular video recording in case the power or
internet goes out. This footage may also be used for cross referencing in case suspicious activity is
flagged. Please note: video recording uses a lot of space, make sure there is enough free space on
the hard drive to store the recording. Please save the recorded video until the Olympiad results are
announced. We may request to review the raw footage at any time during the judging process.

The students may go to the restroom during the contest, but they should be accompanied on their
way to the restroom by somebody else, not the supervisor from the classroom.
2. The supervisors will receive (an e-mail with) a link for the following documents:
 problems in English:
 problems in the national language of the contestants;
 contest sheet form.

3. After the supervisors collect the written test papers, he/she must immediately take clear scans of
each of the relevant pages for each participant.
The written test papers need to be scanned inside the competition room, where the video and audio
connection is ON, or in its immediate neighborhood. After uploading the test papers on the
platform, please stay with the organizing committee until they confirm that the papers you have
sent have been received and everything is ok. After confirmation you can leave the meeting.

If in some countries the mobility restrictions and distancing limitations would make
impossible for the whole team to gather at a single location (classroom), and/or for various
reasons the hardware requirements could not be met, the Organizing Committee will establish,
together with the team leaders, the best possible solutions.
If you consider it necessary, when you are ready, we could check the setup together to see if
everything is OK.

3. Examination procedures

If there are leaders that consider the test translation necessary, please let us know. In this regard,
please send us the name and e-mail address of the leader(s) responsible for the translation. They
will meet with the President of the Scientific Committee one day before the competition in a video
conference dedicated to the translation process.

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