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By :

Anita Rahayu



Ns. Mahathir, M.Kep., S.Kep.Kom




TAHUN 2020
Health Promotion As Mental and Psychosocial Support During The Pandemic

Globally the term 'mental health support and psychosocial (dkjps) or mental health and
psychosocial support (MHPSS)' used in guidance of the inter agency standing committee
(IASC) under emergency, which means any outside or local support intended to protect or
improve psychological and/or prevent and address mental and psychosocial conditions. Dkjps
has been used by various agencies to respond to both emergency and disaster, one of which is
the covid-19 pandemic. Dkjps integrate biological, psychological, and socio-cultural
approaches in health, social, educational and community, and to emphasize the need for
diverse and complementary approaches from various professions in providing appropriate
support. Dkpjs under emergency forces are demonstrating various levels of intervention to be
integrated into pandemic response activity.

Symptoms of mental health and psychosocial problems can be anxiety, anxiety, panic, loss of
control, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, straining of muscles and sleep. The
principal principle is to use a guaranteed approach, increase existing resources and capacities,
run layered interventions and run with built-in support systems. As a nurse, we are required
to be able to provide interventions that support mental health issues especially in promoting
health, such as Physical Immunity by eating balanced food, drinking sufficient amounts,
physical activity and sun exposure in the morning; Improved Mental Health and The Optimal
Conditions of Psychosocial through positive emotions of positive thoughts, positive social
relationships and regular workship; Social Distance prevention of contagion, Wash Your
Hands, Masks Change every 4 hours; And Our Constructive Family Activity with 5B plan is
studying, workshipping, play, converse and enjoy yourself even at home

Fear and anxiety are normal during this period of life, but try to stay positive and grateful,
maintain good communication with family or closest friends, especially if we have a problem
to relate especially in this pandemic involving mental and social health problems. Maintain
contact with the environment, both by phone or video call. If you are indeed suffering from a
mental disorder, have regularly prescribed medication and check regularly to nearby health
services to monitor personal development

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