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Profitability analysis is a tool for analyzing or measuring profitability of a firm for which is
analyzed financial statements of the company. Financial statement analysis is a process of
evaluating the relationship between component part of financial statement to obtain a better
understanding of a firm and its position and performance. The management will be interested
in knowing financial strength of a firm to make their best use and to be able to spot out
financial weakness of the firm to take suitable corrective actions.

Profitability analysis is one of the starting points for making plans before using any
sophisticated forecasting and planning procedures. Understanding the past is a pre- requisite
for anticipating the future. For the purpose of obtaining the material and relevant information
necessary for ascertaining the financial strength and weakness of an enterprise, it is necessary
to analyze data depicted in the financial statement.

This project study gives analysis and interpretation about the profitability and to ascertain
about the liquidity position of TNPL karur Utmost care has been taken at all levels of project
work right from the beginning of analyzing accounting information provided by profit and
loss account and balance sheet.

The main aim of the study is to find out whether the company is efficiently managing its
profits. In order to accomplish the aim, secondary data is used. This helps to understand the
company’s strength and weakness.

The study was done taking in to account five years data using ratio analysis. From the study
it can be concluded that the profitability of the company is satisfactory.


Profitability is an essential objective of manufacturing industry’s fund management. Strong

profit is necessary to pay operating expenses and to expand product and services.
Manufacturing business today is intimately associated with economic development and
growth of the company and for it to perform its function effectively; it must meet its costs
and generate profit. The study will also help the firm to understand the efficiency of firm in
use of their assets and their financial stability.

Profitability analysis is an important aspect for every company. If the profitability is not
satisfactory the company cannot survive. The management feels that the performance is not
up to the mark. So in the study focus is given to analyze the profitability as the company
wants to know whether the profitability is satisfactory.


 To measure the firm’s profitability over a period of five years.

 To analyze financial strength of TNPL

 To evaluate overall financial performance of company


 To ascertain the liquidity position of the firm.

 To analyze the long term financial position or solvency of the firm

 To analyze gross profit ratio and net profit ratio and find out the profitability of the

 To evaluate working capital position of the company


Profitability is the most important factor to be considered in directing a business venture.

Profitability measures how much return that can be obtained from employing a certain
amount of an asset. Profitability is the only measurement that is needed for any economic
being; obviously not so in the real world, where all sorts of other considerations must be
made. Even if one has to be cautious at all times when it comes to risking assets, profitability
is a far better tool to determine which venture to choose than profit. Profitability differs from
profit in a very important way. Profitability is not measured in terms of money, but in terms
of return on some asset. Analysis of profitability using financial statements is of great
importance to the company as well as outsiders. A properly conducted profitability analysis
provides invaluable evidence concerning the earnings potential of a company and the
effectiveness of management. Profitability analysis may be done for a variety of purposes,
which may range from a simple analysis of the short term liquidity position of the firm to a
comprehensive assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the firm in various areas. It is
helpful in assessing corporate excellence, judging creditworthiness, forecasting bond ratings,
predicting bankruptcy, and assessing market risk. The only way of determining how the
assets available to an entrepreneur should be put to use is evaluating the profitability of all
ventures and selecting the highest paying one.

The research design use in the study is analytical research has to analysis the
balance sheet which is historical data derive conclusion form it.

The number of data used for the study in secondary data is collected from the
five years balance sheet for their analysis part.

The data necked for the study in being collected from the annual of report of
the company and which is secondary data.

 AREA OF STUDY: The study from TNPL.

The research relied entirely on secondary data for analysis was collected
directly from TNPL.


 The data collected are from the secondary source of information.

 The comparison and analysis are limited only for the past five years.

 The study is made with the annual report provided by the company.

 The ratio analysis suffers from a number of drawbacks, which is one of the

important tool used for the analysis of the study. For instance, ratio analysis
ignores qualitative factors hence it doesn’t reveal all relevant information.


Man used different methods to acquire knowledge. The basic methods adopted
for acquiring knowledge are through trial and error and experience or facts. But today man
acquires knowledge through systematic methods, which is generally known as research.

According to J. W. Best, “ Research may be defined as the systematic and

objective analysis and recording of controlled observation that may lead to the developments
of generalizations, principles or theories resulting in prediction and possible ultimate control
of events.” In short, Research is enunciating the problem, formulating hypothesis, collecting
the facts or data, analyzing the facts and last reaching conclusions either in the form of
solution or in the form of theoretical formulation.

Research Methodology

Research methodology is a way to solve problems. Research is a process that

achieve systematically and with support of data, the answer to the questions or a gather
understanding of a phenomenon. The process, which is frequently, called Research
Methodology. It is a description, explanation and justification of various methods of
conducting research.

Research Design
Research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis
of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in

Research Type

The type of Research design used for this study is the Historical research
design. Historical research is the research on past social forces, which shaped the present.
Historical Research is a product of the humanities. Historical research is an attempt to
describe and to learn from the past. As such it can be purely descriptive, recording the
sequence of events and presenting the fullest possible picture of the development of a

1.7Period of the study

The study was conducted for a period of six weeks.

1.8Tools for analysis

Ratio analysis, percentage analysis and trend analysis are adopted as the tools for analysis.

1.9Methods of data collection

Secondary data is collected from the published statements of the company for a period of five

1. Chapter one contains introduction about the study, statement of the problem, review of
literature, objectives, research design, scope and limitations of the study.

2. Chapter two contains industry profile about steel industry in India.

3. Chapter three contains company profile about corporate vision, mission, services.
Milestones, business philosophy and different departments of the organizations.

4. Chapter four contains data analysis and interpretation includes objective wise analysis ,
analysis of various tools used for working capital assessment like trend analysis and ratio

5. Chapter five contains findings, suggestions and conclusion.



Tamilnadu newsprint and Papers limited-popularly known as TNPL- was promoted

by the Government of Tamilnadu (DOTN) for the manufacture of newsprint and printing and
writing papers using bagasse as the primary raw material. The Late Chief Minister of
Tamilnadu Dr.M.G>R started TNPL in 1984. Bagasse is the solid fibrous material left after
the extraction of juice from the sugarcane and is normally burnt as in-house fuel in the sugar
mill boilers to generate steam and power.

Despite research and development efforts throughout the world, for more than
hundred years, progress was slow in commercial production of Newsprint from bagasse.
While the use of bagasse in the production of printing and writing paper has been well
established. Its use in Newsprint production was relatively unknown with many failed
experiences around the world. In 1950s two commercial bagasse based newsprint plants
were set up in Cuba and Louisiana, USA which, however suffered from high operating costs
and less than satisfactory products. In the late 1970s based on a new process developed by
Dr.Cusi of Mexico, two new mills were set up in Peru and Merxico. The mills faced
technical problems and were found viable on a long-term basis.

TNPL project was conceptualized against this background, based on bagasse to meet
the twin objectives of conserving the fast depleting forest resources and to reduce dependence
on imported Newsprint.
Profitability is the ability of a business to earn profit. A profit is what is left of the revenue a
business generates after it pays all expenses directly related to the generation of the revenue,
such as producing a product, and other expenses related to the conduct of the business
activities. There are many different ways for you to analyze profitability. The present study
focus on profitability ratios of TNPL, which is a measure of the business' ability to generate
revenue compared to the amount of expenses it incurs. The location of TNPL mill has the
advantage in terms in business to the sugar mills supplying bagasse, proximity to river
Cauvery for souring water access to abroad gauge railway track for transportation of coal and
a well-developed road infrastructure. Profile of TNPL Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Ltd
is the largest bagasse, an agricultural residue, based paper unit in India. The company is in
the business of manufacturing and marketing of newsprint and printing & writing papers. The
products are being marketed throughout the country and also being exported to 30 countries
around the world. Their manufacturing facility is located at Kagithapuram in Karur District of
Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Ltd was established by the Government of
Tamil Nadu in April 1979 as a public limited company. The primary objective of the
company is to produce newsprint and printing & writing paper using bagasse, a sugarcane
residue, as the primary raw material. The company started their commercial production in the
year 1985. The company commenced production in the year 1984 with a initial capacity of
90,000 tonnes per annum (TPA). Over the years, the production capacity has been increased
to 2,45,000 tpa and the company has emerged as the largest bagasse based paper mill in the
World consuming about one million tonnes of bagasse every year. The company completed a
Mill expansion plan during December 2010 to increase the mill capacity to 4,00,000 tpa.
TNPL exports about 1/5 th of its production to more than 50 countries. Manufacturing of
quality paper for the past two and half decades from bagasse is an index of the company’s
technological competence. A strong record in adopting minimum impact best process
technology, responsible waste management, reduced pollution load and commitment to the
corporate social responsibility make the company one of the most environmentally compliant

The company was incorporated on April 16, 1979 under the companies Act 1956. An
optimum product mix consisting of 50,000 tonnes per annum of Newsprint and 40,000 tonnes
per annum of Printing and writing paper (PWP) was designed for the place due to the low
administered prices of newsprint and Fiscal incentives that were available for PWP units
using 75% vagasse pulp.
Inclusion of printing and writing papers in the product mix was also considered as a
fall back arrangement for safeguarding the investment in the event the innovative technology

adopted for the production of Newsprint from bagasse takes time to become
commercially viable.

The mill was established at Kagithapuram, Karur District of Tamilnadu in 36 months.

The original cost of the mill was Rs.239 crores. The initial commercial operations
commenced in October 1985. TNPL has over the years, successfully demonstrated its ability
to produce on a commercial basis, good quality Newsprint using a high proportion of bagasse

The mill was expanded in the year 1996. The production has increased from 90,000
tonnes to 1,80,000 tonnes, in this year. The cost of the investment in this year is Rs.550
crores. In the year 2002 anupgradation was made and again the production is increased from
1,80,000 tonnes to 2,30,000tonnes per annum.

The main raw materials used by the company are bagasse and hardwood. The
company has been procuring wood form Tamilnadu forest Plantation Corporation
[TAFCORN]. TNPL has entered into a tie-up with five sugar mills to produce bagasse on
substitution basis. Sugar mills normally use most of the bagasse internally as fuel for
generation of process of steam. Under the agreement the company has installed at it own
coal, lignite fired boilers at the premises of four sugar mills as also suitable fuel and ash
handling system and other auxiliaries. The company operates the offsite boilers by supplying
coal/ lignite and by employing its own operating personnel. The sugar mills release bagasse
to the company at an agreed ratio based on the steam supplied by the company’s offsite
boilers. The company also tied up with five more Sugar mills to procure bagasse on fuel
exchange basis.
In addition the company has been procuring the available surplus bagasse from the
open market leading to a reduction in the over all cost of bagasse. Sugar mills having surplus
bagasse over and above their internal fuel requirements sell the surplus in the open market.
Open market prices are cheaper than the cost at bagasse obtained on substitution basis.
However, the availability of surplus bagasse is limited and depends on the efficient operation
of the sugar mills.


The Registered office is situated in the premises located at No.67, Anna Salai,
Guindy, Chennai-600032.


The factory is situated in the premises located at Kagithapuram, Karur District,

Tamilnadu, Pin – 639 136.


 Thiru M.F Farooqui I.A.S Chairman

 Thiru M.L Nasimuddin I.A.S Managing director
 Thiru A Velliangiri I.A.S Deputy managing director
 Thiru A. talya Misra I.A.S Director
 Tmt Anitha Praveen I.A.S Director
 Thiru V.R.Metha Director
 Thiru V.Narayanan ` Director
 Thiru R.R Bhandari Director
 Thiru.N. Kumaravelu Director
 Thiru R.L Naradimhan Director

 Maharaj N.R Suresh & co
Chartered Accountants,

New No.9, Old No.5 II lane

II main Road


Chennai-600 024.


 M/s Canara Bank

 M/s Indian Bank
 M/s Indian overseas Bank
 M/s Oriental Bank of commerce
 M/s State bank of India
 M/s State bank of Patiala
 M/s Syndicate bank
 M/s The Karur Vysya Bank Limited.
 M/s HDFC bank Ltd
 M/s state bank of travancore
 M/s Indian bank
 M/s UCO Bank


The Branches available in the TNPL. [Tamilnadu Newsprint and Paper Limited]
 Ahemedabad
 Banagalore
 Calcutta
 Chadigarh
 Cuttack
 Delhi
 Hyderabad
 Indore
 Jaipur
 Kochi
 Mumbai

 Nagpur
 Panaji


Shift Working hours

I – Shift 6.00 AM to 2.00 PM

II – Shift 2.00 PM to 10.00 PM

III – Shift 10.00 PM to 6.00 AM


Bagasse handling plant:

This plant is designed to receive depithed / mill wet whole bagasse at 50% moisture, from
the sugar mills. The major equipments are Lorry Tipplers, Disc Screens, Moist Depithers and
a self-propelled twin Boom bagasse stacker.

Bagasse is received from Sugar Mills through trucks and is unloaded by means of
tippiers. The unloaded bagasse is conveyed and screened in classifiers, subsequently
depithed and the depithed bagasse is stored in an open yard through a self-propelled boom
stacker in the form of wet pile. The pith is transferred through conveyors to boilers to be
used as fuel. TNPL has installed depithing facilities in some of the sugar mills. The pith
generated at those sugar mills will be consumed in the off-site boilers itself.

The stored depithed bagasse is reclaimed by using front-end loaders and transported
through a system of belt conveyors to the Pulp Mill for further processing. These depoithed
raw bagasse is washed to further eliminate pith, impurities & undesirable elements and
pressed to a consistency of 20% (WW) after removal of stones and sand etc., in stone catch
tank & riffler and

sent for pulping process to different streets viz. Chemical bagasse pulping and
Mehanical pulping.

Pulp Mill:

The Pulp Mill consists of three streets, namely, Harewood pulping, chemical bagasse
pulping and Mechanical bagasse pulping.

(a) Hardwood street is of conventional design with Disc chipper, 3 Nos Stationery
80M3 capacity Digesters, 3-stage Brown stock washing, followed by screening
and CEHH Bleaching sequence. The installed capacity of the street is 65 bdt per
day of Bleached Pulp. The Eucalyptus and other tropical logs are chipped and the
chips are screened and stored in the silo. Subsequently the chips are fed to 80M 3
stationery batch digesters through a conveyor and cooked with white liquor at a
pressure of 7.5 Kg/cm2 for two hours.
The cooked pulp is then blown to a blow stank, from where it is transferred for
washing to three stage counter current Brown Stock washers. The washed pulp is
then screened for eliminating any uncooked long fibred, cleaned for eliminating dirt
& impurities and thickened before bleaching. The bleaching sequence consists of
conventional chlorination, alkli extraction followed by two-stage calclum
hypochlorite (CEHH) bleaching. The bleached pulp is finally stored in the high-
density storage tower for use in Paper Machine.

(b) The chemical bagasse street consists of 2 Nos twin tube continuous Digesters,
3-stage Brown stock washing, screening, cleaning followed by CEH bleaching.
The installed capacity of the street is 200 bdt per day of Bleached Pulp.
The washed and pressed raw bagasse having 80% moisture is fed, through pin durm feeders,
to twin tube continuous diugesters wherein it is cooked at vapour phase under standard
cooking conditions. [Chemicals as Na2O = 10-11% on raw materials, Temperature = 170 0C,

cooking time 20 Min and Bath Ratio (solids: liquids) = 1:4]. After cooking the pulp is
blown to a common blow tank continuously.

The cooked bagasse pulp from the blow tank is washed in a three stage counter
current rotary vacuum filters and stored in high-density storage chest. The weak black liquor
extracted from the pulp washing is sent to Recovery Plant to recover spent chemicals and
generate steam.

Uncooked fibre bundles are fully removed from the washed brown pulp in screening
system using Rotary pressure screens. The pulp is then cleaned in a battery of centricleaners,
thickened and stored in the screened pulp tower.
The screened pulp stock is bleached in three stages namely chlorination, extraction
and hypochlorite (CEH) and is then stored in high density storage towers.

The Mill originally had a single street of Chemical Bagasse Pulp Mill. Under
expansion one more street of identical capacity has been added to meet the additional pulp

c) The mechanical bagasse pulping line has 2 Nos 56” Unimount pressurized Refiners for
Thermo-Mechanical Pulping and one Thermo-Atmospheric Refiner for Chemi-Mechnanical
Pulping. Each refiner is driven by 6000 HP motor and operates at 1.5 Kg/cm2.

The washed bagasse is fed to TMP refiners by positive feed through ribbon feeders.
Pulp after refining is blown continuously into a blow tank. Small amounts of cooking liquor
consisting of caustic and sodium sulphate 9s added to get load reduction on the refiner. Thee
pulp from blow tank is subjected to secondary stage refining in a 56” atmospheric unimount
refiner. The refined pulp is then screened and cleaned in 3 stages pressure screen and
centricleaning system. Thereafter the pulp is bleached to brightness of 50% ISO using
Hydrogen Peroxide using High consistency bleaching technique. After reaction time of about
2 hrs the


pulp is neutralized with H2SO$ (Sulphuric Acid) for PH correction and transferred to the
storage tank.

Paper machine:
The mill has 2 No dual-purpose paper machine capable of producing
Newsprint/Writing and printing paper. The paper machine #1 (PM!) has a trim width of 6.8
M at a continuous operating maximum speed of 750 mts/min, while the PM2 has a trim width
of 6.6 M, capable of operating at speed around 850 mts/min. The PM1 has capacity to
produce either 300 tbd of Newsprint at 85% effucuebct ir 240 tpd of surface sized Printing
and wirting paper at 80% efficiency. PM2 has capacity to produce 305 tpd of Newsprint at
80% efficiency. The machgine also incorporates several improved features to support higher
percentage of weaki bagasse pulp in the furnish.

Metered quantities of pulp are drawn to a blending chest for the required furnish of
paper in the stocj preparation plant. The stock preparation consists double disc refiners for
post refining hardwood pulp and a control arefiner for refining mixed stock before admitting
to the paper machine. The pulp is deaerated and then pumped to the head box of the machine
after centricleaning, by a pulsation free fan pump trhough centri screen.

The paper machine has a paper forming section consisting of head box and a twin
wire former. The sheet formation takes place on the synthetic wire with large quantum of
deqatering. The water is send to the savbeall for recovery of fibres and reused in the system.

The press zone configuration is a “Trinip system” where the sheet is further
dewatered to 40% consistency by application of hydraculic loads.

The paper sheet passes through a four groups of (three groups in case of PM2) steam-
heated dryers to achieve the desired dryness. The paper finally passes through a four-roll


calendar stack for controlling the surface properties of paper and subsequently reeled onto
jumbo rolls.
The PM1 operations and the process parameters are controlled by an online computer
procured from Measurex Inc, USA, while PM2 is equipped with a similar equipment supplied
by ABB.

Converting, finishing and packing lines are designed for production of finished paper
in reels or sheets and consists of a winder for cutting & winding of paper to the sizes
required, Rewinder for rewinding for rewinding of looswly wound and rejected reels,
Automatic Reel wrapping Units and 3 Nos sheet cutters for conversion of printing & writing
paper into sheets. A semi-automatic ream wrapping system is installed for wrapping the

Chemical recovery plant:

The Black Liquor received from Plup mill is concentrated to 45% concentration in the
Black liquor Evaporation plant. The recovery ploant has two streets of six-stage Multiple
effect Evaopporator supplied by M/s Larsen & Toubro, India and one street of seven – effect
falling film evaporator supplied by M/s Alfa laval. Black liquor is a dark coloured liquid
containing inorganic compounds & dissolved organic matters (mostly lignin). The inorganic
compounds are regenerated in Chemical recovery plant while organic compoundsx are burnt
in Recovery Boiler to produce steam.

The liquor is fired in the Recovery boiler after further concentration to 65%
concentration through direct contact cascade evaporators. The recovery boiler #1, supplied
by Mistsubishi Heavy industries, Japan, has a capacity to incinerate 285 tonnes of solids per
day with steam generation of 33 tons/hr at 44 kg/cm2 of pressure. The Recovery boiler #2,
installed as part of expansion, was supplied by M/s BHEL is capable of incinerating 375 tpd
of solids with steam

generation of 45 tons/hr. Both the Recovery Boilers are provided with Electrostatic
Precipitatiors to collect the solids (sodium salts) escaping with the flue gas.

The causticzing Plant supplied by M/s Hindustan dorr-Oliver, which had a capacity to
produce 850 M3/day of white liquor (NaOH +Na2S) has been augmented to 2000 M3/day of
capaciaty under the expansion. The augmented elasticizing plant has a two stage slaking
which is introduced to overcome the problem of high silica bagasse liquor. The smelt of
inorganic from recovery Boilers is diluted and causticized with burnt lime to convert back to
active alkah and the lime sludge generated from the precoiat filter is disposed “off” as
secondary raw material for the cement industry. Under the mill expansion a lime kiln has
been ordered to recycle this lime sludge and regenerate burnt lime required for the
causticizing process.


(a)The mill has five service Boilers, each of 60 T/hr steam generation capacity at 44 Kg/cm 2.
Three boilers were supplied by M/s Fives Cail Babcock, France while the fourth boiler,
which was added a part f the expansion, was supplied by BHEL. The special feature of the
boilers is that various fuel can be fired such as Coal, Pith, Coke, Lignite and oil with any
combination. The boilers are specially designed for the high ash content Indian coals, to get
maximize efficiency. The mill has incorporated Distributed Control System in two of the
boilers to maximize the thermal efficiency and retrofitted the boiler with suitable
modifications to enhance the intake of Lignite.

(b)The Coal Handling Plant is designed for handling 1000 tons per day of Coal to meet
internal consumption and also for sugar Mill off-site boilers requirement with I stage and II
stage crushing and connected conveyor system.

(c)The Mill has facilities for captive power generation of 26 MW, comprising of a 8 MW
Extraction Back Pressure Turbine and another 18 MW Extraction Condensing Turbine, both
supplied by siemens AG, West Germany. Under expansion, the captive power generation
capacity was enhanced to 36.5 MW by adding one more double extraction condensing type
Turbo generator of 10.5 MW procured from BHEL, Hyderabad.

(d)To reduce dependence on grid power, TNPL has diversified into the field of Non-
conventional energy sources, for generation of electricity. Under this proframme, the
company has set up a 15 MW Wind Farm in Tamil Nadu at a total capital outlay of Rs.50
crores. The wind farm is located at Kayathar and Perungudi wind belts of Nellai
Kattabomman District. The power generated from the wind mills will be wheeled to the
TNPL plant site through TNEB power transmission system. This wind farm was
commissioned inMarch 1994.

(e)The Mill’s requirement of about 24 MGD water is drawn from the

River Cauvery treated and supplied for process, boiler feed after demineralization and for
domestic consumption.The mill has a modern Effluent Treatment Plant designed to
treat 20

MGD of effluent generated from various sections of the mills. The effluent emanating from
bagasse handling and fibre preparation, which contains high BOD and Suspended solids, are
segregated and treated separately through a system consisting of bar/mechanical screen and
clarifier to reduce the suspended solids and subjected to anaerobic treatment to reduce the
BOD load prior to mixing with other effluents.

(f)Effluent with lo BOD and suspended solids generated from other

sections of the plant viz Paper Machine, Pulp Mill and Soda Recovery plant is passed through
bar screen, mechanical screen and detritor and Two nos of primary clarifiers to remove
suspended solids. The effluent is further treated in the aeration system based on
ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS, equipped with 32 Nos of 75 hp fixed type aerators
followed by two secondary clarifiers to achieve the required BOD/COD reduction.

(g)The characteristics of the treated effluent conforms to the limits

prescribed by Pollution Control Board.



 Canteen
 Toilets, shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms
 First aid appliances
 Provident fund
 Gratuity
 Leave
 Crèche
 First aid medical centre
 Group insurance scheme
 Safety


 Uniforms
 Shoes
 Identity badge
 Family planning incentive
 Corporate day gift
 Personal accident insurance policy
 Employee benefit scheme (EBS)
 Recreational facilities
 Co-operative stores

 TNPL Housing colony

 Bachelors hostel
 Staff mess
 Satellite TV system
 Medical assistance for serious ailments
 Industrial accident
 Housing loan and employees housing society
 School
 Annual sports
 Labour welfare centre
 Community services
 Medical camp
 Sick leave
 Funeral expenses
 Community hall
 Bus facilities
 Bank and post offices
 Temple, church & mosque
 Note books
 Rain coat
 Co-operative credit & Thrift society
 Caps
 TNPL stadium and play ground
 Peppermint
 Library
 TNPL study centre
 Gymnasium
 Diary
 Sweet

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