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República Bolivariana De Venezuela

Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para La Educación

Escuela Técnica Industrial Robinsoniana “Simón Rodríguez”
Puerto La Cruz – Estado Anzoátegui
Año Escolar 2020 – 2021

Puntos de gramática: Contenidos (Inglés) Prof.: Roger Martínez .

Presente simple y su estructura .(3 año: A,B,C,D,E,F)
Homework (1) trabajo Nro. 1(segundo lapso)
Buscar y seleccionar (10) oraciones en presente simple del párrafo siguiente: (consta de
sujeto + verbos infinitivos + predicado o complemento)

Nota: Deben copiar o escribir las oraciones en otra hoja subrayándola en el

párrafo. (todos los trabajos llevan portada en Inglés)

Ponderación: 25% / 20 puntos.

Fecha de entrega: (semana de flexibilización).

Homework 1 (trabajo 1 segundo laso) = del 27/01 al 29/01 de 2021

Colocar el o los trabajos en una carpeta identificada con:

 Nombre y Apellido
 Año y sección
 Materia
 Profesor
 Número de cedula

Rasgos (puntualidad, compromiso, creatividad, pulcritud, etc) pond. 10% (20 puntos).

There is a lost world 5 kilometers below the surface

of the Earth.
A study reflects the incredible ecosystem that survives in the depths of the planet
without light, oxygen or nutrients. Its inhabitants represent hundreds of times more
carbon than all of humanity as a whole.
They live without light and with little oxygen, with very low availability of nutrients
and withstanding a gigantic pressure or a temperature higher than that of boiling water,
it is impossible to have progress. But it does. This ecosystem works on the planet is
hidden in its depths several kilometers under our feet. It does not resemble the one
imagined by Jules Verne, but its inhabitants, primarily bacteria and "zombie" archaea,
walk equally fascinating. And very numerous. They make an immense amount of
carbon, one of the building prepares the life, up to 385 times greater than the mass of
carbon of all human beings on the surface. That's one of the conclusions of an
international scientific collaboration call the Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO), they
dedicate their investigation about the most intimate secrets of the Earth's depths. On the
occasion they read the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, these
scientists explain their findings, achieved by drilling 2.5 kilometers into the seabed and
taking microbe samples from mines and continental wells more than 5 km deep. A
species of Methanobacterium, which produces methane. They find samples from a coal
bed buried 2 km below the bed of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan A species of
Methanobacterium, which produces methane. They look for samples from a coal bed
buried 2 km below the bed of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan. Hiroyuki
Imachi / JAMSTEC Use information from hundreds of sites under the continents and
seas, they determine the size of that deep biosphere from 2,000 to 2,300 million cubic
kilometers (almost twice the volume of all oceans), as well as the carbon mass of life.
deep: 15 to 23 billion tons (an average of at least 7.5 tons of carbon per cubic km). In
his view, this deep biosphere constitutes a world that can be seen as a kind of
"underground Galapagos". They include members of the three domains of life: bacteria
and archaea (microbes without a membrane bound nucleus) and eukaryotes (microbes
or organisms multicellular. These cells contain a nucleus as well as membrane-bound
organelles). There are two types of microbes, bacteria and archaea that dominate Deep
Earth. Among them there are millions of different types, most of which have yet to be
discovered or characterized.

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