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(verb) ‫ سلجھانا‬،‫عقدہ حل کرنا‬

investigate and solve or explain (something complicated or puzzling).
Example: “they were attempting to unravel the cause of death”
Synonyms: solve, resolve, work out, clear up, puzzle out, find an answer
to, get to the bottom of.
Antonyms: complicate

Erstwhile (adjective) ‫ سابقہ‬،‫ اس سے پہلے‬،‫پرانا‬

Example: “the erstwhile president of the company”
Synonyms: former, old, past, one-time, sometime, as was, ex-, late, then,
Antonyms: present, future

Pristine (adjective) ‫ پرانا‬،‫ اصلی‬،‫قدیم‬،

in its original condition; unspoilt.
Example: “pristine copies of an early magazine”
Synonyms: immaculate, in perfect condition, perfect, in mint condition, as
new, unspoiled, spotless.
Antonyms: dirty, sullied

Insidious (adjective)  ،‫ عیار‬،‫پرکشش لیکن نقصان دہ‬

‫دھوکہ دینے واال‬
proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects.
Example: “sexual harassment is a serious and insidious problem”
Synonyms: stealthy, subtle, surreptitious, sneaking, cunning, crafty,
Machiavellian, artful
Antonyms: straightforward

Brazen (adjective) ‫ بے حیا‬،‫ ڈھٹائی‬،‫ڈٹ کر سامنا کرنا‬

bold and without shame.
Example: “he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance”
Synonyms: bold, shameless, as bold as brass, brazen-faced, forward,
presumptuous, brash.
Antonyms: timid, shy

Contingent (adjective) ‫ جنگی دستہ‬،‫ عارضی‬،‫ٹکڑی‬

subject to chance.
Example: “the contingent nature of the job”
Synonyms: chance, accidental, fortuitous, possible, unforeseen,
unforeseeable, unexpected
Antonyms: predictable

Equivocation (noun) ‫ گول مول بات کرنا‬،‫ٹال مٹول‬

the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing
oneself; prevarication.
Example: “I say this without equivocation”
Synonyms: prevarication, vagueness, qualification, ambiguity, uncertainty,
ambivalence, indecision
Antonyms: directness

Succumb (verb)  ‫ مجبوراً ہار‬،‫ ہار ماننا‬، ‫شکار ہونا‬

‫تسلیم کرنا‬
fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.
Example: “we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”
Synonyms: yield, give in, give way, submit, surrender, capitulate, cave in,
be overcome by
Antonyms: resist, conquer

Grim (adjective) ‫ ڈراﺅنا‬،‫ سنگین‬،‫ شدید‬،‫سخت‬

very serious or gloomy.
Example: “his grim expression”
Synonyms: stern, forbidding, uninviting, unapproachable, aloof, distant,
formidable, strict, dour
Antonyms: amiable, pleasant

Ghastly (adjective) ‫ خوفناک‬،‫ وحشت ناک‬،‫بھیانک‬

causing great horror or fear.
Example: “one of the most ghastly crimes ever committed”
Synonyms: terrible, frightful, horrible, grim, awful, dire, frightening,
terrifying, horrifying
Antonyms: pleasant, trivial, excusable

Enact (verb) ‫ قانون وضع کرنا‬،‫فرمان جاری کرنا‬

make (a bill or other proposal) law.
Example: “legislation was enacted to attract international companies”
Synonyms: make law, pass, approve, ratify, validate, sanction, authorize,
Antonyms: repeal

Suppression (noun) ‫ دبا دینا‬،‫ پابندی‬،‫روک‬

the action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication.
Example: “the heavy-handed suppression of political dissent”

Synonyms: subduing, defeat, conquering, vanquishing, repression, crushing, quelling, quashing

Antonyms: incitement, encouragement, publication, disclosure

Mull (verb) ‫ تدبر کرنا‬،‫غور کرنا‬

think about (a fact, proposal, or request) deeply and at length.
Example: “she began to mull over the various possibilities”
Synonyms: ponder, consider, think over/about, reflect on, contemplate,
deliberate, turn over in one’s mind.
Antonyms: forget, ignore, neglect, advance
Repercussion (noun) ‫ واپس پلٹنا‬l،‫ دھکیل‬،‫برگشت‬
an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome
Example: “the move would have grave repercussions for the entire region”
Synonyms: consequence, result, effect, outcome, by-product,
reverberation, backlash
Antonyms: impact, stroke, shock, collision

Sheer (adjective) ‫ سراسر‬،‫بالکل‬
nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis).
Example: “she giggled with sheer delight”
Synonyms: utter, complete, absolute, total, pure, perfect, downright, out-
and-out, thorough.
Antonyms: gradual

Yield (verb) ‫ فصل دینا‬،‫ پیداوار‬،‫منافع‬

produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial product).
Example: `”the land yields grapes and tobacco”
Synonyms: surrender, capitulate, submit, relent, admit defeat, accept
defeat, concede defeat.
Antonyms: resist, defy

Imperative (adjective) ‫ آمرانہ‬،‫ اشد ضروری‬،‫الزمی‬

of vital importance; crucial.
Example: “immediate action was imperative”
Synonyms: vitally important, of vital importance, all-important, vital,
crucial, critical, essential, of the essence.
Antonyms: unimportant, optional
Eschew (verb) ‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫باز رہنا‬
deliberately avoid using; abstain from.
Example: “he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence”
Synonyms: abstain from, refrain from, give up, forgo, forswear, shun,
renounce, swear off.
Antonyms: indulge in

Partisan (noun) ‫ کٹر‬،‫ سخت گیر‬،‫طرفدار‬

a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person.
Example: “partisans of the exiled Stuarts”
Synonyms: supporter, follower, adherent, devotee, champion, backer,
upholder, promoter.
Antonyms: impartial, unbiased

Buoy (verb) ‫ تیرنا‬،‫ ہمت بڑھانا‬،‫ مدد کرنا‬،‫چھالنا‬

make (someone) cheerful and confident.
Example: “she was buoyed up by his praise”
Synonyms: cheer, cheer up, brighten up, ginger up, hearten, rally,
animate, invigorate.
Antonyms: depress

Divisive (adjective) ‫ باعث تقسیم‬،‫اختالف رائے‬

tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people.
Example: “the highly divisive issue of abortion”
Synonyms: alienating, estranging, isolating, schismatic, discordant,
disharmonious, inharmonious.
Antonyms: unifying

Scourge (noun) ‫ سزا دینا‬،‫کوڑے مارنا‬

Example: a whip used as an instrument of punishment
Synonyms: whip, horsewhip, lash, strap, birch, switch, flail, bullwhip,
Antonyms: blessing, godsend

Acrimony (noun) ‫ تیزی‬،‫تیز مزاجی‬

bitterness or ill feeling.
Example: “the AGM dissolved into acrimony”
Synonyms: bitterness, rancour, resentment, ill feeling, ill will, bad blood,
animosity, hostility.
Antonyms: goodwill

Abysmal (adjective)  ‫ بہت‬،‫ خراب‬،‫ انتہائی پست‬،‫گہرا‬

‫ ناگوار‬،‫برا‬
extremely bad; appalling.
Example: “the quality of her work is abysmal”
Synonyms: very bad, dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful, atrocious,
disgraceful, deplorable.
Antonyms: superb

Stark (adjective) ‫ مضبوط‬،‫محض‬، ‫ سخت‬،‫ واضح‬،‫کھال‬

severe or bare in appearance or outline.
Example: “the ridge formed a stark silhouette against the sky”
Synonyms: sharply delineated, sharp, sharply defined, well focused, crisp,
distinct, obvious, evident.
Antonyms: fuzzy, indistinct, pleasant, comfortable

Scathing (adjective)  ‫ نقصان‬،‫سخت تنقید کا نشانہ بنانا‬

witheringly scornful; severely critical.
Example: “she launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister”
Synonyms: devastating, withering, blistering, extremely critical,
coruscating, searing, scorching.
Antonyms: mild, gentle, complimentary

Simultaneous (adjective)  ‫ ایک‬،‫ ایک ساتھ‬،‫بیک وقت‬

‫ہی وقت میں‬
occurring, operating, or done at the same time.
Example: “a simultaneous withdrawal of troops”
Synonyms: concurrent, happening at the same time, done at the same
time, contemporaneous, concomitant.
Antonyms: asynchronous

Peril (noun) ‫ ڈر‬،‫خطرہ‬
serious and immediate danger.
Example: “you could well place us both in peril”
Synonyms: danger, jeopardy, risk, riskiness, hazard, insecurity,
uncertainty, menace.
Antonyms: safety, security

Dampen (verb) ‫ مبہم کرنا‬،‫ گیال کرنا‬، ‫قابو کرنا‬

make slightly wet.
Example: “the fine rain dampened her face”
Synonyms: moisten, damp, wet, dew, water, irrigate, humidify, bedew,
Antonyms: dry, drench

Hidebound (adjective)  ‫ چپٹی‬،‫ تنگ نظر‬،‫روایت پسند‬

‫ہوئی کھال‬
unwilling or unable to change because of tradition or convention.
Example: “they are working to change hidebound corporate cultures”
Synonyms: conservative, reactionary, conventional, orthodox,
fundamentalist, diehard, hard-line, dyed-in-the-wool
Antonyms: liberal, broad-minded

Attainment (noun) ‫ ہنر‬،‫حصول‬
the action or fact of achieving a goal towards which one has worked.
Example: “the attainment of corporate aims”
Synonyms: achievement, accomplishment, realization, realizing, fulfilment,
fulfilling, effecting.
Antonyms: naught. (also nought), nonfulfillment

Myriad (noun) ‫ بہت زیادہ جو گننا مشکل ہو‬،‫بے شمار‬

a countless or extremely great number of people or things.
Example: “myriads of insects danced around the light above my head”
Synonyms: multitude, a large/great number/quantity, a lot, scores,
quantities, mass, crowd.
Antonyms: calculable. countless, infinite, innumerable

Enshrine (verb) ‫ احاطہ‬،‫متبرک سمجھ کر محفوظ کرنا‬

place (a revered or precious object) in an appropriate receptacle.
Example: “relics are enshrined under altars”
Synonyms: set down, set out, spell out, express, lay down, set in stone,
embody, realize
Antonyms: expose, desecrate, forget

Obstacle (noun) ‫رکاوٹ‬
a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.
Example: “the major obstacle to achieving that goal is money”
Synonyms: barrier, hurdle, stumbling block, bar, block, impediment,
hindrance, snag.
Antonyms: advantage, asset, aid
Oppression (noun) ‫ ظلم و ستم‬،‫جبر‬
prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority.
Example: “a region shattered by oppression and killing”
Synonyms: persecution, abuse, maltreatment, ill treatment, tyranny,
despotism, repression,
Antonyms: freedom, democracy

Resentment (noun) ‫ برا ماننا‬،‫ ناراضگی‬،‫ حسد‬،‫تعصب‬

bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.
Example: “his resentment at being demoted”
Synonyms: bitterness, indignation, irritation, pique, displeasure,
dissatisfaction, disgruntlement
Antonyms: contentment, happiness

Resurrect (verb) ‫دوبارہ زندہ ہونا‬

restore (a dead person) to life.
Example: “he queried whether Jesus was indeed resurrected”
Synonyms: raise from the dead, restore to life, bring back to life, revive
Antonyms: extinguish, kill, quench, suppress

Disarray (noun) ‫برہنگی‬،‫ تذبذب‬،‫ذہنی الجھاﺅ‬

a state of disorganization or untidiness.
Example: “her grey hair was in disarray”
Synonyms: disorder, confusion, chaos, untidiness, dishevelment, mess,
muddle, clutter, jumble
Antonyms: tidiness, orderliness

Hazardous (adjective) ‫ ڈر‬،‫ خطرناک‬،‫پر خطر‬

risky; dangerous.
Example: “we work in hazardous conditions”
Synonyms: dangerous, risky, unsafe, perilous, precarious, insecure, tricky,
unpredictable, uncertain
Antonyms: safe, secure, certain

Persuade (verb) ‫ اکسانا‬،‫ راغب کرنا‬،‫قائل کرنا‬

induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.
Example: “it wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing”
Synonyms: prevail on, talk someone into, coax, convince, make, get, press
someone into, induce
Antonyms: dissuade, discourage, deter

Diminish (verb) ‫ گھٹانا‬،‫کم کرنا‬

make or become less.
Example: “the new law is expected to diminish the government’s chances”
Synonyms: decrease, decline, reduce, lessen, shrink, contract, grow
smaller, fall off, drop off
Antonyms: increase, flare up, get worse

Enthusiasm (noun) ‫ پرجوش‬،‫ گرم جوشی‬،‫ولولہ‬

intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
Example: “her energy and enthusiasm for life”
Synonyms: eagerness, keenness, ardour, fervour, warmth, passion, zeal,
Antonyms: apathy

Sore (adjective) ‫ حساس‬،‫ زخم‬،‫درد‬

(of a part of one’s body) painful or aching.
Example: “she had a sore throat”
Synonyms: painful, in pain, hurting, hurt, aching, throbbing, smarting,
stinging, burning
Antonyms: healthy
Proscription (noun) ‫ ممنوعہ‬،‫ حرام‬،‫ممنوع‬
the action of forbidding something; banning.
Example: “the proscription of the party after the 1715 Rebellion”
Synonyms: prohibition, prohibiting, forbidding, banning, ban, barring, bar,
disallowing, ruling out
Antonyms: allowing

Violent (adjective) ‫ پرتشدد‬،‫شدید‬
using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone
or something.
Example: “a violent confrontation with riot police”
Synonyms: brutal, vicious, savage, harsh, rough, aggressive, bullying,
threatening, terrorizing, fierce
Antonyms: gentle, weak

Disproportionate (adjective)  ،‫ غیر متناسب‬،‫ناموافق‬

‫بے اعتدال‬
too large or too small in comparison with something else.
Example: “people on lower incomes spend a disproportionate amount of
their income on fuel”
Synonyms: out of proportion to, not in proportion to, not appropriate to,
not commensurate with,
Antonyms: proportional

Exacerbate (verb)  ‫مرض میں‬،‫ شدید تر کرنا‬،‫بگاڑنا‬

‫شدت پیدا کرنا‬
make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound, intensify,
increase, heighten,
Antonyms: calm, reduce

Hazardous (adjective) ‫ خطرناک‬،‫پر خطر‬

risky; dangerous.
Example: “we work in hazardous conditions”
Synonyms: dangerous, risky, unsafe, perilous, precarious, insecure, tricky,
unpredictable, uncertain,
Antonyms: safe, secure, certain

Ambiguous (adjective) ‫ ابہام‬،‫مشکوک‬
open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.
Example: “ambiguous phrases”
Synonyms: equivocal, ambivalent, open to debate, open to argument,
arguable, debatable, Delphic
Antonyms: unambiguous, clear

Urgency (noun)  ،‫ فوری ضرورت‬،‫سخت اہمیت‬

importance requiring swift action.
Example: “the discovery of the ozone hole gave urgency to the issue of
Synonyms: importance, top priority, imperativeness, weight, weightiness,
gravity, necessity
Antonyms: unimportant, insignificant, trifling, trivial

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