Mini Project Guide

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SEEE2263 Mini-Project Guide

Digital Design with the EPM240 Board

Release 2021

Muhammad Mun’im Ahmad Zabidi

School of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
© 2021

This guide would have not been possible without inputs from
SEEE2263 lecturers past and present:

Izam Kamisian
Dr Ismahani Ismail
Norhafizah Ramli
Zuraimi Yahya
Dr Zulfakar Aspar
Ismail Ariffin
Dr Muhammad Nadzir Marsono
Dr Shaikh Nasir @ Nasir Shaikh Husin
Kamal Khalil
Abd Hamid Ahmad
Zulkifli Mohd Yusof (Universiti Malaysia Pahang)
Dr Amirjan Nawabjan
Dr Suhaila Isaak
Dr Shahidatul Sadiah
Overview of SEEE2263 Mini-Project
• To build a complete digital system design containing a datapath unit and control unit
• To perform top-down design and bottom-up implementation of a digital system
• To implement and test the design on a CPLD board with all relevant I/O devices
• To manage a team project with the aid of a Gantt Chart

The mini-project contributes 30% to your overall marks. By the end of the semester,
you must implement a complete digital system on a CPLD board. To ensure you complete
the project, the mini-project has six different stages, so that you build the complete system
incrementally. The tasks are outlined in the following Gantt Chart.

Project Scheduling
Lecture Weeks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Milestone # Deliverable
1 Quartus familiarization
2 CPLD familiarization
3 Basic input/output
4 Finite state machines
5 Datapath unit
6 Control unit & system integration

What to Submit
1. Plagiarism Declaration

2. Marking Rubric

3. Proof of Work — Demo, YouTube video or hardcopy documents depending on lecturer


4. References

Required Equipment
Equipment Source
Quartus II Download at
EPM240 CPLD board
Ask your lecturer or find on Internet
USB Blaster
DuPont wires
LEDs Should be easy to find locally
DIP switches

Application notes at

Additional Instructions
1. Your circuit must be modular

• Remember the Three Y’s – modularity, hierarchy, regularity

• Each module must be in a separate design file.
• Each module must have its own

– Schematic diagram/Verilog code/state machine diagram

– Simulation waveform printout — highlight and comment important input/out-
put patterns
– Compilation report screenshot

• Each module must be verified (tested, simulated) separately before integration

2. PLO8 Compliant

• PLO8 concerns lifelong learning.

• Know how to find references ahead of time (material not yet covered in lecture)
• Know how to source electronics components
• Know how to transfer knowledge from a milestone to later milestones

3. PLO11 Compliant

• PLO11 concerns ethics.

• The plagiarism declaration must be signed to receive any marks.
• Know how to find enough references and to cite the references properly.

Tips and Tricks

• Abstraction: Think and show results at the highest level possible
• For a related group of signals, bus groups must be used when displaying waveforms
• Label the bus in a suitable number system (hex, decimal or binary as appropriate)
• Show only what is important, show everything that is important. Do not give too much

1. I know that plagiarism means taking and using the ideas, writings, works or inventions
of another as if they were one’s own. I know that plagiarism not only includes
verbatim copy- ing, but also the extensive use of another person’s ideas without proper
acknowledgement (which includes the proper use of quotation marks). I know that
plagiarism covers this sort of use of material found in textual sources and from the

2. I acknowledge and understand that plagiarism is wrong

3. I understand that my research must be accurately referenced. I have followed the rules
and conventions concerning referencing, citation and the conventions concerning
referencing and citation.

4. This assignment is my own work, or my group’s own unique group assignment. I

acknowledge that copying someone else’s assignment, or part of it, is wrong, and that
submitting identical work to others constitutes a form of plagiarism.

5. I have not allowed, nor will I in the future allow, anyone to copy my work with the
intention of passing it off as their own work.

Team Name


Matric Number




Matric Number




Matric Number


Milestone 1

Student Name Section

Item Category 4 3 2 1 Score

1. Top-Down Fully understands Understands the Somewhat Fails to grasp the
Design: and implements the concept of top-down understands concept of top-down
Approaches problem full top-down design design the concept of design.
at high-level, then procedure and top-down design
breaks the problem abstraction. Hides
into smaller, more all unnecessary
manageable pieces details
2. Bottom-Up Bottom-up Mostly correct se- Mostly incorrect se- Seemingly random
Implementation: sequence is quence quence collections of
Experiments & clearly evident circuits
reporting start with
the lowest level,
ending with the
top-level circuit
3. Documentation Complete & clear Mostly complete Circuits can be read Hard to read circuit
& Schematics: documentation of documentation of but with effort. diagrams, improper
complete & clear unfamiliar circuits. unfamiliar circuits. use of signal labels.
Proper use of signal
labels and busses.
4. Simulation Data: Proper choice of Simulation covers Simulation covers Simulation is miss-
Covers all important test inputs most test cases only some ing
test cases & no or some repeated interesting test
redundant cases inputs cases or applies
repeated data too
many times
5. Simulation Clear & easy to Reasonably easy to Unsure what is Analysis is missing
Analysis: Brief read reporting. read, with minimum important
& direct to the point Important results errors
are highlighted.
6. References At least 5 refer- At least 5 sources, At least 5 sources, Less than 5 sources
& Reflections: ences in the correct but a few are not in but most are not in
Accurate format the correct format the correct format
& informative

Total Marks (max. 24)

Marks for the assignment = Total marks × 24

The plagiarism document must be signed by all members to validate YES NO

the the marks recorded above
Milestone 2/3

Student Name don’t use, this rubric is not ready yet Section

Score Score
Item Category 4 3 2 1
M2 M3
1. Overall Understands and Somewhat Has a low-level un- Fails to grasp the
Design: implements the full understands derstanding of top- concept of top-down
Concepts top-down design the concept of down design? design.
procedure top-down design
2. Detailed Proper bottom-up Mostly correct se- Some order of Seemingly random
Design, sequence circuits, quence. bottom-up series of collections of
Concepts from the lowest level circuits is missing. circuits. Many
up to the complete irrelevant circuits.
3. Detailed Complete Mostly complete Circuits can be read Hard to read circuit
Design, documentation documentation of but with effort. diagrams, improper
Diagrams & of unfamiliar unfamiliar circuits. use of signal labels.
Documenta- circuits. Proper use
tion of signal labels and
4. Simulation: Simulation is Simulation covers Simulation covers Simulation is brief
Data complete with most test cases. some interesting and missing signifi-
proper choice of test cases. cant test case.
5. Simulation: Clear & easy to read Reasonably easy to Readable reporting No analysis is re-
Analysis reporting read, with minimum but with some effort ported.
6. Hardware Demonstration is Demonstration Demonstration is Demonstration is
Imple- very clear and is but and partly not clear. not complete.
mentation completely working. working.
7. Report Report is well orga- Report is well or- Report is somewhat Report contains
Quality nized and compre- ganized but some organized many errors
hensive vital information is
8. Sources, ref- All sources All sources All sources Some sources are
erences, re- are accurately are accurately are accurately not accurately docu-
flections documented in the documented, but a documented, but mented.
desired format. few are not in the many are not in the
desired format. desired format.
9. Plagiarism Signed by all mem- Missing one signa- Majority not signed. Submitted with no
Declaration bers. ture signature.
Total Marks (36)
Milestone 4/5/6

Student Name don’t use, this rubric is not ready yet Section

Score Score Score

Item Category 4 3 2 1
M4 M5 M6
1. Overall Understands and Somewhat Has a low-level un- Fails to grasp
Design: implements the full understands derstanding of top- the concept of
Concepts top-down design the concept of down design top-down design.
procedure top-down design
2. Detailed Proper bottom-up Mostly correct se- Some order of Seemingly random
Design, sequence circuits, quence. bottom-up series of collections of cir-
Concepts from the lowest circuits is missing. cuits.
level up to the
complete circuit
3. Detailed Complete Mostly complete Circuits can be Hard to read circuit
Design, documentation documentation of read but with effort. diagrams, improper
Diagrams & of unfamiliar unfamiliar circuits. use of signal labels.
Documenta- circuits. Proper use
tion of signal labels and
4. Simulation: Simulation is com- Simulation covers Simulation covers Simulation is brief
Data plete with proper most test cases. some interesting and missing signifi-
choice of inputs test cases. cant test case.
5. Simulation: Clear & easy to Reasonably easy Readable reporting No analysis is re-
Analysis read reporting to read, with but with some effort ported.
minimum errors
6. Report Report is well orga- Report is well or- Report is Report contains
Quality nized and compre- ganized but some somewhat many errors
hensive vital information is organized
7. Sources, ref- All sources All sources All sources Some sources are
erences, re- are accurately are accurately are accurately not accurately doc-
flections documented in the documented, but a documented, but umented.
desired format. few are not in the many are not in the
desired format. desired format.
8. Plagiarism Signed by all mem- Missing one signa- Majority not signed. Submitted with no
Declaration bers. ture signature.
Total Marks (32)
Quartus Familiarization
• Familiarization with Altera Quartus for entering, compiling and simulating a logic
• Describing a complex digital system using hierarchy, modularity and regularity
• Creation of several low-level reusable subsystems to build a module library

Relevant Application Notes

• AN03 Getting Started with Quartus:

1.1 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder

1.1.1 Half-Adder

Step 1

Use Quartus schematic entry to input the half adder design.

Figure 1.1: Half-adder schematic.

Step 2

Compile the design. If there are no errors, print compilation report as PDF.

Step 3

Simulate by giving all 4 input combinations for a and b : 00, 01, 10 and 11. Maintain each
input combination for 100ns. That means the End Time for the simulation should be 400ns.
Check the result with the expected output. When the circuit is error-free, proceed to Step 4.

Step 4

Convert the module into symbol file. Call it ha.bsf.

Milestone 1 Quartus Familiarization

Step 5

Print the following 3 pages as PDF. You must choose landscape orientation.
Page 1: Schematic of half adder: Printscreen then convert to PDF.
Page 2: Compilation report
Page 3: Annotated simulation output waveform: This is not the same as the simulation input.
Printscreen first, then in MSPaint or similar software, highlight the important information.
Save as PDF.

1.1.2 Full Adder

Step 1

Use Quartus schematic entry to input two instances of half adder symbols from Part 1 Step
4. Combine the two half adders with an or2 gate to build a full adder.

Half adder
Half adder

bi si

c i+1

Figure 1.2: Full adder schematic.

Step 2

Compile the design. If there are no errors, print compilation report as PDF.

Step 3

Simulate using all 8 input combinations 000 through 111. Maintain each input combination
for 100ns. That means the End Time for the simulation should be 800ns. Check the result
with the expected output. When the circuit is error-free, proceed to Step 4.

Step 4

Convert the module into symbol file. Call it fa.bsf.

Step 5

Print the following 3 pages as PDF. You must choose landscape orientation.
Page 4: Schematic of full adder..
Page 5: Compilation report
Page 6: Annotated simulation output waveform..

1.1 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder

1.1.3 Ripple Carry Adder

Step 1

Use Quartus schematic entry to input four instances of full adder symbols from Part 2 Step
4. Combine to build the ripple carry as follows.

a3 b3 a2 b2 a1 b1 a0 b0

c4 c3 c2 c1 c0

s3 s2 s1 s0

Figure 1.3: Full adder schematic.

Step 2

Compile the design. If there are no errors, print compilation report as PDF.

Step 3

In Table 1.1, fill in columns COUT and S[3:0] so you know what is the expected output for
each input combination. Values in columns A, B and S are in hexadecimal.

Table 1.1: Test data for ripple carry adder.

A[3..0] B[3..0] CIN COUT S[3..0] Comply?
0 0 0
F F 1
F 0 0
0 F 0
F 0 1
0 F 1
8 8 0
A 5 0
C 3 0
3 C 1

In the simulation waveform input, use bus groups for A, B and S signal. (A bunch of
related signals are called a bus.) Use hexadecimal system. Simulate using the given test
data. Then mark with the adder complies with the expected results. Simulate using the 10
input combinations given below. Maintain each input combination for 100ns. That means
the End Time for the simulation should be 1000ns. When the circuit is error-free, proceed
to Step 4.

Milestone 1 Quartus Familiarization

Step 4

Print the following 4 pages as PDF. You must choose landscape orientation.
Page 7: Schematic of ripple carry adder..
Page 8: Compilation report
Page 9: Annotated simulation output waveform..
Page 10: References. On this page, list all web sites, articles or books you referred in
completing the assignment. You must any citation format but be consistent.

Step 5

Combine all 10 PDF pages into 1 PDF document. Add the plagiarism declaration as the
front cover. Upload to

1.2 Bus Multiplexer

A bus multiplexer selects data from one out two buses.

1.2.1 2:1 Mux

1. Enter the 2:1 mux design.

Figure 1.4: 2:1 mux schematic.

2. Compile the design.

3. Simulate by giving all 4 input combinations for a, b and s. Maintain each input
combination for 100ns.
4. Convert the module into symbol file. Call it mux21.bsf.

1.2 Bus Multiplexer

1.2.2 4-bit Bus Multiplexer

1. Instantiate four copies of mux21 symbols from the previous step.

Figure 1.5: Bus multiplexer schematic.

2. Compile the design.

3. Simulate using the following test data.

Table 1.2: Test data for 4-bit bus multiplexer.

A[3..0] B[3..0] S Y[3..0] Comply?
F 0 0
0 F 0
A 5 1
5 A 1
8 8 0
A A 1

4. Convert the module into symbol file. Call it busmux4bit.bsf. It should like Fig. 1.6.

Figure 1.6: Bus multiplexer symbol.

Milestone 1 Quartus Familiarization

1.3 Data Register

A data register contains a set of flip-flops that can be loaded on demand.

1.3.1 Register Cell

1. Enter the register cell design as shown Fig. 1.7. Get the DFF symbol from the Quartus
library and mux21 symbol from the previous step of this assignment.

Figure 1.7: Register cell schematic.

2. Compile the design.

3. Simulate using the following input waveform:

Figure 1.8: Register cell simulation input.

Verify the function of the register cell.

4. Convert the module into symbol file. Call it regcell.bsf.

1.3 Data Register

1.3.2 4-bit Data Register

1. Instantiate four copies of regcell symbols and connect as shown in Fig. 1.9.

Figure 1.9: 4-bit data register schematic.

2. Compile the design.

3. Simulate using the following input waveform:

Figure 1.10: 4-bit data register simulation input.

4. Convert the module into symbol file. Call it reg4bit.bsf. It should like Fig. 1.11.

Figure 1.11: 4-bit data register symbol.

CPLD Familiarization
• Getting started with EPM240 CPLD
• Familiarization with various methods of design entry
• Creation of more modules for design reuse

Relevant Application Notes

• AN01 Introduction to Breadboarding:
• AN02 How to Draw Schematic Diagrams:
• AN04 Introduction to the EPM240 Board:

After going through the example in AN04, you should get a blinking LED driven by the

2.1 System Overview

In this milestone, you will build a Knight Rider lights using the CPLD and 6 LEDs. The
overview of the system is in Fig. 2.1.


50 1 Hz 4 10

clock BCD BCD

MHz prescaler counter decoder

Figure 2.1: Overview of the system.

We will create all low level modules first. Afterwards, they are integrated at the top level
schematic diagram.

2.2 BCD Counter

2.2 BCD Counter

Section Objective
Using the Library of Parameterized Modules (LPM) in the block diagram/schematic

The BCD counter counts in Binary Coded Decimal, i.e. 0, 1, 2, · · · , 9, 0.

1. Create a new block diagram file.

2. Save the blank file as knightrider (or milestone2 etc) and set it as Top-Level Entity.

3. Call up the New Symbol dialog and type lpm_counter in the Name field.

Figure 2.2: Insert a new lpm_counter symbol.

4. On Page 2c, click Next > 
5. On Page 3, set the width of the ’q’ output bus to 4 bits. Click Next > 
6. On Page 4, set counter type to Modulus, with a count modulus of 10. Click Finish 
7. On Page 7, click Finish 

8. Place the new lpm_counter symbol anywhere on the schematic editor.

9. Add one input port.

10. Add a bus at the output of the counter and label it q[3..0]. Refer Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Connecting the input port and lpm_counter.

Milestone 2 CPLD Familiarization

2.3 BCD Decoder

Section Objective
Using traditional TTL IC equivalent symbols in the block diagram/schematic editor.

A 7442 BCD decoder has 10 outputs and accepts a value in the range of 0..9. The output
is active low. A value greater than 9 causes all outputs to be high.

1. Still in the schematic diagram from Section 2.2, call up the New Symbol dialog and
type 7442 in the Name field.

Figure 2.4: Insert a new 7442 device.

2. Add regular wires to all inputs of the 7442. Label the inputs as q0, q1, q2, and q3.
The BCD counter is now connected to the BCD decoder. Refer to Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5: Connecting BCD counter and BCD decoder.

2.4 Mapper

2.4 Mapper
Section Objective
Design entry using primitives.

The mapper is a custom circuit that maps 10 BCD outputs to 6 LEDs.

1. Create a new block diagram file

2. Insert four and2 gates, 10 input ports and 6 output ports.

3. Make the connection shown in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6: Mapper schematic.

4. Save it as mapper.bdf.

5. Set it as Top-Level Entity (temporarily) and compile it.

6. Save it as mapper symbol file (mapper.bsf).

Figure 2.7: Mapper symbol. You can see this symbol by opening another block diagram document
and importing it. Make sure the input pin numbering is sequential.

Milestone 2 CPLD Familiarization

2.5 Simulating the Circuit

Section Objective
Simulating a partially-complete circuit.

1. Go back to the top level schematic.

2. Insert the mapper symbol and connect with the 7442 BCD decoder.

3. Add one input port to the BCD counter, and 6 output ports from the mapper.
The top level schematic should look like Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8: The complete circuit so far.

4. Set this file as the top-level entity. Compile this file.

5. Create a new waveform file.

6. Insert all pins into the waveform file.

7. Using the default setting for end time, set the clock period so that you can see at least
10 clock cycles in the simulation window. You should see something like Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9: Simulation using clock period of 40 ns.

8. Save a copy the top-level bdf file so that you have two copies of the same file. Give
them distinct names such as knight_partial.bdf and knight_final.bdf or something
similar. Keep the first file as a “fallback” schematic in case something goes wrong
when you add extra modules later. Modify only the second file in the following steps.

2.6 Prescaler

2.6 Prescaler
Section Objective
Design entry using Verilog HDL.

The prescaler module slows the clock from 50 MHz to exactly 1 Hz.

1. Create a Verilog file and enter this code.

module prescaler( input clkin, output reg clkout );
reg[25:0] counter;

always @(posedge clkin)

if (counter == 0)
counter <= 24999999;
clkout <= ~clkout;
counter <= counter - 1;

2. Save as prescaler.v.

3. Set it as Top-Level Entity (temporarily) and compile it.

4. Save the prescaler as Symbol file (prescaler.bsf).

Figure 2.10: Prescaler symbol. Note: you can see this symbol by opening another block diagram
document and importing it.

5. In the top-level schematic diagram, add the prescaler module. The circuit now look
like Figure 2.11. Set the top-level module back to this diagram.

Figure 2.11: Adding the prescaler.

After the prescaler is added, the circuit can no longer be simulated.

Milestone 2 CPLD Familiarization

2.7 Programming the CPLD

Section Objective
Programming the CPLD.

1. From the Assignments å Device menu verify that you have chosen the EPM240T100C5

2. In the Assignments å Pin Planner verify that pin 64 is set to gclk.

Figure 2.12: Set pin 64 to gclk.

3. Assign 6 more pins for the output ports. You can use any I/O bank. For example, you
can use the settings from Figure 2.13 to use pins closest to ground pin on the EPM240
connector block. However, any other combination can be used.

Figure 2.13: A possible selection of pins.

(The two I/O bank can theoretically use different supply voltages for interfacing. On
the red EPM240 board, this is not possible because the power supply rails are tied
together. Therefore, any I/O bank can be used.)
1 Pin 9, 31,45 Pin 10, 32, 46
2 Pin 59, 80, 94 Pin 60, 79, 93

4. Recompile the design. After recompilation, the assigned pins should appear at the
top level schematic. The final schematic should be like Fig. 2.14.

5. Connect the LEDs according to Figure 2.1.

6. Program it. The LEDs should display an interesting pattern.

Your lecturer may add another pattern to program on the CPLD.

Figure 2.14: Final top level schematic.

2.7 Programming the CPLD
Accumulator-Based Vending
• Interfacing CPLD with simple input/output devices
• Design of high-level modules based on specifications
• Building a circuit on a strip board

Relevant Application Notes

• AN08 Simple Input/Output with CPLD:
• AN09 Applications of the 7447 Device:

3.1 Overall Description

Implement a vending machine simulator illustrated in Fig. 3.1 on CPLD and circuit board.
The major components are listed below.

Table 3.1: List of modules for vending machine.

Module# Module Source
1 Adder Milestone 1
2 Accumulator Milestone 1 & Chapter 8
3 Knight Rider lights Milestone 2
4 Prescaler Milestone 2 & Subsection 9.4.3
5 Comparator Section 6.4
6 Binary-to-BCD converter Section 6.2
7 Input filter Section 9.3
8 Selector New

The vending machine is based on a 4-bit accumulator which keeps tracks of how much
money has been deposited. The accumulator value equals multiples of 10 sens. It has two
button inputs: button 1 for 20 sen, button 2 for 50 sen. Pressing a button adds 2 or 5 to the
The 7 segment display shows the current value of accumulator in BCD up to 15. When
the accumulator contains 12 or more, the Knight Rider LEDs (from Milestone 2) will display
one round of lights (as opposed to unlimited rounds in Milestone 2).
Implementation steps:

1. Prepare all modules in Table 3.1. Simulate all independently, except the prescaler
(module 4).


3.3V 7

SW1 4 4 4
Accumulator Binary-to-BCD
Input filter
3.3V 4 Clear
Selector 3.3V
Input filter
A Knight
Comparator Rider
1011 B lights
50MHz Prescaler

CLK1(approx.1Hz) DONE

Figure 3.1: Block diagram of vending machine

3.1 Overall Description
Milestone 3 Accumulator-Based Vending Machine

2. Integrate/combine all modules, except the prescaler, and simulate.

3. Prepare an I/O board consisting of two seven-segment displays, and two switches
and the necessary resistors. It is highly recommended to use a stripboard for the
7-segment display to avoid connectivity problems. The switch can be on the same
stripboard or on a breadboard; it is less critical due to fewer wires required.
4. Add the prescaler, connect the I/O board with the CPLD and program the CPLD.

The following sections describes the module functions, grouped by level of reuse.

3.2 Modules from Previous Milestones

3.2.1 Adder

The 4-bit ripple carry adder from Milestone 1 can be used directly without modification. No
simulation is necessary for this circuit as it is completely reusable.

3.2.2 Accumulator

The procedure to build the accumulator from Milestone 1 can be followed. However, the
function is different. In this accumulator, the control line is called Clear.

Clear Function
0 Loads data at D0-D3
1 Register is cleared (Q←0) on next clock edge

D3 D0


Q3 Q0

Figure 3.2: First and last cells of the register with synchronous clear.

Build and simulate one cell first. Then combine 4 cells to build the accumulator. Show the
compilation report, schematic and simulation of the 4-cell accumulator only.

3.2.3 Knight Rider Lights

The Knight Rider lights from Milestone 2 runs forever. Make two modificaitons:

• Add a control signal circuitry to enable/disable the lights, so that the LEDs runs only
when this input is high.
• Add a status signal (DONE) that indicates when the lights have run a complete round.

Simulate to check if the circuit can be enabled/disabled on demand, and the DONE is
activated at the correct time.

3.3 Modules based on Circuit in Textbook

3.2.4 Prescaler

This prescaler generates two outputs:

• CLK1: a signal approximately 1 Hz. This speed is required so that the Knight Rider
light can run slowly and visible to humans.
• CLK2: a signal approximately 100Hz. This speed is required to eliminate contact
bounce that happens when a button is pressed.

Implement the prescaler using a 26-bit up counter from LPM_COUNTER. Use bit 25 as
CLK1 and another bit as CLK2. Do not use the Verilog version.
Do not simulate the prescaler. Do not integrate it with the main system yet. We will add it
at the final construction stage.

3.3 Modules based on Circuit in Textbook

3.3.1 Comparator

The comparator gives a high output when the accumulator contains a value more than 11.
Choose a combinational or iterative comparator from Section 6.4. For the comparator, show
the compilation reports, schematics and simulation.

3.3.2 Binary-to-BCD Converter

The input to the converter is a binary input 0000 to 1111. The outputs are 7 lines to the tens
digits and 1 line to the ones digit. Inside the converter, the binary input is first converted to
BCD to produce a two-digit BCD result using the conditional add by 3 adder (cadd3) module
in Section 6.2.
A 7447 module turns the proper segments on the right hand LED display. No 7447 is
necessary for the left hand LED display because it is either turned off or displays the number
1. This is because the range of numbers displayed is limited to 0 through 15. The tens digit
is represented by d4 which can be either 0 or 1. Simply connect d4 to both segments b and
c to display the number 1 when required.

d4 to segments b, c
cadd3 d2
b2 7-segment codes
d1 7447
b1 to ones display
b0 d0

Figure 3.3: Binary-to-BCD converter with BCD-to-7-segment decoder combination.

3.3.3 Input Filter

Button presses produce glitches lasting 1-10 milliseconds which are detected as multiple
presses if a fast clock is used. A slow clock at the filter removes the glitches. The function
of the input filter is to convert a button press into a single clean pulse.

Milestone 3 Accumulator-Based Vending Machine

Note that if the clock is too slow, the user must press the button for an unreasonable
amount of time before the button press is detected. The frequency of clock input is not
fixed. Change it to a suitable frequency depending on the switches used.

pulse out
switch in D Q D Q

100 Hz

Figure 3.4: Input filter.

You will need two copies of the filter, one for each button. The buttons are active low,
meaning that it is high when not pressed, and low when pressed. The circuit is Fig. 3.4
produces a single pulse when a high-to-low transition is detected at its input.

3.4 Selector
The adder add the current value of the accumulator (first input) and the value chosen by the
selector circuit (second input). The selector chooses a value to place at the second adder
input based on this table:

Switch Pressed Second adder input Accumulator function

None 0000 Hold
SW1 0010 ACC ← ACC + 2
SW2 0101 ACC ← ACC + 5

The selected value is presented for exactly one clock cycle for every button press. This is
a combinational circuit which your team must design.

3.5 Obtaining Maximum Credit

For each new module:

• Compile until there are no errors.

• Test/simulate using carefully selected data inputs.
• Convert to symbol
• Record a very short video of the entering the design (while using schematic editor or
Verilog editor).

Finite State Machines
• Basics of finite state machine

4.1 Relevant Application Notes

• AN05 Finite State Machines with State Machine Editor
• AN06 Implementing One-Hot State Machines Using Schematics

4.2 Overview of the Problem

Using the same hardware setup as the “nickel-and-dime” vending machine, build a
combination lock which runs one round of the Knight Rider lights (from Milestone 2) when
the proper sequence of buttons are pressed. Each group solves a different sequence. The
possible options are:



After the LEDs have finished running, the machine returns to the intial state. Do not reset
the CPLD to return to the initial state.

4.3 Using State Machine Editor

This section is worth 40% of the assignment.

1. On paper, sketch the state diagram to detect the sequence given to your group.
Solve it using both Moore and Mealy approaches. Keep this sketch as your

2. Enter one state diagram (either Moore or Mealy) using the State Machine Editor in

3. Convert to HDL and compile the design.

4. Simulate the design to check the correctness of the state diagram.

5. When simulation is successful, add the Input Filter, Prescaler and Knight Rider (from
Milestones 2 and 3).

6. Program the CPLD.

Milestone 4 Finite State Machines

7. Test it. The Knight Rider lights should run once when the correct sequence is entered
on the pushbuttons.

If you’re submitting the milestone by video, record the process of building and testing this
circuit. Show that entering the correct button sequence turns on the Knight Rider.

4.4 One Hot Encoding Using Schematic Editor

This section is worth another 20% of the assignment.

1. Based on the Moore version of the state diagram, get the next state equations and
output equation.

2. Enter the circuit using the Schematic Editor.

3. Simulate the design.

4. Add the Input Filter, Prescaler and Knight Rider.

5. Program the CPLD and test.

4.5 Binary Encoding Using Schematic Editor

This section is the final 40% of the assignment.

1. Based on the Mealy version of the state diagram, derive the state table. Use
straight/sequential binary encoding.

2. Get the next state equations and output equation.

3. Enter the circuit using the Schematic Editor.

4. Simulate the design.

5. Add the Input Filter, Prescaler and Knight Rider.

6. Program the CPLD and test.

Datapath Unit for Complex Digital
• Selecting a complex digital system to implement using the naïve multiplier as a
template for construction procedure
• Identifying components to construct a datapath unit
• Integrating and testing the components of the datapath unit

Relevant Application Notes

• AN07 Zebra Crossing Simulator on CPLD
• AN10 Serial Adder with Custom Modules
• AN11 Serial Adder with Library of Parameterized Modules

5.1 Overview
For Milestones 5 and 6, each group will be specified a complex digital system. The options
are in Table 5.1. The list is not exhaustive. Your lecturer may have extra topics available.
You can also propose your own topic.
The steps for building the datapath for a naïve multiplier is shown in this handout. Follow
the same procedure for the circuit assigned to you.

5.2 Problem Formulation

Every datapath unit solves an algorithm. Writing the algorithm in C lets us simulate the
algorithm at a very high level to verify its correctness.
Evry CU+DU has a different algorithm. Although the top-level function is the same, the
circuits to solve the function can be very different.
Multiplication in digital systems can be done many ways. The naïve method is by repeated
addition of the multiplicand. A naïve multiplier performs multiplication by repeated addition1 .
In this multiplier, multiplying 2 by 5 means performing the addition five times:

0 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10

The algorithm for computing P ← M × N is as follows:

A binary multiplier typically uses the binary system which can reduce hardware and execution time.

Table 5.1: List of possible topics
Level of
Title Starting Point
Ones counter 1 In-book
GCD finder v1 2 In-book
Milestone 5 Datapath Unit for Complex Digital System

Serial adder 3 In-book

Binary multiplier 3
GCD finder v2 3
GCD finder v3 3
Serial binary-to-BCD converter 3
Serial multiplier 4
UART transmitter 4
Laser based distance measurer 4
Booth multiplier 5
Integer square root 5
Serial divider 5
UART receiver 5

5.2 Problem Formulation

int naivemultiplier(int M, int N) {

int P;

P = 0;
while( N != 0) {
P = P + M;
N = N - 1;
return P;

Table 5.2: Clock-by-clock countdown of Multiplier datapath.

Data Signals
Multiplicand Multiplier Product Init Work Zero
(M) (N) (P)
? ? ? 1 0 0
2 5 0 0 1 0
2 4 2 0 1 0
2 3 4 0 1 0
2 2 6 0 1 0
2 1 8 0 1 0
2 0 10 0 0 1

Go Valid
Init Work Zero


M 4 A[7..4]
Init Load A[3..0] 8
M + P
Init Clear
4-bit Register B Work Load

8-bit Adder
8-bit Accumulator
Init Load
Work Count 4

N 8
4-bit Down counter

Figure 5.1: naïve multiplier DPU + CU.

Milestone 5 Datapath Unit for Complex Digital System

Table 5.3: Components of the multiplier.

Component Notes
Adder Extend the adder from Milestone 1 from 4 bits to 8 bits.
M register 4-bit register with enable. This register must have 4-bit input, 4-bit output and
Load control input.
N register This “register” is actually a 4-bit down-counter with load capability. It must have
4-bit data input, Load control input, Count down enable input and Zero output.
The Zero output is high when the counter reaches 0000. The actual value of the
register is not important except for debugging.
P register 8-bit register with enable. This register must have 8-bit input, 8-bit output and
Load control input.

5.3 Identify and Construct the Building Blocks

Table 5.3 lists the components required to build a 4-bit × 4-bit naïve multiplier.
Design and build each component and test independently. Remember: this is a design
course. As a digital designer, you are expected to be able to design each module yourself,
individually. You are free to use lpm built-in modules, create your own module using
schematics or write Verilog code to implement the modules.

5.4 Integration

1. Connect the datapath according to Fig. 5.2.

2. Test the datapath using sensible test data. Before you simulate, you should know what
the expected outputs are. Ability to select input data and to verify circuit operation is
also expected from all digital designers.
3. Save the datapath as a symbol file.

lpm_ff1 lpm_add_sub0
M[3..0] INPUT
VCC data[3..0] dataa[7..0] acc
d[3..0] A
clock result[7..0] OUTPUT P[7..0]
q[3..0] d[7..0] A+B D[7..0] Q[7..0]
enable datab[7..0]
B Load
inst3 d[7..4] inst



down counter
N[3..0] INPUT

q[3..0] OUTPUT Q[3..0]

clock OUTPUT Zero


Figure 5.2: Naïve multiplier datapath. The signal group Q[3..0] shows the current value of the
counter. It is not used in the final system because the controller only needs to know
whether the counter has reached zero (cout=Zero=1).

5.4 Integration

Figure 5.3: Simulation of naïve multiplier datapath. The Work signal enables the counter to count
down and the acccumulator to load a new value. When the controller is added later,
Work can be stopped automatically when Zero = 1.

You have achieved Milestone 5 by correct simulation of the datapath unit.

Controller for Complex Digital
• Implementing the control unit to manage the datapath unit from the previous milestone
• Integrating the control unit with the datapath unit
• Demonstrating the complete system in hardware

6.1 Procedure
Fig. 6.1 illustrates the procedure for controller design.

State Machine

High-level Low-level Schematic Highly encoded

ASM ASM Editor controller

VHDL etc

Figure 6.1: Procedure for controller design.

• Algorithm describes the problem at high level. This is usually given as C code
fragment or pseudo-code.
• High-level ASM converts the algorithm to an ASM chart that closely follows the
algorithm using the Register Transfer Language (RTL) notation. All variable names
used in the algorithm are maintained.
• Low-level ASM or control ASM replaces the RTL statements to control and status
signals as defined in the datapath unit.
• The controller is finally implemented using one-hot or one of the highly encoded state
assignments. For full marks, submit a implementation based on the one-hot approach.
For quick prototyping and for partial marks, you can use the State Machine Editor. The
highly encoded state assignment is not recommended because the large number of
inputs to the next state logic.

6.2 High-Level ASM

6.2 High-Level ASM

The high-level ASM for the naïve multiplier is given in Fig. 6.2.




P ← 0,
M ← multiplicand, 1
N ← multiplier Go

S1 S2
Valid ← 1

0 1

Figure 6.2: High-level ASM for naïve multiplier.

Convert the high-level ASM chart to the low-level version first.

6.3 Low-Level ASM

From the low-level ASM chart, you can complete the design directly using one-hot method
or you can experiment with State Machine Editor first. The low-level ASM for the naïve
multiplier is given in Fig. 6.3.


S0 001


1 0

Init Go

S1 010 S2 100

Work Valid

0 1

Figure 6.3: Low-level ASM for naïve multiplier.

From the low-level ASM chart, you can complete the design directly or you can experiment
with State Machine Editor for first.

Milestone 6 Controller for Complex Digital System

Based on the low-level ASM, the next state equations are:

S0+ = S0 · Go0 + S2 · Go0

S1+ = S1 · Zero0 + S0 · Go
S2+ = S1 · Zero + S2 · Go

The three outputs of the controller are:

Init = S0 · Go
Work = S1 · Zero0
Valid = S2

The controller can now be entered using the schematic editor. The result is shown Fig.

S0 S0 Init

S1 S1
S1 Work

S2 S2
D Q Valid

mi Clock

Figure 6.4: Controller for naïve multiplier. The inverted first flip-flop method is used to automatically
start the one-hot controller upon power-on-reset.

6.4 System Integration

6.4 System Integration

Create a symbol for the controller. Then create the actual top level entity in Quartus where
you can import both the controller and datapath units. The top level entity should now look
like the one in Fig. 6.5.

Parameter Value Type

Idle 0 Signed Integer
Main 1 Signed Integer
Done 2 Signed Integer

Reset INPUT reset Valid OUTPUT Valid

Clock INPUT clock Init
Go INPUT Go Work



Multiplicand[3..0] INPUT OUTPUT Product[7..0]

VCC M[3..0] P[7..0]
Clock Q[3..0]
Init Zero
Multiplier[3..0] INPUT
VCC N[3..0]

Figure 6.5: Top level entity for the project.

Test it by giving some numbers to multiply such as 0 × 0, 1 × 1, 2 × 5, and 15 × 15. In

the waveform editor, put the numbers you want to multiply in the Multiplicand and Multiplier
bus signals, then give a short high pulse on the Go signal to load the data into the datapath
and start the multiplication.

Figure 6.6: Simulation of 4 × 3 and 15 × 7 at the module level. Annotations helps the reader look at
the important parts of the waveform.

Page 1 of 1 Revision: naivemulitplier

Milestone 6 Controller for Complex Digital System

6.5 Demonstration
After the simulations have shown the circuit to work correctly, add the necessary input and
output modules such as in Fig. 6.7. The number of DIP switches and LED displays depends
on the bit width used in your particular circuit.


Go 1 EPM240
board 7

A Result displayed
Operand1 4
in hex or decimal
B 4

Binary input from

DIP switches

Figure 6.7: Demonstrating the CU+DU with decimal output. Shown here, A = 4, B = 3 and P =
4 × 3 = 12.

To demonstrate, enter the operands using the DIP switches, and press Go. After some
processing, the output should be visible on the displays. You may want to use a slow clock
so that intermediate results can be made visible.
You can also use the hexadecimal number system to display the output. For example,
the biggest value generated by the multiplier is 15 × 15 = 225 which requires three digits in
decimal, but only two digits in hexadecimal. However, you must replace the 7447 decimal-
to-seven-segment-display code converter with your own converter.


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