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Regresia liniara simpla: y=ax+b TOOLS->NUMERIC TOOLS->REGRESSION

x y yc y-yc
1 0 0.794521 -0.794521
0 -1 -0.458904 -0.541096
2 4 2.047945 1.952055
3 3 3.30137 -0.30137
7 8 8.315068 -0.315068
val estimata pt 10 12.07534


Regression Output: b
Constant -0.458904
Std Err of Y Est 1.281231
R Squared 0.903058
No. of Observations 5
Degrees of Freedom 3
X Coefficient(s) 1.253425
Std Err of Coef. 0.237102

R 0.950294

2. Regresia liniara multipla: y=a1*x1+a2*x2+...+an*xn+b

x1 x2 y yc y-yc
0 1 0 0.169374 -0.169374
1 0 -1 -0.385151 -0.614849
2 2 4 2.262181 1.737819
3 3 3 3.842227 -0.842227
3 7 8 8.111369 -0.111369
val estimata pt 1 1 0.682135


Regression Output: b
Constant -0.897912
Std Err of Y Est 1.440224
R Squared 0.918337
No. of Observations 5
Degrees of Freedom 2
a1 a2
X Coefficient(s) 0.512761 1.067285
Std Err of Coef. 0.838239 0.404512

R 0.958299

3. Regresia neliniara: y=f(x), f nu e functie liniara

De exemplu y=a1*x^2+a2*ln(x)+b Ideea este sa notam x1=x^2 si x2=ln(x) si sa facem o regresie liniara multipla pentru

Datele initiale
x y
1 0
2 -1
2 4
3 3
7 8

x^2 ln(x)
x1 x2 y yc y-yc
1 0 0
4 0.693147 -1
4 0.693147 4
9 1.098612 3
49 1.94591 8


Regression Output: b
Constant -0.150416
Std Err of Y Est 2.504595
R Squared 0.753032
No. of Observations 5
Degrees of Freedom 2
a1 a2
X Coefficient(s) 0.086014 2.028777
Std Err of Coef. 0.141347 3.991484

R 0.867774
independent: x
dependent: y

independent: x1, x2
dependent: y
egresie liniara multipla pentru x1 si x2.

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