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Reading & Resources


Four ways to win when it comes to TV planning – strategies for great TV planning

TV attribution drives better understanding - this article looks at different considerations that a
critical to getting TV attribution right.

What does it take to be a TV planning star? - for of the industry’s top TV planners offer their insight
and advice.


Response: New Rules, New Roles - how TV advertising's often-hidden contribution to response in the
short, medium and long-term.

A Matter of Time by Work Research - can you really tell a story in a few seconds? An investigation
into the impact of time-length in TV advertising.

As Seen on TV - how TV can supercharge small businesses and the most effective strategies for profit
and growth


How Not to Plan by Les Binet and Sarah Carter - bursting myths and nonsense that swirls around
marketing. Buy it here

Eat Your Greens - a collection of papers written by some of most respected practitioners in the
media industry. Buy it here

Case studies

Birds Eye: From stormy seas to plain sailing – the story of how TV helped Birds Eye turn its fortunes

Wickes: Nailing DIY with Wickes – how a perfectly matched long-term sponsorship helped break
short-term sales records and improve brand health.

Sport England: This Girl Can – a nationwide campaign to inspire women of all ages to participate in
physical activity and exercise.

Just Eat: From minnow to mainstream – Just Eat’s five years of TV fuelled growth.

McDonalds: McCafé Moments – the story of how content was used creatively and contextually in
key programmes, giving McCafé a caffeine boost.

WARC - the latest evidence, expertise and guidance to make marketers more effective

The APG - a not-for-profit organisation that provides training and inspiration to planners and

BARB - the organisation responsible for monitoring and recording TV audiences in the UK

Ofcom - the government approved authority responsible for protecting the UK public's viewing

ASA - the organisation responsible for upholding advertising standards in the UK

BCAP code - a collection of rules and regulations to which all advertising in the UK must abide

Clearcast - make sure all adverts in the UK comply with regulation before they are aired

Touchpoints - a tool from the IPA designed to help with your planning decisions

TGI – survey data to help advertisers identify, target and reach their key consumer audiences

Commercial broadcaster sales:

ITV Media

4 Sales

Sky Media

Warner Media

Media auditors:


Media Sense

- For more from the world of TV advertising, visit -

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