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Pediatric Nursing Research Article:

The Role of the School Nurse in Creating a Vape Free School

Louis Rescineto

Department of Nursing, Youngstown State University

NURS 4832: Nursing Care of Children and Families

Dr. Ballone

December 4th, 2020


In the last few years, the use of electronic cigarettes amongst adolescents has

dramatically increased. According to Blume and Lines, “In the United States in 2019, more than

one in four high school students (27.5%) and one in 10 (10.5%) middle school students reported

current use of e-cigarettes, compared with 11.7% and 3.3% in 2017 (Cullen et al., 2019; Wang et

al., 2018). From 2017 to 2018, the prevalence among high school students increased 78%”

(Blume & Lines, 2020, p. 167). E-cigarettes are widely available to the public and especially

appeal to the youth by marketing various candy and fruit flavors. With constant expansion and

increasing popularity, the use of E-cigarettes in teens has now been declared an epidemic which

needs immediate attention.

Now, more than ever, the E- cigarette wave is experiencing exponential growth and

increasing popularity. The largest percentage of documented e-cigarette use comes from high

schools (grades 9-12) and they continue to be burdened by the growing epidemic. Also, children

in middle(fifth-eighth), and even elementary school(K-four) are at risk for developing this habit.

These children are entering stages where they are experimenting with new things and trying to

fit in with different crowds. With such a large population of e-cigarette users being that of

school students, the school nurse will play a crucial role in creating a vape free school.

As the school’s healthcare professional, the school nurse can offer various services to

administration, faculty, students, and family members on E-cigarettes and their use . First and

foremost, the school nurse is able to provide teaching and education for all groups listed above.

Education can also be provided to the entire school district as it plays a role in primary,

secondary, and tertiary prevention. If the nurse is able to educate the younger

population before they are given a chance to experiment, it may be beneficial in reducing

overall usage. Topics of education may include: addiction, nicotine, the harmful effects of using

E-cigarettes, screening, and cessation/treatment.

Furthermore, as a healthcare professional, the school nurse is aware of the nature of

addiction and recognizes the need for treatment in those addicted to nicotine. In schools, it is

common for a student caught with an e-cigarette to have the item confiscated and for the

student to receive some form of punishment. However, the addiction is still present and E-

cigarettes are easily available to this population. Instead of this revolving door, the school nurse

can educate faculty and administration on the need for treatment interventions and to not

further isolate the student, allowing them to indulge in this disease. Also, if the item is

confiscated, the student may just obtain another. The school nurse is able to provide

information for treatment centers and cessation programs. These resources include referral to

the state quit line and information about local counseling agencies that deal with addiction and

substance dependence. Based on research, treatment and cessation education is more likely to

reduce E-cigarette use rather than punishment solely.

Finally, not only is the school nurse an educator, but they should be an advocate as well.

The school nurse should advocate for student support, screening, intervention, and treatment

referral. According to the evidence based practice, advocating the topics above has been shown

to decrease and prevent student E-cigarette and other substance use. With the combined

efforts of education and advocating for a healthier school, we may start to see a decline in this

epidemic. This may start with the school nurse, but it will require the cooperation and readiness

to learn from faculty, students, and parents alike.

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