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Industry Standards Russia Design and Manufacturing

GOST R 58715-2019
Fire fighting equipment. Special fire trucks. General technical requirements. Test methods

ГОСТ Р 58715-2019
Техника пожарная. Специальные пожарные автомобили. Общие технические требования. Методы испытаний

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289043
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GOST R 58716-2019
Fire fighting equipment. Filter fire respirators for respiratory and visual protection used in extinguishing natural fires in the open air. General technical
requirements. Test methods
ГОСТ Р 58716-2019
Техника пожарная. Респираторы фильтрующие пожарные для защиты органов дыхания и зрения, применяемые при тушении природных пожаров на
открытом воздухе. Общие технические требования. Методы испытаний
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289044
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GOST R 58717-2019
Mining engineering. Repair and testing of mine power cables. General technical requirements

ГОСТ Р 58717-2019
Горное дело. Ремонт и испытание шахтных силовых кабелей. Общие технические требования

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289045
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GOST R 58718-2019
Mining engineering. Flexible mine cables. Methods for checking the possibility of leading shutdown during crushing

ГОСТ Р 58718-2019
Горное дело. Кабели гибкие шахтные. Методы проверки возможности опережающего отключения при раздавливании

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3288567
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GOST R 58719-2019
Unified energy system and isolated energy systems. Hydraulic power plants. Waterworks. Control and measuring systems and equipment. Terms of creation.
Norms and requirements
ГОСТ Р 58719-2019
Единая энергетическая система и изолированно работающие энергосистемы. Гидравлические электростанции. Гидротехнические сооружения.
Контрольно-измерительные системы и аппаратура. Условия создания. Нормы и требования
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3288504
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GOST R 58720-2019
Carts, side frames, nadressorny beams and connecting special freight-type cars. General specifications

ГОСТ Р 58720-2019
Тележки, рамы боковые, балки надрессорные и соединительные специальных вагонов грузового типа. Общие технические условия

STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289046
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

GOST R 58721-2019
Welded joints from steel grades 10ГН2МФА, 15Х2НМФА of equipment parts and pipelines of nuclear power plants. Requirements for welding, surfacing and
heat treatment
ГОСТ Р 58721-2019
Соединения сварные из сталей марок 10ГН2МФА, 15Х2НМФА деталей оборудования и трубопроводов атомных энергетических установок. Требования
к сварке, наплавке и термической обработке
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: OS3289047
THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact WWW.RUSSIANGOST.COM for price and discount offers.

Industry Standards Russia Design and Manufacturing


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