Narrative Report On Parents' Virtual Orientation

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Sinalhan Integrated High School headed by Ma. Cristina C. Pegollo, Principal II,
conducted its first parents’ virtual orientation last August 4, 2020 on its official Facebook
Page, DepEd Tayo Sinalhan IHS-Santa Rosa City. With the aim of providing comprehensive
information to the parents, the key teachers in each level prepared presentations regarding
the opening of the school year 2020-2021 that had 382 reactions, 1,500 comments, and 2,
700 views. The program started with a documentary focusing on the challenges encountered
by the world due to this pandemic including the education sector. It was hosted by Mr.
Jeffrey N. Lozada who warmly welcomed the parents and explained the reason for
conducting the said orientation. It was followed by the singing of the Philippine National
Anthem and Santa Rosa Hymn. After, the school head, Mrs. Ma. Cristina C. Pegollo gave
out her message to all the parents and students of the institution. She ensured that the
school would provide quality education to every Sinalhanian amidst pandemic. She also
emphasized that face-to-face instruction is not allowed based on the guidelines of the Inter-
Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases or IATF. It was also mentioned that the
parents’ participation on the learning of their children is highly needed. In addition, she
stated that all students who are enrolled should complete the school year, despite the
situation. Afterwards, the Public Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Alson Rae F. Luna
also gave his message to the parents of Sinalhanians. He stated that everyone has to
support the institution in order to achieve its objectives.

Mrs. Cristina Manejable, Grade 8 key teacher began the orientation in explaining the
enrollment process and sections and advisers for each grade level. Followed by Mrs. Mylyn
F. Batitis, Grade 9 key teacher who discussed the learning modalities such as the modular
distance learning, online distance learning, and blended learning. She also presented the
class program for each grade level composed of two batches: batch red, and batch blue.
She emphasized that students should follow the given schedule for each subject.
Consultation time was also discussed to the parents. Furthermore, Ms. Andrea Alinea,
Grade 11 key teacher, discussed the requirements needed by the students for the learning
modalities. Distribution of modules was also discussed and the protocols on getting the
modules and the process of submitting it back to school. Mr. Giorjo Levin Ordiales, Grade 7
key teacher discussed about the assessments to be given to students such as formative and
summative assessments. He also mentioned the components of the grading system for all
grade levels. Mrs. Jennette S. Martinez discussed the calendar of activities for this school
year. She also stated the different platforms where students can get updates about the
opening of classes. Lastly, Mr. Jonell John O. Espalto discussed the modes of
communication to be informed about the updates on the distribution and retrieval of
modules. He reiterated that parents should be the ones to get the modules from school.

The orientation is successful based on the number of parents who watched the virtual
orientation. Sinalhan Integrated High School promises to provide quality education and
assure the “No Sinalhanian is left behind”. The school head, teachers, and stakeholders will
ensure that learning of the students is their primary concern.

Prepared by
Attested by

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