GACUD, MANUEL III D. - GE9-Exercise 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Northwest Samar State University

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Effective Date: May 21, 2020

Student: Manuel III D. Gacud Program: BSED 3- Mathematics

Professor: Mr. Galo Pitogo Semester: 2nd Semester
GE 9 – The Life and Works of Rizal S.Y.: 2020 - 2021

Exercise #2 for Midterm Period

1.Discuss briefly in your own words the main context of the Rizal Law.
 The Rizal Law, also known as RA 1425, mandates the study of Rizal’s life and
works, as shown in section 1. This Republic Act calls for an increased sense of
nationalism from the Filipinos during a time of a dwindling Filipino identity.
According to the judicial system, a republic act is a law that has already been
passed and implemented. In contrast to this, a bill is merely a proposed law, in
other words it may or may not be passed by the Congress. The Rizal law was
implemented to awaken and strengthen the sense of nationalism and patriotism,
to transformed into productive citizens of the country and it will also help to solve
the present day problems.the significance of studying a Rizal course is for the
youth to know Rizal and fully understand his ideas and visions to put Rizal closer
to the hearts of every one of us. In order to remember the important memories
that made our history ore important and vet historical. Claro M. Recto believe that
Rizal is a great example of nationalism in the Philippines and was showed
through his life, works, and writings. Rizal law will benefit the Filipino youth like
being determined, motivated, and have the courage through Rizal's example of
patriotism which can strengthen nation building and Filipino identity.
Implementing this law, Filipinos would already be enlightened and be aware of
such information because it may serve as a symbol of loyalty and courage.

2. Why did Doña Teodora choose Jose as Rizal's name?

 His name “Jose” was chosen by his mother who was devotee of the Christian
saint San Jose (St. Joseph).

3. What could be the reason/s why Don Francisco chooses Rizal as the family name of
his children not Mercado?
 The Mercados of Calamba had decided that their son Jose was to use the
surname Rizal. His elder brother, Paciano Mercado, had been involved with the
notorious Father Burgos. So, his parents wanted the little Jose freed from the
perils associated with the name Mercado.” It was Paciano who was responsible
for making his brother use the surname Rizal instead of Mercado, for he wanted
his brother to enjoy a hassle-free and first-rate education, that would not be
possible had he used the surname Mercado. Due to his strong connection with
Father Burgos, the friars and the Spanish authorities turned out to be very
suspicious of Paciano. As a protective brother, he changed his brother’s
surname from Mercado to Rizal to prevent the friars in knowing their affiliation.
Luckily, Pepe was able to make most out of his student life in Ateneo. Paciano
also made sure that all his brother’s needs were well taken cared.

4. Why was Doña Teodora arbitrarily arrested by the Spanish authorities?

 Doña Teodora was imprisoned and punished on the basis of false and flimsy
charges. Rizal’s mother, Teodora Alonso, is imprisoned by Spanish officials on
suspicion that she and her brother Alberto poisoned the latter’s wife. Many
people know the real reason is because Rizal’s father, Francisco, talked back to
a Spanish lieutenant. And a Spanish judge who visited their home felt insulted for
not being treated the way he expected.

5. Under our present Judicial system, what are the constitutional rights of the accused?
 In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be presumed innocent until the
contrary is proved, and shall enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel,
to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him, to have a
speedy, impartial, and public trial, to meet the witnesses face to face, and to
have compulsory process to secure the attendance of witnesses and the
production of evidence in his behalf. However, after arraignment, trial may
proceed notwithstanding the absence of the accused: Provided, that he has been
duly notified and his failure to appear is unjustifiable. (Article 3 Section 14 of

6. What is meant by due process? Explain your answer.

 Due process is a requirement that legal matters be resolved according to
established rules and principles, and that individuals be treated fairly. Due
process applies to both civil and criminal matters. It is also a citizen's fair
treatment within the rules of a government's legal system. This means that
everything in this world must undergo process in which it should be systematic.

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