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Procedia CIRP 58 (2017) 181 – 186

16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations

Material testing and chip formation simulation for different heat treated
workpieces of 51CrV4 steel
A. Zabela*, T. Röddera, M. Tiffea
Institute of Machining Technology, TU Dortmund University, Baroper Straße 303, 44227 Dortmund, Germany
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-231-755-2708; fax: +49-755-5141. E-mail address:


The heat treatment has a major impact on the mechanical properties of steel alloys and therefore on the condition of a machining processes. In
this paper, the low alloy steel 51CrV4 with different heat treatments is investigated in terms of its mechanical properties under high dynamic
conditions using a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) and by means of orthogonal cutting tests. The latter provide a detailed insight in the
ongoing processes during chip formation by analyzing the present microstructure of the generated chips. Furthermore, the obtained data from the
SHPB tests is used as an input for material models applied for the simulation of chip formation with the Finite-Element-Method. The results
reveal fundamental differences in the chip formation mechanisms between the differently heat treated workpiece materials.
©©2017 The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V.
B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of The 16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations, in the
person of the
Peer-review Conference
under Chairs
responsibility of theProf. J.C.
scientifi Outeiro and
c committee Prof.
of The 16thG. Poulachon.
CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations

Keywords: Machining; Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB); Chip formation simulation; Finite-Element-Method (FEM)

1. Introduction are present such experiments and the measurement are very
difficult. In order to capture the relevant effects at conditions at
Since Finite-Element simulations of chip formation do not least close to those in cutting, the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar
just end in itself but can be used for prediction of component is commonly applied [8, 9].
states like residual stresses and fatigue strength proper input In this investigation the low alloy steel 51CrV4 with two
data is needed. One major prerequisite for such predictions is different heat treatments is analyzed in a Split Hopkinson
the correct calculation of process forces, temperatures and Pressure Bar test. The obtained data is used for fitting of
consequently also the chip’s shapes. The material behaviour, in constitutive flow stress model parameters which are applied in
terms of flow stress models depending on the plastic finite element simulations of chip formation.
deformation, the deformation rate and the temperature is
crucial for the quality of the simulation results. In cutting these 2. SHPB design and material testing
factors reach very high values and have to be properly
addressed by the parameters of the applied flow stress models. For material characterization and the determination of
The Johnson-Cook model is well established for the simulation constitutive material model parameters for cutting simulations
of machining operations and is used by many researchers [1-3]. a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar was designed and installed at
In addition to the original formulation several modifications the Institute of Machining Technology of TU Dortmund
were developed, e.g. to include the hardness [4, 5], University. The setup can be seen in Fig. 1. The SHPB has an
recrystallization [6] or a stress state effect on the flow stress overall length of 8 m including the tube, the incident bar and
[7]. In order to identify adequate model parameters material the transmission bar as well as devices like a compressed air
characterization tests have to be carried out, but in contrast to vessel and a momentum trap to slow down the moving
other manufacturing processes like forming, where transmission bar. The air is released by a magnetic valve and
comparatively low strain rates and small temperature gradients accelerates the projectile in the tube. The projectile, the

2212-8271 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of The 16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations
182 A. Zabel et al. / Procedia CIRP 58 (2017) 181 – 186

incident bar and the transmission bar are made of AISI H11 design of experiments to reduce the overall effort. Therefore, a
steel with a diameter of dbar = 14 mm. The length of the two latin hypercube experimental design is setup, including a total
bars is lbar = 1.5 m which yields in a length-to-diameter-ratio number of experiments of twelve, where the temperature Tspec
of lbar/dbar > 100 ensuring the assumption of a one-dimensional and the pressure p are varried in the parameter ranges of
propagation of elastic waves within the bar. In order to test Tspec = [20, 170 - 750]°C and p = [1 - 3.5] bar. The results from
materials like high strength steels or nickel- and titanium-based the experiments are later used for the fitting of constitutive
alloys, ceramik plates are adapted at the interfaces where the material model parameters based on statistical methods. Due to
metarial sample is located to prevent plastic deformation of the the variation of the parameters on multiple levels also non-
two bars. The ceramic plates have a diameter of linear influences of parameters and their interactions can be
dcera = 15.85 mm to match the mechanical impedance J of the captured by the application of DACE-modeling [10].
bars which can be calculated as J = ρcA, whereas ρ is the Therefore, the adjusted temperature, the measured strain and
density, c is the sonic velocity and A is the cross section. the strain-rate are used as input parameters and the measured
Sleeves made of polyethylene with a high impact strength are flow stress is included as the objective. Eventually, a functional
used to hold the ceramic plates in place. relationship between the parameters and the flow stress is
Furthermore, the SHPB is equipped with an induction obtained.
heating furnace. A high frequency converter with a power of
P = 2 kW is attached to a double coil inductor which surrounds 3. Modelling of flow stress and fitting of constitutive model
the sample and the caremic plates. The heating of the sample is parameters
PID-controlled and the current sample temperature is measured
by an infrared pyrometer in order set certain testing The obtained models describing the flow stress of the
temperatures. All in all, sample temperatures up to ferritic-pearlitic and the martensitic steel are illustrated in
Tspec = 750°C can be achieved with this setup. Fig. 2 for a strain of φ = 0.2 as functions of strain-rate and
The measurement of the elastic wave in the incident and the temperature. It can be seen, that the achieved strain-rates are
transmission bar is carried out by using strain gauges which are ߮ሶ ≈ 8000 1/s for the softer material and ߮ሶ ≈ 6500 1/s for the
arranged in a bridge circuit. The signal is captured with a harder material. This difference of the latter can be explained
sample frequency of fS = 1 MHz by the transient recorder by the higher strength of the material resulting in a higher
HBM GEN3i. resistance against deformation. Both response surfaces reveal a
decrease of the flow stress with rising temperatures due to
thermal activation. The softer material shows a decrease of the
flow stress from σy ≈ 1600 MPa at room temperature to
σy ≈ 900 MPa at T = 600 - 800 °C, where a plateau can be
detected. The decrease of flow stress is even stronger for the
harder material. The flow stress declines from σy ≈ 3100 MPa
at room temperature to σy ≈ 1100 MPa at T = 750°C.
The influence of the strain-rate is rather small, but more
pronounced in case of the softer material. Increasing the strain-
rate leads to higher flow stresses because the faster movements
of dislocations need a higher driving force in terms of stress
fields. Although, the strain-rate does not show a high influence
in the observed interval, the flow stress reveals a big difference
to quasi-static compression tests at a strain-rate of
߮ሶ ≈ 0.0006 1/s where the corresponding flow stresses at room
temperature are σy = 1100 MPa (250 HV) and σy = 2700 MPa
(650 HV).

Fig. 1: SHPB setup with induction heating

For this investigation material samples of low alloy steel

51CrV4 in a ferritic-perlitic state with a hardness of 250 HV
and in a martensitic state with a hardness of 650 HV are used.
The achievable strain-rates are directly influenced by the
dimension of the sample. Therefore, a cylindrical shape of the
size Ø3 mm x 3 mm is chosen. With this configuration
maximum strains of φ ≈ 0.4 can be achieved. In order to
provide good contact conditions and to reduce notch effects,
the samples are ground at their interface surfaces, leading to an
elaborate preparation of the samples and need for an intelligent
A. Zabel et al. / Procedia CIRP 58 (2017) 181 – 186 183

illustrated space in Fig. 2 as well as the extrapolation. It can be

seen, that due to the formulation used, the flow stress decreases
to zero at the chosen melting temperature of Tm = 1500°C.
Furthermore, the gradient of the flow stress is high in the high
temperature regime for the 250 HV steel while the harder
material reveals a high gradient in the low temperature regime.
In both cases the impact of the stain-rate can be considered as
being low.

Table 1. Johnson-Cook flow stress model parameters for 51CrV4 steel

Parameter Material testing 250 HV 650 HV
A Compression test 666 MPa 1914 MPa
B Compression test 662 MPa 2438 MPa
n Compression test 0.269 0.436
C SHPB test 0.0228 0.0102
m SHPB test 1.1468 0.6491
߮Ͳሶ - 0.0006 1/s 0.0006 1/s
Tr - 20°C 20°C
Tm - 1500°C 1500°C

Fig. 2: DACE-models of the flow stress for 51CrV4

The temperature and strain-rate ranges of the measured flow

stresses in the figure shown above are not sufficient to be used
in a Finite-Element based chip formation simulation directly.
An extrapolation beyond the observed ranges is required for
both parameters. This can be obtained by the usage of well
established flow stress models like the Johnson-Cook-model
(JC-model) [11]. In this model the influences of the strain φ,
strain-rate ߮ሶ and temperature T are modeled separately and the
formula reads

§ M · · § § T  Tr ·
§ ·
Vy n

A  B ˜ M ˜ ¨¨1  C ˜ ln ¨¨ ¸¸ ¸¸ ˜ ¨1  ¨¨ ¸¸ ¸ (1)
© © M0 ¹ ¹ ¨© © Tm  Tr ¹ ¸

The first term describes the work hardening due to plastic

deformation. The second and the third term represent the
viscous hardening due to increasing deformation rates and the
thermal softening, respectively. The influence of the strain-rate
is referred to the reference strain-rate ߮଴ሶ while the influence of
the temperature is described in the space between the reference Fig. 3: JC-flow stress for 51CrV4 over strain-rate and temperature
temperature Tr and the melting temperature of the material Tm.
The parameters A, B, n, C and m are material dependent and
need to be fitted to the measured data. Due to the separately 4. Simulation of chip formation
described influences of strain, strain-rate and temperature it is
sufficient to identify the model parameters in a sequential way. The obtained flow stress models are used for two-
In this investigation the parameters of the work hardening term dimensional Finite-Element simulations of chip formation
A, B and n are fitted to conventional compression tests at a under consideration of a plane strain deformation and thermo-
strain-rate of ߮଴ሶ = 0.0006 1/s. Afterwards, the parameters C mechanical coupling. The engagement situation and the
and m are fitted to the measured flow stresses from the SHPB- process condition are shown in Fig. 4. With respect to the
tests. The obtained parameters of the flow stress model are machining of hardened steel, a chamfered cutting wedge is
summarized in Table 1. This process enables the calculation of chosen for both materials. The cutting speed and the uncut chip
flow stresses for higher strain-rates and temperatures as those thickness are set to vc = 180 m/min or h = 0.17 mm,
used in the SHPB tests. The calculated flow stresses are respectively. The material behavior was considered as elasto-
illustrated in Fig. 3. This figure further shows the area that is plastic and the contact condition between the workpiece and
used for the parameter fitting which corresponds to the the tool is implemented by applying a Coulomb-friction model
184 A. Zabel et al. / Procedia CIRP 58 (2017) 181 – 186

with µ = 0.1. The cutting wedge is a non-deformable rigid

Simulations are carried out by three different software
packages. The first software is DEFORM-2D V11.1 by SFTC,
which is widely used for chip formation simulation due to a
good accessibility of simulation parameters. Furthermore, it
involves an automatic remeshing routine that is necessary
because of a high distortion of the Finite-Element mesh during
the simulation. Here, bi-linear brick elements with a size of
~6.8 µm in the primary shear zone are used. The second
software is AdvantEdge (AE) V 7.3 by Third Waves Systems,
which is also a special purpose software for the simulation of
machining processes. The modeling of processes is quickly
feasible but the manipulation of simulation parameters is more
limited than in DEFORM. The general purpose FE-software Fig. 5: Fundamental chip formation machine
Abaqus/CAE V 6.14 by Dassault Systems is applied as the
third system, offering implicit and explicit solving procedures For the orthogonal cutting experiments, workpieces from
for Finite-Element problems. The built-in remeshing the same stock material batches as used for the SHPB tests in
capabilities are not sufficient for chip formation simulations, section 2 and 3 are applied. The workpieces provide a length of
therefore different remeshing and data mapping algorithms cut of lc = 24 mm and a width of the undeformed chip of
were implemented. Furthermore, the complete infrastructure bexp = 2.4 mm. A turning insert of the designation
for handling the time steps of a chip formation simulation are TNGA 110308 with a low CBN-content and a ceramic binder
programmed using the Python API of Abaqus. The used is chosen. The cutting edge micro geometry and angles
remeshing procedure is based on a superconvergent node patch correspond to the cutting wedge of the simulation in section 4.
recovery method by Zienkiewicz and Zhu [12, 13]. The The process forces are measured with a dynamometer of the
elements used here are bi-linear bricks with a size of ~20 µm. type 9257B by Kistler.
Due to continuous remeshing in all three simulation systems no
separation criteria for the chip formation is needed. 6. Comparison of experimental and simulation results

The resulting process forces for all simulation systems are

compared to the measured forces in Fig. 6. The measured
process forces for 650 HV are higher than those for 250 HV.
This can be explained by the higher strength and higher
resistance against deformation of the harder material.
Nevertheless, the cutting forces are overestimated in each
simulation. In case of the harder material the deviation is even
higher. When comparing the cutting forces for both materials it
can be noticed that the highest deviations are obtained by
DEFORM while Abaqus provides the lowest differences. The
difference of the simulated normal forces and the measured
ones are smaller in general. Moreover, the normal forces are
underestimated for 250 HV by Abaqus while they are in good
Fig. 4: Process setup for the FE-simulation
agreement for DEFORM. It can be assumed that the flow stress
model might be insufficient due to overestimated cutting forces
5. Experimental investigation of chip formation
and concurrently underrated or matching normal forces. In
correlation to the cutting forces the deviations are higher for the
In order to validate the simulations, orthogonal cutting
harder material. This indicates the calculation of exaggerated
experiments were carried out. Therefore, a fundamental chip
flow stresses by the JC-model used.
formation machine was designed and realized at the Institute of
Machining Technology (Fig. 5). The machine provides three
axes which can be used for cutting and feed motion
simultaneously. The horizontal table in x-direction offers a
maximum stroke of 900 mm. The acceleration of the linear
direct drives with 30 m/s² is high enough to reach a maximum
speed of 180 m/min. A cross table in the y-z-plane can be
moved with a maximum speed of 15 m/min over a length of
200 mm in y-direction and 95 mm in z-direction. Therefore, the
horizontal table realizes the cutting motion and the cross table
positioning of the tool.
A. Zabel et al. / Procedia CIRP 58 (2017) 181 – 186 185

dislocations in the material during deformation the plasticity

term is replaced by an approach from Hockett and Sherby [15]:

§ M · · § § T  Tr · ·¸
Vy V HS ˜ ¨¨1  C ˜ ln ¨¨ ¸¸ ¸¸ ˜ ¨1  ¨¨ ¸¸ (2)
© © M0 ¹ ¹ ¨© © Tm  Tr ¹ ¸¹

f f  k f 0 ˜ e dM

The parameters are fitted the same way as previously

Fig. 6: Simulated and measured process forces
described (Table 1). Simulations with the modified JC-flow
stress model are carried out with DEFORM only. In addition,
The simulated chip formation and the experimentally the normalized Cockroft and Latham damage criterion (nCL)
obtained chip for 650 HV are illustrated in Fig. 7. The is used in the simulation for 650 HV. The Cockroft and Latham
simulations result in a continuous chip formation while the real criterion was used by Umbrello et al. for simulation of hard
chip is distinctly segmented with white layers in the chip root machining of AISI H13 tool steel and showed reasonable
and on the bottom side. The high material strength of the results in terms of process forces and chip segmentation [4].
hardened steel leads to thermal softening and material The process forces are illustrated in Fig. 8. For the
damaging causing a periodic formation of chip segments as it continuous chip formation of the 250 HV steel the modification
is investigated by Barry and Byrne [14]. In contrast, the of the JC-flow stress (JC-mod) reveals a good agreement
temperature is the only factor which is responsible for flow between the simulation and the experiment. Both force
stress softening in the FE-models. The occurring temperatures components deviate less than 10 % from the measured values.
are obviously too low to decrease the flow stress significantly, In case of the harder material the simulation without damage
although temperatures of T ≈ 1000 °C are reached with all three modelling overestimates the process forces for both
simulation systems. The temperature distribution is similar for components. Here, the illustrated values represent the mean
the different simulation systems. In case of 250 HV continuous process forces. Nevertheless, the deviation is reduced by the
chip formation occurs in the simulations and in the experiment modification of the extended flow stress model. Furthermore a
as well. good agreement is achieved for both force components by
application of the damage model.

Fig. 8: Simulated (DEFORM) mechanical load with modified JC-flow

stress model and additional damage criterion

In Fig. 9 the resulting chip formation is shown. It can be

seen that both chips do not exhibit a homogeneous thickness.
Fig. 7: Temperature plots of the simulated chip formation and In fact, the chip formation resembles a periodic gliding of
microstructure of experimentally obtained chip for 650 HV segments. Therefore, the resulting process forces have to be
averaged over a sequence of segments in order to be compared
Regarding the deviations of the simulated process forces and to the measurement as it is shown in Fig. 8. When comparing
the chip shapes a modification of the original JC-flow stress the simulations with and without the nCL it can be noticed that
model was implemented. With respect to the saturation of the usage of the nCL leads to a more distinct segmentation of
the chip. The segment has a longer and thinner shape than the
186 A. Zabel et al. / Procedia CIRP 58 (2017) 181 – 186

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similar but the gradient of the chip thickness is bigger for the by Puls et al. [16].
simulation with nCL. Finally, a good overall agreement of the
simulated and the experimentally obtained chips in shape and References
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