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QI. Frerferfter #3 rete m9 ap Answer the following que; (@ ) © @ © (@) SR ore 150 reat fae; “ome in about 180 words each ; BAL & 7 a carne & snftste & ape fi Ss barat Discuss the discipline act A fade historiol antecedents of the emetgenae of Sociology as 10 Ss she 1g 3 ae ere fom hrs ean em saya Re A STR straw sth SRF afte 2 | fate df Davis and Moore. made it ele: "ar that social stratification i necessity and also an uneons cious device, Discuss, “Stef ants iia" <6 ar since war & 2 What is the Marxist concept is a functional 10! of fetishism of sommoditios’ 2 0 Sa nema’ oc em amram afar rege sae | Present a sociological review on the ‘new middle-class’ 10 safe sama weal A street eae fifa 1 Explain the probability sampling strateies with oxamples, 10 he % orga, “on on ee & arsine a cw yor yf om ad BP area if | According to Mead, “We play a key role in our own socialisation.” a Explain. afi: whe # gonft avid (ethnography) % mara atau | Bring out the significance of Ethnography in social research, 20 (@) ‘afer afies an’ aur 8? eam ord Rigi } chet A se ifare | What is ‘reserve army of labour’ ? Present the position of feminist scholars on this. SDF-U-SOCY Cr U/ aims VU Discuss ena fe Yee all w ‘examples. (© wae ay zm af AS What, ac conseque RR (a) ara v wh ts VY Moderr SDF-U-SOCY Ce Rene fo) er all fee acl foqererene #7 PTR ata ae ee * examples antiat your anaug: jology as a P with 10. @) WE ange ‘Siscat afer Son ee $e apy » conten Teron rem i What, according to Merton, is the differen functional 0 19 ha. Co) orator at eer A SRT 8 Bs a, rte ya Pat nf a ayerret #1 aren ; et W/ Moderaiastion presupposes class Eee, mere (ate eds cq ow eT een ee He, Ahly and ob) Bier are armies cra ste ec gs ge or 10 Be Hise | . is exsicne, 1m eS os es stratification in capitalist society » 0 , : (ered wa ge oe ds ah eh Rad A oem aa 2 ae wa fT 7 Phat, rete IMD we ta ain eos ere North Indian and South Indian Kinship systems? o alisation! 20 20 feminist om ar aif | Society » ote on echnology Present a licy in Tadig Pol Pritique 6. fay Bie 1 ora at > 9 sri a 5 WORA ame B 9 dimension oF sociay ee fender ethan Other dimensysn OF inequality based an ‘aste, class, race ang ethnicity 9 ()unmfis = ere walling P31 8 Sr oa ote Brie Mist are the tort societal pawen) Which one of them ig Most applicabie in aq nced industrial societies ? © Fer, Ber aap * STE ao hat is Girmative cian’? Substantiate theoretical positions on affirmative actions with, examples, 20 20 10 az 1x50 Ag | th suitable wey i inIndia. 7g aS Se ar ment with Qs. br Rat 10 c ; and | 20 sit 20 10 SOF-U-Socy ating informal labe SR yeep Feminist Comment avin at & aero Disc 28 the concep ‘Sae-ueearare’ aie A fader Sif In the light of judicial future of marriage and fam ea oer farafera iow, scoring to Mert cori fe am i pon wea wf How is terrorism a now f of the challenges in try eer iets et ore aa te ar’? Digeuss: the va ta Pat fra oH % ocd for and challenges in on HT sculine and henee han reconfiguring them are deviant subcultures generated ? see Fae 9g ot um aan By 2? sre A m af asymmetric im eae % warfare ? What are some a win the war on terrorism ? 20 10 20 10.

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