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Kate Collin R.

Untalan 10/28/2020

WEEK 7-8 10-BAS



B. Do the Logo Making (Living in Hope) on page 71.

-Show pictures of different kinds of logo

-Explain what a logo symbolizes

-Express own opinion on the essence of hope in everyday lives


Please answer the evaluative quiz on page 78.

A. Answer the following questions:

1. Which beatitude makes you feel most uncomfortable? Why?

2. Which one do you feel you are called to develop more in your life? Why?

3. What is the meaning of these statements in the relation to the virtue of Hope: "There is
always light at the end of the darkest tunnel. Every dark cloud has a silver lining".

B. Enumerate the following:

1. Four major Characteristics of Hope

2. The Eight Beatitudes


1. Which Beatitude do you feel you are called to develop more in your life? Why? Write
your answer in your journal notebook.

2. THINGS TO REMEMBER only on page 77

- What is the virtue of hope?

- What are the four major characteristics of hope?

- What are Beatitudes?

- What are the eight Beatitudes?

- What are the sins against hope?

- What is presumption and when do we commit it?

- What is despair and when do we fall into it?


B. Do the Picture Analysis activity on page 79.




C. Answer the following questions:

- What was the response of Jesus when the teacher of the law asked Him which
commandment is the first of all?

- Do you think the answer of Jesus about the two greatest Commandments summarized the
Ten Commandment given to Moses? Why?

- Identify one or two new insights that seemed important to you regarding this passage.
Why are they important?


Please answer the evaluative quiz on page 86.

A. Explain the biblical basis of Jesus’ Great Commandment of Love.

1. Commandment on the love of God

2. Commandment on the love of neighbor as for oneself

B. Differentiate the Greek words for love

. a. Eros

b. Philia

c. Agape


1. In your journal notebook, write your reflection on the given quotation about love and
sacrifice by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta: “A clean heart is a free heart. A free heart
can love Christ with an undivided love in chastity, convinced that nothing and nobody will
separate it from love.”

2. THINGS TO REMEMBER only on page 85.

- How is the value of sacrifice best described?

- How did Jesus sum up all the commandments?

- How did Jesus fully express His teaching on the Great Commandments of Love? - What
are the different Greek words for love and their meaning?

- How does the sacrament of Baptism express God’s infinite love?

- How does the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist manifest God’s unfathomable love?

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