Russian Codes: Catalog of Regulations Available To Order

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Industry Standards Russia Design and Manufacturing

GJeSN 81-02-24-2020
Collection 24. Heat supply and gas pipelines - external networks. Estimated standards for construction and special construction works

ГЭСН 81-02-24-2020
Сборник 24. Теплоснабжение и газопроводы - наружные сети. Сметные нормы на строительные и специальные строительные работы

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289344
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GJeSN 81-02-25-2020
Collection 25. Main and field pipelines. Estimated standards for construction and special construction works

ГЭСН 81-02-25-2020
Сборник 25. Магистральные и промысловые трубопроводы. Сметные нормы на строительные и специальные строительные работы

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289345
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GJeSN 81-02-26-2020
Collection 26. Thermal insulation works. Estimated standards for construction and special construction works

ГЭСН 81-02-26-2020
Сборник 26. Теплоизоляционные работы. Сметные нормы на строительные и специальные строительные работы

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289346
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GJeSN 81-02-27-2020
Collection 27. Roads. Estimated standards for construction and special construction works

ГЭСН 81-02-27-2020
Сборник 27. Автомобильные дороги. Сметные нормы на строительные и специальные строительные работы

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289347
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GJeSN 81-02-28-2020
Collection 28. Railways. Estimated standards for construction and special construction works

ГЭСН 81-02-28-2020
Сборник 28. Железные дороги. Сметные нормы на строительные и специальные строительные работы

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289348
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GJeSN 81-02-29-2020
Collection 29. Tunnels and subways. Estimated standards for construction and special construction works

ГЭСН 81-02-29-2020
Сборник 29. Тоннели и метрополитены. Сметные нормы на строительные и специальные строительные работы

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289349
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GJeSN 81-02-30-2020
Collection 30. Bridges and pipes. Estimated standards for construction and special construction works

ГЭСН 81-02-30-2020
Сборник 30. Мосты и трубы. Сметные нормы на строительные и специальные строительные работы

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289350
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

Industry Standards Russia Design and Manufacturing


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