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Additional Explanation in Meeting two

Simple Present Tense

In general, the simple present

expresses events or situations
S + V1 or V1 + s/es 1. It makes me that exist always, usually,
happy. habitually; They exist now, have
existed in the past and probably
will exist in the future.
2. I watch
Adverbs of time : every day, every
television week/month/year.
every day. Adverbs of frequency : always,
usually, very often, often,
sometimes, never.

Simple Present Used for:

1. General Facts
- Borobudur Temple is in Indonesia
- There are 12 Months in a year
- The sun rises in the east
2. Habitual Actions
- I always go to office at 6 am every morning
- They usually go to Bali Every month
- Martin often gets dinner lately

Using Frequency Adverbs :

Always → 100 %
Usually → 99 – 90 %
Often → 90 – 75 %
Sometimes → 75 – 25 %
Seldom → 25 – 10 %
Rarely → 10 – 1 %
Never →0%
3. Things that don’t / won’t change
- I like English
- I am interested in foot ball
- She wears glasses
4. Describing yourself
- I come from…
5. Talking about things that are planned for the future
- She starts the job training tomorrow
- They go to Bandung tomorrow..

Question Words
WHO – Menanyakan orang (Person)

Who is your teacher?

Who is your favourite artist?

WHERE – Menanyakan tempat (Place)

Where is your office?

Where do you live?

WHEN -Menanyakan waktu (Time)

When will we learn in the class?

When do you visit your parents?

WHY – Menanyakan alasan (Reason)

Why do you take this class?

Why do you love me?

WHAT – Menanyakan sesuatu (Object / Idea)

What do you like?

What do they talk about ?

HOW – Menanyakan keadaan (Condition) dan cara (Manner)

How do you go to campuss ?

How do you know me?

How are you?

Girman Sihombing S.S, M.T


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