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Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle profound non-invasive, hands-on treatment for the whole
body.  Performed on a massage table, the client is fully clothed and the touch is generally light and still. 
The treatment is focused on supporting the health of the whole being, especially the nervous system. 
This is the system that dictates all of the body’s functioning,  constantly sending and receiving

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists understand how an optimally functioning healthy nervous system

performs.  We are trained for years on how to use acute perception skills to perceive subtle
physiological changes.  We also are aware of the energetic map that underlies one‘s basic health and
symptomology.  We believe that health is never lost no matter what the ailment.  We use our ability to
identify the parts of the nervous system that are not functioning optimally and our awareness of the
“always available health” in the body to assist the system in bringing itself back into balance. This
supports greater ease and helps the body decrease symptoms.

What is a session like?

Sessions will vary from practitioner but generally your session will begin by sitting and talking with your
therapist about any of your health concerns. Together you will discuss a brief health history and what
you would like to get out of the session.

During the session, you will be fully clothed, sitting in a chair to start and then lying on a massage table
in a supported and comfortable way. It is important that you feel comfortable and safe at all times so
you will want to ask for any adjustments you need to the lighting, temperature, etc. Your therapist may
ask you from time to time what you are experiencing, and will help you to stay present with whatever
your experience is.

When the session begins your therapist will check with you to make sure that you are comfortable. Then
there will be a period of dialogue before your therapist makes physical contact with you. Sometimes it
takes some time and dialogue to get your comfort  just right so you can relax. You will be guided through
this process. Establishing comfort is an important first step that ensures that what unfolds in the session
is about you and not occurring in reaction to a feeling of lack of safety with the therapist or comfort on
the table.

When contact is made the therapist will check in again to make sure the touch is right for you. Session
work involves a very light, gentle touch. Your therapist may begin at your feet, at your head (cranium) or
on your sacrum (the triangular bone at the bottom of the spine). During your session, depending on your
areas of concern, your therapist can go to any area of the body that needs to be worked with, using the
contact that feels best for you.

Sessions can last anywhere from a half hour to an hour or an hour and a half depending on the therapist
you are working with and your needs. During that time, the therapist will quietly, gently hold parts of
your body, listening to the subtle rhythms and tracking changes in your system. In this process the
therapist will listen for your body’s expression of the order of priorities for this particular session which
will lead to your desired outcome. It is important to note that while a single session can have noticeable
effects, it often takes multiple sessions to achieve the results you are seeking.

During the session, you may:

 Relax so deeply that you fall asleep

 Enter a quiet meditation-like state

 Feel as if you are dreaming while awake

 Experience memories or insights while on the table

 Enjoy a pleasant sense of warmth, softening, widening or floating

 At times, you may experience other kinds of sensationsas energy that has been held in the body
is released. If this occurs, just stay present with your breath and bodily sensations and allow this
energy to discharge. The session quite often involves a process of letting go of patterns that
inhibit your health and vitality. Once these patterns begin to shift, the therapist may notice
changes in your fluids, tissues, bones and potency. You may experience a sense of integration in
your body, mind and spirit.

At the end of the session, you may:

 Feel relaxed, but also energized

 Find yourself breathing more fully and deeply

 Stand straighter and taller

 Feel more comfortable in your body

 You may be surprised to feel a new sense of peace and ease as you leave the office to return,
renewed, to your life.

 Notice an improvement in your sleep patterns

No matter what your experience, your therapist will take some time with you after you are off the table
to check in about how you are doing. This is a great opportunity to find words for your experience and
reflect on how differently you feel after your session. The effects can also be felt even after you leave
your session.

Take time in the next 2-3 days just to notice how you are in the world.

 What is the quality of your sleep that night?

 How is your digestion?

 How is your overall experience of life?

By paying attention to the lasting effects of this work you will be able to gauge what the on going use of
this work might offer you.
Cranio-sacral therapy restores and balances the nervous system while releasing the effects of the stress.

Terapia cranio-sacrală restabilește și echilibrează sistemul nervos în timp ce eliberează efectele stresului.

Craniosacral therapy is educated, precise, noninstrusive touch that supports your body innate ability to


The biodynamics session with Cristian

Cristian placed his hands under my head and I felt layers and layers of energy that I had never felt
before. We stayed in stillness while in my body a whole energetic transformation took place.

The biodynamic approach to osteopathic treatment is based on the properties of Dynamic Stillness, the
Breath of Life, the Power of the Tide and other laws of nature. The only "technique" in this approach is
the complete collaboration with the person in front of you or Living Mechanism and its Intention in the
Present Moment. Bones, muscle, tendons and ligaments - are not the objective of this work. They are
not "key pieces". Working with them is useful, but this is a more subtle approach accessing the deepest
levels of the Being. No external force or external action is used. The only "action" is contact with Life in
stillness. The therapist does not make decisions. The Breath of Life takes them. Both the therapist and
the patient are in a state of complete surrender. 

The biodynamic approach to osteopathic work – through the direct contact with the patient - is a
journey towards the Source. We are returning to the Essence of our Being and from there to Totality.

Collaboration with biodynamic forces is not linked to intellectual effort. I could feel the deep energetic
movements, which in the biodynamic model are manifestations of this Quietness that is at the base of
all Creation. The work of the therapist consists of synchronization with the intention and flow for the
person in front of him, with the reorganizing power contained in the Dynamic Quietness. The therapist
does not intervene in any way and does not bring his or her personal concepts and ideas on the patient.
Only the Body knows what the Plan is. The Health that is contained behind the disease can be fully
deployed when we give it an infinite space for it. 

Cristian was very relaxed and waited patiently in stillness until my body in its infinite wisdom sorted out
all the energetic healing and restored on its own. When I opened my eyes I knew that the healing took
place and I felt light.

Cristian gave me enough information to trust the process and the therapist and to be able to relax
myself on the massage table before we started.

When my attention turned inward, I felt like I connected with the existential process of life. I moved with
life, moment by moment. The mind still tried to deviate in different directions, but with the inward
attention, I could bring the mind, back to Life, which was happening at the moment, through each
breath of air, breathing in and breathing out, in stillness. 
I believe “alternative” approaches contribute to physical and mental health and well-being in their own
right.  They can also support traditional western medicine. As a mental health therapist and social
worker I was drawn to the body, which I believe holds unresolved emotional issues and physical
restrictions.  Recognizing the interaction of the mind and body I let myself in stillness - literally- in
Cristian’s hands.  I am grateful for these biodynamics sessions.

I highly recommend Christian as trustworthy, non-judgmental, accepting, supportive, compassionate,

and unconditionally present during the bio-dynamics therapy sessions.

Cristian cares deeply about the well-being of his patients and he has dedicated himself to the
biodynamics study and practice.

Grateful for my Osteopathy Sessions with Camelia 

I learned about osteopathy about 2 years ago when I had my first session. Camelia, one of the avid
students of osteopathy in Bucharest was the one who introduced me to it without a fancy presentation.
I was tired, jet-lagged and stressed and she simply said something like: “Let me just place my hands on
you - it will help you relax.” Well, why not? I laid face up on the table, closed my eyes and waited. She
placed the hands on my feet and all my attention drew inward. I began to have a sensory experience in
the body as it was the only anchoring point in the here and now. It was indeed my direct connection to
the body after a long period of total disconnect. I felt warmth and tingling in parts of the body and the
energy flowing steadily and then a peace just came over me and I rested there in total relaxation.

I was at peace and I fell asleep. Camelia stayed with me all this time and balanced my body. I remember
the final sensation of total surrender. The session lasted longer than 1 hour and it was exactly what I
need at that moment in time: de-stress of mind and body that I craved so much.

In time I went back for other sessions, each unique in their own ways. The experience was different
every time. My curiosity about osteopathy and related healing techniques has increased so I started to
look closer into this art of healing. 

I learned that the founder of osteopathy is Andrew Still, a physician and surgeon from Kansas, who
supported the idea that the body's natural state tends toward health and inherently contains the
capacity to battle any harmful threats to health. This view was opposed to that of the orthodox
practitioners at the end of the 19th century, which held that intervention by the physician was necessary
to restore health in the patient.

In my clinical practice I was familiar with the idea that the body tends to homeostasis, a state of
equilibrium, thus tends to self-regulate. Sometimes it just need some gentle intervention to start the
process of self-regulation. All this made sense to me and I continued to inquire about osteopathy. 

In his book The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy, A. T. Still mentioned how he was
influenced by figures such as Andrew Jackson Davis and ideas of magnetic and electrical healing. Still
began practicing manipulative procedures that were intended to restore harmony in the body. Over the
course of 25 years, Still shaped his philosophy for osteopathy  based on the idea that  structure and
function are interrelated and the importance of each piece is in the harmonious function of its whole.
Still named his new school of medicine osteopathy, reasoning that the "bone, osteon, was the starting
point from which [he] was to ascertain the cause of pathological conditions." Practitioners of osteopathy
are called osteopath which derive from the ancient Greek word "osteon", "bone" and "sensitive to" or
responding to."

In some countries osteopathy is totally recognized, in others is a type of  alternative medicine that
emphasizes manual readjustments, myofascial release and other physical manipulation of muscle, tissue
and bones.

What is important is that practitioners, like Camelia are doing this rigorous 6-year training with hands on
patients. And I was grateful to be one of them. My most recent session, a few weeks ago, was so
different. I fell on the subway stairs and besides a huge bruise I had a shoulder trauma which
incapacitated my range of motion as I felt pain. 

Camelia did manual readjustments, she had worked on my myofascial release and she physically
manipulated the muscle and bones until they aligned up properly and the pain was subdued to almost
inexistent. In only one session. She used all the range of craniosacral and osteopathic techniques and
ended the session with biodynamics which restored the energy in my body so I felt like a brand new

This is just a small part of what I have experienced during sessions so far. 

I cannot praise Camellia enough for her intuition to feel my body and use the appropriate healing
techniques that restore the body and mind. I am going back for more. I am deeply grateful that she has
introduced me to osteopathy and that she has released me from my shoulder pain. I highly recommend

Terapia CranioSacrală este o terapie cu o atingere blândă la nivelul oaselor craniene, a coloanei şi a
osului sacru, ce ameliorează fluxul de lichid cefalorahian şi facilitează eliberarea tensiunilor din

Este bazată pe conceptual osteopatiei craniene şi a fost dezvoltată de dr John E. Upledger , în urma
studiilor ştiintifice pe care le-a condus la Universitatea de stat din Michigan, între anii 1975-1983.

Terapia CranioSacrală este o metodă de evaluare şi corectie care stimulează procesul natural al corpului,
ce ajută la alinarea durerii şi are eficienţă într-o gamă largă de probleme medicale, cum ar fi:

- dureri de cap , migrene, sindromul Whiplash, tulburări ale sistemului nervos central (AVC, Boala
Parkinson, Screloză multiplă în plăci), depresie, anxietate, insomnie, scolioză, cifoză, dureri lombare,
hernia de disc lombară sau cervicală, boli neurovasculare şi ale imunităţii, traumatisme la nivelul cranio-
cerebral, oboseală cronică, etc.

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