Galicia, Clarece Liegh C. (Inference and Restatement)

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Course,Year and Section: BEED 3-B

Date: MARCH 29,2021

Synthesizing Knowledge

Activity Lesson 1: Inference and Restatement

Part 1

Directions: Each statement below is followed by four statements. The statements are of four
kinds: (A) some restate the main idea or parts of it, (B) some may be correctly inferred, (C) some
misstate the ideas in the sentence, and (D) some contain ideas that are not included. Write the
letter of the corresponding type of statement.

Sentence 1

If everybody says, our land is rich in natural resources, our human resources are superb,
our professionals and technicians are wonderful, why then are we poor?

a) Most claim that we have rich natural and manpower resources.

b) Our human resources are academically and technically equipped.
c) We are economically progressing.
d) The writer disagrees with the claim.
e) Many are still poor.

Sentence 2

People depend on the soil for food, so they change large areas of the earth’s surface by
farming, which causes changes in climate, vegetation, water supply, and erosion.

a) We are all dependent on soil for food.

b) Such dependence on soil contributed changes in our environment.
c) Most foods are produced by farming.
d) If we are not mindful of these changes, it may further bring catastrophe.
e) People are abusive.

Sentence 3

Recent technical advances have enabled us to enjoy a much easier life than our ancestors
did, but this good life has almost exhausted our natural resources and has resulted in air
and water pollution.
a) Technological breakthroughs made our lives more comfortable.
b) Our ancestors had a better life compared to us today.
c) The comfort that we have paved the way to exploitation of our natural
i. resources.
d. Air and water pollution are prevented in spite of technological advancement.

e. Technical advances and natural resources are equally important.

Sentence 4

Some of the earth’s resources such as water and plants are renewable, but other resources,
such as mineral deposits, cannot be replaced after they are used up and are therefore gone

a) Water, plants, and mineral deposits are earth’s resources.

b) Some of the earth’s resources are renewable while others are not.
c) We need to conserve the use of earth’s resources.
d) People are not aware of the dwindling earth’s resources.
e) We can find alternatives even such resources are gone forever.

Part 2

Direction: Choose the letter of each statement that gives the best meaning.

1.Mrs. Valera is loved by all, for she is gifted with the milk of human kindness.
a) Mrs. Valera has natural kindness.
b) Mrs. Valera has many children.
c) Mrs. Valera pretends to be kind to children.

2.Lita was a competent leader, but Marissa would not play second fiddle to her.
a) Marissa would not play the violin for Lita.
b) Marissa would not be subordinate to Lita.
c) Marissa did not know how to play the fiddle.

3.When she is asleep, she is not awakened even if a cow is slaughtered beside her.
a) She sleeps very soundly.
b) She doesn’t sleep well.
c) She sleeps lightly.
4.The honorable - looking man dropped a large sum of money in the lap of the mendicant
who looked up with wide – open eyes, murmured incoherent words of gratitude, and pressed
the money to his breast.
a) The mendicant was angry.
b) The mendicant was pleased.
c) The mendicant was ungrateful.

5.When she saw the next visitor, the old maid’s lips curved into a smile, her eyes sparkled,
and her voice was sweeter than honey when she spoke.
a) She was pleased.
b) She was surprised.
c) She was not pleased.

Part 3

7. All Pam could think about was her family and her cats. When she closed her eyes to go to
sleep, tears rolled down her cheeks. She rolled over so her friend wouldn’t see her crying. She
didn’t know it would be so hard to stay at camp for two weeks. She thought camp was fun, but
she still wanted to go home.

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a. Pam is homesick.

b. Pam cries at night.

c. Pam doesn’t like camp.

d. Pam’s friends like camp.

8. Melinda was scared to show her mother her grade. She knew she would be very disappointed
with her. Her teacher had even drawn a sad face beside the grade. She really wished that she had
studied last night. How was she ever going to pull up her grades now?

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a. Melinda’s test was hard.

b. Melinda’s mother was mean.

c. Melinda didn’t like sad faces.

d. Melinda had made a bad grade.

9. “You must stop talking and settle down,” said Mrs. Henry. Nobody in the class could sit still.
Time was dragging this morning. Soon, we would get on the bus and go to the pep rally. “Class,
you are acting like you have ants in your pants,” said our teacher as she chuckled. No matter how
many times she asked us to settle down, we just couldn’t. It was almost time to leave.

The Main idea of the paragraph is:

a. The pep rally is today.

b. Mrs. Henry was strict.

c. There were ants in the room.

d. The class was excited about the pep rally.

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