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The Standard of what is right and wrong in the minds and principles of every person is very debatable .

What is right for someone is maybe not right for others. In this semester, I have learn about different
perspective of prominent people as to what is right and wrong and they really do have different ways
and steps to know if that action is the right thing to do or not .

This course thought me that the truth is all of us really do know what is right and wrong it’s just that
there are different factors that we are considering before making an action or decision and based on
Aristotle's perspective of what is right "the truth you always know the right thing to do the hard part is
doing it." for instance , in simple scenarios or actions that we do everyday like throwing garbage on
trash cans that we sometimes still didn’t do right .

If I were to ask to set an ethical standard for what is right i will depend it to the consequence that it will
or might bring to both parties , will it bring peace, lessons, harm, or chaos .In my perspective of what is
right and wrong ,In determining if what i am doing is right i am first considering the result that it might
impact other people because i must not only think of what it might affect me but also other people
because i believe that doing what is right brings no intentional harm it only express what needs to done
for instance wrong does.

This course also thought me that we individuals when encountering or dealing with an ethical dilemma
there is really no perfect answer or perfect solution because neither of the choices will bring good result
but as what i have learned in this subject although there is no perfect solution i can still choose for the
best solution for that specific circumstance in the basis of "Meta-ethics" that even Though it is not the
perfect solution we can still come up with a choice that might not bring huge impact for both sides of
the line.

The 90/10 principle , I also learned about this principle which im really glad that I learned because I am
now practicing this kind of mindset or outlook in life that when something bad happen I think of the
90/10 principle that the bad thing that happened is one of the 90% that happen in my life that is out of
my control and what I have a choice about is how I will react on that situation because only 10% is
what I can control.

In conclusion, as this semester closes this course ethics really help me to reflect on the things that I have
done , doing and will do .This course thought me that Thinking before making an action and decision
is vital because we humans are rational ,we reason which must be reasonable .

.I learned that in the end the only person that will make decision of our life is us and only us .
As we close this semester of Ethics, how did this course taught you lessons in doing what is right and
wrong? How would you apply this course in your daily and major decision makings in life. Share your
thoughs, experiences and learning as you right this journal. Thank you.

The Standard of what is right and wrong in the minds and principles of every person is very debatable.
What is right for someone is maybe not right for others. In this semester, I have learned about a
different perspective of prominent people as to what is right and wrong and they do have different ways
and steps to know if that action is the right thing to do or not.

This course thought me that the truth is all of us really do know what is right and wrong it’s just that
there are different factors that we are considering before taking an action or decision and based on
Aristotle's perspective of virtue ethics "the truth you always know the right thing to do the hard part is
doing it." for instance, in simple scenarios or actions that we do every day like throwing garbage on
trash cans that we sometimes still didn’t do right.

If I were to ask to set an ethical standard for what is right I will depend it on the consequence that it will
or might bring to both parties, will it bring peace, lessons, harm, or chaos. In my perspective of what is
right and wrong, In determining if what I am doing is right I am first considering the result that it might
impact other people because I must not only think of what it might affect me but also other people
because I believe that doing what is right brings no intentional harm it only expresses what needs to do
for instance wrong does.

This course also thought me that we individuals when encountering or dealing with an ethical dilemma
there is really no perfect answer or perfect solution because neither of the choices will bring good result
but as what I have learned in this subject although there is no perfect solution I can still choose the best
solution for that specific circumstance in the basis of "Meta-ethics" that even Though it is not the
perfect solution we can still come up with a choice that might not bring huge impact for both sides of
the line.

The 90/10 principle, I also learned about this principle which I'm really glad that I learned. I am now
practicing this kind of mindset or outlook in life that when something bad happens I think of the 90/10
principle that the bad thing that happened is one of the 90% that happen in my life that is out of my
control and what I have a choice about is how I will react on that situation because only 10% is what I
can control.

In conclusion, as this semester closes this course ethics helps me to reflect on the things that I have
done, doing, and will do. This course thought me that Thinking before taking action and decision is vital
because we humans are rational, we reason which must be reasonable.

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