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> ae inroauefon ) ° ets the mood for a onment | } Ta ae a enjoyable et sly: The rr canst ately fe ievaled in woo events. To be able, to set up cone that could pave the way towards a productive implementation of a well-planned lesson, an appropriate learning resource will be needed. Most of the learning sites are actually existing in the school while some are in areas maintained by the community. Some are organized in permanent locations while others are constructed within the school only for short duration. Events that are to be discussed in the lesson are guaranteed to be vivid, real and life-like through the use of audiovisual tools and other effective learning devices, A. Learning Resources Following are guidelines in seting up effective learning resources. 1. Preparing Exhibits, Displays and Conducting Fairs, 4) Choose an appropriate area for the exhjpi , @ i accessible, well-lighted and a suitable place anions il should be avoided, Stay in. Crowding b.) Classify the instructional materi ass terials that i i original poems and winning essays, neat sopulaying, ic. connection with a unit, experiments nudes pace eS Presentation of work products and other ilusationa artistic i ©) Choose the materials as to: relevance to y Period of time the material the unit being studi a te p cal stay wit 8 Studied, terials available in the costing Tage the use of indigenccs z 4.) The exhibit will be - = seni Will be most interesting since the site is new out of the a) Visit the place beforehand to determine the focal points of interest and their relevance to the topic to be discussed. b.) Prepare the students by providing guide questions. ¢.) Remind them some rules and regulations regarding proper behavior and orderliness. 4.) Discussion may occur during or after a visit. They may be allowed to sketch or take down notes during their stay. €.) Include in the assessment later on what type of display technique was used. Taking care of a mini-z00, a pond and an aviary. a.) Popular pets like dogs of different breeds, kittens, rabbits and squirrels never fail to attract the young. b.) Interesting behavior of these animals adds to their enjoyment in the learning site, at the same time being able to observe their needs and corresponding care necessary. c.) Exotic birds with multicolored wings and creating melodious sounds and songs are joy to keep in nearby cages. d.) Love and caring attitude for animals are developed. Lessons on various relationships that occur in an air, water, and land oY ical systems are easily observed. f) Involve the students in taking care of the daily needs of t animals. g.) Care of the animals’ environment like the por a sense of cleanliness and respo fe 4, Maintaining a School Garden involve the students in the - arden, si a.) In planning to put up a schoo! Fine con the terrain, determine the choice of plants 10 grow. Depend oy f the plants to height and size of the plants , nd protecting them from harm b,) Prepare a schedule of a followed to keep them sar Record some rules and regulati and robust. p gating plants in order to increase the ¢.) Undertake some ways of propa ture and nursery expert, i population of some species. Consult agricul for the procedure to follow. .) The love and concem for nature is developed. ¢.) Include a wide variety of flowering plants, grass and shrubs. f.) Plant vegetables as well to stress their nutritional value. Using Videos and Other Electronic Gadgets. a.) Be familiar with the machines. Learn how to operate them. b.) Get ready with softwares to be used. c.) Make sure they are located where they can be seen clearly. d.) Prepare the viewers to notice salient observations of tones and sounds, movements and facial expressions, ¢.) Encourage them to take down notes during the screening. £) A few questions can guide them at difficult points which may be forgotten later. . 8.) A report may be required on very important episodes, 6. Setting up a mini-reference section, 4.) Assign an area where reading materials | magazines, newspapers and other Printed mate; for easy reference, sometimes even during dis, ike journals, books, tials could be available cussions, b.) Some materials could be borrowed for a the unit is being undertaken. Some readi may be included for a rich variety, short period of time while NS Materials from their homes ¢) Commonly read materials co uld be a and/or donations from the “quired through exchange school Personnel and the home. 4.) Results of simple studies conducted Sould be made available on file vailable on file- ©) Assign o; ne use. to take care of the materials and arrange them well after Undertaking field studies a.) Also termed study tours M connection with th tion about specifi or nature explorations, they are undertaken lesson in order to provide first-hand informa- ic topics. b.) Gro ‘ : wth and behavior of organisms are best observed and learned while they are in their natural sett ion of their homes is avoided, ‘ing or habitat. Destruction o! i c.) P. ‘ ; ) ned Visits afford the much-needed familiarization with the real around them. Love of nature could lead to awareness of conservation measures they should undertake. 4.) Preparations before the trip could be in the form of some guide questions to be answered during or after the trip. e.) Reminders regarding proper decorum, appropriate attire and behavior must be given. £.) Such educational journeys to famous and historic places awaken their interest and love for country, thus developing the spirit of nationalism at an early age. 8. Establishing Linkages with the Community a.) Some common learning sites accessible in the nearby community are plant nurseries, mini-zoo, fruit tree orchards, open ricefields, electrical and chemical plants, factories, medical clinics, town libraries, broadcast studios and the marketplace. b) Local industries like hogs and poultry raising, fishing, ceramics, weaving and other livelihood occupations could provide short training experiences. ¢.) Familiarity with local government officials and security groups , together with their duties and responsibilities arouse active participa- tion in improving community living. d.) Professionals and experts from the community could serve as acre smal sources of information through interviews and special lectures.- 9. Joining Interest Clubs and Recreation Centers by common interests such as literary bound together : a.) Groups. Belinsect and flower collections, handicraft, photography, — ineering and other special interests surely develop creativity eer Aes and industriousness. ; . ves promotes a feeling of pride b.) Involvement in own group activities Pr and ones Unig belonging to such group especially . abilities are exhibited ¢,) Strong interests can lead to worthwhile hobbies and later, to lifeting careers, ing, nature trek and jj, d.) Recreation activities like ballgames, tae develop aan watching are immensely enjoyed, at the same ang provide physical exercise. ¢.) Recreational activities provide sufficient pares and ane in turn contribute to ones efficiency and desirable worl Study habits, f) Interest club members can benefit from the special lectures of professionals in their own fields of interest. 10. Conducting Contests and ‘Quizzes. a.) Schoolwide quizzes such as in science, math, sports and literary arouse interest and produce sharp learning among the participants and the viewers. b.) Rigid preparations for such events, whether nationwide or schoolwide, necessitate an extensive search for important information and back- ground knowledge. ¢.) The rewards at the end in terms of experience and skill gained, feeling of pride and self-confidence and mastery of subject areas are worth all the effort and time spent in Participating, ¢.) Cooperation among the group participants is enhanced, especially in regionwide and nationwide competitions, f.) The values of objectivity, fairness and Sportsmanship are developed. . Teaching Devices 1. Advantages of Using Teaching Devices a.) Using concrete objects and materi together with common items from makes learning real and true-to- hampered by yet describing and ex; used. als actually being used everyday the home, school and community life. Instruction is not anymore laining how they are going to be b.) Infrastructures like tall buildings, hous 7 es and brid; ced in size and the details are viewed i ges cant be redu in the form of miniatures chapter § — Leaming Resources models, tation « Spocecrafte, rockets, satellites and modern means of transpor- ‘ould be in the form of models. c. Microor, le organs ‘ganisms and other ierod minute organs are best studi microscope or hand lens, d. Gre: ; crak Nort events and technological breakthroughs such as landing the moon could be recorded by powerful cameras and films are Projected as in video machines. e, Tnstrasions that could be carried out through reading are facilitated y the availability of professional books, magazines, journals and national and international publications. f Information about locations, directions, sizes and shapes of landforms could be presented in replicas like globes, maps and mock-ups. Internal organs could be examined by using equipment like scanners, ultrasound gadgets and endoscopy machines. g h Simple lessons on art production are illustrated through famous paintings, artworks and sculptures. They are helpful in developing the values of nationalism and appreciation of outstanding works of artists. i.) Literary pieces in the form of poems, outstanding essays and novels are used for motivation purposes and in developing love for reading and fondness for books. j.) Electronic devices and equipment like computers, microwave oven, cellphones, VCD and DVD players afford valuable technical and scientific assistance. Simulations using figures of historic events like Edsa I, battle of Tirad k. Pass, and Leyte landing are presented in a vivid and realistic manner. Useful Teaching Devices ‘Teaching devices are classified into the following groups: a.) Representations or replicas Examples are: of different sizes with the right tilt, lines to Globes — Globes d longitude for locating countries in the show latitude an different continents. Maps are flat representations of the earth’s surface such as the world map and map of the Philippines. Diorama depicting wide areas such as mountain formations, Be Aquarium is a convenien between plants and animals. | a ) terrestrial habitar, Terrarium shows their rel; h es t “anetariums assist in illustrating sizes, distances and motions of the nine planets, eclipses; Homes of animals such as wormery, beehives, anthill, cages, Stables and nests, Veranda for dramatizing Romeo and Juliet Mini weather station together with weather instruments, constellarium Launch pad for sending satellites to space. Simulations using figures Historic events and Places such as landing in Leyte gulf, Rizal's march to Luneta, battle at Tirad Pass: famous Plays and * dramatizations; Strategies employed fo; Outdoor and indoor games; landing on the moo Space explorations __ d.) Real objects, articles, materials, garden tools, hemicals, live Pets, clectrical tools, construction organisms. : aoe and other living ©.) Exhibits Life cycle of insect 8/8 min 8.) Publications a nd other printed materials Books, pocke! F } (books, novels, dictionaries Agazines, journals, pamphlets Autobiographies, biographies, diaries Bulletins, memoranda, ordinances Literary Pieces, original poems, short stories Clippings of historic events and celebrations National songs and Operas Famous speeches, oratorical pieces h.) Artwork Paintings of famous artists, students’ paintings Sculptures, carvings, molds Busts, trophies, Winning photographs Fashion pieces, embroideries i.) Laboratory Equipment Microscope, scanners Dissecting set Camera, heat sources, lighting fixtures Mounting kit Glasswares Silverwares Measuring devices Calculators i3 Electronic Equipment and Devices Computers, television sets, Poin VCD and DVD players Tapes, films, slides, discs

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