Epic 40k Final Liberation Manual

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WELCOME TO THE EPIC QUICK BATTLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
WARHAMMER 40,000 UNIVERSE . . . . . 1 Determine Number of Players . . . 37
GETTING STARTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Determining Points . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
What Comes with This Game? . . . . 3 Battle Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Copy Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Battle Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Mouse and Other Controls . . . . . . . 3 Choose Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Starting the Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Unit Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Selections Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Game play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

ORK BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 MULTIPLAYER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Nobz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Choosing Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Mekboyz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Determining Points . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Madboyz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Selecting Connection Options . . . 42
Stormboyz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 TACTICAL NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Weirdboyz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Reconnaissance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
TUTORIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Land Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Hothgar’s Stance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Fliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Deployment Screen Features . . . . . 9 Imperial Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Before Your Turn One . . . . . . . . . . 15 Waaagh! The Orks . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Your Turn One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 RACES IN THE EPIC
Ork Turn One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 WARHAMMER 40,000 UNIVERSE . . . . 46
Your Turn Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Humanity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Ork Turn Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Orks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Your Turn Three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Chaos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
After the Battle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Eldar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
GAME PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Tyranids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Tactical Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 LAST WORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Message Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Selecting Detachments . . . . . . . . . 28
UNIVERSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Moving Squads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Line of Sight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 ADEPTUS ADMINISTRATUS
Firing Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 DATABASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Close Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Imperium of Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Space Ork Horde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
VOLISTAD CAMPAIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Beginning a Campaign Game . . . . 31 UNIT VEHICLE TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
The Campaign Turn . . . . . . . . . . . 32 UNIT INFANTRY TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Control Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
UNIT FLYER TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Map of Volistad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Imperial Forces at WEAPONS LISTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Your Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 TITAN AND GARGANT LISTS . . . . . . . 72
SPECIAL DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 74
IMPERIAL TIMELINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
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TRANSMITTED: Space Platform Africanus XII

DATE: 2564986/M41
TELEPATHIC DUCT: Astropath-terminus Kovacs
SUBJECT: Planetary Background
REF: VolisPetch/345221aMKJ
AUTHOR: Adeptus Prefectus Primus Whilhelm
Franz (acting sub-Director)
SPATIAL INDEX 1174663.5634

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Volistad was first colonised by the Imperium in 979/m35. However, history of Volistad
at this point is unknown. Warp Storms isolated the planet while still in its sociological
infancy, left to develop on its own for the next 3,500 years.

When Volistad was re-discovered by the Imperium in 437/m39, it was in a state of

planetary civil war; feudal, war driven economies, led by four main families (House
Ochinka, House Petchenka, House Silenko, and House Volga), had brought the planet
to its knees. The in-fighting had become so fierce that, due mainly to nuclear
proliferation, the eco-system was near collapse - most of the surface had been
overtaken by the oceans, swollen by melted polar caps.

The Imperium put a stop to all of this.

With technologically advanced troops, the Departmentus Reclamata set to work

crushing the in-fighting and introducing the world to the ways of the Imperium.
The strongest family, House Petchenka, was placed in position as the Official Imperial
Family. The eco-system was restored to a workable state and technology was brought
up to Imperial standard.

For the past 2,560 standard Terran years, Volistad has been a planet strongly loyal to
the Imperium. Two main elements place Volistad at a premium to the Emperor — the
Astropaths and the Titans. Nestled in the central region of Tollcharin, lies the Adeptus
Astra Telepathica monastery. The Astronomicon is a navigational reference point,
essential for safe and successful traversing of the perilous realms of nearby warp
space. The Astropaths’ role on Volistad are to provide a stabilising influence upon this
temperamental warp site, allowing the Astronomicon to perform its function,
permitting relatively safe warp navigation to continue through this vital corridor of
the segmentium. Should the distortions become too great to stabilise, or should any
ships find themselves in jeopardy within the warp, the Volistad Astropaths can provide
what is effectively a psychic lighthouse.

The Astropaths have had to cease their “work,” however, since the Orks arrived for
fear that the Ork psychic “Weirdboyz” might discover them and their purpose. Should
the Astropaths be destroyed, the Orks could cut off the whole sector from Imperial
navigation and entire regions of space would be at their mercy. It would certainly
extinguish any hope of long range reinforcements arriving in time to save Volistad.

Secondly, an archeological team discovered ancient Titans still in stasis on Volistad in

928/m41. The Titans were placed on Volistad during the initial terraforming mission,
and had remained undisturbed for the better part of 7,000 years. The decision on
what to do with these massive war machines was still pending within the Imperial
Senate when the Ork incursion began.

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The best way to familiarise yourself with the basics for EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000:
FINAL LIBERATION is to go step-by-step through the “Tutorial” section of the manual
which begins on page 9. It has been written to familiarise you with the menus
and aspects of a scenario, and introduce you to the style of fighting in the 40K
universe. The tutorial explains many of the basic concepts of how the game
works; however, if you just want to learn about how the interface works as a
whole, then turn to the “Game Play” section on page 41. A glossary at the end
of this book defines some commonly used terms in the game. You might also
want to browse through the README.TXT file for information or changes made
after this manual went to press.

What Comes with This Game?

Your box should contain this User Manual, a data card, and an EPIC WARHAMMER
40,000: FINAL LIBERATION CD. The User Manual explains how to play and has important
information on menus, scenarios, unit classes, and equipment. To play, install the
game according to instructions on the data card.

Copy Protection
There is no physical copy protection on your EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000: FINAL
LIBERATION CD, but in order to play, the CD must be in the CD-ROM drive.

Mouse and Other Controls

EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000: FINAL LIBERATION features an active mouse pointer; whenever
the mouse pointer is passed over a unit, a button, or an icon, a description of what
that control changes to when clicked-on appears in the bar at the bottom of the
screen. This should help you with unfamiliar elements of the game.

In this book, the term “click” means move the mouse icon (an arrow) to the
desired area on the screen, and press either the left or right mouse buttons.
“Left-click” means move the mouse icon to the desired area and press the left
mouse button. “Right-click” means move the mouse icon to the desired area and
press the right mouse button.

When viewing video footage, simply hit the Spacebar or ESC key on the keyboard
to stop the video. Also, the Spacebar can be used to stop a game if the computer
is playing itself.

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More than 25 Millennia ago, humanity first looked to the stars and began the
great exploration of nearby space. Limited at first to sublight travel, colonisation
and conquest proceeded at a snail’s pace. Generations could live and die on the
great interstellar voyages without ever seeing their destinations. Colonies were
forced into independence; aid took centuries to arrive, if it came at all.

With the discovery of the warp drive came the great expansion. Mankind was
freed from the need to spend generations travelling between the stars. The
subsequent discovery and refinement of the navigator gene, which allowed
pilots to make longer and more accurate warp jumps, merely confirmed the
trend. Within centuries, rather than the millennia, humanity burst from its
confining systems and spread out into the galaxy.

As humanity moved into the galaxy, the Dark Age of Technology brought
seemingly unstoppable progress. Humanity’s machines achieved incredible levels
of sophistication. There seemed nothing that Man could not do, even as
humanity began to splinter into smaller groups. Some were cut off in remote
parts of the galaxy; others, deliberately isolated themselves, using their power
and knowledge to make war on their enemies, human and alien alike.

It was at this time that the “psykers” — humans capable of using powers such as
telekinesis and telepathy — first arose in the midst of humanity. The trigger for
this emergence has never been determined, but psykers were recorded on almost
every planet known to man. Untrained and unprotected, many went mad or fell
prey to non-psychic men; uncounted millions were burnt as witches, destroyed by
ignorance. More fell to creatures — Daemons — from warp space, beings which
fed upon their minds and bodies. Civilisation crumbled as ignorance and madness
replaced enlightenment and technology. The Dark Age of Technology ended; the
Age of Strife was born.

For more than five thousand years warfare tore humanity apart. Alien and
human, all enemies were as one. The loose confederation of human space was
shattered by local wars on every scale: nation battled nation, planet fought
planet, system laid waste system. Outspacers and aliens plundered the ruined
worlds. Abandoned or cut off by warp storms, human colonies fell victim to local
conditions. Terraformed worlds reverted to their natural condition and as they
did so, humanity suffered. Through chance and depleted gene-pools, some
colonies underwent a forced evolution, producing new successor species: the
stocky Squats, the powerful Ogryns and the Beastmen. Other colonies simply
reverted to savagery under the combined pressures of alien raids, ecological
disaster, psychic madness and technological failure.

Only the worlds where psykers were rigorously repressed survived intact. The
retrenchment of Man was almost total.

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At last, as so often happens, a single man, a conqueror, emerged from the

darkness. The Age of Strife and its bloody wars were brought to an end. The
Imperium of Man was founded as human systems were reconquered and
returned to the mainstream of humanity of their own accord. The Emperor re-
united humanity under his banner. For ten thousand years this immortal being
has ruled the Imperium.

His rule is harsh and uncompromising, but it is only under his guidance that
humanity has survived. The spectre of a new and more terrible Age of Strife
is ever present; the threat from the enemy within is matched only by the
aggression of the enemy without. The Emperor stands between humanity
and extinction.

Start Campaign

Start Quick Battle

Load Saved Game


View Introduction


Start Tutorial


EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000: FINAL LIBERATION has several methods of play, including
quick battles with a variety of set up options, and an extensive campaign game.
The first scenario you should play is the tutorial scenario, in order to familiarise
yourself with the basics of game play (without the added steps of selecting your
forces or managing your resource points). Time to get dirty!

The tutorial provides step-by-step instructions to help familiarise you quickly and
easily with the screens, options, and units in a EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000: FINAL LIBERATION
scenario. A glossary on page 49 is also provided for quick definitions of terms, as
well as an on-screen encyclopedia to let you know all about weapons and units.

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Selections Screen
The Selections screen provides the basic game choices for EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000:
FINAL LIBERATION. Left-clicking on the buttons on the right control panel allows you
to select the options available on the menu — Campaign, Quick Battle, Load, Codex, View
Introduction, Tutorial, and Exit. Each option is described in the hot text area at the
bottom left of the main screen.

The Campaign Game allows you to guide humanity’s efforts to recover the planet
Volistad from Warlord Skroll and his Horde of Space Orks. This starts as the Space
Marines attempt to establish a toehold on the world, and continues until you
drive Skroll from the planet — or Skroll conquers the planet forever. For more
information, see the “Volistad Campaign” section, starting on page 31.

Quick Battle
The Quick Battle option allows for the quick generation of new battle scenarios,
including single and multiplayer scenarios. Here you select the sides that
participate in the battle, the respective sizes of the forces, and where the battle
takes place within the wastes of Volistad. Game play may be hot-seat or remote
via LAN, dial-up, or NULL modem cable. For more information, see the “Quick
Battles” section, starting on page 37.

Load a Saved Game

This button opens the Load/Save Game window which allows a saved game to be
loaded. Left-click on the slot you desire and left-click again on the Start button at
the bottom of the screen.

This button opens your copy of the Imperial Codex which grants you information
on your forces, those of Space Ork Horde, and a general overview of the foes of
the 41st Millennium.

View Introduction
Left-clicking on this option replays the introduction movie for EPIC WARHAMMER
40,000: F INAL LIBERATION. Once it is complete, the display returns to the Main Menu.

Begins the tutorial scenario, Hothgar’s Stance.

Selecting the Exit button quits EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000: FINAL LIBERATION.

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Orks appear to have but one philosophy: might is always right. Whether on the
giving or receiving end, none of the Ork kind ever doubt this for an instant. Orks
are the dominant element of a race that includes Orks, Gretchins and Snotlings.
Orks are in charge because they are the biggest, toughest, meanest and most
warlike of them all.

Imperial scholars speculate that on the Ork world of origin, there was another
race from which the Orks descended. This race - called “Brainboyz,”by the Orks,
appears to have been extremely intelligent, arose to dominance in just a few
generations, and initiated their culture’s expansion into space.

Note that it is very difficult to reconstruct this phase of Ork history, as the
captured Orks are very reluctant to talk about it. This information has been
pieced together from Ork legends in which passing references to Brainboyz are
made, giving glimpses to a time when the Orks were not in charge.

The Brainboyz appear to have been a symbiont race, able only to fully develop
their intellect through mutations caused by eating special fungus that grew in
underground caves on the homeworld. As Brainboyz were diminutive in size,
scholars speculate they bred a race of less intelligent but tougher and more
brutal creatures to fight and work for them - the Orks. Orks were put to work
cultivating the vital fungus.

The Brainboyz civilisation expanded well beyond their homeworld, but every
attempt to cultivate the brain enhancing fungus on other worlds must have met
with failure. The only known location the fungus successfully grew was in the
dank cave systems of the ancient homeworld.

The Orks who were put to work harvesting the fungus began to wonder why
they were being told what to do by such diminutive creatures. Eventually, the
Brainboyz own creatures rose up against them, and the Orks rebelled. The final
act saw the Orks eating every last toadstool, mushroom and puffball down to the
spore, either looking to gain the same mental powers they saw in their masters,
or to destroy the fungi outright. For the non-symbiont Orks, it was no more than
a big feast; for the Brainboyz, it was a tragedy from which they never recovered.

The Brainboyz offspring across their empire never developed intelligent brains
due to the lack of vital fungi. Instead of developing their intellect, the succeeding
generations of “Snotlings” (as the Orks now call them) have remained inept,
trapped in a pre-juvenile state.

Ork civilisation, though crude and harsh, has thus succeeded that of the
Brainboyz throughout the universe.

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The Ork race respects strength and power. As such, the strongest and best
warriors may become Nobz, who are the heads of Ork households and command
the rest of the boyz in battle. A household generally belongs to a specific clan
depending on traits exhibited by its members. However, there are some Orks who
don’t fit into this easy class structure.

Also known as Mekaniaks, Mekboyz are the technical engineers and master
mechanics of Ork civilisation. Their understanding of the principles behind the
technology they use is somewhat vague and crude; in fact, Mekboyz are often
mystified as to why something they’ve put together actually works. The Meks
have an instinctive talent with machines and their unlikely creations often work
surprisingly well, especially force fields and matter transmission devices.

While all Orks behave in a way that would mark them as insane in most Imperial
societies, there are some whose eccentricities are extreme even by Ork standards.
In battle, Madboyz’ unpredictable antics appear impossible to control and they
often prove to be as dangerous to the other Orks as they are to Imperial troops.

Many young Orks find that they are too inexperienced or not big enough to
make really good fighters. Impatient to get stuck in alongside the older Orks,
they become rebellious and sometimes run away from their Nobz’ household to
join the Stormboyz Korpz.

All Orks appear to be psychic to some extent, some far more psychic than others.
These Orks seem to have no control over the mental processes, and tend to
literally “explode” in order to release the built up energies. Weirdboyz are
reportedly forced to live in special houses built on huge copper stilts (to conduct
the psychic energy away into the ground), and they are forced to wear special
clothes, like a jester ’s uniform. Presumably, this is so that other Orks can see them
coming and get out of the way.

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In the universe of Warhammer 40,000, battles may occur at any time, and on any
planet. Acquiring the skills to succeed on these deadly battlefields may not be easy,
but those who do can expect honour and acclaim. This tutorial should teach you
the basics of those skills, though true mastery only comes with time and

For this tutorial, left-click on Tutorial from the Selection screen.

Hothgar’s Stance
This tutorial is intended to cover some of the more commonly used features of a
typical scenario: the game interface, moving units, firing units, opportunity fire,
and artillery missions.

The village of Hothgar ’s Stance has been over run by a scouting force of Ork Evil
Sunz troopers, supported by a detachment of Battlewagons. The Commissar has
allocated a detachment of Predator tanks, a detachment of Whirlwind infantry
support vehicles, and a detachment of Space Marine infantry. Your mission is to
make sure that none of the Evil Sunz return to report their findings.

Corner Map

Tactical Display

Game Speed

Move Unit Cursor Score

Zoom Buttons
Active Unit

Facing Dial

Status Bar

Deployment Screen Features

The Deployment screen consists of the Tactical Display panel - a large overhead
display of your units and enemy units that are visible, and the Interface panel.

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The Interface panel includes the following features:

♦ Corner Map panel - A smaller map panel displaying the entire battle area.
♦ The Unit Roster - A three section panel with a scroll bar which lists the units in
your active regiment.
♦ A Facing Dial and Control Buttons.

Tactical Display Panel

The Tactical Display panel is where Imperial and Ork units do all of their fighting
and dying. The level of zoom can be adjusted using the two buttons below the
Corner Map panel (they look like skulls, one with a plus symbol for zooming in,
the other has a minus symbol for zooming out). The Tactical Display panel can
also scroll across the battlefield by moving the cursor to an edge of the screen:
left edge scrolls left, top edge scrolls up and so on. Text messages with
information about controls, units, terrain features, and options appear in an
Information Bar which runs across the bottom of the panel.

Corner Map Panel

The Corner Map is a tool for planning strategy and gives an overview of the
current battlefield. Left-clicking on the Corner Map moves the view on the
Tactical Display panel, represented by the white rectangle, to that part of the
battlefield. Other features of the Corner Map panel include:

♦ Player One’s units are blue dots. These are also Imperial units in the tutorial.
♦ Player Two’s units are red dots. These are the Ork units.
♦ Objectives appear as white dots.
♦ Buildings and ruins appear as red blocks.
♦ Areas of difficult terrain appear as gray dots.

Detachment Roster / Unit Roster

The Detachment Roster lists your active detachments — the active detachment is
displayed in gold, the others are in silver. Double-click on a detachment entry on
the roster. The entries change to the Unit Roster, refining the focus of control to
a single unit. Double-click on any entry to restore the Detachment Roster.

Facing Dial
The Facing Dial controls the facing of the active unit or detachment. Left-click on
one of the eight wedges on the face of the dial and the active unit changes to
face that direction. Facing can also be changed on the Tactical Display panel by
right-clicking on the map where the active unit needs to face. Note: Right-
clicking on a unit selects that unit and opens the Imperial Codex encyclopedia to
the entry for that unit, so when adjusting a unit’s facing be careful not to hold
the cursor over another unit while doing so.

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Deployment Interface Panel Buttons

Zoom View Buttons
The Zoom-in and Zoom-out buttons increase and decrease the area
that can be viewed in the Tactical Display panel.

Deploy Unit or Formations Button

Units and detachments can be moved individually or in formation. This
control toggles between whole detachments and individual units for
deployment purposes.

Detachment Array Control

This control adjusts the way a detachment is arrayed when deployed.
Infantry units can be arrayed three or more ranks deep, depending on
the placement of nearby units, two ranks deep, or in a single line.
Vehicular detachments can be arrayed in columns of three, two, or a single line.

Load / Unload Unit Button

Left-clicking on this control selects the active infantry unit (not the
whole detachment) for mounting on transports. The cursor changes to
the Load Unit cursor; left-click on the transport the infantry is to mount,
and they disappear inside. To unload a transport, select it by left-clicking on it
and left-click on the Load/Unload Unit button. The passenger appears behind the
transport. Note: None of the vehicles in the tutorial can carry passengers.

Codex Encyclopedia Button

The Imperial Codex encyclopedia entry for the active unit is displayed
when this button is clicked. See the “Imperial Codex Encyclopedia”
section, starting on page 12 for a complete description.

Centre Map on Unit Button

This button centres the Tactical Display panel on the currently active
unit. This is useful when the Tactical Display has been scrolled away
from the active unit and you wish to return to its position quickly.

Entrenchment Button
This starts infantry units in entrenchments; entrenched infantry are harder to
hit. Infantry units can entrench during the scenario by expending half of their
movement points. Note: Some ground may be too hard for entrenchments.

Done Button
Left-clicking on the Checkmark button ends the deployment phase and
signals that you are ready to begin the scenario.

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Inspect Your Forces

Your forces are arrayed on the Tactical Display panel in no particular order. You
have five units of Space Marine infantry, three Whirlwind missile-artillery carriers,
and three Predator tanks. These units can be deployed anywhere to the left of
the saw-toothed boundary of light and dark spaces. No enemy units are visible,
but Imperial Intelligence has warned you that the Evil Sunz troopers may be in
some of the buildings.

Screen Icon
Briefing Panel



Equipment List

Unit Type List Unit Class Buttons

Imperial Codex Encyclopedia

Before you actually move a unit, however, it might be useful to inspect your
troops and identify their roles, as well as looking at those of the enemy. Left-click
on the Encyclopedia button to view the entry for the active unit, or right-click over
a unit to see its entry.

Briefing Panel
The Briefing panel displays basic information such as the unit type’s name,
primary role and any options which might apply.

Equipment List
The Equipment list shows important information about the unit including:

Move - The unit’s move rating.

Close Assault - The unit’s close assault value.

Armour - Armour values for front, sides, and rear are listed.

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Cost - The unit’s cost in points.

Weapons - The unit’s array of weapons are listed, with each weapon’s statistics: Rng.
for range, Pen. for penetration, and Hit for the unit’s chance to hit before any
penalty is assessed.

See the Appendix “Unit Vehicle Tables” staring on page 70 and “Unit Infantry
Tables” on page 71 for more information.

Unit Type List

The entries on this part of the Codex can be viewed by scrolling up and down the
list with the scroll bar on the right side. Left-clicking on a panel displays the entry
for that unit.

Unit Class Buttons

There are four unit class buttons: Infantry, Vehicles, Titans and Gargants, and
Aircraft. Changing from one unit class to another changes what the list displays.

Screen Icon Preview

Shows the Tactical Display icon for each unit selected in the unit type list.

Other Controls
These buttons allow the choice of viewing Imperial or Ork units, background
material on the Warhammer 40,000 universe, credits for EPIC 40,000: FINAL
LIBERATION, Eldar, Chaos and Tyranid background information, as well as the
Checkmark button which is used to Exit this screen.

Deploy Your Forces

The active unit is indicated with four red arrow icons pointing at the four sides of
the screen. If you play a multiplayer game later, these icons represent the active
unit of each side. Orks are green.

When you move the cursor into an area where deployment is

forbidden, it changes from four inward pointing arrows to
crossed swords with red tips. Moving the cursor back into the
deployment area causes it to return to normal. The normal cursor also has three
green dots on the lower right side. This tells you that you are moving the active
detachment of troops “in formation,” or all at once.

Right now, your Space Marines are the active unit. Left-click near the edge of the
deployment area. Notice how the detachments bunch together. This makes it easy
to tell which units you are manipulating when you want to change deployment.
Move the mouse cursor to the Unit Roster panel. Double-click on a panel where it
reads Detachment 1 Space Marines, or press the Enter key with the cursor over the panel,
to switch to the Detachment Roster. Now move back and select another unit.

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Notice that when the Detachment Roster is open, the cursor changes to
four green arrows without the three dots.

Select each of the Space Marine detachments and move them as close to the edge
of the deployment zone as possible. Spread them apart by one or more spaces to
increase the area they can see and shoot into.

Restore the Unit Roster by double-clicking on one of the three panels on the roster.
Select one of the Whirlwinds and scroll up, or left-click on the Corner Map panel, on
the hills in the upper-left corner of the Tactical Display. Adjust the display until you
can see the edge. Deploy the Whirlwinds along the edge of the hills by left-clicking
here. Once again, they are grouped together. Double-click on the Detachment 3 Whirlwind
section of the Unit Roster to adjust their deployment. Deploy each unit atop the
range of hills, then use the Facing Dial, or right-click in the panel, to turn each
Whirlwind toward the village before deploying the next one.

Selected View

Corner Map

Unit Roster

Facing Dial


Finally, select one of the Predators, noticing how the Detachment Roster changes
to list three Predators instead of the three Whirlwinds. Deploy the Predators
behind the Space Marines — they can pass through the ranks of infantry, but
should be screened by the infantry when no enemies are in sight.

It might help to zoom out, in order to see more of the Tactical Display.

To end deployment, left-click on the Checkmark button in the lower right-

hand corner.

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Before Your Turn One

Scenario Interface Panel Features

Adjust Speed
The five bars between the Corner Map and the Score panel allow you to adjust
game speed.

Score Panel
Next to the Zoom-In and Zoom-Out buttons is the score panel. The numbers displayed
here are the current morale scores for both players, the Imperial player is on the
left, the Ork player is on the right. These scores are displayed over the Roster
panel in between turns as well. They are a relative measure of your level of
success in a scenario. If a player reaches zero, they are defeated.

Notice that the Unit
Roster has changed,
and that there ar e
several more buttons
next to the Facing Dial
now. The Unit Roster
now displays only the
active unit, but shows more information about it. An icon indicates the type of
unit, next to the unit’s name, for example, Space Marine, Imperial Guard,
Predator, and so on. Below that are the number of moves the unit has, followed
by the number of shots it can fire with its current movement points. Below that is
a list of the weapons the unit carries. Some units, such as Space Marines only
carry one kind of weapon, while vehicles, such as the Predator can have several
weapon systems. If there is more than one kind of weapon, the active weapon is
in gold, while secondary weapons are in silver. Infantry units also display the
number troopers at the bottom of the panel, for example a Space Marine unit
would show 4/4 team members on turn one.

As the scenario proceeds, one other piece of information appears at the bottom
of this panel; any suppression the unit accumulates as a result of combat is
displayed here.

Fire Button
The Fire button causes the active unit to fire at its current target.
Sometimes this easier than scrolling to the target’s location. It works
particularly well when used with the Next Target button.

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Next Target Button

This button selects as a target the visible enemy squad or vehicle in the
order they appear on the enemy roster. The Tactical Display jumps to the
selected unit and a targeting icon appears over the enemy unit. You can
cycle through all available targets by left-clicking more than once.

Load / Unload Unit Button

The Load/Unload unit command operates essentially the same as it does in
deployment mode, except that during a turn, loading costs one point, as
does unloading. The infantry must be adjacent to the vehicle to load. A
unit which unloads has movement left depending on how far the transport moved.
A unit that has shots at the turn’s start has at least one shot left after unloading.

Entrenchment Button
The Entrench unit command operates essentially the same as in deployment
mode, except that during a turn, digging in an infantry unit costs half of
a detachment’s movement points. Leaving an entrenched position is free.

Save Game Menu

Grid Overlay On/Off

Load Game Menu

Movement Volume

Cinematics On/Off
Sound Effects Volume
Music Volume
Fast AI/Watch AI Toggle

Game Options Button

This opens the Options menu. The three slider controls on the left
control the volume of the music, weapon sound effects, and vehicle
sound effects. The two toggle switches enable or disable cinematics
and grid overlay. Left-clicking on the upper computer icon on the right side
opens the Save Game menu, the lower icon opens the Load Game menu.
Left-clicking on the Checkmark button returns to the Tactical Display. The
Fast AI/Watch AI toggle skips or shows AI units in motion.

Undo Button
The Undo button restores a unit to the starting position for its last
impulse of movement unless it was fired upon or revealed a previously
hidden enemy unit.

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Air Strike Button

Calls in your air power from off-map to attack at designated locations.
Anytime you move one of your ground-based detachments you can press
this button to activate any off-map air units you purchased for the battle.
They appear on your edge of the map. Note: Air strikes can only be performed by
Imperial Marauder and Ork Fighta-Bommerz aircraft you have purchased. There are
no aircraft in this tutorial.

Codex Encyclopedia Button

This works identically to the Codex control in deployment mode, except
that you can also right-click on units to call up their Codex entry.

Normal View Button

This button cycles through several optional for overlays on the Tactical
Display appears when a unit is selected. The default setting is no overlay.
This shows all terrain in normal view when this button icon is visible.

Field of Movement Button

The first option is Show field of movement. This displays the active unit’s
possible range of movement, when this button icon is visible, as an
overlay of darker squares on the normal terrain.

Field of Fire Button

The second setting is Show field of fire. This setting darkens all squares except
those that can be fired into by the active unit when this button icon is
visible. In other words, squares that cannot be fired at become darker, and
squares that can be shot at become lighter. The only exception to this are artillery
units. Even though artillery units may not appear to have line of sight on an enemy
unit, they attack by indirect fire and can usually attack whatever is within range.

Make Buildings Translucent Button

This control toggles building walls as translucent or opaque, to make
acquiring visible units in buildings easier. Units hidden in buildings do
not become visible when the walls become transparent until they are in
line-of-sight of a friendly unit.

Move Units in Formation / Move Units by Detachment

Units can be moved either individually, or by detachment. The cursors
for each mode are:

To move individual units and vehicles

To move entire detachments

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Centre Map on Unit Button

This control centres the map on the active detachment or vehicle.

Mark Unit Done Button

This control is to indicate that a vehicle or detachment has finished its
movement, even though it still has movement points remaining, and
removes it from the cycle for the rest of the turn for purposes of the
Cycle to Next Unit Button. Left-clicking directly on the unit permits the vehicle or
detachment to move or fire if it still has those choices available, but clicking on
the Cycle to Next Unit Button does not activate it.

Cycle to Next Unit Button

Proceeds through the roster to each vehicle or detachment that still has
movement points or can shoot, and that has not been marked with the
previous control.


Full Screen / Interface Panel Mode Button

This button toggles the width of the Tactical Display between the
default showing the Interface panel on the right and filling the screen.

End Current Phase

The Checkmark button signals that you have completed your turn, and
starts the next player’s or the AI’s turn.

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Your Turn One

If you have deployed as suggested, your Whirlwinds overlook Hothgar’s Stance,
while your Predators and infantry are arrayed in a skirmish line along their
deployment boundary.

Approach the village carefully, the Evil Sunz troopers could be anywhere, and
satellite tracking has lost contact with the Ork vehicles. Move your Space Marines
in first, and use them to screen the Predators. The Whirlwinds are artillery which
can hit anything that can be seen, so leave them at the edge of the village to
provide support. Use the Predators to deal with the Battlewagons when they

The village has a road running up the middle, and several ruined and abandoned
buildings on either side of the road. In the centre of town and at the northern
edge of town are two Victory Objective icons. The icon in the town square is
unclaimed, it has the Imperial signet on one side and the Ork totem on the other.
Unclaimed Victory Objectives appear on the Corner Map as white dots.

Victory Objectives count for points: objectives held by the enemy

subtract 25 points per turn from your victory total. Your forces need
to survive the fight as well. Remember, you can always claim Victory
Objectives after you have defeated the enemy, but you only have one turn.

Screen with Infantry

Select one of the infantry units near the middle of your line; the blue “ready”
icon appears at their feet and the cursor changes to the movement cursor. Left-
click on the Show Field of Movement overlay button and a dark area appears where
the infantry unit can move. Advance them forward until they have used four
movement points, using the Undo button if you move them too far.

Remember that the Undo command only works until a unit reveals a hidden unit,
once this happens the unit cannot take that move back.

Your infantry is going to come under fire from Evil Sunz warriors hidden in the
buildings. You can return fire with your Space Marines, or use the Whirlwinds to
suppress the Evil Sunz with artillery fire. The smartest course is to use a
combination of both. Hit the Evil Sunz with a round of artillery, then clean them
up with bolter fire.

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Fire at visible Ork units by moving the cursor over them; the
cursor changes to a “green reticle” firing cursor over units that
are eligible targets. Units that are out of range or blocked by
line of sight show the same green reticle cursor with a red X across it. When the
Firing cursor is visible left-click to fire. Units able to fire more than once can do so
by left-clicking on the target unit until the cursor changes to a large red X.

If you do not have a Space Marine unit selected, left-click on one, preferably one
that has taken casualties. Notice that there is now a line in the roster panel which
reads x% Suppression. Each time a unit suffers a combat result, or has a unit of its
detachment destroyed, it gains suppression. When the suppression level is high
enough, self-preservation takes over and even elite troops such as Space Marines
attempt to break off from combat. Units whose suppression level is over 25%
check their morale at the end of their turn, and rout if they fail this test. The
presence of characters such as Imperial Commissars, Gargant or Titan units,
provide a 50% bonus to the morale test for units within ten tiles.

Since you are commanding a scout detachment, there are no characters in this
force, so any suppression your units absorb can only wear off with time and
distance. Try to avoid taking too many casualties; if all of your companies are
destroyed or are in retreat, you could lose the scenario.

Continue the Advance

Move the rest of your infantry toward the village, responding to any ambushes
by Evil Sunz warriors with a combination of missile artillery from the Whirlwinds
and bolter fire from the Space Marines. Do not waste artillery fire on the
Battlewagons, since there is very little chance of destroying them because the
missiles’ Penetration value is too low.

Save your Predators until the end of the turn, and advance them carefully, using
the buildings for cover without getting too close — infantry can take out vehicles
by close assault it if they can get close enough. Before moving them, left-click on
the Overlay button again to switch to Show Field of Fire so that as the tanks advance
you know what they can see. If they come under fire or happen to get line-of-
sight on a Battlewagon, open fire! Otherwise, advance them carefully, leaving
movement points for them to use for opportunity fire. Move one of the
Predators toward the road coming out of the village, but not into the open this
turn. Next turn, it can move out onto the road and maybe catch a Battlewagon in
its side armour.

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You can tell if a unit has movement points or fire capability left by looking at the
Unit Roster panel where the remaining movement and shots are displayed next
to the unit icon.

Facing the Enemy

The last step before ending your turn is to use the facing dial or the right mouse
button to adjust each vehicle’s facing toward the enemy. This means that any
attacks made are against the heaviest armour that the vehicle has. Whenever
possible, make attacks against the side or rear of enemy vehicles, since their
armour is weakest there.

Saving Your Game

Before ending your first turn, you should save your game. Left-click on the Game
Options button to open the Options menu. Left-click on the upper button next
to the floppy-disk icon to open the Save Game menu. There is a text entry
field across the top of the menu, slots for saved games, and the active slot is
highlighted in red. Move the cursor to the text field and enter a description
of the saved game. When you have typed in your description, pressing Enter or
left-clicking on the Save Game button at the lower left saves the game. Left-clicking
on the X icon button exits the menu and returns you to the Options menu.

Left-click on the Checkmark button to start the AI’s first turn.

Ork Turn One

The Ork Battlewagons and Evil Sunz infantry should come pouring out of
Hothgar’s Stance in response to your advance. If you have been very lucky on
your first turn, they may already have high levels of suppression from having
watched several units of their fellows get shot up by your Space Marines and
Whirlwind missile artillery. Your infantry is likely to come under heavy fire this
turn, and it should not surprise you that one or more detachments suffers heavy
casualties. If the Orks are lucky and destroy one of your Predators, you could be
in trouble, but no one ever said war was easy!

Opportunity Fire
Any of your units that did not fire, or did not use up their full movement
allotment last turn, are capable of engaging in opportunity fire if an enemy unit
moves through their line of sight. Opportunity fire is the best way to attack the
Battlewagons, as they come out of the village after you.

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Your Turn Two

On turn two, your Whirlwind units, along with the remaining Space Marines,
should continue to concentrate on the Evil Sunz infantry squads. Continue to
have the Space Marines advance on the village, screening the Predators where
possible, and responding to Evil Sunz bolter fire with their own bolters. If one of
your Whirlwinds has no infantry target to fire at, try destroying a building or
two; artillery fire can suppress or kill units in buildings by destroying the building
they are in, even if there is no line of sight.

The Predator at the south end of the village should be able to move out on the
road and get a shot at one of the Battlewagons. If you can kill one without using
up all of the tank’s movement points, it might be wise to get back under cover.

If any of your infantry suffered suppression on turn one, find that unit and select it.
Notice that the level of suppression has declined. Units attempt to rally at the end
of every turn, and their suppression is reduced each time they are able to rally.

Using the Next Target and Fire Buttons

As each unit is selected, left-click on the Cycle to Next Target button. The view on the
Tactical Display centres on the targeted unit, if one is available as a target, and a
red “targeted” icon flashes over the unit momentarily. If you left-click on the Fire
at current target button, your active unit fires at the targeted unit. This can speed up
combat by eliminating having to scroll around the screen, looking for targets.
Note: This does not differentiate targets a unit can affect from those it cannot, so
your Whirlwinds or your infantry can target a Battlewagon, even though there is
little chance they can damage it.

Navigating on the Tactical Display

When using the Cycle to Next Target and Fire at current target buttons the Tactical Display
can scroll across the entire map. Use the Centre map on current unit to return to the
location of the active unit.

The Zoom-In and Zoom-Out buttons and the Full Screen Mode toggle can make moving
around on the screen easier as well.

Ending Turn Two

Your Predators should have engaged one or more Battlewagons, some of your
infantry should be among the buildings by now, and your Whirlwinds should
have pounded the Evil Sunz positions. Face your units toward the enemy if they
ended facing away, and left-click to end your turn.

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Ork Turn T wo
By now, the Orks should have suffered some casualties. You can get a rough idea
of who is winning by looking at the victory point totals on the Interface panel
while the AI is planning its turn.

If the Evil Sunz infantry is not dead or fled, they may continue to shoot it out
with your infantry, as the Battlewagons engage your Predators, infantry, or
Whirlwinds, depending on what they can see.

If the Emperor has smiled upon you, they may be routing. In which case the fight
should end next turn as you mop them up.

Your Turn Three

If any of the buildings which contained Ork infantry on turn one are still
standing, bring them down with artillery fire this turn. The Predators should
make it to the road in the town’s centre this turn. They should have enough shots
to finish off any Battlewagon foolish or unlucky enough to come before their
guns. The infantry should bring up the rear.

This should be the turn of decision, either because your troops hunt down the
last remnants of the Ork force, or they are in full flight, ready to be chased down
on turn four.

After the Battle

When the last Ork unit has
been destroyed, a pop-up
dialog box appears to notify
you of your victory. This is
the same dialog you would
see if they had vanquished
you. After you click on the
Checkmark button, you
may review the battlefield
before the casualty screen
appears showing you the
units lost on your side as a
result of the battle. If this
were a campaign game, the next step would be to choose the next area to
attack. Left-click on the Right-Arrow button to finish the tutorial and return
to the Selection screen.

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TRANSMITTED: Space Platform Africanus XII

DATE: 6478986/M41
TELEPATHIC DUCT: Astropath-terminus Kovacs
SUBJECT: Volistad Topography and Climate
REF: VolisLanClim/8277037qAMS
AUTHOR: Adeptus Prefectus Primus
Whilhelm Franz (acting sub-Director)

Volistad is broken up into two main areas — the Paulis Ocean, occupying the
western hemisphere, and the land masses of Doscoya, Kopolov, Langtona, and
Welkonnena, occupying the eastern hemisphere.

The Kopolov Fold, an inactive tectonic fault line and mountain range slices
diagonally through Doscoya, dividing it into major Northern and Southern
reaches. The Northern Reaches mainly consist of hot ashy wastes intermixed with
sparse rolling plains, rocky valleys and scrubby farmland. The partly terraformed
Southern Reaches are a bit more hospitable with occasional fertile farmlands,
river valleys and alpine mountains, but it is not without its share of strip mined
areas, factory cities, and ashy plains as well.

Borodni, the main city state, is located in a basin of the largest section of the
Kopolov mountains along its northern face and is on the border of the Borod ash
plains. Borodni’s main function is that of a space port. It is well equipped to
provide shelter and support for abundant numbers of large space craft. It is an
important way station for the Pragathus Warp points and the only port large
enough to handle the necessary volume of craft that would make up an effective
main reinforcement in the battle for Volistad.

The main city of Volistad is the Polvanya Hellspire, located on Volistad’s Kopolov
steppes. Polvanya’s original main spire was toppled when a large meteorite
struck a nearby mountain, causing a massive section of that mountain to
fragment and impact with the main spire. The huge structure toppled like a
megalithic tree, its five mile length falling point down, piercing the hive below,
causing the death of hundreds and thousands including all of the noble houses.
The whole area of the hive was rendered uninhabitable due to structural damage
and massive chemical and radioactive debris from numerous industrial sites
destroyed. A new spire has since been built and a new political infrastructure

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formed. Also, a manner of religious cult has risen from the event, the Volikistad
Order. They tend to inhabit the more accessible ruins of the damaged hive
sections and control all forms of commerce that could be gained from its ancient
holocaust. It is said that their order also includes things that are less than human.
These mutations are said to inhabit and guard the deeper and more central areas
of the damaged hive body, as if it were a holy shrine.

Volistad’s eco-history has rendered its weather most unusual. Constantly shifting
global jet streams, an after effect of the melted polar ice, cause dramatic and
sometimes violent pressure shifts that have all but eliminated safe transport across
the planet’s larger oceans. Travel is restricted between land masses to where the
oceans are shallow, where the ionic disturbances are at a minimum. These thermal
anomalies, however, cause a moderately temperate equilibrium for Volistad’s
climate, with no great temperature extremes from one area to the next.

The Tutorial described the fundamentals of playing a EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000:
FINAL LIBERATION scenario. The following section describes the remainder of the
game controls found on the Tactical screen and other game play areas which can
be reached from there.

Tactical Controls
These buttons control functions during game play. Items described in the tutorial get
a brief description here, while we describe other features as completely as possible.

Corner Map
The small map in the right-hand corner of the screen gives an overview of the
entire battlefield. You can click on the corner map in order to view that location
on the battle map.

Zoom In Button
The skull with the plus sign in it allows you to zoom in your view of the battlefield.

Zoom Out Button

The skull with the minus sign in it allows you to zoom out.

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Adjust Speed
The five bars allow you to adjust how fast the animation plays. In a multiplayer
game, changing the speed on one machine changes it for all players.

Score Window
Below the Adjust Speed boxes are two to four numbers — the current score for
each side involved in the battle.

Unit Window
The Unit window tells you what unit is currently highlighted, how much
movement it has and how many shots it can fire. This window also lets you know
what weapons the current squad has. If more than one weapon is listed, you can
alternate between weapons by left-clicking on them. The highlighted weapon is
the one the unit fires. It also lists the unit’s current strength (number of men for
infantry, hits for war engines, etc.), where damage has occurred, how many
shields remain, if it is transporting another unit, and how high your fliers are.

Facing Dial
Clicking on one of the eight compass points changes your unit’s facing. This is
especially important for vehicles as their armour tends to be thicker in front and
weaker in back.

Your unit fires all highlighted weapons at its current target.

Next Target
This button cycles through the units your unit can shoot from its current position.

Infantry given a load command enter the designated transport. They must be next to
the transport to do so. Ordering a transport to unload drops the loaded detachments
behind the transport is. Units can load and unload in the same turn.

Entrenched infantry become harder to hit. Only infantry can entrench, and they
must have at least half of their movement points left in order to do so.

Options Menu
From the Options menu, you can adjust sound level, grid overlays, and save or
load a game.

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Undo Move
You may undo a move provided you have not fired or been fired upon, and have
not come into first contact with an enemy unit.

Air Strike
Calls in your air power from off-map to attack at designated locations. Anytime
you move one of your ground-based detachments you can press this button to
activate any off-map air units you purchased for the battle. They appear on your
edge of the map. Note: Air strikes can only be performed by Imperial Marauder
and Ork Fighta-Bommerz aircraft.

Accesses information about units, weapons and the Epic 40,000 universe.

Overlay Options
Allows you to choose the overlay that displays when a unit is selected. The Field of
Fire as well as the Field of Movement for a unit can be toggled On; the default is Off.

This toggle lets you make all buildings on the map translucent or turn them solid.
Otherwise the only buildings which are translucent are those which block your
view of your units or enemy units your squads can see. Note that this button has
no effect on sighting.

Toggles between moving a squad or vehicle and moving an entire detachment.

Centres screen on the cur rent unit.

Mark Unit Done

Informs the computer that you have finished moving that squad for the phase
and allows you to go on to the next squad in the detachment.

Next Unit
Cycles to the next squad without marking the current one as done for the phase.

Full Screen
Removes the corner map and buttons on the right side of the screen, giving you
a fuller view of the battlefield. The tactical controls come back if you toggle this
button again.

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End Phase
Tells the computer that the current detachment has completed its turn and
advances to the enemy’s phase. If your enemy has no more detachments to
move, it advances to another of your detachments. If all players have moved
their detachments, then it starts the next turn.

Message Bar
Running along the bottom of the screen is the message bar, which displays
information about the terrain and units over which the cursor moves.

Selecting Detachments
Every time you start a new phase, the computer highlights the first unit or
vehicle in the first of your detachments which has not acted in the current turn.
You do not necessarily have to move and fire with that unit; click on whatever
unit you want to act, and move it instead. You can also cycle through your units
by clicking on the Find Next Unit button.

If the Movement Option setting is set to Move only a detachment per phase, once you
move one squad in a detachment, the entire detachment is activated. You
must either move its other squads next, or lose their turn. Once all players’
detachments have acted, a new turn begins and all detachments can move and
fire again. This does not apply if you are using the Move the whole regiment per phase.

Moving Squads
The shaded area around the active squad shows how far it can move in the
current phase when that overlay mode is chosen. All the player has to do is
left-click on the space within that area where he wants the unit to go, and it
moves there. If you click outside that area and on a valid destination, the unit
moves up to the limits of its movement towards that destination (or until it
encounters enemy fire).

Aerial Unit Movement

In addition to normal movement on the Tactical Display, aerial
units such as Imperial Thunderhawk transports, can change
height as well. Place the cursor over the aerial unit, when
the cursor on the unit changes to an arrow pointing up it indicates upward
movement. When the cursor is below the unit it changes to an arrow pointing
down to indicate downward movement.

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Line of Sight
Most squads can only fire at targets they can see. Buildings, rubble and other struc-
tures block this line of sight. Your artillery can target many of these same obstacles.

Firing Weapons
You can find out which enemy units your active squad can target in several ways.
You can run the mouse cursor over enemy units until the information bar gives
you a percentage chance to hit; you can cycle through targets by pressing the Next
Target button; or you can hit the “T” key for the computer to highlight the squad’s
field of fire. Anything within that lit area can be fired upon.

Once you have chosen a target, you can either left-click on that unit or press the
Fire button to shoot at it. Most squads’ weapons start each phase with two shots.
The more you move, the less you can shoot, and vice versa. As a general rule, any
unit can move at least one space before it loses its shot.

Close Assault
The history of the Epic universe is replete with examples of heroic charges which
turned the tide of battle. In EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000: FINAL LIBERATION, your squads
can carry out their own charges in pursuit of victory. By moving next to an enemy
squad and then left-clicking on it, you close assault it. Even if the assaulting
squad ties or dies, each succeeding squad that assaults the same enemy unit in
the same turn gets a close combat bonus. Flying units cannot close assault or be
close assaulted unless they have landed.

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TRANSMITTED: Space Platform Africanus XII

DATE: 6788986/M41
TELEPATHIC DUCT: Astropath-terminus Kovacs
SUBJECT: Ork Incursion Status
REF: VolisOrkIncr/8675309spUBi
AUTHOR: Adeptus Prefectus Primus
Whilhelm Franz (acting sub-Director)

The Ork incursion began when Warboss Skroll made a controlled crash landing of
his space hulk onto the Ribashka peninsula in the north east corner of Doscoya.

The hulk now sits in a deep crater, with some of its damaged gothic spires still
standing. Other surfaces have been built upon by the Orks for the purposes of
their war efforts and personal aesthetics. Conveyors and tracks run up the slopes
of the scarred crater to the rim where an ever growing settlement forms with
factory buildings, workshops, gantries and crane arms overhanging the edge like
a titanic spider lying on its back.

The Orks currently have outposts of varying strengths, spread out over vast areas
of Doscoya. The further from their base the Orks get, the less potent their forces
are, but their own reinforcements trickle in with alarming regularity as the
Waaaghhhh’s notoriety spreads.

There has been one stroke of luck in the Imperium’s favour. Two Ork Mobz from
different clans had set out for the south western corner of the continent in order
to secure the region, the small space port there, and any riches for themselves.
A Badmoon Stomper mob under Warboss Urkthrall Kraka and a Bloodaxe
armoured division under Groznok Kull set out in an unofficial race for the region.
Unfortunately for the Orks, they came within shooting distance of one another.
Old rivalries and inter-clan hatred flared, and they set upon each other. The
result was disastrous for them. Both detachments were effectively destroyed. The
result of which was that the south western peninsula was left poorly defended by
the Orks and was an ideal location for the Imperials to establish an initial
foothold for retaking Volistad.

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When Warlord Skroll called forth the Waa-Ork on Volistad, he attracted members
of three clans to his side — his own wealthy Bad Moonz, the rapacious Evil Sunz
and the Orkiest of all clans, the Goffs. Additionally, Mekboyz from all parts
joined him, bringing with them a wide variety of gargants and deviously creative
vehicles. They rolled through Volistad’s defenses with amazing rapidity, taking
over the entire planet in little more than a month. They lost thousands of Orks
along the way, however, and if humans are ever to retake the planet, now is the
time, before the Orks can rebuild their weakened numbers.

To this end they have assigned you, a Lord Commander Militant, to marshal the
forces necessary to bring Volistad back under the Emperor’s control. As you
conquer more territory, more forces become available until you finally drive
Skroll from the planet.

The Imperium has made it imperative that you liberate Volistad. To this end they
have assigned you elements of the Ultramarine’s 2nd Company. Its duty is to
establish a landing zone on the planet while eliminating any Orks who might try to
interfere. You command them from your headquarters in orbit around the planet.

The Ultramarines cannot remain with you, as their Emperor needs them
elsewhere, but this does not mean you should waste their lives. After they have
established the landing zone, your regular troops begin arriving, and you should
get used to conserving their strength.

Beginning a Campaign Game

When you elect to play a EPIC
LIBERATION campaign game, a
pop-up dialog box appears
where you make two
selections, Difficulty and Play
Mode. Game difficulty is
adjusted by the number of
points the AI gets with
which to purchase units, a
handicap if you will. Play
Mode presents two options,
you can choose to either
alternate phases with the AI for each detachment’s move, or move the entire side
during your turn, and the AI move its entire force in turn.

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The Campaign Turn

The planetary map shows the main areas of human habitation of Volistad. You
start your campaign by seizing a landing zone and then recapturing the nearby
starport at the southwest corner of the map; once you have done this, your
reinforcements can begin arriving en masse. As Lord Commander, you can pick
and choose the locations of your thrusts — how you recapture Volistad is left
up to you.

During the Campaign turn, you direct your armies across the regions of the
world, rebuild your current regiments, and create new armies to command.
What actions you can perform depend on the resource points you control
(indicated at the lower left of the Campaign Screen), points amassed via the
regions you liberate.

Each army on the map can have one action per turn. Your forces move first,
followed by the Orks. Select the Checkmark icon on the lower right of the
Campaign Screen to end the present turn and begin the next turn.

Control Options
The Campaign Screen is broken up into several main sections as listed below.

Region Briefing
The Region Information displays text about the currently selected region.

Zoom In/Out
There are three zoom levels for the game map. A region can be selected at any
zoom level.

Load / Save / Game Options

Load and Save are located at the top right of the screen. The Game Options menu can
be accessed to the button found to their right.

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Game Options

Strategic Map


Resource Points

The map of Volistad takes up the majority of the Campaign screen. Move the
cursor to the edge of the map to scroll the display.

Resource Points
Resource Points displays the amount of points you control through the regions
you have conquered. The amount of points you have dictates the changes you
can make to your regiments’ make up. See below for more information.

Regiment Information
Your regiments and their basic make up appear in the bottom centre of the
screen. You can see the commander name, the force makeup, and by left-clicking
you can call up the regiment screen. To the right of the regimental information
display area are next and previous regiment icons. See below for more
information on regiment movement and management.

Select the Codex button to open the Imperial Codex Encyclopedia.

End Turn
Select the Checkmark button to proceed to the next campaign turn.

The help text for the Campaign screen can be found at the top, below the
Region Information area.

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Map of Volistad
The planet of Volistad is broken down into regional districts for ease of planetary
management. Each of these regions is highlighted by a natural or industrial
feature, and should be utilised to their full extent.

To view information on any region, right-click — the information displays at the

top of the map screen.

Your forces are displayed on the map as Imperial icon(s); Ork forces are shown as
Ork symbols. As the campaign game progresses, the army markers change
according to your victories and defeats. Make sure to keep an eye on the Ork
forces, as you do not want to be caught by a surprise counterattack.

A region can be selected for attack if you have forces adjacent to it. Regions you
do not control that are viable options for attack display an Ork army symbol in
them and are darkened compared to the remainder of the game map.

Moving Regiments
If a player wishes to relocate a regiment from one friendly region to another, it is
done on this screen. Left-click the region with the unit to be moved, then click on
the adjacent friendly territory. Each army is limited to one region move per turn.

Resource Points
Each region has a set number of resource points associated with it. These points
reflect the amount of raw materials available in the region, ranging from
minerals and finished goods, to food and fodder.

In order to raise additional forces or repair your existing troops, you must expend
Resource Points. Make sure to manage these points carefully, as a planning
mistake early on in your campaign can have long lasting effects.

The more regions you control, the greater your planetary assets; the greater your
assets, the more armies you can raise.

Ork Counterattack
Orks are not known for their ability to accept defeat. It is not a question of if
the Orks will attack you, but when. You must remain prepared, posting secondary
regiments on the flank of your main army. Do not spread your forces out too
thin, or all may be lost!

Though your primary task is to crush Skroll, if the Orks manage to recapture the
space port at the southwest corner of the world, your career as Lord Commander
is over — no matter how close you are to victory.

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Imperial Forces at Your Command

The main unit of battle is the regiment, composed of up to four companies. You
can never command more than a regiment in any one battle, and if Orks attack a
territory where you have more than one regiment, your highest value regiment
defends. Each regiment can move one region every turn, and only one regiment
at a time can move into an Ork-controlled territory.


Regiment I.D.

Empty Slot

Unit Type

Detachment Type

Resource Points

View Other Companies View Regiment

Creating a Company
Each company has a leader and up to four detachments. Certain leaders have
certain specialties and can have certain units fight for them. For instance, a
Tallarn commander cannot command units of the Mordian Iron Guard, and an
infantry specialist cannot command a regiment of tanks. After selecting the
company commander, you can choose up to four detachments for that company.
You do not have to fill all four slots.

Replacements and Reinforcements

Each turn every region under your control produces resource points that you can
spend on replacing lost troops or buying new ones. To do this you go to the
company view screen and select the new troops you would like to add.

In addition, certain regions still hide valuable items and people. Rescuing these areas
as quickly as possible can add some powerful forces to your command. Of course,
you should not expect the Orks to give up this bounty without stiff resistance.

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While you do receive the aid of some very talented soldiers, few of them have
reached their full potential. Valor in battles on Volistad helps them reach this
goal. At the end of every battle, the computer inspects surviving units to see if
their accomplishments merit an experience increase. More experienced units are
harder to kill, shoot more accurately, do more damage and are less likely to
break under pressure.

New units are classified as Green. A unit that survives one battle becomes Normal,
and a Veteran unit has survived three battles. A coloured marker appears over the
unit’s icon on the Roster panel to indicate experience, green for Green units, no
marker for Normal, and red for Veteran.


TRANSMITTED: Space Platform Africanus XII

DATE: 6799986/M41
TELEPATHIC DUCT: Astropath-terminus Kovacs
SUBJECT: House Petchenka Status
REF: VolisOrkIncr/8675309spUBi
AUTHOR: Adeptus Prefectus Primus
Whilhelm Franz (acting sub-Director)

The entire ruling arm of House Petchenka was tragically wiped out when their
island retreat of Mosvanyus off the Ribashka peninsula was destroyed as a result
of the Orks original landing. When the Ork space hulk hit, it activated a spur of
the Kopolov Fold fault line and triggered massive seismic and volcanic activity. A
massive tidal wave took the Imperial family unaware and destroyed the island
and its inhabitants. The only surviving member of the ruling branch of the family
was Uri Olikov Petchenka, 5th Overlord and nephew of the late Overlord Primus.

As fate would have it, Uri survived by being the weakest Petchenka, bedridden
for several years. He further refused to accompany the royal party due to
“personal” reasons involving his servant, Mikael Kolostoy.

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Select AI for Opponent:Human or Computer Enter Army Leader Name Select Available Resource Points for Army

Select Army
Ork,or None

Select Single Select Game

or Multiplayer Scenario

Toggles Moving
Select the Side the Whole
of the Map Regiment or only
Your Army a Detachment
Enters From per Phase

EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000: FINAL LIBERATION allows you to choose your own equipment
and quickly create your own battles with a Quick Battle Generator. You can
choose to play against the computer or up to three friends, command the
Imperials or Orks, and decide just how big you want the battle to be.

Determine Number of Players

From one to four people can engage in a quick battle, using one or more
computers. They can play head to head, with everyone trying to kill everyone
else, or in teams. Multiplayer games require that all the players share one
computer or have network access. See the “Multiplayer” section
on page 42 and the data card.

Determining Points
Players should agree on the number of points they want to spend on their units
before the game starts. Low-point games generally involve more infantry while
high-point ones bring in a plethora of titans and gargants. Players can choose from
500 to 8000 points, though they are under no obligation to spend all of them.

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Battle Type
Players can choose from four different sorts of battles. The different setups affect
the deployment areas as described below.

Meeting Engagement
The deployment areas are equal areas, fifteen tiles wide on opposite sides of the
screen. Victory Objectives can be placed as the players wish.

The attacker has a fifteen tile-wide area in which to deploy, while the defender
has a 45 tile area opposite.

Flank Attack
The attacker has three regions to deploy in, the standard fifteen tile-wide area
on one edge, and two twenty by ten areas on either side of the defenders area.
Up to 25% of the attackers force can be placed in either of the “flanking zone”
deployment areas.

Both sides have a fifteen tile-wide area opposite each other. The defender,
however, has a twenty by twenty tile wide area in the centre of the map where
between 15% and 25% of its forces must be placed. The remainder, up to 85% is
deployed along the edge as usual.

Battle Mode
Select if you want to move all of your forces each phase or if you only want to
move one detachment per phase.

Choose Map
After agreeing on what sort of battle they want
to fight, players get to decide on which map they
wish to fight. Whoever is setting up the battle can
scroll through the maps and get an overview of
the battlefield.

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Unit Selection
In a single-player game, the
player can set the point level
for both his forces and those
of the computer. Buying a
regiment for a Quick Battle is
much like buying one for the
Volistad campaign. Clicking
on an empty box on the
regiment screen allows you
to purchase a commander.
Certain leaders have certain
specialties and can have
certain units fight for them.

Resource Points


Unused Slots

Access Transfer
Add Company Queue

After selecting the company commander, you can choose up to four companies
for that regiment, although many commanders come with units already
purchased for them. You do not have to fill all four regiment boxes. Left-click
on a regiment box to display the Company Roster screen.

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If any of the four spaces are

empty, new units can be
purchased to fill these roster
positions. Right-click on a
roster position to open it,
then choose the new unit
using the list appearing in
the upper-right corner. You
can also replace existing
units by right-clicking on
them and choosing the
Remove option. Points for the
unit removed are reallocated,
and you can purchase any eligible unit you can afford.

The other option available after right-clicking on a company or

regiment is the Transfer Queue. Companies can be transferred between
regiments, and detachments can be transferred between companies.
Right click on the element of your choice, a company on the Regiment screen or
a detachment on the Company screen. Pressing the centre button in the pop-up
dialog box moves a selected unit to the Transfer Queue. Right-clicking on an
empty slot opens the Transfer Queue screen. Select the unit to be assigned from
the list on the left, and click on the Checkmark button to confirm the assignment.

Once you have bought everything you want for that company, clicking on the
check brings the display forward to the Deploy screen. All units are pre-deployed;
however you can change the deployment to your heart’s content until you are
satisfied. Click on the Checkmark to continue to the Tactical game.

In a hot-seat game, where more than one player is using the same computer,
each player selects and deploys his forces one after another.

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Game play
Once your battle is set up, game
play continues normally, as
described elsewhere in this manual.
Have fun!

Warboss Skroll

Warboss Skroll of the Evil Sunz clan

is a shrewd and intellectual Ork —
for an Ork, that is. One day he and
one of his raiding parties attacked
and captured a lone Imperial ship,
quite by luck, as it came out of the
warp. Skroll’s luck continued in that
the ship contained five newly trained Astropaths on their way to their distant
postings. After looting the ship and modifying it to suit his needs, Skroll killed and
ate all five of the Astropaths. He was never sure whether that was a good idea or
not, since humans, in general, never did settle with him very well. These particular
human “Weird Boyz” he had eaten had given him some very strange dreams
indeed. Visions of conquest and immense power came to him. Whole sectors of
Imperial space were at his feet. In the back of Skroll’s tiny mind, the seed of an
idea sprouted and blossomed. He just might have before him a crusade, inspired
by the visions undoubtedly sent to him by Gork and Mork.

One particularly intense bout of these visions drove him into action. He grabbed
the “bestest Ladz” and went to the bridge of his captured ship. The other Orks
argued as to what was going on, what to do next, and who was in charge.

Skroll, who had been sitting quietly in the corner with a fixed glassy stare during
all of this suddenly leapt up and with a roar pulled out his bolter and fired a
single shot into the huge navigation map on the wall. The room fell quiet except
for the echo of the shot and the sound of falling shards of metal. Skroll spoke.

“We go’s dair.” Skroll pointed at the hole in the map with his scaly finger. “Gork
and Mork sez so.” He turned to the others who watched with open mouthed
amazement. “Dey also sez… IT’S A WAAAGHHHH!!!”

The room spontaneously erupted into a deafening roar of excitement, all joined
in, even the ones who did not know what was going on. The group was so
shocked and impressed by this inspired decision making that a unanimous
judgment was made to follow Skroll in his quest, and with that, the die was cast.
Volistad would be his.

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Multiplayer support for EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000: FINAL LIBERATION is modelled to be
identical to hot-seat play, as described previously in this manual. Players set up a
Quick Battle as they would normally, selecting one of the following multiplayer
options first before moving on to select the game map.

Choosing Forces
In a networked game all the players choose their forces at the same time. Once
they have all chosen their detachments, then they all deploy at the same time.

Determining Points
One difference for network games comes in point selection. Players can choose
how many points to use, allowing them to handicap themselves if they so desire,
but the game host (the person who started the game) is under no obligation to
continue until the point levels satisfy him.

Selecting Connection Options

EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000: FINAL LIBERATION supports play via LAN, Internet services or
serial connections using modems or null modem link. The connection button is
located at the lower left of the Quick Battle menu.

LAN Play
Up to four players can fight it out on a local area network (LAN) using the IPX
protocol. You must have an IPX compatible network protocol bound to your
network adaptor card.

Internet Play
Playing EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000: FINAL LIBERATION on the Internet requires at least a
14,400 modem, a Winsock 1.1 compliant TCP/IP stack, a valid account with an
Internet service provider (ISP), and a valid Internet e-mail address.

Modem Play
This accesses the Windows 95 modem dial-up screen.

Serial Play
This allows you to set the serial connections as in Windows 95.

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TRANSMITTED: Listening Post Gallia-B

DATE: 8824986/M41
TELEPATHIC DUCT: Astropath-terminus Kovacs
SUBJECT: Studies on Ork Reproduction
REF: VolisOrkPod/3729978DeSJ
AUTHOR: Lexmechanic Vortix

We are beginning to find fascinating biological information regarding the Orkoid

species. I am working in conjunction with Genetor-Major Anzion with my findings.
It appears the Orkoid species may be closer in their genetic make up to humans
than previously thought, but it is the differing elements that are alarming.

Orkoids appear as if they may be a symbiosis of two biologies within a single

structure. In addition to the humanoid base, a secondary make-up of an
algae/fungal base.

These findings are in direct lineage to by Genetor-Major Xabriol reports regarding

the subject (Ref;AdMech8986252/CM, 5647376.M39), whose outstanding research
brought us to the brink of discovery we are at today. Ultimus Laudare.

To understand the Orkoid species, one must must first be aware of their, so far,
unique bio-structure and xenological genetics. When I refer to Orkoid species, I
refer to all aspects of the green-skinned society, from the dominant
“Orks,”through the smaller “Gretchin,””snotlings,”and the sub-animal “squigs.”
Although physically and anatomically diverse, these different species all share a
common genetic base.

The standard genetic structure of an Orkoid remains essentially the same as that
of Man, in that it dictates the majority of the creature’s form (though see later
comments about growth patterns) and biological processes.

We currently hypothesise that this plant-like secondary structure within the

Orkoid gene gives Orks their strength, resilience to damage, and is the key to
understanding their procreative cycle. If our findings bear out to be correct, it
may bear out that the Ork threat could be vastly underrated - the Ork
reproductive cycle may, in fact, be airborn by nature.

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Knowing your enemy is one of the most
important elements in victory. You never
know where the other force may be
hidden, so proceed with caution. Move
less valuable units first in order to get a
better idea of where the enemy is hidden.
Expect them to make use of cover, so
proceed with caution. Do not expose your
more valuable units until you are sure you know what you are up against.

Land Forces
No matter how strong your air force might be, the battle is ultimately decided on
the ground. A mix of infantry, armour, artillery and Titans seems to work best.
Never put all your eggs in one basket. If you decide to go all Titan, then you
risking having too few units to win the fight. Opt for a pure tank formation and
the enemy probably has a number of anti-tank units hidden behind cover.
Without an infantry screen, you can lose units like mad to opportunity fire.
Finally, infantry by itself has little chance of taking out the enemy’s bigger units.

Most fights require that your forces advance. Those pesky objective markers can
really eat up your score without you ever noticing them. Advance under artillery
cover as much as possible. Shell any enemy units foolish enough to show
themselves, and aim for the largest cluster of troops just in case the shells drift
off target. Send out your cheaper units first to spot hidden enemy troops and to
screen your more valuable units. Use infantry and the like to eat up the enemy’s
opportunity fire. Then follow up with the big guns to wipe out his best units.

Fliers are some of the most devastating units in the game, but they are also some
of the most vulnerable. Use them as early in your turn as you can. They do a
wonderful job of flushing out hidden enemy units, and you can use them to
target the enemy’s best forces as quickly as possible. They can knock out artillery
early in the game, before it has the chance to pulverise your advance. Fliers do
not have much armour, however. Get them too close to enemy guns (or
anywhere near anti-aircraft guns) and they come spiralling to earth in no time.

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Imperial Units
The Imperial Guard boasts a wide variety of units, and players should take
advantage of this. Its armour is second to none, and many of the Emperor’s
enemies have met their end under a hail of Basilisk and Bombard shells. Mixing
up the infantry and armour in combined arms tactics is its best strategy. Its one
weakness is its lack of speed. Moving troops from one trouble spot to another
quickly enough can prove a problem.

Waaagh! The Orks

Orks delight in the weirdest weapons they can get their green paws on, and their
opponents should always expect the unexpected. The Kult of Speed has a strong
presence on Volistad, and if you use the Orks, you should exploit this. Rush in to
pick off vulnerable Imperial units. Set up flanking shots as much as possible. Stick
to cover and then come roaring out of the hills. Most of your infantry is also
superior to the Imperial Guard, so do not be afraid to come in and mix things up.
Throw squad after squad at big units in close assault. Remember that the more
close assaults you do, the more likely the enemy is to die.

The Orks have two main weaknesses. First of all, they have almost no indirect fire
weapons. They lack good artillery and have to do most of their fighting toe to
toe. Their second problem is the unpredictability of their weapons. Many of their
weapons might work unbelievably well — or they may kill the Orks firing them.
Try not to rely on such dangerous weapons. Take advantage of their power, but
do not count on them winning the game for you.

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The Imperium of Mankind has spread outward across the galaxy ever since the
invention of the warp drive. While the ability to travel hundreds, if not
thousands of light years away from mother Earth has brought mankind new
worlds to conquer, it has also put humanity into contact with whole new races
and alien civilisations. The results have been far from peaceful. The universe of
the 41st Millennium is a hostile place, but so far most of the galaxy remains
unexplored. Who knows what advanced civilisations, lost human colonies, and
ruins of long dead races remain to be discovered.

Space Marines
The Space Marines are the finest warriors in the Imperium. Recruited from the
most skilled and ferocious fighters in the galaxy, each Space Marine is then
genetically altered to add strength, speed, and toughness far beyond the scope
of any ordinary man. Equipped with the best weapons and armour in the
Imperium, the Space Marines are mankind’s last line of defence.

Space Marines are divided into a thousand different Chapters, each with its own
unique history, tactics, and insignia. The four most renown Chapters are: the
Ultramarines, the Space Wolves, the Blood Angels, and the Dark Angels.

The Ultramarines are the greatest of all Space Marine Chapters. From the dawn
of the Imperium they have served the Emperor with a loyalty that no others can
match. It is the Ultramarines who most exemplify the teachings of the Codex
Astartes - the Imperial guidelines for troop division, tactics, and procedures.

Space Wolves
In complete opposition of the rigid code-following Ultramarines, the Space
Wolves are fiercely independent. From their Primarch Leman Russ the Space
Wolves have inherited both their savage fighting ability, and their stubborn
headstrong ways. No other Chapter of Space Marines can match their ferocity.

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Blood Angels
Without a doubt the Blood Angels are the most feared and least trusted Chapter
of Space Marines. While they have proven themselves loyal in countless battles,
some still whisper of the fatal flaw that curses the Chapter’s geneseed.

Dark Angels
The first of all Space Marine Legions, the Dark Angels are regarded as the
epitome of the dedicated warrior - serious minded, slow to anger, but tenacious
and all but unstoppable in their zeal once aroused. Yet behind this impressive
facade lies a truth that is far more sinister, for the Dark Angels have been
carrying out a secret crusade which began over 10,000 years ago, following a
terrible act of betrayal.

Imperial Guard
The Imperial Guard is the fighting force raised to protect mankind and human
rights. Considering there are over a million Imperial planets, the Imperial Guard
has an immense resource of men and equipment to draw from. Supported by
artillery, tanks, and armoured personnel carriers, no other army in the 41st
Millennium can match the mechanised firepower of the Imperial Guard.

Waaagh! Orks, and their lesser cousins the Gretchin, are ferocious, and totally
bent on fighting anything that dares to stand in their way. The Orks live for war,
eager for battle against any opposition, whether it is human, Eldar, Tyranid,
Chaos, or even other Orks! The tendency for Ork clans to battle amongst
themselves is perhaps the only reason that the greenskins don’t currently rule
the universe. By mixing hordes of troops, bizarre but effective war machines, and
ramshackle (but deadly) vehicles, an Ork army is never predictable, but always
tough to defeat.

From out of the dreaded alternate dimension known as the Warp the forces of
Chaos burst forth to wreak death and destruction. Spearheading the attack are
the Chaos Space Marines, hideous remnants of an earlier age of rebellion, the
Horus Heresy, returned after 10,000 years to haunt the Imperium. Even worse,
when Chaos Space Marines call upon their dark masters for aid, they are
answered with loathsome demonic creatures of the Warp, sent by the Chaos gods
to aid the fight. Combining Space Marine skills and equipment with the mutating
hatred of the Warp, no army is more hideous than Chaos on the battlefields of
the 41st Millennium!

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An enigmatic race, the Eldar once dominated the galaxy. Unfortunately the
highpoints of their culture and intellectuality brought about a growing
decadence and eventually their downfall. A dying race, the Eldar are immersed in
a continuous battle for survival in a galaxy now hopelessly overrun by barbaric
usurpers. As the Eldar are few, they do not rely on numbers to win, instead they
use their matchless warrior skills and superior weaponry!

A vast alien intellect has risen from the void of intergalactic space. This single
monstrous entity, which is the Tyranid race, has found a rich new feeding
ground... the human galaxy. Driven by the single consciousness of the hive mind,
the Tyranids consume every living thing in their path. With an army of bio-
engineered warriors, specifically created for battlefield performance, Tyranids
overrun world after world, each generation mutating and adapting as needed.
Unless the menace of the Tyranid invasion can be stopped, the galaxy is doomed
to become a barren lifeless wasteland!

Paint it red, cuz red make it go fastuh!

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Battle Map — The actual map where combat takes place and where you move
your units.

Company — Up to four detachments under the command of the same leader.

Corner Map — The small map in the upper right hand corner of the screen. It
gives you an overview of the entire battlefield.

Detachment — The largest grouping of troops you can move during a battle.
Each company can have up to four detachments.

Hit Chance — The chance to hit a specific target with a specific weapon.

Line of Sight — Enemy units one of your squads can see. A unit is defined as
being within your line of sight if there are no obstacles between it and your
squad tall enough to block its vision.

Penetration — Most vehicles have armour which must be breached before a hit
does any damage. Each weapon has its own penetration rating, and this modifies
the chance to damage an armoured target.

Regiment — The largest unit of troops in the game. A regiment can include up to
four companies. The battles in EPIC WARHAMMER 40,000: FINAL LIBERATION 40K are
between regiments.

Spotting — Artillery has a better chance of hitting its target if it or another squad
can see it. A unit within line of sight of one of your squads is considered spotted.

Squad — The smallest unit of troops in the game. There are one to five squads per
detachment. Each squad can move and act individually or as part of a formation.

Strategic Map — This map shows all the provinces of Volistad that the Orks have
taken. You can move your regiments on this map before they enter battle against
the Orks.

Titans — Giant war engines hosting large numbers of devastating weapons,

Titans and Gargants are the pride of most armies.

War Engine — These giant tanks mount multiple weapons, strong armour and a
host of protective systems. They can usually survive more than one hit.

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ABADDON. Scene of fighting between Blood Angels and Orks.

ACHERNAR. Glacial world, invaded by Orks and reconquered by Blood Angels.

ADANTRIS V. Segmentum Pacificus, high technology world destroyed during the

Macharian Campaign when a comet was redirected into it.

ARAD. Ork planet.

ATILLA. Ultima Segmentum, steppe world, recruiting world for Roughrider regiments.

AVAR III. Imperial World.

BAKKA. Segmentum Tempestus, Imperial Navy base.

BALLE ALPHA. Imperial planet attacked by waa-Gogard.

BALUR. Ultima Segmentum, Ork world.

BARAC. Segmentum Solar, Imperial recruiting world.

BASSUS PRIME. Desert world.

BIRMINGHAM. Feral and backward world known as the “Black Planet” owing to
the fact that it receives almost no visible light.

BOROS. World in which an Ork invasion was stopped by a combined Ultramarine

and Legion of the Damned force.

CALACO. Imperial world.

CALTH. Ultramar, airless planet where the entire population lives underground.

CANAK. Jungle type deathworld.

CASTRA PAVONIS. Imperial planet.

CATACHAN. Segmentum Solar, jungle type deathworld.

CERES XIV. Imperial Outpost.

CHARADAN. Ork planet.

CTHELLE. Ice planet.

CYPRA MUNDI. Segmentum Obscuras, Imperial Navy base.

DULMA’LIN. Segmentum Solar, Imperial recruiting world.

EPSILON OCTARIUS. Segmentum Tempestus, Ork world.

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FENRIS. Segmentum Obscuras. Homeworld of the Space Wolves chapter.

FLOTIS III. Feral world overrun by Orks.

GALEN V. Desert world.

GANYMEDE. Segmentum Solar, satellite of Jupiter.

GEHENNA. Jungle planet, site of large conflict between forces of the Imperial
Guard and Orks.

GODRATZ WURLD. Ork planet.

GOLGOTHA. Squat Homeworld, invaded by Ghazghkull Thraka.

GORRO. Planet where the Emperor and Horus fought Orks in the Crusade.

GRAGNAR. Ork world attacked by Eldar of Lugannath Craftworld.

GRYPHONNE IV. Forge world and home of the War Griffons Titan Legion.

GUILUS II. Ork planet, homeworld of warlord Gogard.

GUNDASTOL. Ork world.

HELLION V. Site of battles between Orks and Imperial Guard.

HOPTOR IV. Imperial world.

HYDRAPHUR. Segmentum Pacificus, Imperial Navy base.

IAX. Ultramar, garden planet.

ICOLBAR. Imperial world.

JAKART. Segmentum Pacificus, planet where Lord Solar Macharius sustained

terminal injuries while fighting Orks.

JUCHA. Segmentum Pacificus, jungle planet conquered by Lord Solar Macharius.

JURN. Segmentum Tempestus, Ork world.

KAR DUNIASH. Ultima Segmentum, Imperial Navy base.

LEVILNOR IV. Imperial planet attacked by Orks while Salamander Marines were
purging the heretical Star Cult.

LUCAN - Space Wolf outpost.

LUNA. Segmentum Solar, moon of Earth.

MACRAGGE. Ultramar, homeworld of the Ultramarines chapter.

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MARS. Segmentum Solar, Primary forge-world of the Adeptus Mechanicus and

home of the Legio Ignatum Titan Legion.

MORDRAK. Scene of fighting between Space Wolves and Orks, once the site of
an advanced civilisation.

NUZZGRONDS WORLD. Ork planet attacked by Space Marines and Titan Legions.

OKKU. Imperial planet whose governor sold his population into slavery to Orks.

PISCINA IV. Segmentum Obscuras, oceanic world invaded by Orks led by

Ghazghkull Thraka and Nazdreg.

PROCON SECUNDUS. Scene of bitter fighting between Space Marines of the

Howling Griffons Chapter and Orks.

QUARAN. Desert world attacked by the Orks of the Waa-Makrima.

RAELS WORLD. Imperial planet attacked by Orks.

ROTHERN I. Imperial planet where the Vindicator assault tank was first developed.

RYNNS WORLD. Site of conflicts between Orks and White Scars Marines.

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RYZA. Segmentum Solar, forge world invaded by Orks.

SAN LEOR. Home of religious warrior sect Daughters of the Emperor, notable for
being wholly composed of female members.

SILVANOS II. Agri world attacked by Waa-Ugulbitz.

SKEMDAK I. Ork World.

STROMHELM II. Desert planet attacked by Orks.

TALASSAR. Ultramar, oceanic planet which saw fighting between Orks and

TALLARN. Segmentum Tempestus, desert planet, attacked during the Horus

Heresy by Iron Warriors Chaos Marines. Site of the Cursus of Alganar a relic of
the Dark Eldar.

TASSARIUS. Steppe world, site of a battle between Orks and Imperial Guard.

TERRA. Earth, Segmentum Solar, seat of the Emperor of mankind and the home
of most Imperial offices.

TITAN. Segmentum Solar, moon of Saturn and base of the Gray Knight Chapter of
Space Marines.

URK. Homeworld of Ghazghkull Thraka.

VALHALLA. Imperial Guard recruiting planet.

VOLISTAD. Imperial planet.

V’RUN. Segmentum Tempestus,

Ork world.

WAKKALUB III. Imperial Planet.

XENOPHON. Imperial planet.

XIT. Ultima Segmentum,

Ork world.

YAMNAN. Forested planet,

home to the mimic race.

ZHOROS. Homeworld of the

Fire Hawks Chapter, destroyed
by thermal bombs during the
Age of Apostasy.

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Imperium of Man

Whirlwind (Rhino variant)

Index: Specialist Armoured Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Multiple warhead rocket delivery system
Defensive Capability: Armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed missile launching platform.

Storm Hammer
Index: Super Heavy Battle Tank
Offensive Capability: Four Cannons and fourteen Heavy Bolters
Defensive Capability: Heavy armour plate
POWERPLANT: Modified petro-chemical fuel
FUNCTIONALITY: Heavy infantry support and armoured mass assault tank, 360º fire radius.

Shadow Sword
Index: Super Heavy Battle Tank
Offensive Capability: Six Heavy Bolters, two Lascannons and one Volcano Cannon
Defensive Capability: Heavy armour plate
POWERPLANT: Modified Petro-chemical fuel
FUNCTIONALITY: Infantry support and battlefield assault tank.

Baneblade (Shadow Sword variant)

Index: Super Heavy Battle Tank
Offensive Capability: Two Battle cannons, two Las-cannons, ten heavy Bolters.
Defensive Capability: Heavy armour plate
POWERPLANT: Modified petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Infantry support and battlefield assault tank.

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While they are not as

individually fearsome
as the more famous
Space Marines, the
Imperial Guard forms
the backbone of the
armies of humanity.
Without their noble
sacrifice, the
Imperium would

Basilisk (Chimera variant)

Index: Battle Field Support Weapon
Offensive Capability: Earthshaker cannon
Defensive Capability: Armour plate
POWERPLANT: Standard petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Field support.

Index: Battle Field Support Weapon
Offensive Capability: Large mid-range mortar
Defensive Capability: Armour plate
POWERPLANT: Standard petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Mobile siege weapon.

Index: Armoured Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Multi-laser, Bolters ( Storm and Heavy), Lasguns
OPTIONS: Often customised for use as a private command vehicle
Defensive Capability: Armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Infantry support and troop transport.

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Index: Specialist Assault Weapon
INCEPTION: Classified
Offensive Capability: Deathstrike missile Tactical Launch System
OPTIONS: Missile payload options may include: Barrage missile and Warp missile
systems. Barrage missiles deliver a wide radius standard explosive effect. Warp
missiles penetrate defensive warp shielding delivering a high power explosive
payload within the targets defensive perimeter.
Defensive Capability: Armour plate
POWERPLANT: Modified petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Anti-Titan assault weapon.

Hellhound Firethrower
Index: Armoured Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: `Dragon` Flame-thrower, Heavy Bolter
Defensive Capability: armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Anti-personnel and fortification assault.

Leman Russ
Index: Battle Tank
Offensive Capability: Battlecannon, Las cannon, two Heavy Bolters.
Defensive Capability: Armour plate
POWERPLANT: Standard petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Multi-purpose, multi-theatre battle tank.

Demolisher (Leman Russ variant)

Index: Battle Tank
Offensive Capability: Turret mount Siege Cannon
Defensive Capability: armour plate
POWERPLANT: Standard petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Mobile siege mortar and troop transport.

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Index: Battlefield Support Weapon
Offensive Capability: Storm Eagle rockets
Defensive Capability: Light armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Mobile rocket launching platform providing troop and armour
battlefield support.

Index: Battle Tank
Offensive Capability: Autocannon, two sponson-mounted lascannons
Defensive Capability: Heavy armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed battlefield assault vehicle providing anti-personnel and
armoured firepower.

Index: Specialist Armoured Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Two Heavy Bolters
Defensive Capability: Plate armour and high movement rate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed troop transport.

Vindicator (Rhino variant)

Index: Specialist Armoured Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Thunderer Cannon
Defensive Capability: Heavy armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Anti-fortification, anti-armour and battlefield assault.

Rough Riders
Index: Imperial Guard
FUNCTIONALITY: Horse-mounted warriors carrying out a range of duties for their
regiments, including scouting, patrolling and high speed, close range assaults.

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Next to the Titans, the

Imperial Guard war
engines are some of
the most fearsome
armoured vehicles to
ever see a battlefield.

Index: Imperial Guard
FUNCTIONALITY: High-ranking member of the Department: Munitorium, a key part
of the Imperial Guard’s Strategic Command. A Commissar`s duties range from
war room consultation to front line combat. Amongst Imperial Guard troops
Commissars are looked to as a figure head and focal point for all Imperial
matters. In most instances a Commissar`s decisions are final and immediate and
can include capitol punishment for any offenses deemed appropriate. Commissars
are often combat veterans of many years.

Mordian Iron Guard

Index: Imperial Guard
FUNCTIONALITY: The Mordian Iron Guard earned its name in the fierce defence of
its own world from Chaos forces, their valiant defence of the Mordian palace is
legendary. The Mordian Iron Guard are known to be particularly stalwart and
efficient in all military and Imperial matters.

Catachan Jungle Fighters

Index: Imperial Guard
FUNCTIONALITY: Imperial Guard from the jungle death-world of Catachan. Known
for their close quarter combat skills and their un-swerving ferocity in battle.

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Tallarn Desert Raiders

Index: Imperial Guard
FUNCTIONALITY: The Tallarn are know across the Imperium for their ability to fight
in the most harsh and arid conditions as found on their home world. The Tallarn
Desert Raiders are best known for their pivotal roles in the Brachius Sollent
Incursion on Malthus IV, the Palentus Hive Wars and their supreme sacrifices
during the Jolus Prime Purges.

Catachan Jungle Fighters (Captain)

Index: Imperial Guard
FUNCTIONALITY: Imperial Guard from the jungle death-world of Catachan. Known
for their close quarter combat skills and their un-swerving ferocity in battle.

Tallarn Desert Raiders (Captain)

Index: Imperial Guard
FUNCTIONALITY: The Tallarn are know across the Imperium for their ability to fight
in the most harsh and arid conditions as found on their home world. The Tallarn
Desert Raiders are best known for their pivotal roles in the Brachius Sollent
Incursion on Malthus IV, the Palentus Hive Wars and their supreme sacrifices
during the Jolus Prime Purges.

Thudd Gun
Index: Infantry Support Weapon
Offensive Capability: Multi-barrel light artillery cannon
FUNCTIONALITY: Close range, rapid fire, infantry support.

Imperial Guard
Index: Imperial Guard
FUNCTIONALITY: The Imperial Guard is the collective term for the Imperium’s main
offensive / defensive units. Most colonised human worlds of the Imperium hold
their own Imperial Guard forces. Although some worlds Guard specialise in
specific battle disciplines, all planetary Imperial Guard are capable of a wide
range of military functions.

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Index: Titan
Offensive Capability: Multiple weapon array
OPTIONS: Battlecannons, Lascannons, heavy Bolters, Doomsday artillery cannon.
Defensive Capability: Four void fields (pulse-phased)
POWERPLANT: Classified
FUNCTIONALITY: Multi-function. Heavy weapon platform, troop transport and
armed mobile command function capabilities.

Index: Scout Titan
INCEPTION: Post Age Of Strife
Offensive Capability: 2 Main Weapon Mounts: Lighter Titan Weapons Only
Options: Over 30 weapons variants available including: Barrage missile launcher,
Chain fist, Deathstrike cannon, Inferno Gun, Melta Cannon, Plasma Cannon and
Warp Missiles. (For further weaponry details see classified Adeptus Mechanicus
sub-directory, `Ordinatus`: via approved Adeptus Mechanicus repositorium
stations not available on this terminal)
Defensive Capability: 2 Void shields, Carapace Armour plate Max 4’
POWERPLANT: Plasma Reactor
FUNCTIONALITY: Typically operate in pairs: reconnaissance, terror raiding, flank assault.

Space Marines
Index: Adeptus Astartes
INCEPTION: classified
Offensive Capability: Individual Strike force to planetary assault capability (Level
Alpha clearance)
Defensive Capability: Classified
FUNCTIONALITY: All military operations.

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Index: Medium Battle Titan
INCEPTION: Post Age Of Strife
Offensive Capability: 3 Main Weapon Mounts
OPTIONS: Over 25 weapons variants available including: Battle Claw, Harpoon
missile, Power Fist, Vulcan Mega-Bolter and Turbo Laser Destructor.
Defensive Capability: 4 Void shields, Carapace Armour plate Max 5`
POWERPLANT: Rear Mounted Plasma Reactor
FUNCTIONALITY: Shock attack, assault close support.

Index: Heavy Battle Titan
INCEPTION: Pre History (Classified)
Offensive Capability: 4 Main Weapon Mounts
OPTIONS: Over 30 weapons variants available including: Barrage missile launcher,
Chain Fist, Deathstrike cannon, Inferno Gun, Melta Cannon, Plasma Cannon and
Warp missiles. (For further weaponry details see classified Adeptus Mechanicus
sub-directory, `Ordinatus`: via approved Adeptus Mechanicus repositorium
stations not available on this terminal)
Defensive Capability: 6 Void shields, Carapace Armour plate Max 8’
POWERPLANT: Plasma Reactor*
FUNCTIONALITY: Weapons platform, long range battlefield support.

*Abdominal Mount proven vulnerable.

Land Speeder
Index: Airborne Tactical Assault Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Multiple weapon platform systems
Options: Weapon systems may include: Bolters, Multi-Meltas, Las cannons,
Plasma weapons
Defensive Capability: Light armour plate and high manoeuvrability
POWERPLANT: Gravitic-reaction jet propulsion system
FUNCTIONALITY: Wide ranging capabilities including scouting, search and
destroy, specialist troop deployment, close assault, defensive patrolling
and personnel transport.

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Index: Gunship
Offensive Capability: Multiple weapon platform systems
OPTIONS: Weapon variants may include, Barrage missiles, Battlecannon and Bolters
Defensive Capability: Armour plate
POWERPLANT: Modified avionics fuel
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed armoured atmospheric and non-atmospheric attack and
transport craft.

Space Ork Horde

Index: Ork Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Five turret mounted Autocannons and a forward mounted
Defensive Capability: Heavy armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Heavily armoured battle fortress.

Battle wagon
Index: Ork Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Autocannon
Defensive Capability: Light armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed troop carrier.

Index: Ork Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Battlecannon, forward mounted `Deathroller`
Defensive Capability: Armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Heavy tank assault vehicle.

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Bonecruncha (Bonebreaka variant)

Index: Ork Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Twin Autocannons replacing the single Battlecannon.
Defensive Capability: Armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Heavy tank assault vehicle.

Bubble Chucka Speedsta

Index: Specialist Ork Vehicle
Offensive Capability: `Bubble Chucka` force field projector
Defensive Capability: The `Bubble Chucka` force field projector is also used as a
defensive system.
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical / Plasma reactor system
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed offensive force field entraps an opponent close to the
force field causing its own weapon systems to redirect its energy upon itself.

Index: Ork Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Forward mounted “Scorcher” flame thrower
Defensive Capability: Light armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed assault battle buggy.

Index: Ork Evil Sunz Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: `Up-graded Autocannon
Defensive Capability: Medium armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed assault battle buggy.

Spleen Rippa
Index: Evil Sunz Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Battle Cannon
Defensive Capability: Armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed battle buggy.

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The Thunderhawk
allows Space
Marine forces to
respond rapidly
with overwhelming
firepower wherever
they are needed. The
hallmark of the elite
defenders of the

Index: Ork Goff Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Battlecannon and Mechanical Claws
Defensive Capability: Heavy armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Close quarter anti-armour and artillery support vehicle.

Mekboy Lifta Droppa Speedsta

Index: Ork battle vehicle
Offensive Capability: Utilises a tractor beam weapon to physically lift an enemy
vehicle often resulting in its victim being used as a deadly crushing missile upon
another opponent.
Defensive Capability: Armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical / Electro-magnetic
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed specialised assault vehicle.

Index: Ork Goff Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Battlecannon
Defensive Capability: Heavy armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical

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Mek Boy Dragster

Index: Ork Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: None
Defensive Capability: Utilises a deflector shield system which is known to redirect
incoming ordinance back to its source.
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical/ Electro-magnetic
FUNCTIONALITY: High Speed attack and transport vehicle.

Pulsa Rokkit
Index: Ork Weaponry
Offensive Capability: Standard explosive effect combined with kinetic force
wave emissions.
POWERPLANT: Liquid chemical reactants
FUNCTIONALITY: Long range conventional and energy ordinance used against
troops and armour.

Mekboy Kannon Speedsta

Index: Ork Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Kustom Kannon
Defensive Capability: Light and highly variable
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed transport.

Mekboy Speedsta
Index: Ork Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Light and highly variable
Defensive Capability: Light and highly variable
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed transport.

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War Buggy
Index: Ork Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Various although an Autocannon is most common
Defensive Capability: Negligible
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: High speed assault vehicles. War Buggies are common place among
Ork forces and are modified more than any other vehicle.

Weirdboy Tower
Index: Specialised Ork Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Resident Ork `Weirdboy` psychic
Defensive Capability: Negligible
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Specialist mobile weapon/installation. All Orks are known to have
some latent psychic energy. Ork Weirdboyz , unlike most Orks, are able to utilise
this energy as a weapon by focusing collective Ork Psychic energy into a single
devastating blast. Weirdboyz are made to ride into battle atop giant towers due to
the unstable nature of Weirdboyz` mental state which if poorly handled can result in
a Psychic blast which would kill the Weirdboy and anything else in close proximity.

Nobz Warbike
Index: Ork Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Twin Bolters
Defensive Capability: Negligible
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Personal high speed armed transport utilised by the more affluent
in Ork society.

Bike Boyz
Index: Ork Battle Vehicle
Offensive Capability: Negligible
Defensive Capability: Negligible
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical
FUNCTIONALITY: Individual troop transport.

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Storm Boyz
Index: Orks/General
FUNCTIONALITY: Ork Stormboyz are the youthful generation of Orks. Unlike adults,
adolescent Orks crave order and structure. It is during this period in their life
cycle that they are known as Stormboyz. Despite their youth Stormboyz make
aggressive and dangerous opponents.

Index: Orks/ General
FUNCTIONALITY: Gretchins are smaller than Orks and are believed to be an
engineered servant caste of the long lost Ork Empire. Gretchin take on the
menial tasks in Ork society. They are commonly known to maintain and refuel
machinery, make dangerous weapon repairs and provide sanitation services to
the upper caste Orks. Some Gretchin also provide battle field support by forming
mobs armed with any number of available weapons.

Index: Orks/General
FUNCTIONALITY: Ork Madboyz are known to be some of the most unstable members
of the Ork race. Their mental conditions range from genius to psychosis with no
consistency even within individuals. All are dangerously unpredictable. It is believed
that flaws in transferred genetic memories account for the majority of Madboyz.

Evil Sunz Ork Clan

Index: Ork Clans
FUNCTIONALITY: The Evil Sunz Ork Clan have a particular fascination for speed and noise.
Both these factors are evidenced in their attacks utilising their high speed Warbikes
and Warbuggies. These are often fitted with loud speakers to increase their engine
noise and the Clans war cries. The Evil Sunz are easily identified by the predominate
use of the colour red, the commonly held Ork belief is that red vehicles go faster.

Bad Moonz Ork Clan

Index: Ork Clans
FUNCTIONALITY: The Bad Moonz Clan has considered to be the wealthiest amongst
all the Ork clans. The have a tendency to wear highly decorated armour and
paint their war vehicles in bright colours. Because of their wealth their
equipment tends to be the most advanced and well kept.

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Goff Ork Clan

Index: Ork Clans
FUNCTIONALITY: The Goff Ork Clan is known to be the fiercest of all the Ork clans.
Goffs prefer close-quarter fighting and have little patience for complex strategies
or tactics. Goffs can be visually identified by the predominate use of black in
their colour schemes.

Index: Orks/General
FUNCTIONALITY: Nobz are the Ork nobility. Usually relatively wealthy or powerful. Nobz
often command loyal mobs of Orks and Gretchin both during and between combat.
The most powerful within a group often takes the title Warboss or Warlord.

Index: Orks/General
FUNCTIONALITY: An Ork Warboss is usually a member of the nobility caste of Orks
(Nobz). A Warboss holds a sometimes shaky alliance amongst his Generals by
whatever means are necessar y. Often instinctively military geniuses, Warbosses
are driven to fight and conquer, and do so at any cost.

Mek Boy Gargant

Index: Ork Titan
Offensive Capability: `Super Lifta Droppa Arm`, `Buzz Saw Arm`, `Krusher Arm`,
`De Luxe Kustom Kannon`. *Extremely variable
Defensive Capability: `Kustom` force field generator/s
POWERPLANT: Plasma reactor systems
FUNCTIONALITY: General and close range battle field assault roles.

Great Gargant
Index: Ork Titan
Offensive Capability: Armed with Magnum Mega Cannon, two Scorcher turrets
and Gutbuster Cannon.
Defensive Capability: Power shield arrays complementing thick plated armour
POWERPLANT: Plasma reactor systems
FUNCTIONALITY: Heavy battle field weapons platform and assault/command vehicle.

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The extra-heavy
armour on the
Gobsmasha is
especially useful
since the crews
are young Orks
who like to
drive fast.

Slasher Gargant
Index: Medium Ork Titan
Offensive Capability: Four weapon mounts which may include: Cluster Buster,
Deth Kannon, Gork Head, Mork Head, Gutbuster, Ripper Fist, and/or Slasha
Attack Gun.
Defensive Capability: Power field generators
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical/reactor array
FUNCTIONALITY: Normal battle Titan roles.

Mek Boy Gargant

Index: Ork Titan
Offensive Capability: `Super Lifta Droppa Arm`, `Buzz Saw Arm`, `Krusher Arm`,
`De Luxe Kustom Kannon`. *Extremely variable
Defensive Capability: `Kustom` force field generator/s
POWERPLANT: Plasma reactor systems
FUNCTIONALITY: General and close range battle field assault roles.

Index: Ork Titan
Offensive Capability: Battlecannon, four Bolters
Defensive Capability: Moderated force field and armour plate
POWERPLANT: Petro-chemical/reactor array
FUNCTIONALITY: Small tactical Ork battle Titan.

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Imperium Of Man
Baneblade 5 89/70/50 8 2 Battlecannon 4 War Engine
2 Lascannons
Tank Bolters
Basilisk 7 60/49/40 0 Earth Shaker 1 Artillery
Bombard 5 60/49/40 0 Siege Mortar 1 Artillery
Chimera 10 60/48/37 1 Multi-Laser 1 Transport 2 Squads
Deathstrike Missile Battery 7 55/46/38 0 Missile 1 Select Weapon
Demolisher 10 80/63/47 2 Lascannon 1
Tank Bolters
Hellhound Firethrower 7 66/54/41 0 Fire Thrower 1
Hydra 12 60/49/40 1 Quad Flak Gun 1 AA
Leman Russ 10 80/63/47 2 Battlecannon 1
Tank Bolters
Leviathan 5 83/68/53 12 Lascannon 4 War Engine
Battlecannon Transports 5 Squads
Doomsday Cannon
Tank Bolters
Manticore 7 58/49/40 0 Manticore Rockets 1 Artillery
Predator 12 74/59/43 0 Autocannon 1
2 Lascannons
Rhino 12 74/59/43 0 Tank Bolters 1 Transport 2 Squads
Shadowsword 5 82/70/59 6 Volcano Cannon 4 War Engine
Stormhammer 5 87/68/49 10 4 Battlecannons 4 War Engine
2 Tank Bolters
Thudd Gun 3 30/15/10 -3 Thudd Gun 1 Artillery
Vindicator 10 76/58/40 2 Thunderer Cannon 1
Whirlwind 10 76/58/40 0 Multi-Launcher 1 Artillery

Space Ork Horde

Battlewagon 7 75/57/40 1 Autocannon 1 Transport 3 Squads
Bikeboyz 15 30/26/23 3 Bike Bolters 1
Bonebreaka 10 81/63/45 4 Battlecannon 1 Death Roller
Bonecruncha 10 78/60/43 4 2 Autocannons 1 Death Roller
Bowel Burna 15 75/56/40 1 Scorcher 1
Bubble Chukka 12 58/48/37 2 Bubble Chukka 1
Flak Wagon 15 67/49/32 1 Quad Flak Guns 1 AA
Giblet Grinda 7 88/69/52 8 5 Autocannons 4 War EngineDeathroller
Gobsmasha 12 70/60/50 0 Autocannon 1
Gutrippa 10 80/64/50 4 Battlecannon 1
Kannon Speedsta 10 58/48/37 2 Kustom Kannon 1
Lifta Droppa 12 58/48/37 2 Lifta Droppa 1
Lungbursta 10 80/64/50 1 Battlecannon 1
Mechboy Dragsta 17 58/43/37 2 None 1 Deflector Shield
Nobz Warbike 15 33/30/26 5 Bike Bolters 1
Pulsa Rokkit 3 59/48/38 0 Pulsa Rokkit 1 Random Fuel
Rokkit Speedsta 10 58/48/37 2 Destruktor Rokkits 1
Spleenrippa 15 72/62/52 0 Spleenrippa Battlecannon 1
Stomper 5 78/63/48 8 Battlecannon 4 War Engine
Tank Bolters
War Buggy 15 56/50/43 2 Autocannon 1
Weirdboy Tower 12 64/54/44 1 Weirdboy Tower 1

FINAL LIB UK MANUAL GUTS 28/4/99 10:59 am Page 72


Imperium Of Man
Rough Riders 10 10 3 Hunting Lance 4
Commissar 5 10 4 Pistol/Swords 4 Morale Boost,Stubborn
Ultramarine Scouts 5 25 2 Bolters 4
Volistad Imperial Guard 5 5 0 Lasguns 4
Tactical Infantry 5 10 0 Lasguns 4
Assault Infantry 5 15 1 Pistols 4
Heavy Infantry 5 10 0 Heavy Weapons 4
Captain 5 15 2 Pistols 4 Morale Boost

Space Ork Horde

Stormboyz 5 15 1 Bolters 4
Gretchin 5 5 4 Shotguns 4
Evil Sunz Boyz 5 10 1 Bolters 4
Bad Moons Boyz 5 10 1 Heavy Bolters 4
Goff Boyz 5 10 3 Bolters/Pistols 4
Nobz 5 20 4 Bolters 4
Warboss 5 30 7 Bolters 4 Morale Boost,Stubborn


Imperium Of Man
Land Speeder 15 40/32/24 3 Multi-Melta 1
Marauder 90 50/50/50 0 Battlecannon 1 Off Map
Thunderhawk Gunship 30 50/50/50 0 Rockets 1 Transport 6 Squads
Tank Bolters

Space Ork Horde

Fighta-Bommerz 90 50/50/50 0 Battlecannon 1 Off Map

FINAL LIB UK MANUAL GUTS 28/4/99 10:59 am Page 73

Battlecannon 25 75 50
Tank Bolters 10 30 50
Volcano Cannon 50 100 99
Lascannon 35 80 50
Doomsday Cannon 100 90 50 Barrage
Earth Shaker 75 75 50 Barrage
Siege Mortar 75 80 50 Barrage
Multi-Laser 25 50 50
Barrage Missile 80 50 40 Barrage
Warp Missile 120 – 40 Warp
Vortex Missile 120 – 40
Firethrower 6 50 50 Flamer
Demolisher 12 90 50
Manticore Rockets 100 50 50 Barrage,Reload
Thunderer Cannon 25 70 50
Multi-Launcher 75 40 50 Barrage
Thudd Gun 35 40 50 Barrage
Hunting Lance 12 35 50
Pistol/Swords 10 25 50
Bolters 25 30 50
Lasguns 25 35 50
Heavy Weapons 35 50 50
Rockets 25 40 50 Barrage
Multi-Melta 12 90 50
Shotguns 7 25 50
Axes 0 25 50
Heavy Bolters 25 55 50
Bolters/Pistols 12 40 50
Autocannon 25 60 50
Spleenrippa Battlecannon 35 75 50
Bike Bolters 12 55 50
Bubble Chukka 10 0 50 Force Bubbles
Lifta Droppa 35 0 50 Lifta Droppa
Scorcher 6 50 50 Flamer
Pulsa Rokkit Unlimited 90 50 Pulses
Weirdboy Tower 20 Varies 75 Weirdboy
Destruktor Rokkits 35 65 50 Barrage
Kustom Kannon 35 65 50 Explosion Random Shots
Quad Flak Guns 15 45 50 AA
Deluxe Kustum Kannon 25 70 50 Explosion Random Shots
Buzz Saw Arm 0 120 50
Ripper Fist 0 120 50


Warlord Titan 7 95/78/61 14 4 6 12
Reaver Titan 10 86/70/53 12 3 4 8
Warhound 12 81/67/52 8 2 2 4
Great Gargant 5 93/80/68 15 6 6+d6 12
Slasher Gargant 10 86/74/61 12 4 3+d6 8
Mekboy Gargant 10 81/66/51 10 Deluxe Kustom Kannon — 4 Mekboy Shield
Buzz Saw Arm,Ripper Fist

FINAL LIB UK MANUAL GUTS 28/4/99 10:59 am Page 74

Titans And Gargant Weapons

Barrage Missile 80 50 50 Barrage
Chain Fist – 120 50
Gatling Blaster 28 70 50
Inferno Gun 7 50 50
Laser Blaster 20 50 50
Laser Burner – 95 50
Melta Cannon 12 125 50
Multiple Launcher 40 50 50
Plasma Blastgun 20 100 50 Reload
Plasma Cannon 28 120 50 Reload
Plasma Destructor 40 125 50 Reload
Power Fist – 120 50
Quake Cannon 40 80 50
Titan Warp Missile 120 – 50 Warp
Turbo Laser Destructor 28 70 50
Volcano Cannon 30 110 50
Vortex Missile 120 – 50 Vortex
Vulcan Mega Bolter 15 60 50

Cluster Buster 28 70 50
Deth Kanon 40 105 50
Gatling Cannon 20 60 50
Gork Head – – 50
Gutbuster:Ball 40 125 50
Gutbuster:Explosion 40 40
Magnum Kannon 32 80 50
Ripper Fist 28 70 50
Scorcher Turret 7 50 50 Flamer
Slasha Attack Gun 20 60 50
Super Lifta Droppa 28 – 50 Lifta Droppa

FINAL LIB UK MANUAL GUTS 28/4/99 10:59 am Page 75


AA: Can fire at fliers at their full range

Artillery: Can make indirect fire but only gets a maximum of one shot per turn

Barrage: Exploding attacks can hit other units near its target

Death Roller: Units equipped with a Death Roller do not always stop for close
combat. Sometimes they roll right over their foe

Deflector Shield: Can sometimes deflect shots aimed at anything within its radius

Explosion: Weapon may blow up when fired

Flamer: Shots can hit everything in their paths

Force Bubbles: These create an invisible shield around their target if they hit. If
their shielded target shoots, then the shot ricochets into it

Lifta Droppa: Lifts its target into the air and drops it, damaging both it and
anything underneath

Mekboy Shield: Shield is practically impenetrable but risks burn out if player
does not turn it off (done by clicking on Shield Line). Burn out can cause damage

Morale Boost: Units near this one recover morale faster

Off Map: Unit only enters map for air strikes or interceptions. The player can call
one every time he moves a detachment until all off map units have moved

Pulses: The Pulsa Rokkit creates an area in which units cannot move and pushes
anyone within that area in a random direction. These pushes can kill their victim

Random Fuel: No one knows just how much fuel this unit really has in it, and it
travels until it is all burned out. It may overshoot or undershoot its target

Random Shots: Fires a random number of shots at a time

Reload: Can only fire every other turn

Transports X Squads: Can load, carry and unload up to that many squads of infantry

War Engine: These superheavy vehicles take multiple hits and fill up more space
than do other units. They can also take critical hits

Warp: This weapon creates a warp field which ignores power and void shields

Weirdboy: A Weirdboy Tower is more effective the more Orks who are nearby. If
too many Orks are nearby, however, it risks blowing up when shooting

Vortex: Vortex Warheads create a whirling vortex of dark energy which reduces
anything struck to its component atoms.

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9,000 BC: Building of the Sphinx, Great Pyramids.

750-314 AD: Roman Empire.

2,011 (011/m02): Beginning of Second Epoch.

100/m02: Mars Terraformed.

200/m02: Mars is settled.

m03: Warp discovered.

m16: Mankind first starts to expand from Earth, nearby solar systems are
colonised using primitive sub-light drives. The period of the next ten thousand
years is known as the Dark Age of Technology.

m21: Discovery of warp drives allows more rapid dispersion, first alien races

m21: Navigator gene isolated, warp travel becomes even faster, Navigator
families and cartels become powerful political entities. The Expansion of
Humanity covers most of the galaxy, STC system is perfected to aid new colonies.

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m26: Psychic humans begin to appear, simultaneously civilisation starts to

collapse as widespread insanity and insurrection tear many colonies apart.
Terrible wars sunderi human space, demonic creatures possess unprotected
psykers and subjugate worlds. This period is known as the Age of Strife. Warp
storms isolate many parts of the galaxy including Earth.

m28: Earth devolves into petty fiefdoms ruled by warlords.

m28: Grunhag the Flayer, Ork Warlord attacks the Squat Homeworlds with a
huge fleet. This marks the beginning of Squat hostility towards Orks and distrust
towards Eldar who stayed neutral in the conflict.

m29: Earth is reunited under a new leader, this warlord begins a slow push to
the stars.

m30: Primarchs created as a new super race by the Emperor, the Chaos powers
recognise their potential and scatter them across the galaxy. First founding of the
Space Marine legions.

m30: Astronomican founded to make space travel easier.

m30: Age of the Imperium begins with the Great Crusade, for the next two
hundred years, the Emperor and the Space Marine Legions gradually carve out
the scattered Imperium of Man. During this time the Emperor is reunited with
the Primarchs of whom the greatest is Horus.

007/m31: Horus Heresy begins. After several months, the Emperor orders seven
legions of Marines to assault Istvaan V; four defect to Horus, the other three are
destroyed. Space Wolves attack Thousand Sons homeworld of Prospero forcing
the Thousand Sons to declare for Horus and flee to the Eye of terror, during the
pursuit the thirteenth company of the Space Wolves is destroyed in the warp.

014/m31: Horus assaults Earth.

014/m31: The Emperor, Rogal Dorn and Sanguinius teleport aboard Horus' war
barge, Sanguinius is killed by Horus, Horus is killed by the Emperor. End of Horus
heresy, Emperor incarcerated within the Golden Throne.

015/m32: High Lords of Terra convened to provide guidance in the absence of

the Emperor.

021/m31: Roboute Guilliman writes the Codex Astartes. The Space Marine
Legions are divided into autonomous Chapters. The Grey Knights are created, a
second founding chapter with no antecedents.

350/m32: Temple of the Saviour Emperor recognised as the official religion of

the Imperium.

400 m32: Last of the Space Marine Primarchs dies.

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550/m32: Ecclesiarch Veneris II becomes a High Lord of Terra. (First member of

the Ministorum to be so honoured).

200/m35: Holy Synod moves to Ophelia VII, power of the Ministorum grows as
Frateris Templar the military offshoot of the Ministorum is formed.

500/m35: Greigor XI elected Ecclesiarch.

512/m35: Adeptus Ministorum returns to earth.

Early m36: Incidence of warp storms increases. Imperium reels as Orks and other
races rampage throughout a divided galaxy. Period known as the Age of
Apostasy begins.

288/m36: Decree Passive issued by High Lords of Terra forbidding the

Ecclesiarchy from maintaining an "armed force of men." The Frateris Templar are
duly disbanded but the Daughters of the Emperor remain.

738/m41: 26th Founding of Space Marines.

907/m41: Incidence of Ork invasions increases in the Ultima Segmentum.

941/m41: Battle for Armageddon, Ghazghkull Thraka leads his Orks against an
Imperial Guard army led by Commissar Yarrick.

981/m41: Navigator Durlan Ocellati discovers a route into the Wheel of Fire, a
sector of the Ultima Segmentum that had previously been inaccessible

984/m41: 7th Mordian Regiment raised and sent to pacify the Feral world of
Flotis III which was populated with Orks using native feral humans as slaves.

986/m41: An Imperial patrol notes unexplained scenes of devastation in the Ork

sector of Jakor-Tal.

987/m41: Orks commanded by Gordal Luggub attack Crimson Fist Marines on

Rynns World

992/m41: Hive fleet Kraken is first detected. Vicious battles are fought across the
whole of the Ultima Segmentum.

997/m41: The Imperial world of Piscina IV is attacked by Orks under the joint
leadership of Ghazghkull Thraka and Nazdreg, Master Belial of the Dark Angels
beats them off after a short but bloody campaign.

998/m41: Volistol system is isolated by unexplained warp storm. Imperial world of

Volistad IV is ravaged by Ork forces under the control of warboss Khorga Skroll.

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Holistic Design, Inc.
Director/Design.......................... Ken Lightner, Andrew Greenberg
Lead Programmer...................... Ken Lightner
Programming............................. Scott Rich, Shane Garrett, Alan Belletti,
Garner Halloran
Art Director................................ Brian Mead
Artists-(3D/2D)............................ David Sweet, Brian Mead, Chris Royster, Cheryl Scribner
Cutscene Animation.................. David Sweet, Chris Royster
Additional 2D Art ...................... Bryce Nakagawa - Lead 2D Artist
Map Concept & Design............. Chris Royster
Additional Map Design............. Chris Wiese
Documentation.......................... Andrew Greenberg
In House Play Testing................. Bill Bridges, Josh Gorfain, Garth D. Wilson,
Jeremy Hannah, Eric Jensen, Bill Shelley, Stuart Wolf,
Pete Montgomery, Matt Moses

Games Workshop
Rogue Trader.............................. Jon Gillard

Strategic Simulations, Inc.

Producer..................................... John Eberhardt
Associate Producer.................... Jeff Peña, Bill White
Audio Programming Director... Ralph Thomas
Audio.......................................... Steve Lam, Lance Page
Music Composed/Arranged by ... The Samsara Project
Video Editing and Capture ....... Lee Crawford, Maurice Jackson
Video Sequences ....................... Bright Lights Studios, Holistic Design
User Manual Editors.................. Mark Whisler, Anathea Lopez, Aaron Scheiber
Map Tile Art ............................... Saffire
Test Supervisor........................... Jason Ray
Assistant Lead Tester................. Cyrus G. Harris
SSI Testers................................... Chris Cates, Shilo Anacleto, Jasun Reynolds,
Clifford Mann, Jessica Jones
Executive Producer.................... Bret Berry
Special Thanks ........................... Mac Senour, David Locke, James Young, Glen Cureton
External Testers.......................... Anders Persson, Andy Meechan, Bart Koehler,
Charles Sutherland, Chris Miller, Chris Pinson, Chris
Storey, Christian Taylor, Chris White, Dan Taylor,
Erik Rutins, Felipe Cintron, John Owen, Mark Shieh,
Matt Starling, Michael King, Phil Mogavo, Richard
Bright, Steven Sheldon, William Rood, Glen Musson
Layout and DTP.......................... LOUIS SAEKOW DESIGN: Dave Boudreau and Leedara Zola

Should you experience any technical problems with this software, such as it failing to
operate, please contact our Technical Services Department:

Address: Technical Services,

The Learning Company (UK)Ltd,
POBox 121, Crawley RH11 9YP, England.

Telephone: From inside the UK: 0870 741 6821

From outside the UK: +44 (0) 870 741 6821

Fax: From inside the UK: 0870 741 6822

From outside the UK: +44 (0) 870 741 6822

E-Mail: Uktechsupport@mindscape.com

Hours of business: 09:30 to 13:00hrs and 14:00 to 16:30hrs Monday to Friday

We regret that we cannot offer game hints and tips, as the service is provided for
technical difficulties only.
OT K E YS F ....... Toggle field of fire
M ....... Toggle field of movement
G ....... Toggle the Grid
+ ....... Speed animation one notch
- ....... Slow animation one notch
S ....... Save game dialog
L ....... Load game dialog
ESC ....... Display Options screen
Q ....... End phase/turn
N ....... Next unit
T ....... Cycle to next target
B ....... Board infantry into transports
U ....... Undo last move
I ....... Independent move/
Formation Move
E ....... Entrench
A ....... Airstrike
Shift+Left Click ....... Charge
H ....... Codex
Z ....... Zoom in
X ....... Zoom out
V ....... Toggle full screen mode
C ....... Center on unit
P ....... Transparent buildings
CTRL ....... Fire weapons
Spacebar ....... Next unit (Red Ar row Button)
Direction arrows ....... Scroll map
1 ....... Weapon Group 1
2 ....... Weapon Group 2
3 ....... Weapon Group 3
4 ....... Weapon Group 4

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