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Industry Standards Russia Design and Manufacturing

GJeSNr 81-02-66-2020
Collection 66. External engineering networks. Estimated standards for repair and construction work

ГЭСНр 81-02-66-2020
Сборник 66. Наружные инженерные сети. Сметные нормы на ремонтно-строительные работы

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289435
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GJeSNr 81-02-67-2020
Collection 67. Electrical work. Estimated standards for repair and construction work

ГЭСНр 81-02-67-2020
Сборник 67. Электромонтажные работы. Сметные нормы на ремонтно-строительные работы

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289436
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GJeSNr 81-02-68-2020
Collection 68. Accomplishment. Estimated standards for repair and construction work

ГЭСНр 81-02-68-2020
Сборник 68. Благоустройство. Сметные нормы на ремонтно-строительные работы

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289437
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GJeSNr 81-02-69-2020
Collection 69. Other repair and construction works. Estimated standards for repair and construction work

ГЭСНр 81-02-69-2020
Сборник 69. Прочие ремонтно-строительные работы. Сметные нормы на ремонтно-строительные работы

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289438
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GOST 1.13-85
State system of standardization. The procedure for accounting, storage and restoration of originals, duplicates of industry and republican standards

ГОСТ 1.13-85
Государственная система стандартизации. Порядок учета, хранения и восстановления подлинников, дубликатов отраслевых и республиканских
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3286768
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GOST 10136-2019
Diethylene glycol. Technical conditions

ГОСТ 10136-2019
Диэтиленгликоль. Технические условия

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3287370
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GOST 10637-2019
Chipboards and wood-fiber boards. Method for determining the specific resistance to pulling nails and screws

ГОСТ 10637-2019
Плиты древесно-стружечные и древесно-волокнистые. Метод определения удельного сопротивления выдергиванию гвоздей и шурупов

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3287961
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

Industry Standards Russia Design and Manufacturing


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