Prophetic Dance Manual and Handbook

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Prophetic Dance Manual and Handbook

Judith John

Foreword by Prophet Cynthia Thompson

Copyright © 2018 Judith John

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 1724406582
ISBN-13: 978-1724406583

I dedicate this book to my beloved children and god daughters. I pray

that you all will continue to grow in the grace of Almighty God. You all
are truly the reason why I press to accomplish my spiritual and natural
assignments. I leave to you a legacy of love, commitment and dedication. I
declare that legacy and love will continue through our natural and spiritual
bloodline for decades to come. Salvation and the cross is the legacy I leave
to you. Christ and him crucified is what I declare over you until he returns.

Genealogy plays a significant role in the direction of those who will follow
you. To my beloved children, I pray that my example is sound enough and
pure enough to cause you to want to live for Christ entirely. Elijah,
Christopher, Cam’ron, Crystal, Shalom and Chavah, may the blood of Jesus
cover your assignment and vocation as long as you shall live. May you
come to understand the love of God in a real way. And finally, each of you
hold a special place in my heart. I declare that you all will advance into
your prophetic ward and sphere according to the grace and measure on your
lives. Today I shoot you off as arrows! Fly in the direction of your destiny,
in Jesus name.
Acknowledgments vi
Forward 6
Introduction 1
Section 1: Intro to Prophetic Dance 1
1 Foundation: Primary Points 1
2 Dancing In God’s Family 4
3 The Art of Surrender 6
Section 2: You Are An Intermediary 8
4 Prophetic Dance & Government 8
5 Prophetic Spheres, Ward & Vessels 9
6 Effective Tools to Engage the Unseen 1
Realms 2
Special Prayer 1
About the Author 1
Bibliography 1

1 Corinthians 1:10 states, “I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in
what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be
perfectly united in mind and thought.” This scripture encapsulates the heart
of the incredible and dynamic handbook. God is an intentional God and he
desires for us to understand the importance of unity as he restores the art of
prophetic dance. In this incredible and insightful handbook, you will gain a
greater understanding of the full gamut: the power, potency and purpose of
prophetic dance.

I encourage leaders and those who are called as Levites in the Body
of Christ to read this handbook as it will not only challenge your places of
comfort, but it will also provoke you to recognize that the call into the
realm of dance is priestly and requires a lifestyle that is holy, consecrated
and set apart. This book is a “must read”, because it clearly establishes and
answers the critical question of why the Body of Christ needs prophetic
dance; not as entertainment but as the critical component God designed for
us to experience atmospheres of healing, deliverance and breakthroughs
during praise, worship and other times of ministry.

As a minister, and a rising prophet, Judith, my spiritual daughter has

lived and experienced what she now writes about to bless and teach others.
For these reasons, I am confident that you and your ministry will shift into
deeper dimensions of freedom and liberation in the realm of prophetic

Cynthia Thompson, CEO, Chief

Prophet ECM
Global Prophetic Training Center

P rophetess Cynthia Thompson, thank you for training and

covering me as a prophet. Thank you for the opportunity to serve
on the Daniel Prophetic Company. I appreciate your patience, mentorship
and most of all love. Some leaders attempted to kill my purpose and
smother my sound, but I am forever grateful to you for not clipping my
wings. You taught me how to ascend to my mountain. Though it was hard
at first, my lungs began to develop, my wings got stronger and I began to
learn how God sustains budding prophets in his high place. You also
reminded me, “Judith, you got to enjoy life” and you told me how. Our
conversations are unforgettable. Sometimes you just talk, and talk. But, I
am enlightened. Other times, you are straight, giving me the business
(slang intended). You always come back to make sure I understand (1) your
heart and (2) your message. You are a mother eagle who has allowed me to
grow and transform as a prophet, prophetic minister of dance and leader.
God gave me the gifts to see and hear and he also gave me you for a set
time. You taught me language. You taught me how to take authority in my
prophetic ward. And, you taught me how to stand amid confrontation and
warfare. Thank you for taking the calls, thank you for listening to my
dreams, and most of all thank you for seeing God in me (not just my gifts).
Many have gifts and perhaps are called to the office of a prophet, but you
have taught me that character will sustain me in the office. This book is
here because you pushed me and reminded me of God’s word. You would
walk by, and out of nowhere say, “Judith, you need to finish the book.” Or
“Judith, how long before your book is done?” Many thanks from the
bottom of my heart for being the Chief Prophet that you are.

To Bishop Otis Kemp, thank you for teaching me the word of God.
Thank you for being a father to both me and my children. Your support will
always be remembered. You are my father in the faith, and for that I am
eternally grateful.

To Pastor Vivian Kemp, a woman of elegance and grace. You are truly
in my heart. Come what may, you have stood. You are the reason that I
understand the strength of a godly woman. You are strong and wise. Thank
you for taking me in as a daughter, and training me as an administrator and
facilitator. You truly are a mother in Zion.

To Pastor Howard Stokes, thank you for all your support through the
years. Your guidance is a seal that remains on my heart and the heart of my
children. You have truly been a god father to us all. You never walked
away from us, even when others did. The love of God is truly in you Sir. I
pray you never change. Your heart to give is impeccable. In all my years
of living I have never seen a person give so freely and effortlessly as you.
Many thanks to you god daddy for being a man of integrity and love.

To Mrs. Cassandra Georges, thank you for all your help with the book.
You are a wife, mother, sister, friend, career woman, blogger, soon to be
attorney and so much more. Thank you for finding the time to be my editor
as well as my confidant. You helped me get this book accomplished. I love
you to pieces and I appreciate all your help. Love you Sis!
To Ms. Shamika Thompson and Ms. Denetria Brown, you both are
valued friends and sisters. Denetria, thank you for being my assistant,
biggest supporter and friend. To Shamika, we have been friends forever.
Through the good, bad and ugly, we made it through. I value our sixteen
years of friendship, and I thank God that it has not come to an end. Thank
you for being my friend and sister.
Thank You
The following are individuals who have impacted my life. Their investment
is the reason why I am prosperous. Whether great or small, the names
below are people who stood in their vocation and blessed my life
tremendously. I am grateful, I am honored and I am free.

Willie John & Miscie Colas -John

Dr. Natalie Olson
Prophetess Kimberlyn McNutt
Dr. Constance McIntyre
Dr. Joy Mathis
Pastor O.J. Weston
Minister Nicole Van-Reil-Lovett

Thank you.
Welcome to The Prophetic Dance Manual and Handbook, your mini
guide into the sphere of the prophetic realms and creative dimensions.
Recently, I was asked to speak on “Understanding Prophetic Movement,
Expressions, and the Art of worship through Dance”. This is an opportunity
to write down what God deposited in me over the years. My prophetic
dance journey began about seven years prior to the engagement invitation.
During that time, I was a part of the prophetic company at my church, the
director of their dance ministry, finishing my clinicals to become a BCBT
(biblical cognitive behavior therapist) and working on building Glory
Carriers Co. and Looking Glass Mentoring. Although, I am called to
prophetically dance I had many projects pressing in my life.
Let’s dig in — One topic we will explore is The Will of God. First
things first, the next statement is so important that you may want to write it
down and hang it where you can see it and review it daily. (1) God will
cover and protect his will at all cost. This is a foundational lesson for all
born again believers. Prophetically, discipline is a Prophet’s best defense
against untamed, wild, rebellious and even savage characteristics.
Discipline creates an environment for cultivation, growth and development.
Everyone at some point undergoes grooming — now whether they process
through it is optional. Discipline marks us for discipleship. Through
discipleship we become a pupil submissive to a teacher. Holy Spirit is
drawing us to a place of surrender so he can teach, groom and disciple us.
God’s will can grant us an invitation to morph into a creation which has
never existed before. God’s will gave me an invitation to develop long
before the natural invitation of speaking at a prophetic conference. I was
prepared by Holy Spirit to walk in places I had never dreamed. And with
that came the press to birth The Prophetic Dance Manual and Handbook.
You can expect to gain knowledge in the subject of prophetic dance
as we go over different terms and topics, which will help define prophetic
dance. The Prophetic Dance Manual and Handbook includes chapters on
topics about relationship, expressions, realms and so much more. As we
move through this manual, my prayer is that your eyes will be opened to the
heart of God concerning dance as a ministry. People are dancing globally,
but who they dance for is what separates a prophetic dancer from the
crowd. I believe God is calling for people both male and female, to express
his thought in dance all over the world. This includes but is not limited to
our African, Puerto Rican, Brazilian, Asian, Russian, Pakistani, Australian,
Haitian, Polish, Jamaican, Persian, Irish, Bahamian, European and all other
brothers and sisters in the faith. One of the problems we face today is that
we have made “praise dance”, “liturgical dance” or “dance ministry”
exclusionary. Meaning, we have created systems that fits our cultural
biases. God is not nor will ever be confined or shrunken to fit our values or
core beliefs, what he wants is the opposite. Peter is a great example of how
religious cultural lines can separate us from serving and attending to one
The bible notes that one day Peter was hungry, and while he was
waiting for the food to finish cooking he decided to go up on the rooftop to
pray. Before he could begin prayer, he fell into a trance. In the trance, he
saw the heavens open and a large sheet descends by its four corners. The
sheet had four footed animals, reptiles and even birds on it. As he beheld
these things a voice from heaven said, “Peter, get up and eat”. Peter replies,
“Lord I have never eaten anything common or unclean.” The voice
continues and says, “Peter do not call anything common and unclean that
God has made clean” (Acts 9-16). These scriptures are important because
they carry significant symbolism. But before we look at symbolism, let us
explore Peter’s position. Peter did not know that an angel appeared to
Cornelius the week before his vision (please see verses 3 - 4). Because the
trance came at an unexpected time, Peter was caught off guard, and his
response exposed the truth of his heart. The same occurs with us. We live in
a society that thrives off seclusion (e.g. fraternities, sororities, country
clubs, ETC.) therefore, we have learned how to intentionally separate
ourselves to feel superior, exceptional, exclusive or of high caliber. This
cannot exist in God’s kingdom. Division teaches us to be actors who can
change characters based on climate and audience. This is how we learn to
give the false responses, to be politically, culturally, and spiritually correct.
The downside is unexpected occurrence. What will we do when they come
up? This is when who we really are shows up -- no mask, no script but the
truth we bear in our inward parts (innermost being) is revealed (Psalm
Back to Peter. After the sheet comes down from heaven and he sees
what’s on the menu, initially Peter responds with a cultural or customary
reply -- no thank you. Customarily Jewish people do not eat bottom feeders,
anything that crawls on its belly and other beast of the field with certain
hoofs. Peter is hungry and waiting for food to be prepared (v.10). So,
heaven presents a buffet that Peter is not accustomed to eating. When God
gives you something, do not refuse it! But Peter did base on his bias. Peter
could not bring himself to follow the directive/command of his Lord
because of his Jewish traditions. Next, the heavens opened. The opened
heavens represents the heights above or the upper region. Peter is given
clear access, this is his invitation to engage heaven. Secondly, God permits
two regions to interact -- the region of heaven and the region of earth.
Heaven represents the spiritual aspect in Peter’s vision while earth
represents the perspective of the flesh or worldly view.
God has many children and he invites us all to sing praise, dance
freely and worship in spirit and in truth. Division and separation grieves my
heart because God’s people should be given an opportunity to dance. We
will not become one in Christ if we continue to exclude what we do not
want, what we do not know, or what we do not understand. Lack of
understanding can make us prejudice. The bible declares that when people
come out of low and valley-like places (Psalm 30:11) God promised them
that their mourning would be changed into “dancing”, so who are we to
declare who can or cannot dance unto our Lord? I do understand that dance
ministries are put in place for order and structure in our local congregation.
With that said, hear my heart when I write this letter as a parallel to
whatever structures and guidelines that have been ordained for the house of
the LORD (disclaimer). With disorder comes a spirit of rebellion, dishonor
and lawlessness (Thessalonians 2:3, 4); God is not the author of confusion,
but of peace as in all the churches of the saints (1 Corinthians 14:33).
Though this passage starts off talking about how we should prophesy, the
end message is still very clear, if something is dysfunctional it can be
because of ignorance. Therefore, we have a choice to either learn what we
do not know in order to grow and then help our leaders build. Our final
option is to walk away. Regardless of what we choose we should never add
to confusion. Confusion breeds prejudice which causes continued division.
Prejudice has no place in the kingdom of God and it is opposite the
love he demonstrates. Scripture declares,
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every
supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does
its work (Ephesians 4:6).

Sometimes, as born-again believers we take way too much credit for

things we had no part in creating. But today, let us begin to move past
ignorance, selfishness, and pride. Ask yourself these questions. Have I
become so inward focused that I have created my own mold apart from
community? What is God looking for from me? What has he asked for
since the creation of man? These are the questions that we should think on
when we find ourselves excluding people based on personal beliefs.
I pray that you hear my heart as I seek to sync with the heart of our
Father concerning the contents of this book. So, whether you have limited
experience about prophetic dance or whether you are advanced in your
craft, I believe this handbook will broaden your understanding and take you
to a place where you experience Holy Spirit even more as you dance
according to your spear of the prophetic.
Section 1
Intro to Prophetic Dance

Chapter 1
Foundational & Primary points

Standing in the position of a prophetic minister of dance is not

something someone can call themselves to. The foundation of prophetic
dance is to first be prophetic. According to The Power of a Prophetic
Mindset by Prophet Cynthia Thompson, understanding the prophetic is
based on understanding and interpreting the mind of God. The medium of
prophecy gives you information; however, the prophetic tears down,
establishes, builds, charges, ignites, navigates, re-directs and steers
(Thompson, p16). To fully understand your sphere and assignment is to
understand the prophetic. The prophetic is the power of the spiritual and
supernatural coming together to invade the earth (p18). To fully embrace
these thoughts, you and I need wisdom. The bible tells us in Proverbs 4:7,
“Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom and with all thy
getting get understanding”. What should we do when we do not
understand a topic or subject area? An ideal answer would be to study or
learn the topic; but most times we tend to make the rules up as we go
along. When we invent guidelines that are unfounded, we cause others to
fall into inconsistent systems which is dangerous. Ignorance causes us to
operate in error; without wisdom or understanding we limit our ability to be
accurate prophetic ministers of dance. The amplified version of Proverbs
4:7 says, “The beginning of wisdom is: get [skillful and godly] wisdom [it
is preeminent]! And with all your acquiring, get understanding [actively
seek spiritual discernment, mature comprehension, and logical
interpretation]. Spiritual discernment, mature comprehension and logical
interpretation are three very big words, let us regard all three with special
Spiritual discernment is not acquired by earthly means; It is
acquired by way of the Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12: 8-10) Quick lesson about
the spirit realm: Anyone can access the spirit realm for good or bad, right or
wrong, with holy or unholy motives. The word spiritual does not belong to
the church or Christians alone. Anyone who desires to discover what is in
the unseen world can have access. Believers of Christ Jesus have a clear
passageway through the unseen/spiritual realm through Holy Spirit. Holy
Spirit is our guide (John 16:13). Without him we enter unchartered territory
as open targets for the enemy. Holy Spirit was given to us to make sure that
we are not ignorant concerning the devices of the enemy. In John 14, Jesus
tells the disciples about his departure, and their hearts were troubled. To
consoles the disciples, Jesus told them he would prepare a place where they
could reunite (v. 2-4). Thomas was also grieved about the departure of
Jesus. He said, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we
know the way?” Jesus replied, “I am the way, I am the truth and I am the
life. No one comes to the Father except through me (v. 6). Jesus clears up
the misunderstanding by explaining why and for who his journey to earth
was for.

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been
doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going
to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father
may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I
will do it (vv. 12-14).

This is important because our salvation through Jesus Christ gives us direct
connection to God our Father. God the Father is who willed for Holy Spirit
to be our gift. Holy Spirit is our gift of TRUTH (John 16:13). Being
unlearned is not a gift from God. God our Father gave us a perfect gift
called Holy Spirit. When someone gives away a gift, it is usually because
they want to express how they feel toward the individual. Occasionally, gift
giving reflects how we feel for another, and other times we give gifts
because we desire to do something sincere or nice. Even the more, God
gave us a priceless gift because he loves us. Verses 16 and 17 of John
chapter 14 says,

And I (Jesus) will ask the Father, and he will give you another
advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The
world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But
you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. But the Advocate,
the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all
things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

What can we learn from this passage of scripture? Holy Spirit is:

(1) A gift from God

(2) He is our helper
(3) He is the Spirit of truth
(4) He can only be accepted by a born-again believer
(5) He is revealed (shown, unmasked/manifest) to born again believers
(6) He lives in us
(7) He is a teacher of all subject matter (which means he is a Master
(8) He reminds us of Jesus.

God gifted us with what we would need to be enlightened on our

journey with Jesus Christ. To explain spiritual discernment is to explain
who Holy Spirit is and why an attempt to walk in the spirit without him can
be faulty. To actively seek spiritual discernment means to intentionally seek
Holy Spirit for guidance as a master teacher and advocate. We need Holy
Spirit as both advocate and teacher because he is the designated tour guide
on our journey. He points out what we would not otherwise see or
understand, and he chooses the proper timing to reveal it all, bit by bit.
Without Holy Spirit, we see things mainly according to man's perspective.
Though the perspective of man is not all bad, it is the misinformation or
misdirection that leaves people lost and bound (Proverbs 14:12). Above-
mentioned is the reason why Holy Spirit is the best resource for spiritual
discernment; he helps us to see beyond the surface. Holy Spirit's job is to
sharpen our perception -- and not necessarily from an earthly lens. The lens
of the spirit is what helps a prophetic dancer to peer beyond the natural
appearance of a man or woman. There may be times when Holy Spirit will
lead you to minister to an individual directly, but not with words. When
Holy Spirit opens your eyes to see through the lens of the spirit you will
never be the same (You may even see dancing angels/beings).
Sometimes your inward vision opens first. For instance, as you
dance or move, you begin to see in your mind’s eye view what to do next.
These movements can be quick (real time) or slowed down. This happens
so that you can grasp the gestures according to your level of experience.
Though there will be times when you feel a halt in you to stop -- do not be
afraid to stop. This happens so Holy Spirit can speak what heaven is
declaring to the people. This can occur during praise and worship, call and
response, or spoken word as the Spirit gives you utterance to move.
Prophetic dance is used to express what God is speaking without ad-lib.
This means that we are not interpreting the words to a song. To interpret
what is already in the earth is not prophetic dance – it’s called interpretive
dance for a reason. Interpretive dance can be an exercise used to help
budding prophetic dancers learn expression; but again, interpretive dance is
not the prophetic message of the Lord. This is important to know because
when Holy Spirit unction’s you to minister in dance, it is usually because he
wants to execute movements/gestures that will minister to an individual, so
you should move quickly. There are two reasons why I teach prophetic
dancers to move quickly. One, you do not want to miss or forget what Holy
Spirit is revealing in the moment. Two, moving quickly proves your faith
by your works (James 2:18). When we are apprehensive or cautious, it is
usually because we are afraid. Being afraid to work with Holy Spirit will
slow down your advancement in spiritual discernment. Fear is not
profitable to you or me because faith without works is dead (James 2:20).
Sometimes a new believer may struggle in their faith because they have not
reached a point of stability; this will definitely affect the prophetic
message. Whenever possible fear attempts to paralyze born-again
believers. A good defense against fear is to build ourselves up with
scriptures, this will stop fear in its tracks. Below are some scripture that
can help you overpower the spirit of fear:
1. 2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power,
and of love, and of a sound mind.

2. Isaiah 41:10 - Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I
[am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold
thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

3. Romans 8:15 - For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to
fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba

Another form of spiritual discernment is hearing. When hearing is

being developed in a prophetic dancers life, acting on what is heard can be a
challenge, especially if one is not submitted to a tutor or teacher. Quick
story, before I was introduced to my prophetic mentor, I was being trained
by a prophet. This training was to activate the prophetic in my life. Our
connection was the awakening I needed to advance in the prophetic realms
as a prophet. Initially, I was skeptical about launching out into this new
prophetic place, but God had everything planned before the prophet and I
had our first meeting. Back then I was licensed as a minister in the ministry
I was attending. So, I was teaching, preaching and working on Holy Spirit
University (which later I found out was the test of faith that I had passed
which advanced me into the new prophetic place). I was in Walmart one
day and I saw the wife of -- let's call him Keith. We were glad to see each
other and she happened to be on the phone with Keith her husband. We
planned to have dinner. The night of the dinner date is when God sent a
direct email through His mail courier – the prophet. As the three of us ate
and talked, Holy Spirit was preparing me for the big announcement. I
remember enjoying the conversation with them when Keith said, “You
know that you are a prophetess?” I chuckled, and said “No! I never heard
that before. I’ve been called plenty of things, but prophetess? No way”.
So, Keith insists. “No! I heard the Lord say that you are his prophetess.”
By this time, I’m a little annoyed. “Dude, you and your wife are sitting at
my dining room table talking malarkey.” So, I start with this nervous
laugh… and Keith says, “And the Lord told me to tell you that you are
going to have a dream tonight. This will confirm to you his call on your
life.” It was certainly time for Keith and Mrs. Keith to pack up and get
going. In my mind, I thought, “This is the last time that I wanted to see
either one of them.” They left and the evening came to an end. But, I could
not shake the words of the Prophet Keith. “You are his prophetess.”
I recalled the events of that evening and I wrestled with what Keith
said. But once I was done cleaning up I went to bed for the night. Just as
Prophet Keith said, I had a dream. The icing on the cake is, after I woke up
I had a strong unction to call him about the dream. But, I was also afraid.
God said what no leader or authority in my life had ever recognized. After
going back and forth with my thoughts I decided to call Prophet Keith.
When he answered I told him all that I saw in the dream. When I was done
he began to interpret my dream like Joseph. Everything in me leaped! Not
because I knew whether the interpretation was right, but because Holy
Spirit was revealing to me that His words were true. After that first night, I
was dreaming almost every night, sometimes two and three dreams a night.
Not only was I dreaming at night, but when I took naps during the day as
well. I would dream about my children, my pastors, the church, and
sometimes I would dream about people I had never met. Every time I
dreamed I called Prophet Keith. He was interpreting two and three of my
dreams almost every day. Then about five to seven weeks later, he said,
“God said you understand some of your dreams. You are afraid to trust
what you know by way of Holy Spirit.” He said, “Even if you don’t
understand your dreams entirely you know what the dreams mean.” So,
from that time on Prophet Keith began to train me on how to see what was
in my dreams. Holy Spirit wanted me to pay attention to his voice at night.
So, he taught me how to recognize dreams from the eternal God, and how
to discern dreams that were not from him. Not long after, I was interpreting
dreams like Joseph. The main lesson Holy Spirit taught me is, seek him for
guidance when interpreting dreams. In other words, never separate the
message from the messenger. Our gift can be our idol if we do not submit it
to Holy Spirt. Always remember, none of our gifting is because of who we
are, we have gifts because of who God is as the gift giver.
The reason I shared this story is because God will send you help. I
was not expecting to meet up with Prophet Keith’s wife, but God had a plan
to make sure that I was awakened to the prophetic call on my life. There
will be times when you will not have to do a thing. God is the one who
makes our appointments with destiny. Listen, if he did it for me, and I did
not initially believe the prophet, he can do it for you too. God will divinely
assist with what you need for your next place.
About three and a half years later I enrolled in a prophetic program.
I was still immature concerning the prophetic realms, my gift and call; but
God maintained his private and public training with me and he never left
me without an earthly tutor. Approximately three years following my
enrollment in the prophetic school I met my prophetic mentor. Afterwards,
I left the ministry that I was attending and joined an Apostolic house the
following year. One of things I learned immediately is, whenever I choose
to be taught by an instructor or teacher, I by default am choosing to submit
and surrender my will to learn, grow and develop.

Submission and the Call to Minister
Being open and teachable is a huge sign of submission and
surrender. If we are not willing to surrender it can be hard to receive
training. If a lemonade pitcher is full to the brim but I want to add ice, the
lemonade will begin to spill over. I would need to get rid of some of the
lemonade to make room. The same is true when we surrender to the
teaching of another. To receive new information, sometimes we need to
surrender. This is so we can hold a little more; this could include old
thoughts, methods and ideas. As we grow, we increase in capacity.
Increasing in capacity only happens as we prepare, train and exercise in our
new place. Sort of like building or stretching muscles. The more we build
our muscles, the more the muscles can hold, and the more we stretch; we
become flexible. Teachers, tutors and mentors are chosen by God to help us
build and stretch. And as we surrender, we grow and transform.
More than anything Holy Spirit wants us to minister effectively.
This is important because we learn foundational principles that will build
integrity and godly character in us. Integrity and godly character are a
good mix for ministerial duty. Usually, ministers have had some type of
training in one capacity or another. They have been proven by mentors or
leaders who released them for the work of ministry. Sometimes, certificates
and ordination services are held to recognize such individuals. This
presentation is to display to the public that these individuals are ready to
serve according to the measure God gives. God gives us a measure to build
on. As a Father he gives us a portion to work with. We determine how far
we will go based on what we do with the measure. A great example of
measure can be found in Romans 12:3.

For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you,
not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think
soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

God has given every person a measure of faith, but everyone is

growing at different speeds, on various levels, and in different areas as Holy
Spirit permits (1 Corinthians 12:11). Discussing the topic of measure may
help you understand that sometimes the inability to hear or see may be a
matter of your faith level and where it has matured to. Not to worry! Your
measure can increase as you develop in faith. And just because you may not
hear or see does not mean that you cannot discern.

The gift of discernment or discerning of spirits is the last illustration
of spiritual discernment that we will explore in this book. Spiritual
discernment is a part of the gifts given by Holy Spirit found in 1
Corinthians 12. Spiritual discernment is the ability to discern what is
operating in the unseen. This includes, but is not limited to angels,
heavenly beings, agents of light and darkness and spiritual beasts to name a
few. Verses five and six states there are different administrations and
diversities of operations. This is important to know because we do not want
to communicate or fellowship with anything that is not clean or holy.
Another reason why we should know our sphere is because we learn to stay
within our boundaries. Paul recognized his apostolic authority had
boundaries as well. He said,
“But we will not boast beyond our measure, but within the measure
of the sphere which God apportioned to us as a measure, to reach even as
far as you (2 Corinthians 2:13).
Therefore, I strongly suggest teachers and mentors who have walked the
path of a prophetic minister; this will help as you advance in spiritual
discernment. Solomon spoke profound words on the topic of instruction
and wisdom.

1 Hear ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know

understanding. 2 For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law. 3 For
I was my Father's son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother. 4
He taught me also, and said unto me, let thy heart retain my words: keep my
commandments, and live. 5 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not,
neither decline from the words of my mouth (Proverbs 4:1-5).

In Proverbs chapter four King Solomon uses symbolism to describe

the relationship between father and son. He also used euphemism to
explain the responsibility of the father to impart life skills to his son. When
the son gets older, he will not depart from the wisdom which has been
instilled in him from his youth. The father has a responsibility to make sure
that his son is equipped to go through life. If the father drops the ball, his
son will wonder through life with no foundational instructions. This can
cause a slew of issues as he matures. Eventually, the son will learn and
grow on his journey, but there are some things he won’t avoid because he
was not taught by his father. As leaders, we do ourselves and others a
disservice when we try to figure things out on our own without guidance or
proper succession. This is when people under our care become wounded,
hurt or offended. When we lack the knowledge of how to work in our
calling/vocation/purpose, we can kill those around us with friendly fire.
These people become causalities of war because of ignorance, lack of
submission and lack of knowledge. As we progress in our journey, wisdom
and understanding progresses along with us. The bible reads in James
chapter one, “If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all
men liberally and upbraided not; and it shall be given him” (James 1:5).
This is important because even if you don’t know how to do something God
gives us a solution. Just ask. Ask God to send you godly tutors and
teachers. Then, pray and ask for God’s perfect will concerning your
ministry call. I never prayed or asked God for anything prophetic, I didn’t
know what the prophetic was. But, I would pray for his perfect will. God’s
will was that I would come to understand who I was in him. This is what
he wants from us, a prayer that can initiate his plan for our lives. The thing
is, he wants us to be developed in character, morals and in our vocation. If
we have zeal without godly character or foundational training, we can crash
and burn in our process.

Is Zeal Acceptable
Paul talks about having a zeal in the book of Romans, it reads, “For
I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to
knowledge.” Another version says, “For I can testify about them that they
are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge” (Romans
10:2). When Paul uses the word zeal he is talking about enthusiasm, eager
desire, and fervor. Disclaimer! There is nothing wrong with having zeal.
Zeal causes one to be passionate. But zeal can also be problematic without
basic instructions, wisdom, and understanding.
Anytime we enter a new phase of anything, it’s like entering
uncharted waters. We become like children needing to be taught a new
subject. Just because we need to learn something new does not mean that
we have not matured in other areas. Therefore, it is extremely important to
know the will of God for your life. Understanding God’s will for your life
may come to you bit by bit as you are on your journey. I do not know
anyone who knows God’s entire will for their life. No one knows it all. If
we did we wouldn’t go through half of the tests required to develop us. We
would pick and choose which trials to evade and which trials to go through.
So God made it that we only know in part. Therefore, we prophesy in part.
I would say, be patient with yourself and God on your journey. You may be
on fire with zeal now, but your zeal needs to be accompanied with God’s
will and timing for your life.

God’s Blueprint and Humility
Understanding God’s will can become the blueprint for new
uncharted places you encounter. People use blueprints all the time.
Blueprints are a replica of a master design used to help others remember
what the structure will look like during construction. God is the architect
and mastermind behind the original map for your life. When you know the
will of God this gives you an advantage to see what God sees concerning
your purpose and destiny. Perhaps you don’t know the will of God for your
life as yet, that’s okay. I would suggest praying James chapter 1 verse 5
daily. If you become discourage remember this, God reveals things in his
perfect timing. Again, be patient as you journey through your process.
God is in control. It may be time to humble yourself and become a student
of the prophetic. Children humble themselves because they don’t have a
choice. Choosing to humble yourself as an adult takes nothing more than a
decision. Humility can help you find and sit under a leader, teacher, mentor
or pastor. If you can’t receive from leaders, this may be one of the reasons
God has not revealed his plan to you as yet. Humility helps you to receive
from the person God placed in your life. Matthew chapter 18 is a great
example of becoming like a child. The scripture reads:
1 At the time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, who then is
the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?
2 He called a little child to him, and place the child among them.
3 And he said truly I tell you, unless you change and become like
little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven
4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of the child is the
greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes

Therefore, God declares that we should be as little children; children

learn from the adults/teachers that are called to. They learn by hearing and
they also learn by watching how people relate to each other. God wants to
impart life skills to us as his children, the impartation will help us advance
his kingdom. As prophetic ministers of dance God wants us to continually
seek him as a child seeks a parent for help and guidance, hence humility.
No matter your skill level as a dancer, humility will cause God to teach you
more by his Spirit. And as your capacity to receive instructions increase,
Holy Spirit is faithful to give you the wisdom necessary to go further into
the deep things of the Spirit (John 16:13).

One of the biggest deficits as a body of believers is the lack of
education and or processing. The reason we have educational institutes is
because we need training. Can you imagine a doctor, lawyer or building
inspector, who has not attended a training institute or higher learning
facility to become licensed to practice his or her craft? We would have a lot
of malpractice lawsuits. Sometimes, training may not be readily available
to you because of various reasons. Finances, location or even transportation
can play a huge factor in your ability to become trained. When obstacles
present themselves, prayer can be the key that opens the door to revelation
concerning the will of God for your training.
When someone wants to attend college his or her first step is to
inquire. They find out what the school offers, what is the curriculum, what
are the prerequisites for enrollment, etc. Based on the data received, the
person can decide to either make preparation to attend the institute or not.
When we have big decisions ahead of us sometimes we are uncertain about
what to choose. Some colleges have different ways that you might be able
to attend their institute if you are facing financial difficulty. FAFSA,
Financial Aid, Scholarships and other resources have been proven to help
people finish higher learning. If man has a system to help people with
challenges to advance educationally, so does God. Sometimes, we fail to
recognize that God is bigger than our obstacles. No matter what we face as
we process God is still in control. When we are perplexed God is still in
control, and when we don’t understand his will he is still in control. What
am I trying to convey to you is. God want us to ask him. It is okay to ask
God what his will is concerning being trained as a dancer. It is also okay to
go beyond the norm and follow where God is leading you. Countless times
throughout the bible God has done the unimaginable, because of his will for
a people. Trust and believe that as you come into the
revelation/understanding of God’s will for your life, He will break every
barrier interfering with your advancement as his minister of dance. So,
when all else fails, pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Prayer, Scriptures and Relationships
Prayer is a way to talk to God. When we decide to pray we decide
to hear God speak back. This is our opportunity to spend time with our
creator. Sometimes, he lets you feel how close he is to you, and other times
he may want you to dance in his presence as his ministry gift. There may be
times when you cannot do anything other than cry in his presence. But even
in those times he wants you to know he is present and he is listening. One
of the best ways to build a relationship with our father is through prayer.
Set aside times to talk with him. Another way to relate to God is by reading
what the Holy Scriptures say about him, you, and your covenant
relationship with one another. Once you begin to learn what God looks like,
then you will discover why he created you. This will increase your desire to
please the God who loves you beyond measure. It is important that you are
in the will of God when becoming a minister of dance.
Sometimes we desire to do a thing merely because of what we have
seen others do. But, this may not be the path or the destiny that God had in
mind for you. When we ask God for his will, he answers us. The response
may not be what we would want to hear but, his will is perfect and
complete. If you are ready to know God’s mind regarding your path as a
prophetic minister of dance, pray the prayer below.

Heavenly Father, I would like to please you in all that I do. It is for
that reason that I pray right now. Here I am God, arms wide open. I open
my alabaster box so that you might receive my fragrance. Help me to see
your plan for my life Father. I want to hear your heart and mind concerning
what you have created me to do as a minister. If it’s to dance, I will. If it is
to preach, Lord I will. If it’s to prophecy, Lord I will. Whatever your will
and plan is Lord help me to align with it. Your word declares in Jeremiah
29:11, For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to
harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Father, I long to be discipled
by you. And most of all I want what you want. Help me to walk the course
that you desire. Lead me so that I do not delay my progress towards who
you are calling me to be; so, I submit my heart, will and mind to you. Help
me to focus on your plan. And finally, make these things clear that I may
walk in wisdom and understanding concerning my call in Jesus name,
Get Understanding
Now that we have laid the foundation on what type of attitude we
should display when we engage in new places, let us explore the word
understanding. What does it mean to “know” understanding (Proverbs
4:1)? Understanding is the ability to comprehend; and to comprehend is to
mentally grasp what is being said, seen, or heard. In Proverbs four the
father in this text is teaching his son to live his life with a focus to
comprehend. Living our lives to comprehend will help us to see the bigness
of God and how he moves through his people all over the world. This is an
important foundational lesson. When we learn the act of comprehension,
we free ourselves from haughtiness, and become teachable. Is it safe to say
that God wants to eliminate our rigid thinking?

Rigid Thinking and the Heart
Rigid thinking is a sign of a hardened hearts. This can happen
because of the spirit of haughtiness. When we become wise in our own eyes
we do not fear the Lord; therefore, evil is present (Proverbs 3:7). We also
open ourselves up to rebellion. The bible says, “For as he thinks in his
heart so is he: eat and drink says he to you; but his heart is not with you
(Proverbs 23:7). A harden heart is extremely dangerous. The thing is - we
minister what is in our heart. When we choose to adjust the way we think,
we are flexible. But, when we don’t adjust (for whatever reason) our hearts
become hard and infected with sin and rebellion. Rigid means unable to
bend or to be forced out of shape; not flexible. It also means, not able to be
changed or adapted. When we become rigid it inhibits our ability to love
freely. When we are unable to love freely, we stop the progression of the
gospel through our lives. Paul understood this well when he said,
1 Corinthians 9:19-23 New International Version (NIV)

19 Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to

everyone, to win as many as possible. 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to
win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law
(though I myself am not under the law), to win those under the law. 21 To
those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am
not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), to win those not having
the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all
things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do
all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

Paul understood the process of flexibility. He learned how to be pliable and

bendable. Paul’s single purpose was souls, and as prophetic ministers of
dance it is our sole purpose as well. Rigid thinking creates a rigid heart. So
learn the benefits of becoming humble, pliable, and loving. These attributes
are A1 priority when developing into a prophetic minister of dance.

Rigid Thinking: Stronghold and Strongman
The spirit of control is another manifestation of rigid thinking.
Rigid thinking is like a “stronghold” being protecting by a “strongman”.
The definition of a stronghold is, a place that has been fortified as to
prevent against attacks; this can be a house, kingdom and even the mind.
The figure below is an example of a stronghold. The walls are high and
strong. The roof is slanted to keep rooftop invaders off. And the windows
are small to prevent illegal entry and unwanted guest.

The definition of a strong man is a little different. A strongman is

one who leads by force of will and character or by military methods. The
strongman that we are discussing in this context is not a weightlifter.
Matthew 12:29, Mark 3:27 and Luke 11:21 & 22 describes what a
strongman is. Mark 3:27 reads, "No man can enter into a strong man's
house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and
then he will spoil his house". Rigid thinking can cause barriers of
resistance against anyone or anything that wants to enter. A strong man is
like a high ops military defender. His one goal is to guard the thought and
routines in the mind. This is why the battles we engage in is mostly
mental. When we decide to call the strongman off of his guard duty, then
we can receive new knowledge, which can kill the spirit of control in our
lives. If we continue with rigid thinking, eventually, our behavior will
spread to the people we are called to serve and train.

Rigid Thinking and It’s Guardians
Be careful that you do not find yourself imposing your will and
character on people who are in your care. I extend the same warning
concerning God’s congregants. If you do, this will grieve Holy Spirit. Let
me explain the process in which the stronghold and strong man thrive.
Strongholds are created in the thoughts. Once the stronghold (thought) is
intact it will need a guard to ensure that the house remains erected. The
strongman is essentially the guard. It is the thing that has legal right to
guards the gates or doors of the stronghold (thought). The guard can be
secondary thoughts that defend the position of the stronghold (foundational
or primary thought). Like these. “You don’t need to do all that when you
dance” or “That’s not how you do it” or even, “They have potential but…”
and lastly, “That was nice, but they were not anointed”. These and other
such thoughts should be cast down immediately because these are guarding
a primary thought. Primary thoughts are usually based on personal
imperfections or self-glorification. Examples of primary thoughts include,
but not limited to rejection, perfection or even affectation. These thoughts
can open doors to several evil spirits. Evil spirits can also be guards that
defend unhealthy primary thoughts. These spirits aide in the distortion of a
person’s personality. Spirits can alter a person’s personality with pride,
control, narcissism, perfectionism, haughtiness, pretense, angry, hate, strong
criticism, stubbornness, and even the evil spirit named Jezebel. If you want
to deal with strongholds and the strong man one of the things to take into
consideration is Ephesians chapter 6 verse 14 through 17, “Stand therefore
having girded your waist with truth.”
Your first line of defense is truth. But if you have rigid thinking
when truth comes the strongman at the stronghold of your mind will
counteract with a defensive thought. Therefore, the Bible also teaches us to
cast down every thought and imagination into the obedience of Christ (2
Corinthians 10:5). As a prophetic minister of dance, your mind must
become the mind of Christ Jesus. This brings us back to relationship. Once
your relationship with Father God is strong, he will begin to teach you how
to cast down the thoughts that bring rigid thinking and create strongholds.
Ephesians chapter 4 also speaks about having put on the breastplate
of righteousness. A breastplate is going to help cover and protect the chest
area; this is important because our heart needs to be covered. A perfect way
to ensure that our heart is covered and protected is in the care of our
Heavenly Father. You may be thinking “How do I give father God my
heart?” You give him your heart by releasing everything (thoughts,
emotions, hurts, pains, indecisiveness, anger, fear, etc.) every time you
pray. Ephesians chapter 6 also speaks about having your feet shod with the
preparation of the gospel of peace. The gospel of Christ is what we carry as
prophetic dancers. As we study the word it becomes hidden in our hearts so
that when the time comes, our feet are prepared to minister in dance. Please
stay ready as a minister of dance. I am persuaded that when we are
prepared it presents an opening for Christ to minister to his people.
Chapter 2
Dancing in the Family of God

Members of a family are connected by either blood, adoption or

marriage. Most times members of a family are parents, children,
grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Each member role makes up the
dynamics of their family. Some members become close because of
intimacy, while others may not experience the same closeness for a variety
of reasons. Regardless of a family’s closeness with one another, by law the
establishment of family is either by birth, adoption or marriage. Romans 4:
4 & 5 is a great example of family. It reads, “But when the fullness of the
time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law,
so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might
receive the adoption as sons.” When Jesus gave his life on the cross he
redeemed us from the Law. The law in this instance is referring to legal
rights and agreements made by all parties involved. Formerly, our enemy
(Satan and his demons/devils/evil spirits) had permission to enforce all
types of judgements against mankind because of what is known as legal
rights. Legal rights can be best explained as permission or authority. When
one gains permission or authority he or she is backed by some type of
enforcement. The only way to revoke legal rights is to satisfy the terms of
the agreement as stated in the contract. This is where Jesus comes in—he is
our redeemer, chief intercessor and our lawful propitiation. Jesus bought
back our legal rights, permission and authorities through adoption.
Therefore, all the penalties and obligations associated with the law were
satisfied with Jesus’ payment. Jesus gives us an invitation to be a part of
the heavenly family through adoption. Because of his sacrifice we have
admittance into God’s family.

God’s Family: Jesus the Christ
Jesus is our access into God’s family. He paid all that was necessary
with his blood! As a reward for his sacrifice, Jesus received ownership of
those who disagree with the old contract/covenant and agree with the new
contract including all terms and conditions explained in Holy Scriptures.
The next thing that happens when one enters into the new contract with
Jesus is an overview of how God’s family thrives. In the bible, Jesus
explains the family dynamics which includes the duty of Holy Spirit and the
responsibility of God our Father. Holy Spirit inducts you and I into the
family. He also makes sure that each one of us has a purpose
(occupation/vocation). Some have asked God questions like, “Why am I
here?” and “What is my purpose?” Though we ask God the questions when
we pray, Holy Spirit is the one who reveals the reality of who we are and
makes things clear and unquestionable. Again, we pray to God the Father
in Jesus’ name, and Holy Spirit’s job is to enlighten us and bring us from
one train of thought to another. Holy Spirit does this in a few ways. One
way is through scriptures, another way is through revelations, another is
through prophecy and lastly, through dreams and visions. This is how God
communicates with members of his family.
God’s Family: The Role of Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit is the authority that Jesus left in the earth as our
comforter, truth bearer and helper (John 14:26). Holy Spirit’s involvement
in our lives is vital to our productivity. Therefore, I would like for you to
remember three things about Holy Spirit. First, he leads and guides us into
all truth (John 16:13). This means he is ready to help in every way possible,
this includes discovering our identity. Knowing that you are a part of Jesus’
family is one thing, but accepting that you have an identity, purpose, and
function is what will sustain you as a prophetic minister of dance. The
second thing is, Holy Spirit backs you and I in our purpose. This means he
equips and empowers us to do our function. Therefore, we cannot fail.
Romans 8:29 - 30 says,

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that
love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. For whom he
did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his
Son, that he might be the first born among many brethren. Moreover, whom
he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called them he also
justified: and whom he justified them he also glorified.”

This scripture shows that we are called, predestined and we all have a
purpose that is backed by justification. As a prophetic dancer, there is a
grace which comes with the call. This grace gives us stamina, power and
precision to execute based on the call and purpose in Christ Jesus. Not
knowing our place in God’s family leaves us vulnerable because we lack
Lastly, remember this, Holy Spirit helps us. In God’s family, Holy
Spirit wants to help you not only discover your purpose, but to also advance
in it. Think about an employee who has worked on a job for 10 years and is
still operating at entry level. They might be working at entry level because
of limited training or education. If this is the case two things are feasible.
One is, he or she gains the necessary training to advance in their career.
The other option is to blame the employer, supervisor and managers for
their lack of growth and promotion. In God’s family, he gives us all an
opportunity to step up and be promoted. If any family member feels
inadequate or not good enough he or she can get help. Holy Spirit trains us
so we can excel in our vocation as prophetic ministers of dance. This
training can happen in schools, by mentors or even in churches, to name a
few. But, Holy Spirit will never encourage us to stay at levels of
mediocracy. An individual who wants to be trained will seek teaching and
opportunities to grow, but those who are satisfied with mediocracy will
remain at the level to which they have stopped learning.

God’s Family: The Role of God the Father
In the heavenly family, God’s main function is overseer. This is
important to know because all doubt or fears that we may have can be
cured. Does God know me? Does he care about my situation? Are
examples of questions that born-again believers have had at some point in
their faith. These questions can be easily expelled through this
understanding, God is father of all and in all. Scripture reads in Ephesians
4:6, “One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in
you all”. God is the founder of heaven, earth, stars, clouds, constellations,
oceans, mountains, human beings and so much more. Therefore, he knows
you by name and is waiting for you to understand that your call and election
is sure. He is the same God who said to Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in
the belly I knew you; and before you came forth out of the womb I
sanctified thee, and I ordained thee as a prophet unto the nations” (Jeremiah
1:5). He is the same God that is prophesying to you as his established
prophetic minister of dance; you were born for this and so much more. God
is establishing, promoting, and reassuring all his people for one purpose, the
advancement of his kingdom. As the overseer of his family, the worlds, and
everything created, he is known and revealed to us in several ways. Below
are some of the names that we call God:
➢ Yahweh
➢ Adonai – Lord/Master
➢ Elohim – God my creator
➢ El Shaddai – God Almighty
➢ El Elyon – Most High God
➢ El Olam – God everlasting/eternal
➢ El Roi – The God who sees
➢ Jehovah Jireh – The Lord provides
➢ Jehovah Nissi – God my Banner
➢ Jehovah Roi – The Lord is my Sheppard
➢ Jehovah Sabaoth- Lord of Host
➢ Jehovah Shalom – The Lord our peace
➢ Jehovah Shammah – The Lord is there
➢ Jehovah Tsidkenu – The Lord is our righteousness
➢ Jehovah Maccaddeshem – The Lord who sanctifies
➢ Jehovah Gibboar Milchamah – The Lord mighty in

These names represent how mankind experienced God throughout

time. They also represent God’s character. To expel untruths about how
God interacts with mankind we must first distinguish your view of how
God interacts with his people. If you see God as a punisher who does not
relent, then your perception will be that God has no mercy. If you view
God as someone who doesn’t care about you then you are prone to believe
that you are insignificant and will see God as bias. Finally, if you see God
as one who doesn’t care about sin, then you may see him as a powerless
God who is not omniscient or omnipotent (everywhere at the same time and
all powerful). My point is, if you view God as anything other than who he
is, it will be difficult to trust him in various areas of life. To know God is to
love God. No person falls in love with a stranger. To know God the father
is to know he has a kingdom. His kingdom is invisible and not of this
world. God is more than our father and overseer. He is also the founder of
the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God. Though I won’t go into
the differences between the two in this book, I will say that you are very
much a part of the Kingdom of God.

Family Business: The Kingdom of God
The following point is important to remember because it is the
premise in terms of kingdom identity. Though God is the overseer of all, he
breaks down each function based on which governing aspect we are
addressing or engaged in at that moment. As an heir, you receive
instruction and guidance. As you grow, more responsibility is emitted so
you can excel while you grow. Eventually, you mature to an age where you
can work and bring benefits into the home. This is where our relationship
with God evolves. Think of God’s kingdom as his business. Most parents
who own businesses want their children to learn how to run the business.
The reason is to prepare them to one day run things on a corporate level.
Imagine if God says to you, “The time has come for you to work the family
business. Holy Spirit will show you around, teach you how to do your job
and eventually you will be promoted as you learn this level of the
business.” I believe most of us would be grateful to have that opportunity.
Can I tell you that this is what God wants us to understand as his children.
God is the founder of the kingdom in which we are citizens- hence, the title
Kingdom of God. Here are some things to remember as you grow as a
prophetic minister of dance. One, learn the elementary things about God’s
kingdom, especially if you are a new believer or maybe you skipped around
in your process. The foundation of being great at any job or occupation is
to learn about the employer, how he or she runs their company, and what it
takes to go up the corporate ladder. Sometimes this can take anywhere
from one to five years (this depends on individual progress). Two, remain
humble, keep growing in the word and continue nurturing your relationship
with God. This includes his family (church family, mentors and teachers
which will tutor you based on your call, gifts, etc.). During this period,
testing will be at a high so God can prove what is in you.
Testing is designed to prove what you believe. If you are faithful in
your testing, this will prove you can be trusted with more assignments. The
scriptures obtained through reading and studying will bring retention. But
the jury is still out on whether you believe or live what you memorize.
Holy Spirit is the truth detector. While testing he will help you to see if
God’s word is written in your mind or written on your heart (Proverb 7:3).
Being able to recite scripture is not enough; becoming a living epistle
because of what you can recite is what qualifies you to be promoted.
Finally, become skilled on every level as Holy Spirit leads you. The way
you become skilled is to study your vocation. To move up the corporate
ladder one must have the mentality of a leader. We cannot teach what we
don’t know. Holy Spirit knows what we have learned and what we have
processed through. He will not release us to go up in God’s kingdom
without proper preparation and succession. So, learn, grow and process
through all the tests that will be presented before your promotion.

God Our Father and God as God
God is governing all things simultaneously. He requires us to learn
who he is and how to engage him in the governing sphere in his kingdom.
How we engage God as father is different than how we engage him as CEO,
legislator and Elohim. Of course, we remain humble and respectful, but
now we address him as commander and establisher of all. We understand
him differently as our rank and position changes. He is the God whose
kingdom shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). So, we become governors,
agents, warriors and the like as we ascend based on our vocation. This
allows us to contend for the faith as we advance in God’s kingdom (Jude
1:3). The last key to understanding kingdom principals is appropriate
succession. This means someone can vouch or recommend you in your
vocation based on tutelage and or accreditation. In other words, you are
authorized and qualified to work in the kingdom and for the God who gave
you the grace to prophetically minister in dance. When you and I are
approved in our vocation (purpose) we are assigned a sphere in God’s
kingdom operations (2 Corinthians 10:13). (Unfortunately, I will not discuss
in depth kingdom concepts in this manual). However, know that God
works with matured sons and daughters who have been recognized,
processed and authorized. Remain open and humble as Holy Spirit takes
you on your prophetic journey.

Unity Causes Us to Work Effectively
Learning about God’s family and how we function as a unit is
critical for kingdom advancement. This is imperative firstly, because God
calls us to fellowship with one another (Hebrews 10:25). Secondly, we will
learn and come to understand the function of our fellow contenders of the
faith (Romans 12:4 - 5). Lastly, to not learn how each one functions breeds
a divided and dysfunctional family. God is not the author of confusion!
Therefore, we should not have an opposing spirit. The enemy of God is not
to have an advantage in the body of Christ. No reason is valid. If you and I
are unclear as to his governmental order seek wisdom; it’s the principal
thing. I would advise that you seek to become certain (if you haven’t
already) about your vocation, as well as the gift and call of others; this will
help us keep balance and unity in our family.
1 Corinthians 12:12-27 reads,

“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the
members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also, is Christ.
For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews

or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink
into one Spirit.
For the body is not one member, but many.
If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it
therefore not of the body?
And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is
it therefore not of the body?
If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were
hearing, where were the smelling?
But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it
hath pleased him.
And if they were all one member, where were the body?
But now are they many members, yet but one body.
And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again
the head to the feet, I have no need of you.
Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more
feasible, are necessary:
And those members of the body, which we think to be less honorable, upon
these we bestow more abundant honor; and our uncomely parts have more
abundant comeliness.
For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body
together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked.
That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should
have the same care one for another.
And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one
member be honored, all the members rejoice with it.
Now ye are the body of Christ, and members.

Can Diversity Be Good
The body of Christ relates based on diverse individual mechanics.
Members working individually and cohesively to function accurately. If the
relationship between individual members malfunctions, the body becomes
affected. A watch is an example of how different parts work together.

Notice in the figure above that there are many parts that will help
the watch function properly. Individually, these parts need to be in good
working condition. Though each part is in good working order the parts
must be placed in the proper positioning to work effectively. With that said,
the relationship and connection between each part will help sustain the
movement of the part it is connected to. Therefore, the productivity of the
watch is based on whether the parts are connected and in good working
I have stated that the most important part of the watch is its battery.
Without the battery, no matter the condition of all the parts individually or
corporately, the watch will not work. Holy Spirit is the power that makes
the parts of the Body of Christ work. Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive
power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my
witnesses both in Jerusalem, Judea and in all Samaria”. Once Holy Spirit
positions you and I, he empowers us to work in our vocation. As a
prophetic minister of dance, you will need power to sustain you, and power
to release all that God declares to his people as you prophesy with gestures
(Luke 10:19). Individual power is one thing, but corporate power allows
the body to be mobile. As we understand the function of each family
member, we become jointly fit together. Fitting together helps us to move
collectively as one body by the power of Holy Spirit, and with Christ as our
leader and head (Colossians 1:18).

Relationships and The Body of Christ
Let’s look at the word relationship; it is a noun and means the way
in which two or more concepts, or people are connected, or the state of
being connected. Relationships are all about connection. Someone may
ask, “What relevance does one thing have to another?” Sometimes
relationships are dysfunctional and even toxic. So, how do we form healthy
relationships? Learning about others help us understand cultural
differences. According to Merriam-Webster one of the definitions of
culture is: the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial,
religious, or social group; also: the characteristic features of everyday
existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place.
Knowing about others opens us up to knowledge and knowledge brings
enlightenment. When enlightened about others, we discover cultural
behaviors which helps us understand one another. This brings me to the
word fellowship. Fellowship allows us to touch each other and find out
commonalities and or differences. This creates an atmosphere of love and
brotherly affection (Romans 12:10). Fellowship also helps us to see beyond
a person's appearance, gestures and words. When we are connected, we
pick up on each other’s hurts, fears and weakness. Another way we can
connect is by learning each other’s function as governmental agents.
Fellowship helps us, to love our brothers and sisters through the good, the
bad and the indifferent. Truth be told, we may not have much in common.
But, we can remain open and chose to love our brothers and sisters even if
we are opposites. Philippians 2:1-2 says,

So, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love,

any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy
by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of
one mind.

Fellowship helps us to be of the same mind, have the same love and
to be on one accord. These attributes help us to form into one new man.
Relating to one another breaks down walls of separation and ignorance.
The bible says, we were all once far away from Christ, but we have been
brought near through the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:14). If Christ wanted
us near to tear down what divided us, how much more do we need the same
to become close with one another? At some point, having fellowship
should be an intentional act of love. Jesus is proof of this; he abolished the
division between Israel and Judah (v. 14). There was a time when
separation was necessary to preserve the promise God made to King David
and Abraham. However, when we despise or cower from fellowship we
resist the flow of unity. When unity is abolished love takes a backseat to
pride and self-centeredness. If you need help remembering the benefits of
fellowship, here is a scripture which helped me annihilate separation.
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you
are all one in Christ (Galatians 3:28). An example of segregation among
believers is the story of Peter and Cornelius.

About noon the following day as they were on their journey and
approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. He became hungry
and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he
fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet
being let down to earth by its four corners. It contains all kinds of four-
footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. Then the voice told him, “Get
up, Peter. Kill and eat.” “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never
eaten anything impure or unclean.” The voice spoke to him a second time,
“Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” This happened
three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven. Acts 10:9-

Peter judged Cornelius based on ignorance and traditions. Peter had

no idea that Cornelius was a giver and a man who prayed continuously.
God revealed to Peter that what may look one way (like what was on the
sheet) may not be what things are. Sometimes when we do not understand
others we can become judgmental. Verses 30 - 33 explains why Cornelius
sent for Peter in the first place.

Cornelius answered: “Three days ago I was in my house praying at this

hour, at three in the afternoon. Suddenly a man in shining clothes stood
before me and said, ‘Cornelius, God has heard your prayer and
remembered your gifts to the poor. Send to Joppa for Simon who is called
Peter. He is a guest in the home of Simon the tanner, who lives by the sea.’
So, I sent for you immediately, and it was good of you to come. Now we are
all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has
commanded you to tell us.”

Wow! This encounter was about God’s governmental assignment.

And when we create walls due to traditions and biases, we sever our
fellowship with one another, and our God assignments go undone.
Ultimately, God wants us to be a body that is well organized and
functioning healthily. If we embrace all parts of the family, though we
function differently, we will be healthy.

Who or What Is the Body of Christ?
So, who or what makes up the body of Christ? The term “Body of
Christ” is used in different scriptures throughout the bible. Colossians 1:18,
1 Corinthians 12:27, Colossians 2:19 are just a few. Colossians 1 helps us
to understand how God arranged the members of Christ’s body; it reads,
“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the
firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence”
(v. 18). Christ is not only the head of the spiritual structure known as the
body, but also the authority of it. This truth sheds light on fellowship and
relational connection. Any structure which is not clear on who is in charge
will eventually fall. Christ has the full picture on every part of his body. So,
in case you missed it, you make up the body of Christ. Selah! Whenever
possible make an inward declaration that you are a part of the body of
Christ. If we can remember that we are under his authority, then we will
make loving decisions regarding one another.
Romans 12:4, 5 reads, “For as in one body we have many members,
and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many,
are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” So, to be
clear, we (Christians/Born-again believers) are a living body in Christ. As
prophetic ministers of dance we are not separate, we are not prejudice, and
we will not be divided because of differences in Jesus’ name. Paul, who is
believed to be the author of Ephesians says, “And he (God) put all things
under his (Jesus) feet and gave him as head over all things to the church,
which is the body, the fullness of him who fills all in all” (Eph. 1:22-23)
{emphasis added}. God has a divine governmental system which includes
all of us collectively and individually.

Final Thoughts
How can we become one body in Christ if we are excluding what
does not look like what we are use to? God wants us to build relationship
with Him and to become synced with his spiritual body. 1 Corinthians 12:27
says, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
There is no way around being connected to the body as a born-again
believer. As we learn that ligaments were not meant to look like bones and
cartilage is a protectant for the bone. Then maybe we will begin to accept
that we don’t have to look alike to function. The people of God are the
parts that make up the kingdom and God’s family. Therefore, we should
embrace one another.
 Chapter 3
The art of surrender: freedom in the soul

Back in 2017, before one of the biggest conferences at my church, I

had a conversation with my prophetic mentor. During the conversation she
asked, “Are the dancers going to be ready for this year’s conference?” I
replied, “Yes, we’ re working on that now.” She continued, “The last time
they danced I was so disappointed because they had no life; it was dead.
You know? Like they were just going through the movements.” Gasp! I
sat there in silence, I didn’t know what to say. The expression on my face -
priceless. A bystander would have thought she was speaking to me in an
unknown tongue! I was shocked at her bluntness. As she continued to talk I
heard wah, wah, wah (like Charlie Brown’s teacher). As she spoke, I
drifted off in thought. I began to recall the Sunday the girls ministered in
dance. The prophet was right. In my heart, I knew what she meant. Her
words activated a desire to do something. After the conversation, I sought
Holy Spirit for ways to remedy the issue.
I have danced at many venues up and down the state of Florida.
This includes a bunch of churches, loads of community centers and a hand
full of theaters. All of this was over the course of seventeen years. During
my tenure, I noticed a consistent problem with dancers particularly,
teenagers age 12 -16. Most times they look frighten or lifeless. More
particularly, like a frighten deer in headlights exposed to the danger of cars
on a busy highway. Listen, this is not hunting season; no matter your age,
God wants pure expression from the youngest to the eldest minister of
dance. Training the body to move and execute movement is one thing, but
surrendering your heart is something that no one can teach you. As a dance
instructor, I took for granted that students may not know how to navigate
into the vulnerable space inside of them. You know, the space with the
signs that say, “Beware,” “Danger,” or “Do not enter”. Learning how to
navigate through what is inside of us takes practice and time. When we
learn how to steer through the levels beyond our core, we simultaneously
learn the art of surrender.

Surrender: Your Dancing Voice vs. Emotional Response
Surrendering is gradual, so don’t rush through your process. Take
care to learn what strongholds may be in your mind and heart. If you do not
understand how to do this at first, it’s okay. With that said, let today be the
last day that you hide your heart from God. When a dancer, young, mature
or in between is aware and sensitive to his or her soul, then liberty and
freedom can be conveyed through dance. Learning our voice as dancers is
key. Your dancing voice may be powerful, subtle or elegant. Nevertheless,
your dancing voice helps you to speak what your heart and soul may not be
able to say audibly. The purpose of dance as a form of art is to interprets
what we feel by way of gestures and expressions; it is our language.
Becoming aware, sensitive and open is fundamental in growing as a
minister of dance.
Some teenagers can be detached from their emotions. Their lack of
response is due to moodiness. If they choose to express themselves
sometimes they are at a loss for words. Being able to articulate anger,
sadness and even depression is hard for an adult at times; teenagers are not
exempt from this issue. Aside from that, they are processing through the
chemical imbalance of puberty. The body is changing, hormones are
uncooperative, and their raging emotions may keep them secluded and at
times defensive. The worst thing to do is force a teenager or anyone for
that matter, to express what they don’t feel. I’ve found that teenagers will
sometimes regress if pushed or antagonized beyond his or her emotional
strength. Never force an emotional response. One of the reasons why we
shouldn’t force an emotional response is we can become unauthentic or a
counterfeit. We lose the genuineness of the message. Genuineness is
important, because our job is to release what we carry – like a mail courier.
The second reason is we can release emotionalism or illegal realities into
the atmosphere. In other words, to be a double agent on assignment
(knowingly or not) to discharge things that are not in covenant, agreement
or in bond with the Spirit of God. What voice is speaking through your
movements? Another reason is we can begin to mimic another’s dancing
voice. This reminds me of a copycat or parrot. Your dancing voice is your
voice print anywhere you minister. If you don’t like or are ashamed of your
dancing voice, take time to develop it. The worst thing a person can do is
recognize that he or she is underdeveloped, and in need of training, but seek
no solution for their personal development. Enroll in a dance class or join
a dance ministry to grow beyond your limitations. Doing this can help you
learn to submit to instructors as you process in your dance journey.
Finally, we do not force an emotional response because our students
can lose their utterance. Pupils cannot produce what they are not developed
in. It is our job as instructors to teach potential prophetic ministers of dance
how to sense, or discern when an utterance is bubbling up in them. Uttering
is a segway to learning how to prophesy. The word utter is related to the
Hebrew word Nataph, which means to ooze; i.e. distil gradually: by
implication, to fall in drops; figuratively, to speak by inspiration (Strong’s
#5197). Uttering is what helps us to prophecy with gestures. Usually this
is not done with counts of eight. It is also not “just” spontaneous
movements either. Uttering in dance is when Holy Spirit comes upon you.
You will either, see movements in your mind’s eye-view, or you will see in
the spirit realm. Personally, I see both ways, in the spirit and in my heart.
When images appear in your mind’s eye-view or in the spirit, don’t let fear
constrain you, move quickly to execute the gestures of the Lord. The same
applies when Holy Spirit speaks to a prophet or prophetic type, he or she
needs to write down or speak what Holy Spirit is saying. With that said, all
prophecy should be done in decency and in order. If you are a member of
an institution, ministry, or church, please be sure you follow all guidelines
and procedure of that house before prophesying in dance or spoken word.
Following protocol can alleviate offense, rebuke and confusion. Though
you and I may feel an utterance bubbling up, we still need authorization to
prophesy. We are not commanded by Holy Spirit to be renegades, we are
commanded to be jointly fit together (Ephesian 4:16). Therefore, it is vital
that you and I have training in our vocation (this may include minister’s
school or bible training but especially prophetic training).

The heart speaks in a variety of ways, for instance, through body
language, through our eyes (Proverbs 21:4), through what we say (Proverbs
6:17) and through our actions (Philippians 2:3). Therefore, the bible tells us
to guard our heart, because out of it flows the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).
Another version says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you
do flows from it (NIV). We display a mirage of expressions based on our
heart. The heart is like a filter which interprets what we hear, see, and
know. If our filter is laced with sin or even ungodly character traits, our
message will reflect that. On the flip side, if our filter is laced with bias,
emotional issues, or alters, though these things are not sin, the message we
release will still reflect those issues. The heart is at its best when it is clear
and free.
A clean heart exudes the purest message for our Father. Though we
do not prophecy every time we minister in dance, what we do is still our
presentation back to him. Like when a student finishes all required courses
for graduation, at the ceremony, parents cheer with joy because their son or
daughter is ready for the next phase of life. Graduation reflects the hard
work, late night studying and all the effort put towards finishing one’s
education. The same is true with our Father. As we walk through life,
everywhere we go, we reflect what we have processed through and we
transform into what God created us to be. Let it be known that when we
work in our vocation, based on the grace, favor and anointing on our lives,
we make God proud. Therefore, I promote spiritual and biblical education.
How does one know if he or she is qualified for their next place without
some type of schooling or training? Where is your accountability?

Mentorship: Processing the Heart
Mentorship helps us to mature and develop successfully.
Mentorship also furnishes us with constructive criticism and guidance base
on the grace and sphere we are called to. Mentorship is different from
going to an institution which already has a curriculum based on an area of
study. At an institute, a student cannot change the curriculum or subject
areas. However, in mentorship, the mentor guides the mentee based on the
path he/she is destined to travel. This can include, traveling with, assisting
and shadowing the mentor. Doing these things can help the mentee develop
and grow. All of the aforementioned is for succession. Though everyone
you and I mentor will not fill a position or spot in our ward or sphere.
Good mentors understand that mentorship is for kingdom advancement.
Mentorship is not about finding the person that will take our place.
Jesus is the best example of mentorship. He groomed the men who
would succeed him. Though Jesus taught all that came to hear the word,
there were only 12 chosen to be his mentees. This is important to know
because mentees are called to their mentor’s mantel. A mantle is given to
officials in authority to signify their position and power to exercise
dominion. Mantles reflect latitude, stature, prestige, succession and
provisions of the wearer, as well as the license to act (Paula Price’s
Prophet’s Dictionary, p. 328). Proper succession was passed on to the
disciples because they were called to wear what Jesus wore. Apostleship
was passed on to them (Luke 24:53) which transformed the disciples from
one stage of life to another. To train someone who is not called to one’s
mantle isn’t hard, what’s hard is whether they receive the mentorship.
Every person has a will; therefore, the heart plays a huge part in what we do
while in training. Judas is an example of being called to someone’s mantle
but being excluded from succession. Judas allowed Satan to fill his heart
(Luke 22:3) because he was opened to the wrong things. These secrets
eventually led Judas astray (John 12:6).
Mentorship should help bring clarity and direction to the path God
has laid before the mentee. This happens because mentorship refines and
targets areas in the heart and soul. Your prophetic call requires the
mentorship of a Prophet or Apostle at some point in your journey. Mentors
have the responsibility to know the assignment of their mentee. Never align
with a mentor because you like them. Align with him or her because their
dominion or rule will cover and eventually activate you for your purpose.
There are different types of mentorship, but for the sake of this
manual we will stick to spiritual mentorship. Spiritual mentoring is training
or guidance not exclusive to one structure. Spiritual mentorship will vary
based on individuality and dominion of the official trainer. Your training,
however, should launch you into new places, as you walk the terrains of
your destiny. You should develop, improve, and move forward in the
prophetic dimensions and realms. Mentors are responsible to treat your
mantle. Yep! Your mantle. This isn’t about being someone’s golfer or do-
girl or boy (I’ve witnessed some inappropriate mentorships) and it is not
about making yourself or someone else great. Your mantle and what you do
with it is about God’s kingdom and advancing it. Mantle treatment is
synonymous with equipping and empowerment. Mantle treatment helps
ministers perform more competently and confidently in their post.
Mentorship, schools of ministry, and ministry apprenticeship are needed for
effectively treating one’s mantle (Price, p. 328). The effectiveness of
mantle treatment goes both ways. It is the responsibility of both the mentor
and the mentee to work towards a common goal of growth. I’ve had
mentees who would not show up for training, would not complete
homework assignments and were inactive concerning their ministry call,
therefore, I released them. On the other hand, I’ve had mentees who
worked hard and were consistent in their progress, and they excelled in
beginning prophetics. What does this mean? Do not go against the will of
people. Use discretion, wisdom and Holy Spirit when training up mentees.
With the help and encouragement of a mentor, you and I can be proven as
vessels of honor unto the Lord. This shows submission. A submitted heart
is ready to receive assignments based on the measure and sphere which one
is yielded to.

Submission: Heart and Emotions
As we prophecy with gestures we can become confused as to what
the utterance of God is to us and through us- especially if we are unsure
about the position of our heart. To know the position of your heart means
you understand that your responses reflect what is in the heart chambers.
The heart has many chambers where it stores, recycles and releases
information. As a prophet or prophetic type, there is a huge responsibility
to be holy and to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Holiness
and the fruit of the Spirit tag team to develop our character. This takes
time. As the development happens in us Holy Spirit detoxes us.
Detoxification happens as we grow in the word and in our vocation. The
bible declares that the word washes us. Ephesians 5:25-27 states,
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave
Himself up for her to sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing with water
through the word, and to present her to Himself as a glorious church,
without stain or wrinkle or any such blemish, but holy and blameless”.
The word of God washes us from the inside out and makes us blameless
and holy. Let me pose a question to you, can we grow in our vocation if we
don’t submit to the teaching of the word? If you answered no, then you are
correct. Therefore, I promote education. Education prepares us for
promotion and succession. Education paired with fruit development aides
with the demonstration of prophetic gestures. These gestures are connected
to the heart, so one should continually ask Holy Spirit about the health of
his or her heart. When one is uneducated about their calling, he or she is
prone to make multiple errors. Multiple slipups in the corporate world calls
for the resignation or dismissal of the employee. Confounding evidence
proves that he or she is unequip for the vocation in which he or she was
hired to perform. Pre-teens are a great example of those who need
continual training to mature.
Most preteens require guidance to discover their potential. This is
because they deal with a plethora of vulnerabilities, they may find that
unearthing their dancing voice proves to be a challenge. Assisting them
with this issue can bring balance both emotionally and mentally. They will
benefit from teaching as they become stable and experience clear thoughts.
The teenage boys and girls in my care need to discover how to express
themselves without feeling intimidated. It became my job to teach every
student how to communicate what they felt. I noticed that my students
were peer focused. At times, they displayed extreme fear when asked to
minister in small settings. Their fear magnified when they ministered
before the congregation. They seemed afraid that their peers would judge
them harshly. When I recognized the problem, my goals changed for the
dance ministry. I wanted to teach them that fear comes to paralyze them.
My plan was to teach them without telling them. Funny thing with
teenagers, they do not like change and they resist lessons. I was faced with
the challenge of introducing something new without coming off as preachy.
Teenager are faced with vulnerability daily. Feeling vulnerable or even
unsure about who we can be crippling. The effect of this can be to feel
inferior. Inferiority could make us subservient to fear, anxiety, worry and
other negative emotions. These feelings can cause apprehension in the
progress of prophets and prophetic types all over the world. Thoughts like,
“Am I good enough?”, “Will they applaud me?”, or “What if I mess up?”,
all examples of how fear plants seed of delayed progress. Eventually I felt
led to teach the kids about their dancing voice. We started with exercises
that would help them loosen up and learn the art of surrender. Fear causes
people to be on guard and I wanted to introduce exercises that could lower
stress and anxiety. Teenagers typically repel things that have the potential
to make them feel hurt or uncomfortable. This is one of the reasons why
fearful people dislike change. It leaves them open to the unexpected. In
other words, they have no or very little control over the outcome. The
problem is, they miss the good that can come from change. Rejecting
change can stifle us from progressing allowing old cycles and behaviors to
become our norm. This includes old routines, unhealthy or dangerous
relationships and harmful behaviors. Fearful people are usually on defense
about most things. To remedy fear prone atmospheres will take work.
Learning to listen to and relate to teens is the best way to gain their trust. To
cultivate a warm, caring and non-threating atmosphere is the first step. If
you apply the, “Through loving kindness I have drawn thee” scripture, your
teen will begin to feel more comfortable as time goes on.

Free to Dance: Short Exercises
Most times, dance exercises cause the dance students to get to know
one another and trust their new space. In the dance world, sometimes the
atmosphere in the studios and gyms is unwelcoming. Our job as Christian
instructors and dancers is to learn how to keep the spirit of competitiveness
at bay. In my dance class, berating, pessimistic and condescending attitudes
is frowned upon. When students are inappropriately bullying or teasing
(with facials expression, body language or words) I address the situation
immediately. I do this by allowing the assistant to continue the class while I
take the student aside to clear up what is appropriate and what is not. These
little tad-bits will help keep the dance atmosphere clear and free from the
spirits of discouragement. On to some exercises.
One of the exercises I would like to discuss is what I call “Dance
that Word”. In this exercise, the instructor thinks of a number but does not
announce it until everyone has picked a number. The student who is closest
to the instructor’s number goes first. The person who picks the number
furthest goes last. Once everyone knows the order, the instructor will
choose a word that can describe just about anything. The word can be an
animal, person or abstract like the word love. For the sake of an example,
we’ll use the word soft. The object of “Dance that Word” is to allow each
student to discover how to communicate what they believe the word soft
would look like. The student is given at least 2 counts of 8’s to prepare his
or her heart to express the word soft in dance. The instructor determines the
time frame that each student will dance. I do not recommend longer than 6
counts of 8, especially if the students are new to dance. Also, if you want to
add an element of surprise, change the music each time a student completes
their turn. This exercise is a great tool to use after warmups or just before
cool downs. It also serves as a fun icebreaker.
Another exercise is “Know Your Partner”. This is an activity where
two or three students dance together. The purpose of this is to learn how to
connect with the people we minister with. Most of the same rules apply.
The difference is, as an instructor you want to pair students with the same
strength for support and confidence, but at other times, it is best to pair
those who have opposite dance languages. This will teach the students
diversity of connections. As this happens, give encouraging feedback.
Remember these exercises are to encourage and to help cultivate trust as the
students blossom as ministers. This is not the time to overly correct or
judge, but a time to guide and encourage all efforts with great enthusiasms.
The last exercise is to teach the students to dance with you as their
instructor. In this exercise, you help the student to become comfortable
with you. The same rules apply as with the other exercises. Choose a
number, choose music and dance with the students. Also, let the assistant’s
get in on the fun. To win a generation who can be stand-offish, emotional
and secluded we as instructors have the responsibility to nurture and
encourage each student to grow. Though this section is primarily geared
towards teenaged students, these principles can work for any age group.
When we lay a proper foundation, all ages can reap the benefit of

Secrete Movements or Lifeless Doll
Now that the fundamentals are laid, we can start the process of
learning to minister what Holy Spirit reveals. During my conversation with
my mentor I realized that I had not taught the dance students how to
surrender. As a dance instructor, I give directions all the time. Yet,
somehow, I neglected to train them in on ‘how to’ surrender. Teaching
technical movements is great, but what happens when the only thing a
student can deliver is technicality? No one wants to see a lifeless doll
perform. Lifting the leg effortlessly, grand jete’ across the floor with ease;
but something is missing from the presentation. Sometimes, we are the
culprits behind the lifeless dolls; we teach them to execute based on ability
and not heart. In other words, they learn to do what we say regardless of
how they feel. So, we create technical dolls that turn into emotionless
adults. God wants us to teach our students how minister with passion, life
and most of all Spirit.
Take a moment and think about a dancer who is trained in any genre
of dance. Other than his/her technical ability to execute what is learned, he
or she must be able to bring ‘presence’. When any one of us chooses to
surrender we are choosing to let go and be free; we become unaffected by
the applause of people to execute what is in our heart. This births passion!
Passion is not usually something that we are born with. It is a thrust that
burns in us when we fall in love with what we do.

Passion and the Garden
Passion is derived from a strong desire for a person or thing. Some
say that passion is sexual and sensual, others say that passion is traced from
evil and no good can come of it. Passion can work both ways - like
everything else in life. We use opportunities, people and things for good or
bad. Passion can motivate us in career choices, life matters and even when
deciding which part of the world we want to live. Passion is like zeal. Zeal
is great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an object. Where
there is zeal there is passion, and where there is both we find a person who
is resilient. Some people believe passion is evil because the bible says that
people can burn with passion in a sinful way (1 Corinthians. 7:9). But some
of us are filled with passion to accomplish a personal mission. Jesus had a
passion for the will of God, that passion became his personal mission. Let
us read an account in Matthew 26:38-45:

Then saith he unto them, my soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death:
tarry ye here, and watch with me.
And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my
Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I
will, but as thou wilt.
And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto
Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is
willing, but the flesh is weak.
He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if
this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.
And he came and found them asleep again: for their eyes were heavy.
And he left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, saying
the same words.
Then cometh he to his disciples, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and
take your rest: behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed
into the hands of sinners.

In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus reached a moment of decision.

He discovered within himself, something that no one else could see or
understand. Passion does that; it drives us to places we never thought we’d
go. We find this truth in Jesus’ life. His passion carried him through
everything he faced. This includes, pain, betrayal and the gruesome
journey to the cross. Passion leads us to pathways that many cannot travel.
This place is where the crowd disappears and you meet your true self. The
disciples loved Jesus, but their passion was not the same as his. They could
not understand fully the way he needed to go or travel. Peter withstood the
Lord in Matthew 16:23. Jesus said, “You are a stumbling block to me; you
do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns"
(NIV). Passion, when filtered correctly, is meant to drive us to the will
God. Peter meant well, he thought he was protecting Jesus from harm.
This is like a driver in a car. The driver of the vehicle navigates
where the passengers and car will journey to. If at any time the passengers
decide to get out they can. They have no direct connection to the car. If the
car breaks down, the passengers are not obligated to fix the car to continue
the journey. Without the driver, the vehicle stands still, there is no more
progression. You are the driver and the car represents your ministry and
vocation. You cannot leave the ministry because things need to be tuned up
or fixed. This is a road only you can travel, so no matter how many
passengers get out along the way, please remain on course for the sake of
passion. Jesus traveled a path that only he could travel, you are on the same
When we arrive at forks in our life, the road we choose will
determine where we are in our process. Passion proves where our loyalty
lies. Whether we know it or not; we are true to one thing and disloyal to
another (Matthew 6:24). Passion leads us to a place that cannot be hindered
by the will of anyone else. This is our place of truth. I also refer to this
place as the Garden of Gethsemane.
Usually, when God calls us to a new place, the Garden of
Gethsemane is waiting to prove what is in us. This place is where we
choose to either remain in the company of the majority or separate from
them for passion. Matthew 22:17 states, “For many are called but few are
chosen.” Why are only a few chosen? Few pass the test of Gethsemane.
The Garden of Gethsemane is still present and can be visited today.
However, our personal Gethsemane isn’t about location. It is about who
and what drives us, this is called our will. Jesus chose to separate because
of his passion which was connected to his personal mission. He had sweat
pour out his body, and it was as drops of blood. This is a picture of Jesus’
process. When we are in the valley of decisions we can find ourselves
separated and alone. It’s in those moments when the sound of everything
else is drowned out and we feel a pulling to a deeper place. Jesus was alone
physically. He asked the disciples to watch and pray with him but they
were tired. Perhaps they had been traveling all day and wearied from their
journey, nonetheless, they fell asleep. Jesus was without the support of
Peter, John and James. He was passionate about something but his will had
not yet matured. The Garden of Gethsemane is where Jesus chose to walk
the path that was designed specifically for him. Three times Jesus said, “if
it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as
thou wilt.” Jesus was exchanging his will for the will of the father to
become the Christo or Christ (which means anointed one). What was God’s
will for Jesus? He needed Jesus to become who he really was - The
Anointed One. Jesus was dying to his will, yet, surrendering to God’s will
in that garden. Long before he was ever crucified, he died in the garden.
Long before he made it to the cross, he died to the thoughts of death,
torture, and the pain. He died to the thoughts of being rejected by family,
friends and even his disciples. Jesus’ crucifixion was the proof of his
passion. He knew full well that he would be ridiculed, unfairly judged,
jeered, and consequently despised. But Jesus accepted his death in the
garden, the place of death and resurrection. One of the first lessons in your
prophetic journey is to become acquainted with death and loss. In the book,
Power of a Prophetic Mindset, Prophetess Cynthia Thompson goes into
detail about the process of a prophet. She mentions that “Prophets bring a
death and birth certificate at the same time”. They pronounce the death of a
thing that hinders your progress and they also declare the new thing that
will take the place of the old. Jesus the chief prophet, had finally arrived at
his place of death – in the garden. Naturally a garden is a place where
people grow and nourish plant life. However, the Garden of Gethsemane is
a place that had a dual purpose, (1) to cultivate life and (2) to actuate death.
This reminds me of the scripture which says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you,
except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it
dies, it brings forth much fruit (John 12:24). The Garden of Gethsemane is
the place where one chooses to gain something new. A seed that does not
get buried lives an unfruitful life. But if planted, the seed dies, germinates
and grows. The plant becomes a tree and has the potential to produce clean
air, vegetation, and even shelter for insects and birds. We have a choice.
We choose what we will give up in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Garden
of Gethsemane also represents the potential of new life, new birth and new
beginnings. Unless a corn of wheat falls to the ground and dies it cannot
release all its potential, this is the same with us. Ask yourself, what is
fueling my passion? Is my passion rooted in fear and pain or the will of
God? Lastly, ask yourself, what am I afraid of? Is it fearing the judgement
of others? Fear of making a mistake? Fear of failure? Or do you have a
disposition that causes you to be a people pleaser?
Whatever your fears may be Jesus is here to help. May be this is
time to make funeral arrangements for all your cares, this includes
anxieties, worries, fear of rejection and self-hatred. The word of God says
in 1 Peter 5:7, “Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you”.
Another version says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for
you”. If you are ready, ask our heavenly father to bring you to your Garden
of Gethsemane. He is more than able to help you exchange your fears for
faith in him. At the beginning of this chapter I said that the students were
focused on their peers. When we focus on the “crowd” we give them
greater influence than they deserve. Being “people focused” strips away
our passion to fulfill purpose. So rather than being passionate about the
message through dance, they misplaced their passion on the guise of being
accepted. The truth became clear and obvious, their passion was given
away to the crowd.
We have funerals for those who have passed on. Likewise, Jesus
held a funeral for his will. He let it go, buried it and walked into his new
authority as Christ the anointed one. There was no cake, balloons or party,
and no one celebrated Jesus for his choice. What he gained in the garden
was the upgrade of strength needed for his journey. God’s will thrived as
Jesus embodied a passion for the cross. Therefore, Jesus came to earth, to
die for the sins of the world. He came to deliver us from the clutches of
death and the grave and he did just that. For I have come down from
heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me (John
6:38). What has your passion proved?
    Section 2
You Are An Intermediary
Chapter 4
Prophetic Dance and Government

This chapter of the manual is written with my son Elijah Colas. I

had the pleasure of watching Elijah transform from an overly confident teen
into a respectful and submissive mentee and young adult. His life changed
as he processed through many lessons of hardship, trial and error, and
convictions. God processed him in primary discipleship. Though he has
grown beyond entry level prophetic, he is holding his own as a young
prophet. Elijah is a member of the multicultural student government at
Florida Atlantic University, he is also one of the facilitators at Jesus People
Proclaim Millennial Mondays and finally he is budding as a prophetic
dancer. He has insight on submission, dancing prophetically and the
procedures of prophetic dance. In this chapter, Elijah will briefly elaborate
on the protocol aspect of prophetic dance and why this includes lateral and
vertical legislation, which constitutes clear vision and purpose. Here is
Elijah’s contribution to the Prophetic Dance Manual and Handbook.

God’s Government Thrives on Submission
During times of dance ministry, you will find yourself in different
predicaments, and the rules of engagement change under each
circumstance. In this chapter, we will discuss some general protocols that
can empower you to dance as the Lord leads - anytime and anywhere. One
of the core lessons we learn as prophetic dancers is submission. For a long
time, I struggled with submission-- then I came across 1 Peter 5:5-6. It
says, “Young men, in the same way, submit yourselves to your elders. And
all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because,
God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves,
therefore, under God’s mighty hand, so that in due time He may exalt
When I read this scripture, it was like a light bulb lit up inside of
me. Submission finally made sense. Submission is God’s setup for
promotion. I realized that although submission can be hard, it is God’s
leadership processor. He uses submission to weed out witchcraft, rebellion,
false humility, control, pride, self-exaltation, and so on. Once I began my
purging process, I became eligible for promotion.
God’s command for submission should extend into all areas of life.
This is because it’s God’s formula to ensure fair government and
accountability. Children submit to parents (Ephesians 6:1). Wives submit
to husbands, and husbands submit to God (Ephesians 5:22-33) are all
examples of this. Spiritual leaders are who we submit to (Hebrews 13:17).
We also submit to leaders who have natural rule over us (e.g. supervisors,
managers etc.) (Romans 13: 1-7). Finally, we are asked to submit to one
another (Ephesians 5:21). Apparently, submission is everywhere. This is
God’s design because without submission there is chaos.
Submission is one of the highest priorities in life and this is true in
any manifestation of the prophetic; dance included. When we prophetically
dance we submit to God, and the earthly government he has placed us in.
One of the ways we submit to God is by talking with Holt Spirit. We can
ask, “What are you doing or saying to your people today?” Once he
answers, we do our best to follow his lead. If he does not respond
immediately, dance unto the Lord with a joyous heart.
Next, we submit to our leaders. Leaders are a part of God’s earthly
government, they are positioned to give us direction. Particularly, with
regards to dance ministry, they instruct us on when and how they need us to
assist during praise and worship and other ministry events. We should not
go dancing in the aisles, or run up on the stage if not instructed by leaders.
It's all about knowing the heart of your leaders and sensing what they find
appropriate. One time, I was not dressed to dance, but Holy Spirit moved
me to grab a flag. I did so, and it was received well. This happened
because I was led by Holy Spirit and my leaders trusted me. When your
track record proves you to be accurate and trustworthy, your spiritual
leaders will release you. However, wildness, weird and unintelligible
cannot become your norm; they can lose their faith in you. Use
discernment or better yet ask, this will erase presumption and help you learn
the hearts of your leaders.

Protocol: Submission & Obedience
I would like to highlight Hebrews 13:17 which says, “Obey them that have
the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as
they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief:
for that is unprofitable for you.” This scripture reveals one of the functions
leaders have – they watch over us. We in turn have the responsibility to
submit them. Our submission is more profitable to us than for our leaders.
Submission frees our leaders to do other work. They give instructions to
the entire dance ministry, but delegate authority to the dance ministry
leader. This will ensure that the instructions are carried out in the senior
leaders absence. This is government at its best. Great leaders were once
great followers.
I would like to highlight Hebrews 13:17 which says, “Obey them
that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your
souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not
with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” This scripture reveals one of
the functions leaders have – they watch over us. We in turn have the
responsibility to submit them. Our submission is more profitable to us than
for our leaders. Submission frees our leaders to do other work. They give
instructions to the entire dance ministry, but delegate authority to the dance
ministry leader. This will ensure that the instructions are carried out in the
senior leaders absence. This is government at its best. Great leaders were
once great followers.
Another foundational principle is to learn how to submit to one
another. In prophetic dance, we submit, or follow, whoever has the
“dancing” word of the Lord. In any area of the prophetic, we only prophesy
in part (1 Corinthians 13:9). At some point, we are entrusted to carry an
inspired utterance from Holy Spirit. Some ministers will have inspired
utterances more frequently than others, either way, develop trust with your
leaders. This way they can free you to minister as Holy Spirit inspires you.
During different parts of praise and worship at my church, we follow the
dance ministry leader. We “catch” the dance “gestures” and prophesy
Judging Prophecy and Ensuring Profitability

In 1 Corinthians 14, the Apostle Paul begins to put some protocol to

the manifestation of tongues and prophecy. In verses 29 to 33 he says, “Let
two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge. But if anything is
revealed to another who sits by, let the first keep silent. For you can all
prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all may be encouraged. And
the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. For God is not the
author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.”
Alright, so let's break down this chunk of scripture and relate it to
prophetic dance. Dancing in general is a form of communication.
Prophetic dance is not freestyle or improvisation. Therefore, when Holy
Spirit moves through us we are communicating what he is speaking. Our
movement is then inspired and influenced by Holy Spirit; likewise,
utterance is also inspired by him. What we dance prophetically should be
judged by other prophets. If our prophetic gestures are off or incoherent,
someone in authority should be able to admonish us. Some of the
admonishments I have received are: “Man, you did a great job. However,
you left your team hanging because you ministered for too long.” Another
is, “Wow, Holy Spirit was all over you, but your movements were very
erratic and hard to follow.” Leaders and congregants have also encouraged
me with statements like, “My goodness, that was really needed.” My
favorite compliment is, “Your dance really inspired me to praise God with
you.” These types of corrections and encouragements are very important
because we do not prophesy for our own good, but for the good of the
community of believers God has assigned to us (verse 31).
1 Corinthians 14:32 says something interesting. “And the spirit of
the prophets is subject to the prophets.” Some individuals have interpreted
this scripture to mean that prophets have control over what they say or don't
say. However, proper interpretation shows us that the prophet’s spirit is
subject or accountable to the community of prophets that he/she is a part
of. This community of prophets can also be a prophetic company. The
prophetic community or company in our local settings have legal right
according to the word of God to help cultivate and mature the prophetic
expressions we are manifesting in a domain or sphere.

In Dr. Paula Price’s “Prophet’s Handbook” A guide to prophecy and

its operation, she speaks expressly on, What is a Prophetic Company, What
the Prophetic Company Does, Prophetic Company’s Structure and The
Bible’s View of a Prophetic Company are a few of the topics she discusses
(Price, pp 355-361).

In the Prophet’s Manual, Dr. Price has a diagram like the figure below
(Price, p 382):

Staff Prophets acquire an understanding concerning prophetic
operations in the local assembly as well as in an organization. This is
important because being categorized in “Praise group” is different from
assisting as a “Staff Prophet” (see figure). At any rate, prophetic ministers
are subject to the branch which they fall under; in this case the branch
would be Praise and Worship Prophetic Psalmody (Price, 381). The
centurion solider in Matthew 8 understood the concept of government and
order very well. In his case, his servant was ill, so he sought help. When he
found Jesus, his request was for his servant to be healed. Jesus agrees and
said, “I will go and heal him” (v. 7). The centurion replies, “Lord, I am not
worthy for you to come under my roof, but just say the word, and my
servant will be healed. For I am a man under authority, having soldiers
under me: and I say to this man, go, and he goes; and to another, come, and
he cometh; and to my servant, do this, and he doeth it (vv. 8-9). The
centurion said, “Just say the word and my servant shall be healed.” The
revelation in this scripture is this, when a person in authority speaks, there
is weight and delegation that accompanies their words. This happens
because of the military force which backs them. When we obey and submit
to the flow of spiritual government in our local assembly, organization or
spiritual sphere, God’s military will back us, defend and recuses us when

Governmental Structure Produces a Spirit of Excellence
In the community of dancers I minister with, our emphasis is on
ministering in the spirit of excellence. We hold the core value that dance is
an art form and can be spirit led. We teach technique and body control
which can help us present a clear message. As we continue to understand
dance as a language, we learn how to speak coherently. We all know people
who either talk fast, loud, or soft. When someone speaks, the intent is to
convey a message. Sometimes, miscommunication happens because the
message isn’t clear. The communicator has the responsibility to clearly
communicate what is on his or her mind. It is the same thing with dance.
Technique helps us to convey a clear message. We might hear the Lord say
wind, but cannot communicate “wind” because of limited skills. Technique
helps us to speak prophecy as dancing prophets/prophetic dancers.
Prophets need proper diction, syntax, and sentence structure to get God’s
message across clearly. Prophetic ministers of dance need technique to be
clear about what God is saying as well. The ministers of dance in our
community believe that technique helps us to prophecy. The reason we
believe this is because of what Paul said in Romans 12:6, “We can only
prophecy according to our level of faith”. Well, we can only dance at the
level of our technique. For example, there was a young lady in our ministry
who would dance wildly when worship was high. However, I could sense
that it was Holy Spirit falling on her. After service I approached her and
asked if she considered taking some dance classes, or joining the dance
ministry? She said, “Absolutely”. She also said, “Someone prophesied that
I am called to dance”. Today, she is a member of the dance ministry at our
church and is gradually excelling. She is strong, sensitive to the spirit and
very prophetic.
The point of prophetic dance is not perfection. It is being equipped
to speak clearly with the body. We are not just pretty dancers. The spirit of
excellence along with technique allows the audience to understand the mind
of God and his message. The spirit of excellence is different everywhere
we go. The point is to give God’s people a clear message.

Just dance
My mom and I would like to emphasize that prophetic does not
always mean spontaneous. In the body of Christ, we have this obsession
with spontaneous manifestations of the prophetic. But a choreographed
dance is a viable prophetic form as well. When preparing a dance piece for
an event or special service, take time to hear or see what God is saying.
Dancing it out, and rehearsing, is just as prophetic as being inspired in a
moment of worship to move as Holy Spirit leads. As prophetic dancers, we
are divine artist. As artist, we will be inspired. Synonyms for inspired is
moved or swayed. As prophetic ministers of dance we endeavor to live an
inspired lifestyle. This means we are constantly moved or swayed to create
dance. Subsequently, not all dance is prophetic dance. We choose to
minister for a variety of reasons. One might minister because it is a time of
celebration (e.g. weddings), while others will minister because it is a season
of death (e.g. funerals), but we ALL dance because of plain ole’
We want this message to be crystal clear; “Not all dance is prophetic
dance.” There are different reasons why we dance. Psalm 149:3 says, “Let
them praise His name in dance...” Exodus 15:20 says, “Miriam the
prophetess, Aaron's sister, took the timbral in her hand, and all the women
went out after her with timbral and with dancing.” We also dance because
we have freedom and liberty, “You have turned for me my mourning into
dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness”
Psalm 30:11. Hallelujah! We praise God with our dance because He is
good. There is no special club we must join to express our love for Jesus.
We dance because it’s an expression of joy, peace, and praise. Most
importantly we dance because we want to dance! However, there are other
ways we minister in dance. Some of these are inspirational, soulish,
spiritual and prophetic dance.
Dance inspired by the soul (our mind, will and emotions) is normal.
While you learn how to function in your vocation as prophetic ministers of
dance, dance as much as possible. Our mind, will and emotions need
tending to, therefore, it is most appropriate to dance because you can. Also,
dance because you love it. The only word of caution I will give is, “Never
change your dance partner.” We are in a world that is cunning and crafty.
If our heavenly Father were in the audience, ask yourself, “Would he be
offended”? If so, it may be best not to do that particular dance at all.
Sensual, provocative or sexual dance is prohibited at Glory Carriers Dance
Ministry. We cannot serve two masters. In other words, we can’t twerk
today (which represents secular/carnal participation) and lift our hands in
God’s presence tomorrow (represents priestly work/service). Our job is to
remain clean even as we dance to please or free our soul.
We can also dance a spiritual dance; not the dance of a spiritist (a
person who is a medium for evil/unclean spirits) or for the purpose of
practicing spiritualism (Prophetic Dictionary #1414) . Spiritual dance is
when we dance according to the invisible spheres. Some do this knowingly
and some not so much. When an atmosphere is laced with peace we
sometimes minister what we sense, though it is unseen. Another example is
an atmosphere laced with celebration, like a wedding. Song choice will
typically speak of love and union; music sets moods and moods creates
atmospheric aura. The same happens when an atmosphere is laced with
resistance (e.g. heaviness). Most times, Holy Spirit or angelic beings will
partner with us to engage the atmosphere appropriately.
In general, inspiration can come about in several ways, but I want to
discuss two. In the first manifestation of inspiration, Holy Spirit is the one
who manifests through us. There may be times when you are picking up on
what heaven is doing in the room or in the spirit, therefore, follow along.
Depending on your prophetic type, you will manifest this inspiration

Prophesiers: These are the prophets or prophetic types, who

prophesy from the place of a flow. The Hebrew word for naba connotes
flowing, bubbling up, and gushing (reference Strong’s Hebrew 5042). This
prophetic dancer will most likely never think about his/her next steps. He
or she surrenders their body totally to the suggestion and will of God’s
Spirit, this takes the most training to flow in with excellence. When Holy
Spirit dances through us, he is limited to our level of faith, technique,
expertise, body size, weight, and stamina etc.

Seers: These prophetic ministers of dance see choreography,

gestures, movement, and follow along. There are two words in Hebrew for
the seer. Ra’ah (Strong’s Hebrew 7200), which means to see (in the sense
of visions); and Chozeh (Strong’s #2374), which means to gaze or to
perceive. Expect to see angles dancing, colors, light, pictures, formations,
transitions, etc. The seer prophetic dancer should ask, “Do I have the
training or expertise to catch, do, or obey what I see?” Clear vision should
be active in this dancer’s life. These can be activated by the laying on of
hands, prayer, or by waiting on Holy Spirit. If you see a mist in a room, is
it the glory, depression, or something else? Clear vision is great, but
revelation is greater. If you don’t know, please do not assume.
Assumptions should never take place in prophetic ministry, including

Hearers: These prophetic ministers of dance are inspired by what

Holy Spirit speaks. This can be specific words of knowledge, instructions,
colors, etc. Moses in Exodus 19:19 has an interesting conversation with the
Lord that went like this. “And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long,
and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a
voice.” This is an appropriate verse because the Hebrew word for voice in
this scripture is qol (Strong’s Hebrew 6963). Qol is also translated as
thunder. Moses heard God’s voice in thunder. Expect to hear the
unexpected. Obedience is the key for these manifestations of prophetic
dance. Dancers who hear sometimes need encouragement.

Intercessors: These prophetic dancers will have the hand of the

Lord manifest upon them, and they will dance or pray (sometimes both)
until his burden lifts or they get a release. The Hebrew word for burden is
“Massa”, which can also means utterance (Isaiah14:28). These prophetic
dancers do best in prayer gatherings, or manifest when a speaker begins to
pray in a gathering. These prophetic ministers of dance do well when
atmospheres need to be shifted or set. Their dance can be “warfare-ish” and
militaristic. These dancers don’t flow with atmospheres, they set them.
These dancers will need to be understood by their community, but also need
to participate in all aspects of the dance ministry, and not just during times
of prayer. Their strength and forcefulness in movement must also be met
with grace and beauty to ensure a healthy balance. The use of props to
assist in the prophetic release, such as flags, banners, swords, garments,
tambourines etc. helps them fulfill their assignment.
Dancing Prophets: These are the divine officers of the Most High.
They have been proven and trusted by God and the communities they dance
within. These prophets are prophets when they are dancing and when they
are not. They are the fathers, mothers, and chiefs in the dance community
of your local assembly, and the body of Christ. They tap into all aspects of
the prophetic to dance what God is saying. Because they have mantels that
have been authorized to operate freely as the Lord leads, they are
accountable to the chief prophet or superintendent (depending on
organizational structure). They have angelic host assigned to them, their
ministry, and their dance.
The second form of inspiration is observation. For God speaks
through and in everything. Be it colors, songs, incidents, happenings,
scripture etc. The mood of God can inspire choreography as well. A
choreographed piece can be a complete message from God. As we observe
God’s world this inspires us to create choreography. Sometimes, this is
where prophetic ministers of dance drop the ball. We may be instructed or
inspired to begin choreography but, half through, we are no longer
inspired. Does this mean we stop dancing? No, we complete the project.
Most likely the Lord is testing our level of stewardship and responsibility.
Most times, people who dance have a love for dance, a gift to dance or a
propensity for rhythm. Inspiration can be a divine invitation to complete a
project, it is not the grace to complete it.
There will be times when God flips the script after you have
choreographed a dance piece. There was a time, when myself (Elijah) and
the rest of ministry group prepared an entire piece for a Sunday service. In
the middle of the dance, it was as if all of us forgot the choreography at the
same time. Because we are trained we didn’t stop dancing. We continued
to dance. Not too long after, Holy Spirit took over. Personally, I was led to
use a flag. Our gestures were inspired by Holy Spirit and he totally
changed the direction of the dance. We remembered the end of the
choreography, and came back together seamlessly, as though that was what
we practiced. This is not the norm for us, but there are always exceptions to
the rules when Holy Spirit is your guide. Holy Spirit was the prophetic
manifestation through us; he changed the atmosphere and establish God’s
mind in that service.

Prophecy in Music, Song and Dance
Miriam, the prophetess, is the premise for why I dance
prophetically. She was a prophetess of the Lord and is recorded as the sister
of both Aaron and Moses. She is mentioned in Exodus chapter 2 as
watching Moses as a baby float down the Nile river. When Moses was
found by Pharaoh’s daughter, Miriam is the one who suggested that Moses
be nursed by a Hebrew woman (v. 8). As they grew older Miriam
accompanied Moses and Aaron as they led Israel out of Egypt.

When I began my journey as a prophet I had no idea that God would

call me to prophetically minister in dance. As a matter of fact, I wasn’t
dancing when he awakened me in 2011. I remember asking God to explain
the point of prophetic dance. This is when I found Exodus 15:20,

Then Miriam the prophet, Aaron's sister, took a timbrel in her hand,
and all the women followed her, with timbrels and dancing.
I discovered this scripture early one morning as I sought the Lord
for a message for his people on prophetic dance. I taught on prophetic
dance before, but I wanted God to give me instructions for this group of
people. As I talked with the Lord he said, “Miriam the prophetess.” When
he said this, I shook. A couple of months prior to that morning, I was
talking to someone in Chicago named Philip. And I said to him, “I’ll be
calling you so we can brainstorm about prophetic dance for my book.” So,
I briefly explained to him my plight with the Arts, including dance. And he
said, “Yeah! Call me.” And continued, “You know Miriam was a
prophetess who danced before the LORD.” And I was like, “Oh yeah, she
was.” But really, I didn’t know Miriam danced before the Lord. I knew she
was a prophetess and that was about it. Anyway, I finished our
conversation with, “I’ll call you in about 3 weeks.” But I didn’t call and we
didn’t talk. I lost track of time finishing finals, preparing for graduation
(certification BCBT), and working on this book. So, when the Lord said,
“Miriam the prophetess” I was taken all the way back to what Philip said.

I googled Miriam the prophetess, and there it was. Exodus 15:20

changed my view of prophetic dance. For at least 6 years, I saw prophetic
dance as a vocation only. But, when I read chapter 15 I saw a bigger
picture. Miriam’s song was a song of celebration and deliverance. Not
only did she dance, but she sang. This revelation helped me to see that
prophetic dance is associated with the music ministry. 1 Chronicles 25:1-7

Moreover, David and the captains of the host separated to the

service of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should
prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals: and the number of
the workmen according to their service was: Of the sons of Asaph; Zaccur,
and Joseph, and Nethaniah, and Asarelah, the sons of Asaph under the
hands of Asaph, which prophesied according to the order of the king. Of
Jeduthun: the sons of Jeduthun; Gedaliah, and Zeri, and Jeshaiah,
Hashabiah, and Mattithiah, six, under the hands of their father Jeduthun,
who prophesied with a harp, to give thanks and to praise the LORD. Of
Heman: the sons of Heman; Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebuel, and
Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti, and Romamtiezer,
Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, and Mahazioth: All these were the sons of
Heman the king's seer in the words of God, to lift up the horn. And God
gave to Heman fourteen sons and three daughters. All these were under the
hands of their father for song in the house of the LORD, with cymbals,
psalteries, and harps, for the service of the house of God, according to the
king's order to Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman. So, the number of them, with
their brethren that were instructed in the songs of the LORD, even all that
were cunning, was two hundred fourscore and eight.

When David organized the work of the Levites in the temple, the
singers and musicians were prophets (v.2). Not only were they prophets,
the operated under the hands of their fathers. It was tradition to operate
under a covering during this time. Prophets where accountable to their
fathers. This shows order in the house of the Lord. No one played or sang
without being under the hands (covering) of an assigned leader. And all
these were for song in the house of the LORD with cymbals, psalteries and
harps for service of the house of God (v. 6). The cymbals, psalteries and
harps are instruments, these individuals would be the band or music
ministry in today’s church. In Miriam’s case, she sang and danced but, in
the Levitical order each son was assigned based on succession on
generational assignment.
➢ Sons of Asaph – Prophesied according to the king’s
➢ Sons of Jeduthun – Prophesied with the harp to give
praise and thanks unto the LORD
➢ Sons of Heman (and 3 daughters) – Were the king’s
seers in the words of God. Their job was to lift the horn.

Prophecy, prophetic dance, prophetic songs and prophetic music

work together to create a glorious and artistic presentation that all who are
observing can participate in. This is what we do! We sing the song of the
LORD, dance the song of the LORD and play the song of the LORD.
Prophetic psalmody brings an element to the temple of God that will
provoke the participation of God’s people. Hence, the procession of the
Lord can be established all over the world as we engage in the prophetic
dimensions with songs, lyrics and dance.
Chapter 5
Prophetic Spheres, Ward and Vessels

Prophetic: Basic Training
What is the prophetic? As a prophetic minister of dance, you have
been assigned a prophetic ward and sphere. This is especially true if you
are under an established organization (e.g. church, prophetic company,
apostleship etc.). Many people believe that spheres only relate to the
unseen, spiritual or supernatural realms. This is not always the case. A
sphere can be described as a scope, area, province or even specialty.
Therefore, supervised training will equip one for their future position. The
scope, area, province and specialty, which one is called to is not based on
favoritism or effort. The call is given to us before the foundations of the
earth. Our job is to be made ready for the field to which we will serve.
A prophetic ward is what a prophet or prophetic type is designed to
stand in, specifically as a sphere or territory. It is likening unto a ward in a
hospital or jail. A warden is responsible for what comes in and what goes
out. This includes, all products, utensils, bedding etc. He or she gives an
account for every inmate or patient in his or her charge until released from
duty. A warden is also given jurisdiction to handle all matters which occur.
This could be conflicts, medical issues or even death. The main
responsibility of the warden is to resolve matters accordance to the
guidelines and procedures learned in training. Prophetic ward is the arena
where the prophet’s mantle is most efficacious and his/her words manifest
most expediently (Price, p. 447). The prophet Habakkuk had a prophetic
ward, this can be found in Habakkuk 2:1. Your ward is (1) a place where
you have jurisdiction, (2) a place you are responsible for, and (3) a place
where you are charged to oversee and protect. The United States of
America’s military force includes, the Army, Navy and Marines to name a
few. Each of these military establishments have ranks and titles for officers
who completes basic training. At some point every major, colonel,
lieutenant and private was a recruit. They went through and graduated their
basic training program. My question is, why should we bypass the
prerequisite of basic training? Evading training at any level does not
represent the order or the government of God. As prophetic vessels, our
goal is to represent the mind of God as accurately as possible. Doing this
keeps our zone or ward free from enemy infiltration, false gestures and
expressions and most importantly governmental seizure. The enemy can
infiltrate our ward by using unsubmitted, self-exalting or self-promoting
individuals. Unsubmitted people will cause openings and breaches in the
organizations line of defense. Please deal with the persons bad or un-
submissive character is a Christ-like way. Use your organizations discipline
policy to do so. This could mean releasing problematic individuals from
service for a period of time or indefinitely. Keep in mind that the
problematic individual is your brother or sister in Christ, so keep things
Godly, professional and loving. Record keeping can also be helpful, this can
remedy claims of false accusations. Documentation of instances,
infractions etc. can help the un-submissive individual long before dismissal
is an option. Please keep senior leaders in the loop of what you are facing.
This way you can keep your ward secure.

Prophetic Vessel
A prophetic vessel is one who is sensitive to prophetic and spiritual
things. To be a prophetic vessel is to understand that you may not
necessarily be called to the office of a prophet. Your sensitivity to spiritual
things is what allows you to sense, discern, see and hear. Once again, these
abilities do not necessarily mean that you were born with a prophet spirit.
No one can make you a prophet, train you to become a prophet or release
you as a prophet if God has not called you a prophet. Jeremiah1:5, “Before
I formed thee in the belly I knew you; and before you came forth out of the
womb I sanctified you and I ordained you a prophet unto the nations.”
Jeremiah was sanctified and ordained before he knew his name. The office
was already waiting for him. All Jeremiah needed was the appointment --
God authorized him.
Most people mistakenly call intercessors and prayer warriors,
prophets. When we pray to God, we become open. This openness reveals
to us the map in the spirit realm. We then ascend! When intercessors
intercede on behalf of another, they stand between the person in whom they
are interceding on behalf of, and God. God will pull back the covers of the
natural and allow the intercessor to see the answer, the blockage, or his
will. Either way, their gift is most effective when they pray. Intercessors
are standing in their ward, therefore, God authorizes them to see and hear
sensitive information. This authorization gives the intercessor jurisdiction,
responsibility and oversight in a matter. The same is true when any born-
again believer has a strong prayer life. God will supernaturally allow his
sons and daughters access to see what they could not under other
circumstances. The prophet’s make up and spirit is different. Prophets can
tap into the prophetic spheres and prophecy because their spirit is apt to do
so. Disclaimer, be careful not to fall into divination (this is when a familiar
spirit speaks). This can happen if you are not connected to God or if you
are speaking just because you have insight on a thing. Motive will always
be the catalyst which will determine if God, familiar spirits or if your
thoughts are speaking. Nonetheless, we can always submit prophetic words
to spiritual leaders or other prophets to judge the word.

Faith and the Prophetic(s)
The definition of “prophetics” can be found on page 450 of The
Prophet’s Dictionary. We need the activities of the prophetics because it is
the manifestation of prophetic tasks. The activities and gestures of
prophetics can release, annihilate and overturn just as powerfully as words
can. Prophetic dance is one of the activities that God has given to actuate
his words in the earth. We actuate by setting in motion whatever will assist
in setting atmospheres, opening portal, aligning with angelic beings and
arresting agents of darkness with gestures. To actuate, one must know his
or her sphere, and the operation of his or her mantle. After the training
process, the prophet receives proper licensing. This is awarded in the
unseen or spiritual realm. Licensing is presented to him or her after proven
in faith, steadfastness, and other prerequisites concerning the things of
God. The upgrade of the prophet’s license and enforcements is based on a
plethora of factors. However, the foundation will always be the growth of
one’s faith.
God gave all of mankind a measure or portion of faith. No man or woman
receives more faith than anyone else. Again, everyone has faith and God is
constantly proving our faith.
The bible declares that the testing of our faith produces patience. Our
faith is the “thing” which proves or produces what we believe. A baby is an
example of a “thing” which proves that semen and an egg came together.
The baby defies all disbelief that a man and woman came together
conventionally, or un-conventionally. Nonetheless, no one can discount the
baby. The circumstances of how the baby came to be might cause the
people involved to argue, dispute, and even lie, but the baby remains the
proof of conception. Our faith is like this example. We can argue, dispute
and even lie, but what we produce is proof of what we planted. When
certain “thing(s)” appear in a believer’s life, it is like fruit on a tree. The
bible tells us to, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s
clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by
their fruits…” (Matthew 7:15-16). We are the tree, and our fruit represent
what type of tree we are. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart
brings forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings
forth evil (Matthew 12:35). Our faith continually connects to our heart.
Our heart will prove what we believe when the fruit starts to appear. No
matter how much we try to discount our fruit, it is the only “thing” that will
prove where our loyalties, commitments and love is.
“Faith without works is dead” (James 2:17). Faith alone is not going to
produce. Faith needs to be accompanied by efforts. The mechanics of faith
is, act out what you believe. I remember when I was a young Christian. I
was saved a year or so and was coming down with a cold. My throat was
sore and my voice was leaving me. I thought to myself, if I drink some of
this “blessed oil” I’ll be healed. The back story on the blessed oil is I
witnessed pastors, bishops and ministers use oil when they would pray for
people. In my mind, the oil was the point of contact. Fast forward to the
day I thought to drink olive oil for my healing. I sat down on the bed and
prayed. Father, as I drink this oil, I ask that you heal me in Jesus name,
Amen. I drank a capful of the oil, and liked to choke to death behind how
nasty it was. I managed to get it down, and within a few minutes I was
healed. I told a minister at my church what happened, and expressed how I
regretted drinking the oil because it was disgusting. She explained to me
that I should not regret drinking the oil. That the healing was produced
because my faith was in drinking it. That was one of my earliest lessons on
faith. 17 years later, I hold on to the foundation of this wisdom. Where
ever or in whatever I plant my faith, if I add works, action or effort, it will
produce fruit. Let me mention that this principle can work against us as
well. Our fruit can prove unbelief, unfaithfulness, or immaturity. Faith is
the “thing” which proves, and it will prove what is in heart (negative or
Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrew 11:6). The
prophetic (the predictive spheres or supernatural communication, acts and
influences from the spiritual world and its citizens) or prophetic(s) (The
entire complement of God’s spiritual and supernatural institution) is what
will prove what is in our heart, over and over again. Ever wonder why all
prophets or prophetic types are not employed by the government of God.
The motive of the prophet’s heart has proven in the spirit and in the earth
where their loyalty is. They still prophecy, see in the realms of the spirit
and even walk in the supernatural, but this does not prove that God sent him
or her. It only proves that he or she is a prophet. Back to the example of
the baby. The baby’s existence proves that the two elements required to
create did in fact come together. But the life of the baby does not prove
who its father is. A paternity test is necessary to attest who fathered the
baby. The testing of our faith determines if God is our father or another
illegitimate source. The question is who’s your daddy?
There is a prophet named Baalam. He was hired by Balak to curse
Israel. In this story, God used extreme measures to withstand the will of
Baalam so the children of Israel could continue to prosper. The backstory
of Baalam can be found in Numbers chapters 22 -24. King Balak had a
problem with the Israelites. He was afraid that they would revolt against
his people. When the Israelites came out of Egypt the Amorites attacked
them. Since God was with them the Amorites did not win! The fame of the
Israelites victory went with them as they traveled to the Promised Land.
This made the King afraid, so he decided to hire a prophet allied with God.
King Balak sent men to Balaam and read what happened next.

“And the elders of Moab and the elders of Midian departed with the
rewards of divination in their hand; and they came unto Balaam, and spake
unto him the words of Balak. And he said unto them, Lodge here this night,
and I will bring you word again, as the LORD shall speak unto me: and the
princes of Moab abode with Balaam. And God came unto Balaam, and
said, what men are these with thee? And Balaam said unto God, Balak the
son of Zippor, king of Moab, hath sent unto me, saying, Behold, there is a
people come out of Egypt, which covered the face of the earth: come now,
curse me them; peradventure I shall be able to overcome them, and drive
them out. And God said unto Balaam, thou shalt not go with them; thou
shalt not curse the people: for they are blessed. And Balaam rose up in the
morning, and said unto the princes of Balak, get you into your land: for the
LORD refuse to give me leave to go with you. And the princes of Moab rose
up, and they went unto Balak, and said, Balaam refuses to come with us.”
Exodus 22:7-14
As we read on, Balaam goes back to the Lord a second time because
King Balak sent prestigious men with these words. “For I will promote
thee unto very great honor, and I will do whatsoever thou say unto me:
come therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people (v.17). Balaam
dishonored the Lord in three ways. (1) he went back to see if God would
change his mind, (2) he went with the princes to curse Israel (God gave him
the desire of his heart) and (3) Balaam desired the reward of prestige and
control that Balak offered. When we prophecy based on gain we shift into
divination. Partly, divination is an institution of retrieving and exchanging
spiritual information that reports on people’s future – mostly their fortune
and tragedies – from different objects. The idea behind divination is that
fate and futures could be learned from spirits occupying or circulating the
vicinity of their expected occurrence or that of the querant. Thus, diviners
could forewarn, protect, or punish those in the path of an event (Price, p.166
-167). Going with the princes proved that Balaam was willing to change
the fate and future of the Israelites for notoriety and gain. Whether Balaam
knew it or not, his heart was speaking loudly. More than he wanted to be
obedient to the Lord, Balaam wanted “The Lifestyle of the Rich and
Famous” (American television series that aired in syndication from 1984 to
1995). This choice caused problems for Balaam. His leg was crushed and
an angel almost killed him. But, God gave Balaam another chance to do his
will and not the will of King Balak (vv. 16-35). Numbers 24:1-2 says,
“Now, when Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel, he did
not resort to divination as at other times, but turned his face toward the
wilderness. When Balaam looked out and saw Israel encamped tribe by
tribe, the Spirit of God came on him.
Balaam had a choice. Initially, he chose divination. Eventually, he
had a change of heart and chose the will of God. I pray that after this
illustration on faith, prophetic, prophetic(s) and the heart, you and I will
choose the will of God. There is nothing worse than a double agent.
Double agents are with you today, and against you tomorrow. Balaam knew
God in an intimate way, but, just because he knew God did not mean that he
was always an employee of God. Sometimes Balaam chose the diviners fee
and other times he chose the will of God.

Faith and Patience
Faith and patience work together. Patience is the “thing” that faith
produces. Patience also shows our loyalty to God and his system. James
1:3 says, “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience”.
When patience is materialized Holy Spirit will release the gift of faith (1
Cor 12:9). We lean to our Commander for marching orders when we
embrace faith. Matured faith produces patience, and patience produces
stability. We are less likely to go AWOL, less likely to release friendly fire,
and less likely to abort the will of God when we are stable. Patience
teaches us to wait, and stability teaches us to stand. When you have done
all, stand (Ephesians 6:13). We become so disciplined that we learn not to
panic. When faith is matured, no one has to tell you to wait, or to be
patient; your spirit calms the rush and anxiousness right out of you. Time
can sometime be a nuisance when we’re waiting for something. But, when
faith, patience and stability takes root in us, time is no longer against. We
are fully aware of God working in the midst, even when we can’t see him.
To be on time is an imperative quality for prophets and prophetic types.
Therefore, matured faith is necessary to ensure we are at the right place, at
the right time, doing what God has assigned us to do. Matured faith causes
us to maintain the tempo and cadence of the spirit. This divinely aligns us
with God and his agents to actuate the prophetic in a timely manner. The
eternal things wait for no one. God knows the exact timing of everything,
so, he needs prophets who will act in faith though they cannot physically
see the results of their action. A little time ago, I remember ministering
during praise and worship. Smack dab in the middle of dancing, the Spirit
of God engaged me (meaning I could feel his interference). I stopped and
begin to lift my hands in submission. Almost immediately I could see in
the spirit. I saw myself swiping my hand in a side to side motion above my
head. I began to dance what I saw. Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic gesture
to prepare the atmosphere for an opening (portal). I continued to do this
gesture, and not too long after, the other dancers joined me. After a while,
the Spirit of the Lord overtook me. I proceeded to dance prophetically; no
one could follow me. I shifted, so I could no longer lead. I was used for
the presentation of the Lord. This was a processional dance that allowed
the presence of God to enter the service that day. As a prophetic dancer, I
understand the severity of faith and patience. I needed faith to stop and see
which way the Spirit of God wanted to go. I needed patience to keep doing
what I saw, though I could feel the other dancers wanting to do something
else, I stayed on course. Patience was the thing that gave the presence of
God access that day. The things I saw and felt in the spirit as we ministered
was both beautiful and unbelievable (figuratively). As the activity in spirit
world engages the earth, we can become gatekeepers and watchmen. In
those moments, we can defy and block or we can release and create
openings that allow heaven to meet earth. We have a choice to mature in
faith and become prophetic ministers of dance, or to remain satisfied with
just dance. The difference between the two is being employed by God or
not. It is not normal to stop dancing in the middle of praise and worship.
However, my main responsibility is to serve the Lord. This is the difference
between ministering and merely dancing. One service allows us to serve
others, while the is more self-serving. Think about it, dancing makes us
feel good. We get a chance to express how we feel without words. Now,
before you get offended and close the book let me say, “There is nothing
wrong with just dancing”. As we mature into ministers, we learn to serve
God in any capacity we can. Ministering is our service to God and as we
serve him he serves his people. These things take matured faith and
matured faith eventually leads to promotion.

Faith and Promotion
There is no exact method to the madness of promotion. In our law
book one thing is clear, without faith, it is impossible to please God --
period. In the previous section we established why faith is necessary for
patience and stability. Now we can discuss the benefits of faith. One of the
advantages of faith is promotion. Psalm 75:6-7 says, “For promotion
cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But
God is the judge: he puts down one, and sets up another”. Faith proves if
you and I are ready to handle more responsibility. More responsibility isn’t
all bad. Some people shy away from promotion because they see it as more
work, more accountability and less time for themselves. Can I tell you that
you have been appointed for a position, and no one can fill your seat in the
body of Christ. You are who you are! No matter how you may try to hide
from your call, it will find you. Look at promotion as excelling into higher
heights spiritually. Promotion can also be a sign of qualification.
“Moreover, whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he
called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also
glorified” (Romans 8:30). God’s selection of us justifies us to be glorified.
Developing in faith helps us to grow and growth prepares us for promotion.
Ordination by spiritual leaders is usually next as we mature in faith.
Ordination is the stamp that we are no longer novices in faith or deed. The
original ordination happens in the womb, but as we develop, we grow into
who and what God called us to be. Ordination is released in the womb, but
the actuation comes once we are processed, appointed and released by those
who have jurisdiction in the heavens and in the earth. Leaders are our
covering. Proper covering is vital to the protection and continuum of the
prophetic progression.
The definition of prophetics is the general term given for the entire
complement of God’s spiritual and supernatural institution (Price, p.1198).
These things cannot be done from the perspective of earth. To operate in
the prophetic one must be connected to the spiritual and supernatural
spheres. This connection happens because of the propensity of the prophet
or prophetic type’s spirit. Authorizations is necessary for us to legally flow
in the vocation of our call (this is one of the reasons ordinations are
necessary). Without a prophet spirit, one can only be used incidentally as a
vessel of prophecy. Nonetheless, a prophetic type can minister
prophetically before the Lord and congregants based on availability and
assignment. The prophetic is the name given to the predictive spheres of
supernatural communications, acts, and influences from the spiritual world
and its citizens (Price, p1083). Therefore, becoming legal through
commission and position is vital to the longevity or lifespan of our

Legal or Illegal
Learning dominion and rights are important to remain active in the
things of the prophetic. As a minister of dance, illegal operation puts us at
high risk for unwarranted attacks and unnecessary warfare. Prophets or
prophetic types usually operate from their gifting when not properly trained
and supervised. Since our gifts come without repentance, our gifts also
need to be supervised and cultivated if we are to eventually arrive at our
place of dominance and reign. The kingdom of God suffers violence and
we the violent take it by force, this is a scripture which warrants
legislation. We contend for the faith through the appointment of the
position and vocation in which we are called to obtain. If we operate
outside of the appointment or vocation then we are open for hits in the spirit
that are authorized by our enemy. With that said, we still take hits as agents
of the Lord, but he has promised to bandage, heal and deliver us. If we
operate solely on gifting we reject the order and positioning of God;
therefore, we can become targets for the enemy.
It is not wise to complain about situations we put ourselves in.
Ignorance is not an excuse or a response that will hold up in the courts of
heaven. You and I could be arrested for illegal operations in the kingdom of
God. Let me be clear. The enemy can arrest us and hold us as casualties of
war (in our minds, finances, marriages and the like) but, the Lord God will
arrest us as well. We can be arrested for insubordination, going AWOL,
and for improper use of vocation and authority, to name a few. When we
are unsubmitted and undocumented, our actions can counter act the
progression of God’s kingdom. This happens because we are out of order.
When we are not submitted to God’s system we become people who release
friendly fire.
I went through a season where I was attacked almost every Sunday by
friendly fire. As a prophetic minister of dance, one of my wards is on
Sunday’s during praise and worship. A lady would show up for service
dressed in dance apparel, armed with props and the works. But, that was
not the problem. I noticed that when she ministered I would have intense
headaches and sometimes I would feel tired and lethargic. At first, I could
not say for certain that she was the reason I was having these symptoms.
But nonetheless I sought God. As time went on, the other ministers of
dance were complaining of the same symptoms and worst. Some were
experiencing nausea, chest pains and what they described as push back.
One Sunday, the chief prophet called for the people to dance. I watched the
unnamed dancer run to the front and she began to dance. I cowered back
because I knew the source of our warfare was operating through this
unknown individual (I did not know how to address it). Also, I did not
know how to warfare in dance. About two weeks prior, I went to a leader in
my church about what God revealed to me in prayer and in dreams about
our warfare. The advice they offered me was this, “Learn your sphere”.
She continued by saying, “You are the one that we put in position in this
house and over the dance ministry, don’t run”. Basically, I was told to learn
to take authority in dance. Finally, she said, “Do not let this person run you
off your post because she is probably unaware that she pushes you in the
spirit.” I remember contesting, “If she pushes me again (in the spirit), I will
push her back (in the spirit).” Disclaimer: I was a little fiery back then,
thank God for his love and patience with me. Once I was given these
directives, she finished our meeting with a pep talk on love, and how the
unnamed dancer may very well be called to me. At this point I did not want
to contend with the spirit operating through the individual. I was tired of all
the symptoms. But this is when God taught me how to take authority
without words. Number one, in my quiet time Holy Spirit reminded me that
I could ask him how to take authority without using my words. Number
two, Holy Spirit would have me go up to the individual and just love on
her. Number three, he began to show me her wounds. I was finally
equipped, I had directives from my leader and Holy Spirit, and I was
determined to use them. A couple of Sunday’s after I received instruction I
got dressed and stood on post with the other dancers. As soon as the
individual began to dance I could feel my head begin to hurt. While
dancing I asked Holy Spirit, “What do I do?” No answer. I continued to
dance and my body was feeling weary, so I asked again. This time Holy
Spirit opened my eyes. I could see an opening (portal) where she danced.
From the portal came a dark, foggy midst. This midst began to fill the front
of the church. I watched it move over the musicians, praise singers and it
was making its way toward me. Originally, fear came over me. But I said,
“God, I know you did not show me this to let me and your people fall under
this midst and what its designed to bring. Help me to release your will. My
vision opened in a new way and I saw warfare gestures. No, I did not look
like Jackie Chang or Bruce Lee. I looked over at the other dancers and said
follow me. As I saw the gestures I danced and the other dancers followed.
Within 10 – 15 minutes the foggy midst began to recede. By this time,
praise and worship ended, but we continued to dance through the
exhortation and welcome. Though the foggy midst was gone, I did not stop
prophetically ministering until the gestures of the Lord disappeared. I am
happy to report the service shifted that day. Our pastor started praying for
people and the Lord ministered through the musicians, praise singers, and
dance ministry. Eventually, I learned that the way to defeat friendly fire is
by submitting to God by his spirit. We do not wrestle with people; our fight
is in the spirit. When we are unsubmitted no one has the authority to pull us
and correct us. We had no one to call when we realized that she was the
source behind the friendly fire? Learning our sphere and learning how to
take authority is an on-going process. These lessons are not about
overthrowing people, but how to overthrow the enemy operating through
the people.

Specifically, sphere is defined as natural, normal, or proper
place; especially: social order or rank ~not in the same sphere as his
moneyed friends (Merriam Webster, www.merriam-
webster/dictionary/sphere). This is important to know because your
sphere comes with a measure of grace. Sphere represents limits,
measure and bonds. In any company, organization, government or
business, a sphere of influence is delegated to help the institution
function properly. If these things are not organized expect
employees to be uncertain and confused about their job description.
The same is true with prophets and prophetic types. We are assigned
a measure or sphere based on proper placement from governing
authorities. These authorities should be connected to you as a
spiritual leader or covering. Spiritual leaders should have the intel
and or influence in guarding, protecting and assigning you while you
are under their authority. These insure that you and I have a safe
place to train and grow as prophetic vessels. A prophetic vessel is
one through whom prophecy comes even though he or she is without
a prophet spirit. Having a safe place to minister what the Lord is
saying with gestures is key. If you and I release gestures that are not
in line with the spirit of God, we are accountable to those whom we
are submitted to. Like any other sphere, the prophetic sphere is
governed by a legal system.
The Prophet’s Dictionary defines prophetic sphere as the area of
human life or earthly affairs God assigns a prophet to, in addition to its
counterpart in the realm of the church. Prophetic spheres are evidenced by
the consistent yet distinctive success of the routine activity most
emphasized in a prophet’s ministry experiences. It is where a prophet’s
angelic delegation operates and propels the prophet’s mantle to overpower,
treat, or provoke more than anything else. The demonstration of Holy
Spirit manifests themselves in these spheres of existence on the prophet’s
behalf most consistently. Marriage, religion, business, youth,
entertainment, military, or politics are all examples of the spheres to which
the prophet may be assigned. Initially when you engage in your sphere you
probably won’t know it. Sometimes, you find out you are in a new place or
sphere because everything about how you operate seems off or ineffective.
Other times you may feel displaced or even frustrated. This can be because
you’ve hit your max where you are, and Holy Spirit promoted you to a new
sphere. Promotion to a new sphere means you have gained access to new
activities and frequencies in the spirit; this qualifies you for spiritual
upgrades. I remember a couple of years ago, I was feeling stuck and
frustrated with almost every part of my life. I began to pray about what was
bothering me. The Lord answered me in a dream. In the dream, I was in
my room and someone was training me on how to handle and use a gun. I
remember that the gun was black and small, by the end of the dream I got
the hang of handling the gun. I had the same dream three times in one
night. And each time I woke up from the dream I would ask, “God what
does this mean?” As I fell back to sleep I dreamed again, but this time, the
gun was silver and it was bigger, heavier and stronger. I could not see who
my trainer was but in the dream, I knew I had an upgrade. When I woke up
the following morning I called a prophet friend who has the gift of
interpretation. As I explained the dream he said, “You’ve been upgraded.”
After he said this, he began to release words of knowledge. He said, “Sis,
the reason why you’ve been feeling frustrated and down is because it seems
as though things aren’t working for you anymore. Dealing with ministry,
family and even your health.” He continued, “It’s not that things are not
working for you, you have to learn how to walk in this new place. You
need to learn your new weaponry. This is the beginning of your training in
this new place. Let Holy Spirit teach and train you Sis. Don’t be afraid.”
After the dream and the interpretation my life changed. Within a year I left
the ministry I was attending, I went back to dance school, started a new job,
enrolled in college and purchased a new car. And every step I took, I did
because Holy Spirit was leading me. My upgrades included going back to
dance class (I left dance for three years) to learn to love dance again. I
began to hear on a new frequency (I would hear conversations). I also
experienced a greater level of deliverance in my life. New spheres require a
new mindset. New mindset will help us to grow and go with Holy Spirit,
rather than stay in places of frustration and unfruitfulness. We are qualified
for new when we pass the prerequisites assigned by God.
 Chapter 6
Tools To Engage in the unseen Realms

Props and apparatus are a huge part of how we signal, activate and express
gestures during prophetic ministry. Props can include, but is not limited to:
flags, tambourines, streamers, scarves, swords, crowns, angel wings,
handkerchiefs, etc. We use these items to convey a visual message and to
create atmospheric direction as we see the move of God.

What is an Apparatus
An apparatus is likened unto equipment, tools or weapons. In some
cases, the prop you choose to use will assist with your assignment. As
mentioned previously, all dance is not prophetic dance. Therefore, your
prop can become an extension of you. Edward Scissor Hands is an example
of this. His scissor like hands where a part of him. He learned to become
one with his scissor hands. The same is true with your props. Think of
them as your undetachable tools. When you minister in dance become one
with your apparatus. The way you become one is by practice. I have found
that some dancer chooses not to use props. This can be for a variety of
reasons. (1) they feel uncomfortable (2) they become self - conscious (e.g.
how do I look or this feels funny) or (3) they are just plain ole’ lazy.
Whenever we practice anything we become better. It is true that we may
prefer one apparatus over another, but, the fact remains that practice can
make you skillful.

Regarding prophetic dance, props become our tool. We use flags to

signal celebration or to clear the atmosphere. The best weapon that we
have as prophetic ministers of dance is Holy Spirit. He reveals what tool
we should use. One Sunday, as we ministered in praise and worship I saw
blue. I thought to myself, “Why blue? The praise team is singing about
Jesus. I want to use red”. I continued to dance. So again, I saw dark blue,
but this time it seemed closer to me than the first time it appeared. I
reluctantly picked up the blue flag and began to minister with it. About 5 –
10 minutes later, the chief prophet went to the stage and declared, “The
heavens are opened, begin to pray in your heavenly language.” When she
said it, I like to fell out (slang intended). I wrestled with Holy Spirit about
the color of my flag because of tradition. I failed to yield to him because of
what I understood about colors. Can I tell you, we can have an abundance
of information about colors, symbols, meanings etc. But, Holy Spirit brings
revelation. He knows what is needed in an atmosphere. Dark blue is
symbolic of a lot of things, but during that service it was open heaven and
even revelation. As a leader, I learned to follow Holy Spirits; this is

Garment is a word that is used to describe vestment. It is the official
apparel which signifies who you are and who you belong to. In the bible,
kings, priest, and other officials were known by what they wore. When we
minister unto the Lord there should be a distinction between who we are
and who the world is. This means we should choose the appropriate size
when shopping for dance or worship garments. Anything too tight or too
small can cause shame and discomfort for the dancer. On the other hand,
garments that are too big can cause accidents (e.g. slips or falls). It is best
to tailor pants that may be too long or bulky. Remember, your garment
represents who you belong to.

Designing a garment can be tedious. The sketching, choosing

material, colors, and making sure your idea is conveyed correctly is all a
part of creating God’s vestment. Color choice plays a huge part when
purchasing or designing a garment. First, establish what the occasion is, a
wedding, production or worship service. Then choose music which will
accompany the occasion. Afterward, choose colors that will represent the
occasion and music well. Finally, draw or choose a style that will marry
everything together. This process is costly. Most garment and praise
apparel cost anywhere from $65.00 to $150.00 US dollars. Prepare your
heart and mind to pay for what your garment is worth. Sometimes, we can
find items online for sale, but, I caution you to remember that you get what
you pay for. I have a local seamstress who is great at making garments that
I design. But, it is not cheap. I’ve purchased items from other places when
money was tight, and I have been disappointed on several occasions. Either
the items were poor quality, or I was cat-fished (the garment or overlay
looked totally different in person than online). Nonetheless, when dance is
your vocation everything you wear represents who you are.

Below your will find a list of colors which can help you determine
what colors to use for your garments. Also, this will broaden your
understanding about color selection for your props/apparatus. When you
dream and envision colors, you can refer to this guide for more clarity as
well. I also suggest that you pray for understanding, wisdom, revelation
and direction when you design garments for ministry engagements. Please
note, there are many meanings and definitions for colors and symbols. This
guide is not intended to be the final say on what you should do. Follow
Holy Spirit when designing or creating garments, overlays and


Blue: heavenly, revelation, Holy Spirit, water or washing, baptism, wind of

God or fresh wind

Black: death, famine, sorrow, judgment, presence or secret place of God,

new beginning (death leaves room for life and new)

Green: growth, planting, renewal, land, green with envy, prosperity, money
or finances, life

Red or Crimson: covenant, stop, murder, fiery anger, rage, the blood of
Jesus, remission of sin or sin, suffering

Purple: wealth, royalty, high standard or high ranking (as in purple heart)

Orange: fire of God, strange fire, revenge, danger and burning, power

Yellow: gift of or gift from God, scared (as in scared-y cat), wisdom, and
natural covenant e.g. marriage, honor
Gold: king or kingdom, refined, holy, set apart, honor, glory

Golden Nugget
I leave you with a little nugget that helped me as a prophetic minister of
dance. Nutrition is not something that I would normally talk about with
regards to prophetic dance. But, I believe that my testimony will help you
make conscience decisions concerning your health as a prophetic dancer. I
changed how I was eating over a year ago. I made the change because I
found that I was tired a lot, and did not like the weight I gained over the
course of 10 years. I tried dieting, but that did not work for me. I would
binge eat whenever I felt exhausted or overwhelmed. God helped me to
see both the mental and physical effects of emotional instability. First, I
sought mental help from Dr. Olson. She helped me to get “unstuck” as I
call it, as a woman, mother and single person. Second, I found that I ate to
feel better. Though I wasn’t 100lbs over weight I was eating unhealthy
things to cope with my madness. Because dieting never worked for me I
decided that I should learn about healthy eating. I came across a Christian
health activist on Facebook. Her videos were about how to prevent diabetes
and other health issues. I finally got serious about my physical health. I
learned what high fructose was, and why I should stay away from items
containing such chemicals. I learned what whey and soy does to the
digestive system, and I also began to understand the negative effects of high
sugar intake and diets full of saturated fat. Some things are okay in
moderation, but other things I learned to steer completely away from (corn
syrup, fructose and Olean to name a few). Since then, I have lost 30lbs with
no exercise plan. The weight loss is great because that was my intention
from the start. But, being healthy is better because my liver, pancreas and
heart can function a lot better. I’ve learned how to add good sugars and
greens into my diet. Kale, spinach and green beans are high on my
nutritional intake list. Kale and spinach provide energy and boost I need
when ministering in dance. As dancers, we need to take care of our bodies
inside and out. I may not be a size 8 (my goal size), but my body feels
good when I minister in dance, attend a dance class or run after my god-
babies. I will not endorse anyone’s diet plan, but I will endorse healthy
eating. Start your research on high fructose, gluten or even saturated fats.
This knowledge will help you to see why you feel sluggish, irritable or
irregular. I share this as a testimony of good mental and physical health.
God can heal us from sickness and disease. However, our body is a temple
which deserves our up keep and maintenance (1 Cor 3:16-17). Everything
mentioned in this section is purely suggestion on how to change your life.
If you are under a doctor’s care please speak with your Dr. about healthy
nutrition and recommendations to assess your mental health. Stress,
depression or being excessively angry is not normal. Neither is obesity or a
large midsections. These can be signs of unhealthy behavior that can be
remedied with help from a professional.
Special Message and Prayer
I pray the insight contained in the Prophetic Dance Manual and
Handbook impacts your life richly. I would like to say a special prayer for
every reader and person called to the prophetic realms. This includes, but is
not limited to: trainers, mentors, teachers, leaders, facilitators, apostolic and
prophetic guards, and prophetic ministers of dance.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray that your will be done in the life of
every person that will read this book. Open their eyes to see you move in
the unseen realms. Give the reader access to your heart. Reveal what you
have written in their book of life. Reveal their call, vocation, and the
blessings you will release to help them accomplish your will. Most
importantly, keep your desires tucked away in his or her heart. Let each
reader see a glimpse of your purpose. Help them to see their worth, value
and significance in your family and kingdom. I declare that they will no
longer be frustrated or unsure about who they are and what you have called
them to be. Let those who are called to the prophetic realms run to you for
covering and positioning. I pray your will be established. In Jesus name I
ask, Amen.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for every leader, teacher, mentor, and
other government official to hear your heart concerning the prophetic
people in their care. Give them the resources and teaching facilities to
house the arts and prophetic dance training. I pray each leader comes to
understand the prophetic dimension as a whole. Help them to learn your
language and terminology in order to train, mentor and develop your future
officials. Father I pray that you give them the grace to raise up a company
of dancing prophets, which will assist in the setting and governing of
atmospheres during times of praise and worship, special ministry and
congregational gatherings. Thank you for activating, training and releasing
your prophetic ministers of dance all over the globe. In Jesus name, amen.
About The Author
Judith John is the founder and director of Glory Carriers Company.
Glory Carriers Company is the housing component of GC Dance Ministry,
Looking Glass Mentoring, SOUL Sessions counseling, PJ’s Corner and
Authentically Me. Glory Carriers is a ministry derived of various methods
which voice kingdom advancement through teachings, trainings and arts.
Judith is also a certified Biblical Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (BCBT),
writer, prophet, prophetic dancer, a Minister of the Gospel, and above all a
mother of four and god-mother of two.

For more information visit:
Price, Paula A. The Prophet's Handbook: a Guide to Prophecy and Its
Operation. Whitaker House, 2008.

Price, Paula A. The Prophet's Dictionary: The Ultimate Guide to

Supernatural Wisdom. Whitaker House, 2006.

Prince, Derek. Pulling Down Strongholds. Whitaker House, 2013.

Thompson, Cynthia. The Power of a Prophetic Mindset. Divine Works

Publishing, 2014.

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